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Unified Diff: src/mips/lithium-codegen-mips.h

Issue 7934002: MIPS: crankshaft implementation (Closed)
Patch Set: Rebased to r9640, including new-gc. Created 9 years, 2 months ago
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Index: src/mips/lithium-codegen-mips.h
diff --git a/src/mips/lithium-codegen-mips.h b/src/mips/lithium-codegen-mips.h
index 2aec68456d164a92e964c639b6af9185272443f3..8fcaec251be6d5e10bcb23ae46cd3e578b0e0f4e 100644
--- a/src/mips/lithium-codegen-mips.h
+++ b/src/mips/lithium-codegen-mips.h
@@ -29,35 +29,397 @@
#include "mips/lithium-mips.h"
+#include "mips/lithium-gap-resolver-mips.h"
#include "deoptimizer.h"
#include "safepoint-table.h"
#include "scopes.h"
-// Note: this file was taken from the X64 version. ARM has a partially working
-// lithium implementation, but for now it is not ported to mips.
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// Forward declarations.
class LDeferredCode;
+class SafepointGenerator;
class LCodeGen BASE_EMBEDDED {
- LCodeGen(LChunk* chunk, MacroAssembler* assembler, CompilationInfo* info) { }
+ LCodeGen(LChunk* chunk, MacroAssembler* assembler, CompilationInfo* info)
+ : chunk_(chunk),
+ masm_(assembler),
+ info_(info),
+ current_block_(-1),
+ current_instruction_(-1),
+ instructions_(chunk->instructions()),
+ deoptimizations_(4),
+ deopt_jump_table_(4),
+ deoptimization_literals_(8),
+ inlined_function_count_(0),
+ scope_(info->scope()),
+ status_(UNUSED),
+ deferred_(8),
+ osr_pc_offset_(-1),
+ resolver_(this),
+ expected_safepoint_kind_(Safepoint::kSimple) {
+ PopulateDeoptimizationLiteralsWithInlinedFunctions();
+ }
+ // Simple accessors.
+ MacroAssembler* masm() const { return masm_; }
+ CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
+ Isolate* isolate() const { return info_->isolate(); }
+ Factory* factory() const { return isolate()->factory(); }
+ Heap* heap() const { return isolate()->heap(); }
+ // Support for converting LOperands to assembler types.
+ // LOperand must be a register.
+ Register ToRegister(LOperand* op) const;
+ // LOperand is loaded into scratch, unless already a register.
+ Register EmitLoadRegister(LOperand* op, Register scratch);
+ // LOperand must be a double register.
+ DoubleRegister ToDoubleRegister(LOperand* op) const;
+ // LOperand is loaded into dbl_scratch, unless already a double register.
+ DoubleRegister EmitLoadDoubleRegister(LOperand* op,
+ FloatRegister flt_scratch,
+ DoubleRegister dbl_scratch);
+ int ToInteger32(LConstantOperand* op) const;
+ Operand ToOperand(LOperand* op);
+ MemOperand ToMemOperand(LOperand* op) const;
+ // Returns a MemOperand pointing to the high word of a DoubleStackSlot.
+ MemOperand ToHighMemOperand(LOperand* op) const;
// Try to generate code for the entire chunk, but it may fail if the
// chunk contains constructs we cannot handle. Returns true if the
// code generation attempt succeeded.
- bool GenerateCode() {
- return false;
- }
+ bool GenerateCode();
// Finish the code by setting stack height, safepoint, and bailout
// information on it.
- void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code) { UNIMPLEMENTED(); }
+ void FinishCode(Handle<Code> code);
+ // Deferred code support.
+ template<int T>
+ void DoDeferredBinaryOpStub(LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, T>* instr,
+ Token::Value op);
+ void DoDeferredNumberTagD(LNumberTagD* instr);
+ void DoDeferredNumberTagI(LNumberTagI* instr);
+ void DoDeferredTaggedToI(LTaggedToI* instr);
+ void DoDeferredMathAbsTaggedHeapNumber(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoDeferredStackCheck(LStackCheck* instr);
+ void DoDeferredStringCharCodeAt(LStringCharCodeAt* instr);
+ void DoDeferredStringCharFromCode(LStringCharFromCode* instr);
+ void DoDeferredLInstanceOfKnownGlobal(LInstanceOfKnownGlobal* instr,
+ Label* map_check);
+ // Parallel move support.
+ void DoParallelMove(LParallelMove* move);
+ void DoGap(LGap* instr);
+ // Emit frame translation commands for an environment.
