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Unified Diff: base/bind_internal.h.pump

Issue 8483003: Callback API Change: Reimplement Bind(); support IgnoreResult, full currying, and use less types (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: rebased Created 9 years, 1 month ago
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Index: base/bind_internal.h.pump
diff --git a/base/bind_internal.h.pump b/base/bind_internal.h.pump
index 429e13f4e57d0016a1d5212c4f3de00116802cc9..1192974455f4c63b68bc499fb34c8cf13177403e 100644
--- a/base/bind_internal.h.pump
+++ b/base/bind_internal.h.pump
@@ -5,7 +5,14 @@ $$
+// TODO(ajwong): If you create an fully unbound method, is there a way to
+// enforce the first argument must be refcounted? Or do we just say
+// "oh well"?
+// Do we want to allow creating a fully unbound method??
$var MAX_ARITY = 6
+$range ARITY 0..MAX_ARITY
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
@@ -29,371 +36,463 @@ $var MAX_ARITY = 6
namespace base {
namespace internal {
-// The method by which a function is invoked is determined by 3 different
-// dimensions:
+// Runnable -- A type (really a type class) that has a single Run() method
+// and a RunType typedef that corresponds to the type of Run().
+// A Runnable can declare that it should treated like a method
+// call by including a typedef named IsMethod. The value of
+// this typedef is NOT inspected, only the existence. When a
+// Runnable declares itself a method, Bind() will enforce special
+// refcounting + WeakPtr handling semantics for the first
+// parameter which is expected to be an object.
+// Functor -- A copyable type representing something that should be called.
+// All function pointers, Callback<>, and Runnables are functors
+// even if the invocation syntax differs.
+// RunType -- A function type (as opposed to function _pointer_ type) for
+// a Run() function. Usually just a convenience typedef.
+// (Bound)ArgsType -- A function type that is being (ab)used to store the
+// types of set of arguments. The "return" type is always
+// void here. We use this hack so that we do not need
+// a new type name for each arity of type. (eg.,
+// BindState1, BindState2). This makes forward
+// declarations and friending much much easier.
-// 1) The type of function (normal or method).
-// 2) The arity of the function.
-// 3) The number of bound parameters.
+// Types:
+// RunnableAdapter<> -- Wraps the various "function" pointer types into an
+// object that adheres to the Runnable interface.
+// There are |3*ARITY| RunnableAdapter types.
+// FunctionTraits<> -- Type traits that unwrap a function signature into a
+// a set of easier to use typedefs. Used mainly for
+// compile time asserts.
+// There are |ARITY| FunctionTraits types.
+// ForceVoidReturn<> -- Helper class for translating function signatures to
+// equivalent forms with a "void" return type.
+// There are |ARITY| ForceVoidReturn types.
+// FunctorTraits<> -- Type traits used determine the correct RunType and
+// RunnableType for a Functor. This is where function
+// signature adapters are applied.
+// There are |ARITY| ForceVoidReturn types.
+// MakeRunnable<> -- Takes a Functor and returns an object in the Runnable
+// type class that represents the underlying Functor.
+// There are |O(1)| MakeRunnable types.
+// InvokeHelper<> -- Take a Runnable + arguments and actully invokes it.
+// Handle the differing syntaxes needed for WeakPtr<> support,
+// and for ignoring return values. This is separate from
+// Invoker to avoid creating multiple version of Invoker<>
+// which grows at O(n^2) with the arity.
+// There are |k*ARITY| InvokeHelper types.
+// Invoker<> -- Unwraps the curried parameters and executes the Runnable.
+// There are |(ARITY^2 + ARITY)/2| Invoketypes.
+// BindState<> -- Stores the curried parameters, and is the main entry point
+// into the Bind() system, doing most of the type resolution.
+// There are ARITY BindState types.
+// RunnableAdapter<>
-// The templates below handle the determination of each of these dimensions.
-// In brief:
-// FunctionTraits<> -- Provides a normalied signature, and other traits.
-// InvokerN<> -- Provides a DoInvoke() function that actually executes
-// a calback.
