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Unified Diff: third_party/android/testrunner/

Issue 8322008: Upstream: Test script library from Android (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Add a way to checkout specific version Created 9 years, 2 months ago
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Index: third_party/android/testrunner/
diff --git a/third_party/android/testrunner/ b/third_party/android/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1928c73a8e6ba7c41c4a725d1988f6044dfe0829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/android/testrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+# Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Provides an interface to communicate with the device via the adb command.
+Assumes adb binary is currently on system path.
+# Python imports
+import os
+import string
+import time
+# local imports
+import am_instrument_parser
+import errors
+import logger
+import run_command
+class AdbInterface:
+ """Helper class for communicating with Android device via adb."""
+ # argument to pass to adb, to direct command to specific device
+ _target_arg = ""
+ DEVICE_TRACE_DIR = "/data/test_results/"
+ def SetEmulatorTarget(self):
+ """Direct all future commands to the only running emulator."""
+ self._target_arg = "-e"
+ def SetDeviceTarget(self):
+ """Direct all future commands to the only connected USB device."""
+ self._target_arg = "-d"
+ def SetTargetSerial(self, serial):
+ """Direct all future commands to Android target with the given serial."""
+ self._target_arg = "-s %s" % serial
+ def SendCommand(self, command_string, timeout_time=20, retry_count=3):
+ """Send a command via adb.
+ Args:
+ command_string: adb command to run
+ timeout_time: number of seconds to wait for command to respond before
+ retrying
+ retry_count: number of times to retry command before raising
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError
+ Returns:
+ string output of command
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if device does not respond to command within time
+ """
+ adb_cmd = "adb %s %s" % (self._target_arg, command_string)
+ logger.SilentLog("about to run %s" % adb_cmd)
+ return run_command.RunCommand(adb_cmd, timeout_time=timeout_time,
+ retry_count=retry_count)
+ def SendShellCommand(self, cmd, timeout_time=20, retry_count=3):
+ """Send a adb shell command.
+ Args:
+ cmd: adb shell command to run
+ timeout_time: number of seconds to wait for command to respond before
+ retrying
+ retry_count: number of times to retry command before raising
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError
+ Returns:
+ string output of command
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError: if device does not respond to command
+ """
+ return self.SendCommand("shell %s" % cmd, timeout_time=timeout_time,
+ retry_count=retry_count)
+ def BugReport(self, path):
+ """Dumps adb bugreport to the file specified by the path.
+ Args:
+ path: Path of the file where adb bugreport is dumped to.
+ """
+ bug_output = self.SendShellCommand("bugreport", timeout_time=60)
+ bugreport_file = open(path, "w")
+ bugreport_file.write(bug_output)
+ bugreport_file.close()
+ def Push(self, src, dest):
+ """Pushes the file src onto the device at dest.
+ Args:
+ src: file path of host file to push
+ dest: destination absolute file path on device
+ """
+ self.SendCommand("push %s %s" % (src, dest), timeout_time=60)
+ def Pull(self, src, dest):
+ """Pulls the file src on the device onto dest on the host.
+ Args:
+ src: absolute file path of file on device to pull
+ dest: destination file path on host
+ Returns:
+ True if success and False otherwise.
+ """
+ # Create the base dir if it doesn't exist already
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest))
+ if self.DoesFileExist(src):
+ self.SendCommand("pull %s %s" % (src, dest), timeout_time=60)
+ return True
+ else:
+ logger.Log("ADB Pull Failed: Source file %s does not exist." % src)
+ return False
+ def DoesFileExist(self, src):
+ """Checks if the given path exists on device target.
+ Args:
+ src: file path to be checked.
+ Returns:
+ True if file exists
+ """
+ output = self.SendShellCommand("ls %s" % src)
+ error = "No such file or directory"
+ if error in output:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def EnableAdbRoot(self):
+ """Enable adb root on device."""