+ void WriteTranslation(LEnvironment* environment, Translation* translation);
+ // Declare methods that deal with the individual node types.
+#define DECLARE_DO(type) void Do##type(L##type* node);
+#undef DECLARE_DO
+ private:
+ enum Status {
+ };
+ bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; }
+ bool is_generating() const { return status_ == GENERATING; }
+ bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; }
+ bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; }
+ int strict_mode_flag() const {
+ return info()->is_strict_mode() ? kStrictMode : kNonStrictMode;
+ }
+ LChunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; }
+ Scope* scope() const { return scope_; }
+ HGraph* graph() const { return chunk_->graph(); }
+ Register scratch0() { return lithiumScratchReg; }
+ Register scratch1() { return lithiumScratchReg2; }
+ DoubleRegister double_scratch0() { return lithiumScratchDouble; }
+ int GetNextEmittedBlock(int block);
+ LInstruction* GetNextInstruction();
+ void EmitClassOfTest(Label* if_true,
+ Label* if_false,
+ Handle<String> class_name,
+ Register input,
+ Register temporary,
+ Register temporary2);
+ int GetStackSlotCount() const { return chunk()->spill_slot_count(); }
+ int GetParameterCount() const { return scope()->num_parameters(); }
+ void Abort(const char* format, ...);
+ void Comment(const char* format, ...);
+ void AddDeferredCode(LDeferredCode* code) { deferred_.Add(code); }
+ // Code generation passes. Returns true if code generation should
+ // continue.
+ bool GeneratePrologue();
+ bool GenerateBody();
+ bool GenerateDeferredCode();
+ bool GenerateDeoptJumpTable();
+ bool GenerateSafepointTable();
+ enum SafepointMode {
+ };
+ void CallCode(Handle<Code> code,
+ RelocInfo::Mode mode,
+ LInstruction* instr);
+ void CallCodeGeneric(Handle<Code> code,
+ RelocInfo::Mode mode,
+ LInstruction* instr,
+ SafepointMode safepoint_mode);
+ void CallRuntime(const Runtime::Function* function,
+ int num_arguments,
+ LInstruction* instr);
+ void CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId id,
+ int num_arguments,
+ LInstruction* instr) {
+ const Runtime::Function* function = Runtime::FunctionForId(id);
+ CallRuntime(function, num_arguments, instr);
+ }
+ void CallRuntimeFromDeferred(Runtime::FunctionId id,
+ int argc,
+ LInstruction* instr);
+ // Generate a direct call to a known function. Expects the function
+ // to be in edi.
fschneider 2011/10/18 14:27:58 Wrong register in comment: Function expected in a1
Paul Lind 2011/10/19 02:18:27 Done.
+ void CallKnownFunction(Handle<JSFunction> function,
+ int arity,
+ LInstruction* instr,
+ CallKind call_kind);
+ void LoadHeapObject(Register result, Handle<HeapObject> object);
+ void RegisterLazyDeoptimization(LInstruction* instr,
+ SafepointMode safepoint_mode);
+ void RegisterEnvironmentForDeoptimization(LEnvironment* environment);
+ void DeoptimizeIf(Condition cc,
+ LEnvironment* environment,
+ Register src1,
+ const Operand& src2);
+ void AddToTranslation(Translation* translation,
+ LOperand* op,
+ bool is_tagged);
+ void PopulateDeoptimizationData(Handle<Code> code);
+ int DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(Handle<Object> literal);
+ void PopulateDeoptimizationLiteralsWithInlinedFunctions();
+ Register ToRegister(int index) const;
+ DoubleRegister ToDoubleRegister(int index) const;
+ // Specific math operations - used from DoUnaryMathOperation.
+ void EmitIntegerMathAbs(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathAbs(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathFloor(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathRound(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathSqrt(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathPowHalf(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathLog(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathCos(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ void DoMathSin(LUnaryMathOperation* instr);
+ // Support for recording safepoint and position information.