-// InvokerStorageN<> -- Provides storage for the bound parameters, and
-// typedefs to the above.
-// IsWeakMethod<> -- Determines if we are binding a method to a WeakPtr<>.
-// More details about the design of each class is included in a comment closer
-// to their defition.
-// IsWeakMethod determines if we are binding a method to a WeakPtr<> for an
-// object. It is used to select an InvokerN that will no-op itself in the
-// event the WeakPtr<> for the target object is invalidated.
-template <bool IsMethod, typename T>
-struct IsWeakMethod : public false_type {};
-template <typename T>
-struct IsWeakMethod<true, WeakPtr<T> > : public true_type {};
-// FunctionTraits<>
+// The RunnableAdapter<> templates provide a uniform interface for invoking
+// a function pointer, method pointer, or const method pointer. The adapter
+// exposes a Run() method with an appropriate signature. Using this wrapper
+// allows for writing code that supports all three pointer types without
+// undue repetition. Without it, a lot of code would need to be repeated 3
+// times.
-// The FunctionTraits<> template determines the type of function, and also
-// creates a NormalizedType used to select the InvokerN classes. It turns out
-// that syntactically, you only really have 2 variations when invoking a
-// funciton pointer: normal, and method. One is invoked func_ptr(arg1). The
-// other is invoked (*obj_->method_ptr(arg1)).
+// For method pointers and const method pointers the first argument to Run()
+// is considered to be the received of the method. This is similar to STL's
+// mem_fun().
-// However, in the type system, there are many more distinctions. In standard
-// C++, there's all variations of const, and volatile on the function pointer.
-// In Windows, there are additional calling conventions (eg., __stdcall,
-// __fastcall, etc.). FunctionTraits<> handles categorizing each of these into
-// a normalized signature.
+// This class also exposes a RunType typedef that is the function type of the
+// Run() function.
-// Having a NormalizedSignature signature, reduces the combinatoric
-// complexity of defintions for the InvokerN<> later. Even though there are
-// only 2 syntactic variations on invoking a function, without normalizing the
-// signature, there would need to be one specialization of InvokerN for each
-// unique (function_type, bound_arg, unbound_args) tuple in order to match all
-// function signatures.
-// By normalizing the function signature, we reduce function_type to exactly 2.
+// If and only if the wrapper contains a method or const method pointer, an
+// IsMethod typedef is exposed. The existence of this typedef (NOT the value)
+// marks that the wrapper should be considered a method wrapper.
-template <typename Sig>
-struct FunctionTraits;
+template <typename Functor>
+class RunnableAdapter;
-$range ARITY 0..MAX_ARITY
$for ARITY [[
$range ARG 1..ARITY
// Function: Arity $(ARITY).
template <typename R[[]]
-$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename X$(ARG)]]>
-struct FunctionTraits<R(*)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]])> {
- typedef R (*NormalizedSig)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]]);
- typedef false_type IsMethod;
- typedef R Return;
-$if ARITY > 0 [[
- // Target type for each bound parameter.
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+class RunnableAdapter<R(*)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ public:
+ typedef R (RunType)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]);
-$for ARG [[
- typedef X$(ARG) B$(ARG);
+ explicit RunnableAdapter(R(*function)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]))
+ : function_(function) {
+ }
-]] $$ for ARG
-]] $$ if ARITY > 0
+ R Run($for ARG , [[typename CallbackParamTraits<A$(ARG)>::ForwardType a$(ARG)]]) {
+ return function_($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]);
+ }
+ private:
+ R (*function_)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]);
// Method: Arity $(ARITY).
template <typename R, typename T[[]]
-$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename X$(ARG)]]>
-struct FunctionTraits<R(T::*)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]])> {
- typedef R (T::*NormalizedSig)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]]);
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+class RunnableAdapter<R(T::*)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ public:
+ typedef R (RunType)(T*[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]);
typedef true_type IsMethod;
- typedef R Return;
- // Target type for each bound parameter.