+ output = self.SendCommand("root")
+ if "adbd is already running as root" in output:
+ return True
+ elif "restarting adbd as root" in output:
+ # device will disappear from adb, wait for it to come back
+ self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
+ return True
+ else:
+ logger.Log("Unrecognized output from adb root: %s" % output)
+ return False
+ def StartInstrumentationForPackage(
+ self, package_name, runner_name, timeout_time=60*10,
+ no_window_animation=False, instrumentation_args={}):
+ """Run instrumentation test for given package and runner.
+ Equivalent to StartInstrumentation, except instrumentation path is
+ separated into its package and runner components.
+ """
+ instrumentation_path = "%s/%s" % (package_name, runner_name)
+ return self.StartInstrumentation(instrumentation_path, timeout_time=timeout_time,
+ no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
+ instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
+ def StartInstrumentation(
+ self, instrumentation_path, timeout_time=60*10, no_window_animation=False,
+ profile=False, instrumentation_args={}):
+ """Runs an instrumentation class on the target.
+ Returns a dictionary containing the key value pairs from the
+ instrumentations result bundle and a list of TestResults. Also handles the
+ interpreting of error output from the device and raises the necessary
+ exceptions.
+ Args:
+ instrumentation_path: string. It should be the fully classified package
+ name, and instrumentation test runner, separated by "/"
+ e.g.
+ timeout_time: Timeout value for the am command.
+ no_window_animation: boolean, Whether you want window animations enabled
+ or disabled
+ profile: If True, profiling will be turned on for the instrumentation.
+ instrumentation_args: Dictionary of key value bundle arguments to pass to
+ instrumentation.
+ Returns:
+ (test_results, inst_finished_bundle)
+ test_results: a list of TestResults
+ inst_finished_bundle (dict): Key/value pairs contained in the bundle that
+ is passed into ActivityManager.finishInstrumentation(). Included in this
+ bundle is the return code of the Instrumentation process, any error
+ codes reported by the activity manager, and any results explicitly added
+ by the instrumentation code.
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError: if timeout occurred while waiting for
+ response to adb instrument command
+ DeviceUnresponsiveError: if device system process is not responding
+ InstrumentationError: if instrumentation failed to run
+ """
+ command_string = self._BuildInstrumentationCommandPath(
+ instrumentation_path, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
+ profile=profile, raw_mode=True,
+ instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
+ logger.Log(command_string)
+ (test_results, inst_finished_bundle) = (
+ am_instrument_parser.ParseAmInstrumentOutput(
+ self.SendShellCommand(command_string, timeout_time=timeout_time,
+ retry_count=2)))
+ if "code" not in inst_finished_bundle:
+ raise errors.InstrumentationError("no test results... device setup "
+ "correctly?")
+ if inst_finished_bundle["code"] == "0":
+ short_msg_result = "no error message"
+ if "shortMsg" in inst_finished_bundle:
+ short_msg_result = inst_finished_bundle["shortMsg"]
+ logger.Log("Error! Test run failed: %s" % short_msg_result)
+ raise errors.InstrumentationError(short_msg_result)
+ if "INSTRUMENTATION_ABORTED" in inst_finished_bundle:
+ raise errors.DeviceUnresponsiveError
+ return (test_results, inst_finished_bundle)
+ def StartInstrumentationNoResults(
+ self, package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=False,
+ raw_mode=False, instrumentation_args={}):
+ """Runs instrumentation and dumps output to stdout.
+ Equivalent to StartInstrumentation, but will dump instrumentation
+ 'normal' output to stdout, instead of parsing return results. Command will
+ never timeout.
+ """
+ adb_command_string = self.PreviewInstrumentationCommand(
+ package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
+ raw_mode=raw_mode, instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
+ logger.Log(adb_command_string)
+ run_command.RunCommand(adb_command_string, return_output=False)
+ def PreviewInstrumentationCommand(
+ self, package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=False,
+ raw_mode=False, instrumentation_args={}):
+ """Returns a string of adb command that will be executed."""
