9 years, 1 month ago by James Hawkins Modified:
9 years, 1 month ago CC:
chromium-reviews, Dirk Pranke, M-A Ruel, laforge Visibility:
Public. |
DescriptionDrover: Add --milestone option to merge to a specific milestone.
Queries omahaproxy.appspot.com for related branch number.
Committed: http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome?view=rev&revision=109718
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 6
Patch Set 2 : '' #Patch Set 3 : '' #
Total comments: 16
Patch Set 4 : '' #Patch Set 5 : '' #Messages
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First, lemme say thank you for doing this implementation, very cool idea. That said, I'd recommend against it. I threw in some code comments. However, before you go further, it's probably worth noting why I hadn't done this before. If you look at omahaproxy today, there are multiple entries for 17.0.*.* branches. Since we cut daily Canary builds and weekly Dev builds those tend to get out of sequence quickly and there are multiple definitions of what M17 is. The reason this is a challenge, is that say on Monday of next week we are almost ready for Dev but we want a change merged on to that morning's Canary, the current M17 branch... the script as written will pick the branch from the last Dev channel (i.e. the first CF entry for 17) to merge to, as opposed to the Canary which maybe more appropriate (that also maybe the wrong branch). That scenario could be fixed, in theory by specifying the OS to omahaproxy in the query, however the challenge there becomes if we have a Dev channel release that we want to patch to w/ a greater Canary channel. To change the logic to pick by channel also has challenges because omahaproxy is only updated after a release (i.e. it's sense of Dev/Beta/Stable will always match the last push and not necessarily what's queued up). This breaks workflow because the branch for "dev" shifts. It also become problematic as different OSes (CrOS in particular) have different versions (Major level versions) on their channels. More problematic though, is that often times when we ask folks to merge to a branch the branch hasn't been published yet (e.g. say we have http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py File drover.py (right): http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py#newcode378 drover.py:378: for line in response.readlines()[1:]: This approach is a little dangerous, but will probably work. The trouble is that it will fire on the first match it sees (in this case the CF entries). In practice, this shouldn't get out of sync w/ Win/Mac/Linux, but it's not 100% garunteed. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py#newcode383 drover.py:383: full_milestone = parameters[2] It would probably be clearer to call this var version http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py#newcode391 drover.py:391: return parameters[len(parameters) - 1] It would be better here to return full_mstone.split('.')[-2]. The trouble w/ the true_branch column is that (using the following example) the real branch for this line is 932 and not trunk, however this line as written would return the word trunk. Similarly the branches like 874_102 are typically one off branches not meant to be merged to once they've been released once. cf,dev,17.0.932.0,17.0.928.0,11/08/11,11/03/11,108826,NA,99314,trunk
I also made the adjustment to return the greatest (by value) branch if the platforms don't match (gated by a prompt). http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py File drover.py (right): http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py#newcode378 drover.py:378: for line in response.readlines()[1:]: On 2011/11/09 05:06:12, laforge wrote: > This approach is a little dangerous, but will probably work. The trouble is > that it will fire on the first match it sees (in this case the CF entries). In > practice, this shouldn't get out of sync w/ Win/Mac/Linux, but it's not 100% > garunteed. There are two separate things we can do here: * Default to 'win', since that's the platform likely to be right for 'Chrome' (ChromeFrame is the most likely to diverge from other releases.) * Provide an option to specify the platform. I agree that this corner case will likely be extremely rare. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py#newcode383 drover.py:383: full_milestone = parameters[2] On 2011/11/09 05:06:12, laforge wrote: > It would probably be clearer to call this var version Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/1/drover.py#newcode391 drover.py:391: return parameters[len(parameters) - 1] On 2011/11/09 05:06:12, laforge wrote: > It would be better here to return full_mstone.split('.')[-2]. The trouble w/ > the true_branch column is that (using the following example) the real branch for > this line is 932 and not trunk, however this line as written would return the > word trunk. Similarly the branches like 874_102 are typically one off branches > not meant to be merged to once they've been released once. > > cf,dev,17.0.932.0,17.0.928.0,11/08/11,11/03/11,108826,NA,99314,trunk Done.
LGTM, if that setter works. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py File drover.py (right): http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode453 drover.py:453: options.branch = getBranchForMilestone(options.milestone) I'm not sure that you'll be able to set this value directly, I believe these end up being read only.
http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py File drover.py (right): http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode453 drover.py:453: options.branch = getBranchForMilestone(options.milestone) On 2011/11/11 21:06:47, laforge wrote: > I'm not sure that you'll be able to set this value directly, I believe these end > up being read only. Per-offline, manual tests show that this assignment sticks.
lgtm with a few optional comments http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py File drover.py (right): http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode365 drover.py:365: another empty line http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode405 drover.py:405: sorted_branches = sorted(branch_dict.iterkeys()) sorted_branches = sorted(branch_dict) http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode421 drover.py:421: another empty line http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode454 drover.py:454: if options.branch is None: if not options.branch: http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode615 drover.py:615: optional: maybe: reference = bool(options.branch or options.milestone or options.milestone) then you can use reference instead of the 3 or. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode618 drover.py:618: option_parser.error("--merge requires either --branch or --local") or --milestone ? http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode622 drover.py:622: option_parser.error("--local cannot be used with --revert or --branch") or --milestone
http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py File drover.py (right): http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode365 drover.py:365: On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > another empty line Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode405 drover.py:405: sorted_branches = sorted(branch_dict.iterkeys()) On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > sorted_branches = sorted(branch_dict) Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode421 drover.py:421: On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > another empty line Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode454 drover.py:454: if options.branch is None: On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > if not options.branch: Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode615 drover.py:615: On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > optional: maybe: > reference = bool(options.branch or options.milestone or options.milestone) > > then you can use reference instead of the 3 or. Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode618 drover.py:618: option_parser.error("--merge requires either --branch or --local") On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > or --milestone ? Done. http://codereview.chromium.org/8498038/diff/2002/drover.py#newcode622 drover.py:622: option_parser.error("--local cannot be used with --revert or --branch") On 2011/11/11 21:23:24, Marc-Antoine Ruel wrote: > or --milestone Done.
CQ is trying da patch. Follow status at https://chromium-status.appspot.com/cq/jhawkins@chromium.org/8498038/12002
Change committed as 109718 |