- typedef T B1;
-$for ARG [[
- typedef X$(ARG) B$(ARG + 1);
+ explicit RunnableAdapter(R(T::*method)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]))
+ : method_(method) {
+ }
-]] $$ for ARG
+ R Run(T* object[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG, [[typename CallbackParamTraits<A$(ARG)>::ForwardType a$(ARG)]]) {
+ return (object->*method_)($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]);
+ }
+ private:
+ R (T::*method_)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]);
// Const Method: Arity $(ARITY).
template <typename R, typename T[[]]
-$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename X$(ARG)]]>
-struct FunctionTraits<R(T::*)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]]) const> {
- typedef R (T::*NormalizedSig)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]]);
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+class RunnableAdapter<R(T::*)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]) const> {
+ public:
+ typedef R (RunType)(const T*[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]);
typedef true_type IsMethod;
- typedef R Return;
+ explicit RunnableAdapter(R(T::*method)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]) const)
+ : method_(method) {
+ }
+ R Run(const T* object[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG, [[typename CallbackParamTraits<A$(ARG)>::ForwardType a$(ARG)]]) {
+ return (object->*method_)($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]);
+ }
+ private:
+ R (T::*method_)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]) const;
+]] $$ for ARITY
- // Target type for each bound parameter.
- typedef T B1;
+// FunctionTraits<>
+// Breaks a function signature apart into typedefs for easier introspection.
+template <typename Sig>
+struct FunctionTraits;
+$for ARITY [[
+$range ARG 1..ARITY
+template <typename R[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+struct FunctionTraits<R($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ typedef R ReturnType;
$for ARG [[
- typedef X$(ARG) B$(ARG + 1);
-]] $$ for ARG
+ typedef A$(ARG) A$(ARG)Type;
-]] $$for ARITY
-// InvokerN<>
-// The InvokerN templates contain a static DoInvoke() function that is the key
-// to implementing type erasure in the Callback() classes.
-// DoInvoke() is a static function with a fixed signature that is independent
-// of StorageType; its first argument is a pointer to the non-templated common
-// baseclass of StorageType. This lets us store pointer to DoInvoke() in a
-// function pointer that has knowledge of the specific StorageType, and thus
-// no knowledge of the bound function and bound parameter types.
+// ForceVoidReturn<>
-// As long as we ensure that DoInvoke() is only used with pointers there were
-// upcasted from the correct StorageType, we can be sure that execution is
-// safe.
+// Set of templates that support forcing the function return type to void.
+template <typename Sig>
+struct ForceVoidReturn;
+$for ARITY [[
+$range ARG 1..ARITY
+template <typename R[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+struct ForceVoidReturn<R($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ typedef void(RunType)($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]]);
+]] $$ for ARITY
+// FunctorTraits<>
-// The InvokerN templates are the only point that knows the number of bound
-// and unbound arguments. This is intentional because it allows the other
-// templates classes in the system to only have as many specializations as
-// the max arity of function we wish to support.
+// See description at top of file.
+template <typename T>
+struct FunctorTraits {
+ typedef RunnableAdapter<T> RunnableType;
+ typedef typename RunnableType::RunType RunType;
-$range BOUND 0..MAX_ARITY
-$for BOUND [[
+template <typename T>
+struct FunctorTraits<IgnoreResultHelper<T> > {
+ typedef typename FunctorTraits<T>::RunnableType RunnableType;
+ typedef typename ForceVoidReturn<
+ typename RunnableType::RunType>::RunType RunType;
-template <bool IsWeak, typename StorageType, typename NormalizedSig>
-struct Invoker$(BOUND);
+template <typename T>
+struct FunctorTraits<Callback<T> > {
+ typedef Callback<T> RunnableType;
+ typedef typename Callback<T>::RunType RunType;
-$range ARITY 0..MAX_ARITY
-$for ARITY [[
-$if UNBOUND >= 0 [[
+// MakeRunnable<>
+// Converts a passed in functor to a RunnableType using type inference.
-$$ Variables for function traits generation.
-$range ARG 1..ARITY
-$range BOUND_ARG 1..BOUND
+template <typename T>
+typename FunctorTraits<T>::RunnableType MakeRunnable(const T& t) {
+ return RunnableAdapter<T>(t);
-$$ Variables for method traits generation. We are always short one arity since
-$$ the first bound parameter is the object.
