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Unified Diff: build/

Issue 8037013: Create scanning script to determine header dependencies. (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: '' Created 9 years, 3 months ago
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Index: build/
--- build/ (revision 0)
+++ build/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+from optparse import OptionParser
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+"""Header Scanner.
+This module will scan a set of input sources for include dependencies. Use
+the command-line switch -Ixxxx to add include paths. All filenames and paths
+are expected and returned with POSIX separators.
+debug = False
+def DebugPrint(txt):
+ if debug: print txt
+class PathConverter(object):
Nico 2012/01/04 07:29:47 (huh, why do you need this class?)
+ """PathConverter does path manipulates using Posix style pathnames.
+ Regardless of the native path type, all inputs and outputs to the path
+ functions are with POSIX style separators.
+ """
+ def ToNativePath(self, pathname):
+ return os.path.sep.join(pathname.split('/'))
+ def ToPosixPath(self, pathname):
+ return '/'.join(pathname.split(os.path.sep))
+ def exists(self, pathname):
+ ospath = self.ToNativePath(pathname)
+ return os.path.exists(ospath)
Nico 2012/01/04 07:29:47 you don't check for isdir(ospath) here. Someone ad
+ def getcwd(self):
+ return self.ToPosixPath(os.getcwd())
+ def isabs(self, pathname):
+ ospath = self.ToNativePath(pathname)
+ return os.path.isabs(ospath)
+ def isdir(self, pathname):
+ ospath = self.ToNativePath(pathname)
+ return os.path.isdir(ospath)
+ def open(self, pathname):
+ ospath = self.ToNativePath(pathname)
+ return open(ospath)
+ def realpath(self, pathname):
+ ospath = self.ToNativePath(pathname)
+ ospath = os.path.realpath(ospath)
+ return self.ToPosixPath(ospath)
+class Resolver(object):
+ """Resolver finds and generates relative paths for include files.
+ The Resolver object provides a mechanism to to find and convert a source or
+ include filename into a relative path based on provided search paths. All
+ paths use POSIX style separator.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pathobj=PathConverter()):
+ self.search_dirs = []
+ self.pathobj = pathobj
+ self.cwd = self.pathobj.getcwd()
+ self.offs = len(self.cwd)
+ def AddOneDirectory(self, pathname):
+ """Add an include search path."""
+ pathname = self.pathobj.realpath(pathname)
+ DebugPrint('Adding DIR: %s' % pathname)
+ if pathname not in self.search_dirs:
+ if self.pathobj.isdir(pathname):
+ self.search_dirs.append(pathname)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write('Not a directory: %s\n' % pathname)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def AddDirectories(self, pathlist):
+ """Add list of space separated directories."""
+ failed = False
+ dirlist = ' '.join(pathlist)
+ for dirname in dirlist.split(' '):
+ if not self.AddOneDirectory(dirname):
+ failed = True
+ return not failed
+ def GetDirectories(self):
+ return self.search_dirs
+ def RealToRelative(self, filepath, basepath):
+ """Returns a relative path from an absolute basepath and filepath."""
+ path_parts = filepath.split('/')
+ base_parts = basepath.split('/')
+ while path_parts and base_parts and path_parts[0] == base_parts[0]:
+ path_parts = path_parts[1:]
+ base_parts = base_parts[1:]
+ rel_parts = ['..'] * len(base_parts) + path_parts
+ return '/'.join(rel_parts)
+ def FilenameToRelative(self, filepath):
+ """Returns a relative path from CWD to filepath."""
+ filepath = self.pathobj.realpath(filepath)
+ basepath = self.cwd
+ return self.RealToRelative(filepath, basepath)
+ def FindFile(self, filename):
+ """Search for <filename> across the search directories, if the path is not
+ absolute. Return the filepath relative to the CWD or None. """
+ if self.pathobj.isabs(filename):
+ if self.pathobj.exists(filename):
+ return self.FilenameToRelative(filename)
+ return None
+ for pathname in self.search_dirs:
+ fullname = '%s/%s' % (pathname, filename)
+ if self.pathobj.exists(fullname):
+ return self.FilenameToRelative(fullname)
+ return None
+def LoadFile(filename):
+ # Catch cases where the file does not exist
+ try:
+ fd = PathConverter().open(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ DebugPrint('Exception on file: %s' % filename)
+ return ''
+ # Go ahead and throw if you fail to read
+ return
+class Scanner(object):
+ """Scanner searches for '#include' to find dependencies."""
+ def __init__(self, loader=None):
+ regex = r'\#[ \t]*include[ \t]*[<"]([^>^"]+)[>"]'
+ self.parser = re.compile(regex)
+ self.loader = loader
+ if not loader:
+ self.loader = LoadFile
+ def ScanData(self, data):
+ """Generate a list of includes from this text block."""
+ return self.parser.findall(data)
+ def ScanFile(self, filename):
+ """Generate a list of includes from this filename."""
+ includes = self.ScanData(self.loader(filename))
+ DebugPrint('Source %s contains:\n\t%s' % (filename, '\n\t'.join(includes)))
+ return includes
+class WorkQueue(object):
+ """WorkQueue contains the list of files to be scanned.
+ WorkQueue contains provides a queue of files to be processed. The scanner
+ will attempt to push new items into the queue, which will be ignored if the
+ item is already in the queue. If the item is new, it will be added to the
+ work list, which is drained by the scanner.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, resolver, scanner=Scanner()):
+ self.added_set = set()
+ self.todo_list = list()
+ self.scanner = scanner
+ self.resolver = resolver
+ def PushIfNew(self, filename):
+ """Add this dependency to the list of not already there."""
+ DebugPrint('Adding %s' % filename)
+ resolved_name = self.resolver.FindFile(filename)
+ if not resolved_name:
+ DebugPrint('Failed to resolve %s' % filename)
+ return
+ DebugPrint('Resolvd as %s' % resolved_name)
+ if resolved_name in self.added_set:
+ return
+ self.todo_list.append(resolved_name)
+ self.added_set.add(resolved_name)
+ def PopIfAvail(self):
+ """Fetch the next dependency to search."""
+ if not self.todo_list:
+ return None
+ return self.todo_list.pop()
+ def Run(self):
+ """Search through the available dependencies until the list becomes empty.
+ The list must be primed with one or more source files to search."""
+ scan_name = self.PopIfAvail()
+ while scan_name:
+ includes = self.scanner.ScanFile(scan_name)
+ for include_file in includes:
+ self.PushIfNew(include_file)
+ scan_name = self.PopIfAvail()
+ return sorted(self.added_set)
+def Main(argv):
+ global debug
+ parser = OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option('-I', dest='includes', action='append',
+ help='Set include path.')
+ parser.add_option('-D', dest='debug', action='store_true',
+ help='Enable debugging output.', default=False)
+ (options, files) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ if options.debug:
+ debug = Trueglobal_var_name,
+ resolver = Resolver()
+ if options.includes:
+ if not resolver.AddDirectories(options.includes):
+ return -1
+ workQ = WorkQueue(resolver)
+ for filename in files:
+ workQ.PushIfNew(filename)
+ sorted_list = workQ.Run()
+ for pathname in sorted_list:
+ sys.stderr.write(pathname + '\n')
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(Main(sys.argv))
Property changes on: build/
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: svn:eol-style
+ LF
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