+ inst_command_string = self._BuildInstrumentationCommand(
+ package_name, runner_name, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
+ raw_mode=raw_mode, instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
+ command_string = "adb %s shell %s" % (self._target_arg, inst_command_string)
+ return command_string
+ def _BuildInstrumentationCommand(
+ self, package, runner_name, no_window_animation=False, profile=False,
+ raw_mode=True, instrumentation_args={}):
+ instrumentation_path = "%s/%s" % (package, runner_name)
+ return self._BuildInstrumentationCommandPath(
+ instrumentation_path, no_window_animation=no_window_animation,
+ profile=profile, raw_mode=raw_mode,
+ instrumentation_args=instrumentation_args)
+ def _BuildInstrumentationCommandPath(
+ self, instrumentation_path, no_window_animation=False, profile=False,
+ raw_mode=True, instrumentation_args={}):
+ command_string = "am instrument"
+ if no_window_animation:
+ command_string += " --no_window_animation"
+ if profile:
+ self._CreateTraceDir()
+ command_string += (
+ " -p %s/%s.dmtrace" %
+ (self.DEVICE_TRACE_DIR, instrumentation_path.split(".")[-1]))
+ for key, value in instrumentation_args.items():
+ command_string += " -e %s '%s'" % (key, value)
+ if raw_mode:
+ command_string += " -r"
+ command_string += " -w %s" % instrumentation_path
+ return command_string
+ def _CreateTraceDir(self):
+ ls_response = self.SendShellCommand("ls /data/trace")
+ if ls_response.strip("#").strip(string.whitespace) != "":
+ self.SendShellCommand("create /data/trace", "mkdir /data/trace")
+ self.SendShellCommand("make /data/trace world writeable",
+ "chmod 777 /data/trace")
+ def WaitForDevicePm(self, wait_time=120):
+ """Waits for targeted device's package manager to be up.
+ Args:
+ wait_time: time in seconds to wait
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and pm still does not
+ respond.
+ """
+ logger.Log("Waiting for device package manager...")
+ self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
+ # Now the device is there, but may not be running.
+ # Query the package manager with a basic command
+ try:
+ self._WaitForShellCommandContents("pm path android", "package:",
+ wait_time)
+ except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError:
+ raise errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError(
+ "Package manager did not respond after %s seconds" % wait_time)
+ def WaitForInstrumentation(self, package_name, runner_name, wait_time=120):
+ """Waits for given instrumentation to be present on device
+ Args:
+ wait_time: time in seconds to wait
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and instrumentation
+ still not present.
+ """
+ instrumentation_path = "%s/%s" % (package_name, runner_name)
+ logger.Log("Waiting for instrumentation to be present")
+ # Query the package manager
+ try:
+ command = "pm list instrumentation | grep %s" % instrumentation_path
+ self._WaitForShellCommandContents(command, "instrumentation:", wait_time,
+ raise_abort=False)
+ except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError :
+ logger.Log(
+ "Could not find instrumentation %s on device. Does the "
+ "instrumentation in test's AndroidManifest.xml match definition"
+ "in test_defs.xml?" % instrumentation_path)
+ raise
+ def WaitForProcess(self, name, wait_time=120):
+ """Wait until a process is running on the device.
+ Args:
+ name: the process name as it appears in `ps`
+ wait_time: time in seconds to wait
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and the process is
+ still not running
+ """
+ logger.Log("Waiting for process %s" % name)
+ self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
+ self._WaitForShellCommandContents("ps", name, wait_time)
+ def WaitForProcessEnd(self, name, wait_time=120):
+ """Wait until a process is no longer running on the device.
+ Args:
+ name: the process name as it appears in `ps`
+ wait_time: time in seconds to wait
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and the process is
+ still running
+ """
+ logger.Log("Waiting for process %s to end" % name)
+ self._WaitForShellCommandContents("ps", name, wait_time, invert=True)
+ def _WaitForShellCommandContents(self, command, expected, wait_time,
+ raise_abort=True, invert=False):
+ """Wait until the response to a command contains a given output.
+ Assumes that a only successful execution of "adb shell <command>" contains
+ the substring expected. Assumes that a device is present.