-$var M_ARITY = ARITY - 1
-$range M_ARG 1..M_ARITY
-$range M_BOUND_ARG 2..BOUND
+template <typename T>
+typename FunctorTraits<T>::RunnableType
+MakeRunnable(const IgnoreResultHelper<T>& t) {
+ return MakeRunnable(t.functor_);
-// Function: Arity $(ARITY) -> $(UNBOUND).
-template <typename StorageType, typename R[[]]
-$if ARITY > 0 [[,]][[]]
-$for ARG , [[typename X$(ARG)]]>
-struct Invoker$(BOUND)<false, StorageType, R(*)($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]])> {
- typedef R(*DoInvokeType)(
- internal::InvokerStorageBase*[[]]
-$if UNBOUND != 0 [[, ]]
-$for UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename internal::ParamTraits<X$(UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType]]);
+template <typename T>
+const typename FunctorTraits<Callback<T> >::RunnableType&
+MakeRunnable(const Callback<T>& t) {
+ return t;
- static R DoInvoke(InvokerStorageBase* base[[]]
-$if UNBOUND != 0 [[, ]][[]]
-$for UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename internal::ParamTraits<X$(UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType x$(UNBOUND_ARG)]]) {
- StorageType* invoker = static_cast<StorageType*>(base);
- return invoker->f_($for BOUND_ARG , [[Unwrap(invoker->p$(BOUND_ARG)_)]][[]]
-$$ Add comma if there are both boudn and unbound args.
-$if UNBOUND > 0 [[$if BOUND > 0 [[, ]]]][[]]
-$for UNBOUND_ARG , [[x$(UNBOUND_ARG)]]);
+// InvokeHelper<>
+// There are 3 logical InvokeHelper<> specializations: normal, void-return,
+// WeakCalls.
+// The normal type just calls the underlying runnable.
+// We need a InvokeHelper to handle void return types in order to support
+// IgnoreResult(). Normally, if the Runnable's RunType had a void return,
+// the template system would just accept "return functor.Run()" ignoring
+// the fact that a void function is being used with return. This piece of
+// sugar breaks though when the Runnable's RunType is not void. Thus, we
+// need a partial specialization to change the syntax to drop the "return"
+// from the invocation call.
+// WeakCalls similarly need special syntax that is applied to the first
+// argument to check if they should no-op themselves.
+template <bool IsWeakCall, typename ReturnType, typename Runnable,
+ typename ArgsType>
+struct InvokeHelper;
+$for ARITY [[
+$range ARG 1..ARITY
+template <typename ReturnType, typename Runnable[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0 [[,]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+struct InvokeHelper<false, ReturnType, Runnable,
+ void($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ static ReturnType MakeItSo(Runnable runnable[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[A$(ARG) a$(ARG)]]) {
+ return runnable.Run($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]);
-$if BOUND > 0 [[
-// Method: Arity $(M_ARITY) -> $(UNBOUND).
-template <typename StorageType, typename R, typename T[[]]
-$if M_ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for M_ARG , [[typename X$(M_ARG)]]>
-struct Invoker$(BOUND)<false, StorageType, R(T::*)($for M_ARG , [[X$(M_ARG)]])> {
- typedef R(*DoInvokeType)(
- internal::InvokerStorageBase*[[]]
-$if UNBOUND != 0 [[, ]]
-$for M_UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename internal::ParamTraits<X$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType]]);
- static R DoInvoke(InvokerStorageBase* base[[]]
-$if UNBOUND > 0 [[, ]][[]]
-$for M_UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename internal::ParamTraits<X$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType x$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)]]) {
- StorageType* invoker = static_cast<StorageType*>(base);
- return (Unwrap(invoker->p1_)->*invoker->f_)([[]]
-$for M_BOUND_ARG , [[Unwrap(invoker->p$(M_BOUND_ARG)_)]][[]]
-$if UNBOUND > 0 [[$if BOUND > 1 [[, ]]]][[]]
-$for M_UNBOUND_ARG , [[x$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)]]);
+template <typename Runnable[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0 [[,]] $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+struct InvokeHelper<false, void, Runnable,
+ void($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ static void MakeItSo(Runnable runnable[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[A$(ARG) a$(ARG)]]) {
+ runnable.Run($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]);
-// WeakPtr Method: Arity $(M_ARITY) -> $(UNBOUND).
-template <typename StorageType, typename T[[]]
-$if M_ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for M_ARG , [[typename X$(M_ARG)]]>
-struct Invoker$(BOUND)<true, StorageType, void(T::*)($for M_ARG , [[X$(M_ARG)]])> {
- typedef void(*DoInvokeType)(
- internal::InvokerStorageBase*[[]]
-$if UNBOUND != 0 [[, ]]
-$for M_UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename internal::ParamTraits<X$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType]]);
- static void DoInvoke(InvokerStorageBase* base[[]]
-$if UNBOUND > 0 [[, ]][[]]
-$for M_UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename internal::ParamTraits<X$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType x$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)]]) {
- StorageType* invoker = static_cast<StorageType*>(base);
- typename StorageType::P1Traits::StorageType& weak_ptr = invoker->p1_;
- if (!weak_ptr.get()) {
+$if ARITY > 0 [[
+template <typename Runnable[[]], $for ARG , [[typename A$(ARG)]]>
+struct InvokeHelper<true, void, Runnable,
+ void($for ARG , [[A$(ARG)]])> {
+ static void MakeItSo(Runnable runnable[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[A$(ARG) a$(ARG)]]) {
+ if (!a1.get()) {
- (weak_ptr->*invoker->f_)([[]]
-$for M_BOUND_ARG , [[Unwrap(invoker->p$(M_BOUND_ARG)_)]][[]]
-$if UNBOUND > 0 [[$if BOUND > 1 [[, ]]]][[]]
-$for M_UNBOUND_ARG , [[x$(M_UNBOUND_ARG)]]);
+ runnable.Run($for ARG , [[a$(ARG)]]);
-]] $$ if BOUND
-]] $$ if UNBOUND
-]] $$ for ARITY
-]] $$ for BOUND
+]] $$ for ARITY
-// BindMoreFuncN<>
-// This set of functions help in fully binding the free parameters in a
-// Callback<>.
-$for BOUND [[
-$range BOUND_ARG 1..BOUND
-$if BOUND != 0 [[
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
-template <typename Sig, $for BOUND_ARG , [[typename P$(BOUND_ARG)]]>
-void BindMoreFunc$(BOUND)(const base::Callback<Sig>& callback, [[]]
-$for BOUND_ARG , [[const P$(BOUND_ARG)& p$(BOUND_ARG)]]) {
- callback.Run($for BOUND_ARG , [[p$(BOUND_ARG)]]);
+template <typename ReturnType, typename Runnable, typename ArgsType>
+struct InvokeHelper<true, ReturnType, Runnable, ArgsType> {
+ // WeakCalls are only supported for functions with a void return type.
+ // Otherwise, the function result would be undefined if the the WeakPtr<>
+ // is invalidated.
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(is_void<ReturnType>::value,
+ weak_ptrs_can_only_bind_to_methods_without_return_values);
-]] $$ if BOUND
-]] $$ for BOUND
-// InvokerStorageN<>
-// These are the actual storage classes for the Invokers.
-// Though these types are "classes", they are being used as structs with
-// all member variable public. We cannot make it a struct because it inherits
-// from a class which causes a compiler warning. We cannot add a "Run()" method
-// that forwards the unbound arguments because that would require we unwrap the
-// Sig type like in InvokerN above to know the return type, and the arity
-// of Run().
+// Invoker<>
-// An alternate solution would be to merge InvokerN and InvokerStorageN,
-// but the generated code seemed harder to read.
+// See description at the top of the file.
+template <int NumBound, typename Storage, typename RunType>
+struct Invoker;
+$for ARITY [[
+$$ Number of bound arguments.