+ Args:
+ command: adb shell command to execute
+ expected: the string that should appear to consider the
+ command successful.
+ wait_time: time in seconds to wait
+ raise_abort: if False, retry when executing the command raises an
+ AbortError, rather than failing.
+ invert: if True, wait until the command output no longer contains the
+ expected contents.
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError: If wait_time elapses and the command has not
+ returned an output containing expected yet.
+ """
+ # Query the device with the command
+ success = False
+ attempts = 0
+ wait_period = 5
+ while not success and (attempts*wait_period) < wait_time:
+ # assume the command will always contain expected in the success case
+ try:
+ output = self.SendShellCommand(command, retry_count=1)
+ if ((not invert and expected in output)
+ or (invert and expected not in output)):
+ success = True
+ except errors.AbortError, e:
+ if raise_abort:
+ raise
+ # ignore otherwise
+ if not success:
+ time.sleep(wait_period)
+ attempts += 1
+ if not success:
+ raise errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError()
+ def WaitForBootComplete(self, wait_time=120):
+ """Waits for targeted device's bootcomplete flag to be set.
+ Args:
+ wait_time: time in seconds to wait
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if wait_time elapses and pm still does not
+ respond.
+ """
+ logger.Log("Waiting for boot complete...")
+ self.SendCommand("wait-for-device")
+ # Now the device is there, but may not be running.
+ # Query the package manager with a basic command
+ boot_complete = False
+ attempts = 0
+ wait_period = 5
+ while not boot_complete and (attempts*wait_period) < wait_time:
+ output = self.SendShellCommand("getprop dev.bootcomplete", retry_count=1)
+ output = output.strip()
+ if output == "1":
+ boot_complete = True
+ else:
+ time.sleep(wait_period)
+ attempts += 1
+ if not boot_complete:
+ raise errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError(
+ "dev.bootcomplete flag was not set after %s seconds" % wait_time)
+ def Sync(self, retry_count=3, runtime_restart=False):
+ """Perform a adb sync.
+ Blocks until device package manager is responding.
+ Args:
+ retry_count: number of times to retry sync before failing
+ runtime_restart: stop runtime during sync and restart afterwards, useful
+ for syncing system libraries (core, framework etc)
+ Raises:
+ WaitForResponseTimedOutError if package manager does not respond
+ AbortError if unrecoverable error occurred
+ """
+ output = ""
+ error = None
+ if runtime_restart:
+ self.SendShellCommand("setprop ro.monkey 1", retry_count=retry_count)
+ # manual rest bootcomplete flag
+ self.SendShellCommand("setprop dev.bootcomplete 0",
+ retry_count=retry_count)
+ self.SendShellCommand("stop", retry_count=retry_count)
+ try:
+ output = self.SendCommand("sync", retry_count=retry_count)
+ except errors.AbortError, e:
+ error = e
+ output = e.msg
+ if "Read-only file system" in output:
+ logger.SilentLog(output)
+ logger.Log("Remounting read-only filesystem")
+ self.SendCommand("remount")
+ output = self.SendCommand("sync", retry_count=retry_count)
+ elif "No space left on device" in output:
+ logger.SilentLog(output)
+ logger.Log("Restarting device runtime")
+ self.SendShellCommand("stop", retry_count=retry_count)
+ output = self.SendCommand("sync", retry_count=retry_count)
+ self.SendShellCommand("start", retry_count=retry_count)
+ elif error is not None:
+ # exception occurred that cannot be recovered from
+ raise error
+ logger.SilentLog(output)
+ if runtime_restart:
+ # start runtime and wait till boot complete flag is set
+ self.SendShellCommand("start", retry_count=retry_count)
+ self.WaitForBootComplete()
+ # press the MENU key, this will disable key guard if runtime is started
+ # with ro.monkey set to 1
+ self.SendShellCommand("input keyevent 82", retry_count=retry_count)
+ else:
+ self.WaitForDevicePm()
+ return output
+ def GetSerialNumber(self):
+ """Returns the serial number of the targeted device."""
+ return self.SendCommand("get-serialno").strip()
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