+$range BOUND 0..ARITY
$for BOUND [[
+$range ARG 1..ARITY
-template <typename Sig[[]]
-$if BOUND > 0 [[, ]]
-$for BOUND_ARG , [[typename P$(BOUND_ARG)]]>
-class InvokerStorage$(BOUND) : public InvokerStorageBase {
- public:
- typedef InvokerStorage$(BOUND) StorageType;
- typedef FunctionTraits<Sig> TargetTraits;
- typedef typename TargetTraits::IsMethod IsMethod;
- typedef Sig Signature;
+// Arity $(ARITY) -> $(UNBOUND).
+template <typename StorageType, typename R[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0 [[,]][[]]
+$for ARG , [[typename X$(ARG)]]>
+struct Invoker<$(BOUND), StorageType, R($for ARG , [[X$(ARG)]])> {
+ typedef R(RunType)(BindStateBase*[[]]
+$if UNBOUND != 0 [[, ]]
+$for UNBOUND_ARG , [[typename CallbackParamTraits<X$(UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType]]);
-$for BOUND_ARG [[
- typedef ParamTraits<P$(BOUND_ARG)> P$(BOUND_ARG)Traits;
+ typedef R(UnboundRunType)($for UNBOUND_ARG , [[X$(UNBOUND_ARG)]]);
+ static R Run(BindStateBase* base[[]]
+$if UNBOUND != 0 [[, ]][[]]
+$for UNBOUND_ARG , [[
+typename CallbackParamTraits<X$(UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType x$(UNBOUND_ARG)
+) {
+ StorageType* storage = static_cast<StorageType*>(base);
+ // Local references to make debugger stepping easier. If in a debugger,
+ // you really want to warp ahead and step through the
+ // InvokeHelper<>::MakeItSo() call below.
+ typedef typename StorageType::Bound$(BOUND_ARG)UnwrapTraits Bound$(BOUND_ARG)UnwrapTraits;
-$if BOUND == 0 [[
- typedef Invoker$(BOUND)<false, StorageType,
- typename TargetTraits::NormalizedSig> Invoker;
-]] $else [[
- typedef Invoker$(BOUND)<IsWeakMethod<IsMethod::value, P1>::value, StorageType,
- typename TargetTraits::NormalizedSig> Invoker;
- COMPILE_ASSERT(!(IsWeakMethod<IsMethod::value, P1>::value) ||
- is_void<typename TargetTraits::Return>::value,
- weak_ptrs_can_only_bind_to_methods_without_return_values);
+ typename Bound$(BOUND_ARG)UnwrapTraits::ForwardType x$(BOUND_ARG) =
+ Bound$(BOUND_ARG)UnwrapTraits::Unwrap(storage->p$(BOUND_ARG)_);
+ return InvokeHelper<StorageType::IsWeakCall::value, R,
+ typename StorageType::RunnableType,
+ void(
+$for BOUND_ARG , [[
+typename Bound$(BOUND_ARG)UnwrapTraits::ForwardType
-$for BOUND_ARG [[
-$if BOUND_ARG == 1 [[
+$if UNBOUND > 0 [[$if BOUND > 0 [[, ]]]][[]]
- // For methods, we need to be careful for parameter 1. We skip the
- // scoped_refptr check because the binder itself takes care of this. We also
- // disallow binding of an array as the method's target object.
- COMPILE_ASSERT(IsMethod::value ||
- internal::NeedsScopedRefptrButGetsRawPtr<
- typename ParamTraits<P$(BOUND_ARG)>::StorageType>::value == 0,
- p$(BOUND_ARG)_is_refcounted_type_and_needs_scoped_refptr);
- COMPILE_ASSERT(!IsMethod::value || !is_array<P$(BOUND_ARG)>::value,
- first_bound_argument_to_method_cannot_be_array);
-]] $else [[
+$for UNBOUND_ARG , [[
+typename CallbackParamTraits<X$(UNBOUND_ARG)>::ForwardType x$(UNBOUND_ARG)
+ ::MakeItSo(storage->runnable_
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[x$(ARG)]]);
+ }
+]] $$ for BOUND
+]] $$ for ARITY
- COMPILE_ASSERT(internal::NeedsScopedRefptrButGetsRawPtr<
- typename ParamTraits<P$(BOUND_ARG)>::StorageType>::value == 0,
- p$(BOUND_ARG)_is_refcounted_type_and_needs_scoped_refptr);
-]] $$ $if BOUND_ARG
-]] $$ $for BOUND_ARG
+// BindState<>
+// This stores all the state passed into Bind() and is also where most
+// of the template resolution magic occurs.
+// Runnable is the functor we are binding arguments to.
+// RunType is type of the Run() function that the Invoker<> should use.
+// Normally, this is the same as the RunType of the Runnable, but it can
+// be different if an adapter like IgnoreResult() has been used.
+// BoundArgsType contains the storage type for all the bound arguments by
+// (ab)using a function type.
+template <typename Runnable, typename RunType, typename BoundArgsType>
+struct BindState;
-$if BOUND > 0 [[
+$for ARITY [[
+$range ARG 1..ARITY
- // Do not allow binding a non-const reference parameter. Non-const reference
- // parameters are disallowed by the Google style guide. Also, binding a
- // non-const reference parameter can make for subtle bugs because the
- // invoked function will receive a reference to the stored copy of the
- // argument and not the original.
- !($for BOUND_ARG || [[ is_non_const_reference<typename TargetTraits::B$(BOUND_ARG)>::value ]]),
- do_not_bind_functions_with_nonconst_ref);
+template <typename Runnable, typename RunType[[]]
+$if ARITY > 0[[, ]] $for ARG , [[typename P$(ARG)]]>
+struct BindState<Runnable, RunType, void($for ARG , [[P$(ARG)]])> : public BindStateBase {
+ typedef Runnable RunnableType;
+$if ARITY > 0 [[
+ typedef IsWeakMethod<HasIsMethodTag<Runnable>::value, P1> IsWeakCall;
+]] $else [[
+ typedef false_type IsWeakCall;
+ typedef Invoker<$(ARITY), BindState, RunType> InvokerType;
+ typedef typename InvokerType::UnboundRunType UnboundRunType;
+$if ARITY > 0 [[
+ // Convenience typedefs for bound argument types.
+$for ARG [[
+ typedef UnwrapTraits<P$(ARG)> Bound$(ARG)UnwrapTraits;
+]] $$ for ARG
+]] $$ if ARITY > 0
- InvokerStorage$(BOUND)(Sig f
-$if BOUND > 0 [[, ]]
-$for BOUND_ARG , [[const P$(BOUND_ARG)& p$(BOUND_ARG)]])
- : f_(f)[[]]
-$if BOUND == 0 [[
+$$ The extra [[ ]] is needed to massage spacing. Silly
+[[ ]]$if ARITY == 0 [[explicit ]]BindState(const Runnable& runnable
+$if ARITY > 0 [[, ]] $for ARG , [[const P$(ARG)& p$(ARG)]])
+ : runnable_(runnable)[[]]
+$if ARITY == 0 [[
]] $else [[
-, $for BOUND_ARG , [[p$(BOUND_ARG)_(static_cast<typename ParamTraits<P$(BOUND_ARG)>::StorageType>(p$(BOUND_ARG)))]] {
- MaybeRefcount<IsMethod, P1>::AddRef(p1_);
+, $for ARG , [[
+ p$(ARG)_(p$(ARG))
+]] {
+ MaybeRefcount<HasIsMethodTag<Runnable>::value, P1>::AddRef(p1_);
- virtual ~InvokerStorage$(BOUND)() {
-$if BOUND > 0 [[
- MaybeRefcount<IsMethod, P1>::Release(p1_);
+ virtual ~BindState() {
+$if ARITY > 0 [[
+ MaybeRefcount<HasIsMethodTag<Runnable>::value, P1>::Release(p1_);
- Sig f_;
+ RunnableType runnable_;
-$for BOUND_ARG [[
- typename ParamTraits<P$(BOUND_ARG)>::StorageType p$(BOUND_ARG)_;
+$for ARG [[
+ P$(ARG) p$(ARG)_;
-]] $$ for BOUND
+]] $$ for ARITY
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base
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