+ void RecordSafepoint(LPointerMap* pointers,
+ Safepoint::Kind kind,
+ int arguments,
+ int deoptimization_index);
+ void RecordSafepoint(LPointerMap* pointers, int deoptimization_index);
+ void RecordSafepoint(int deoptimization_index);
+ void RecordSafepointWithRegisters(LPointerMap* pointers,
+ int arguments,
+ int deoptimization_index);
+ void RecordSafepointWithRegistersAndDoubles(LPointerMap* pointers,
+ int arguments,
+ int deoptimization_index);
+ void RecordPosition(int position);
+ int LastSafepointEnd() {
+ return static_cast<int>(safepoints_.GetPcAfterGap());
+ }
+ static Condition TokenToCondition(Token::Value op, bool is_unsigned);
+ void EmitGoto(int block);
+ void EmitBranch(int left_block,
+ int right_block,
+ Condition cc,
+ Register src1,
+ const Operand& src2);
+ void EmitBranchF(int left_block,
+ int right_block,
+ Condition cc,
+ FPURegister src1,
+ FPURegister src2);
+ void EmitCmpI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right);
+ void EmitNumberUntagD(Register input,
+ DoubleRegister result,
+ bool deoptimize_on_undefined,
+ LEnvironment* env);
+ // Emits optimized code for typeof x == "y". Modifies input register.
+ // Returns the condition on which a final split to
+ // true and false label should be made, to optimize fallthrough.
+ // Returns two registers in cmp1 and cmp2 that can be used in the
+ // Branch instruction after EmitTypeofIs.
+ Condition EmitTypeofIs(Label* true_label,
+ Label* false_label,
+ Register input,
+ Handle<String> type_name,
+ Register& cmp1,
+ Operand& cmp2);
+ // Emits optimized code for %_IsObject(x). Preserves input register.
+ // Returns the condition on which a final split to
+ // true and false label should be made, to optimize fallthrough.
+ Condition EmitIsObject(Register input,
+ Register temp1,
+ Label* is_not_object,
+ Label* is_object);
+ // Emits optimized code for %_IsConstructCall().
+ // Caller should branch on equal condition.
+ void EmitIsConstructCall(Register temp1, Register temp2);
+ void EmitLoadFieldOrConstantFunction(Register result,
+ Register object,
+ Handle<Map> type,
+ Handle<String> name);
+ struct JumpTableEntry {
+ explicit inline JumpTableEntry(Address entry)
+ : label(),
+ address(entry) { }
+ Label label;
+ Address address;
+ };
+ LChunk* const chunk_;
+ MacroAssembler* const masm_;
+ CompilationInfo* const info_;
+ int current_block_;
+ int current_instruction_;
+ const ZoneList<LInstruction*>* instructions_;
+ ZoneList<LEnvironment*> deoptimizations_;
+ ZoneList<JumpTableEntry> deopt_jump_table_;
+ ZoneList<Handle<Object> > deoptimization_literals_;
+ int inlined_function_count_;
+ Scope* const scope_;
+ Status status_;
+ TranslationBuffer translations_;
+ ZoneList<LDeferredCode*> deferred_;
+ int osr_pc_offset_;
+ // Builder that keeps track of safepoints in the code. The table
+ // itself is emitted at the end of the generated code.
+ SafepointTableBuilder safepoints_;
+ // Compiler from a set of parallel moves to a sequential list of moves.
+ LGapResolver resolver_;
+ Safepoint::Kind expected_safepoint_kind_;
+ class PushSafepointRegistersScope BASE_EMBEDDED {
+ public:
+ PushSafepointRegistersScope(LCodeGen* codegen,
+ Safepoint::Kind kind)
+ : codegen_(codegen) {
+ ASSERT(codegen_->expected_safepoint_kind_ == Safepoint::kSimple);
+ codegen_->expected_safepoint_kind_ = kind;
+ switch (codegen_->expected_safepoint_kind_) {
+ case Safepoint::kWithRegisters:
+ codegen_->masm_->PushSafepointRegisters();
+ break;
+ case Safepoint::kWithRegistersAndDoubles:
+ codegen_->masm_->PushSafepointRegistersAndDoubles();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ ~PushSafepointRegistersScope() {
+ Safepoint::Kind kind = codegen_->expected_safepoint_kind_;
+ ASSERT((kind & Safepoint::kWithRegisters) != 0);
+ switch (kind) {
+ case Safepoint::kWithRegisters:
+ codegen_->masm_->PopSafepointRegisters();
+ break;
+ case Safepoint::kWithRegistersAndDoubles:
+ codegen_->masm_->PopSafepointRegistersAndDoubles();
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ codegen_->expected_safepoint_kind_ = Safepoint::kSimple;
+ }
+ private:
+ LCodeGen* codegen_;
+ };
+ friend class LDeferredCode;
+ friend class LEnvironment;
+ friend class SafepointGenerator;
+class LDeferredCode: public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ explicit LDeferredCode(LCodeGen* codegen)
+ : codegen_(codegen),
+ external_exit_(NULL),
+ instruction_index_(codegen->current_instruction_) {
+ codegen->AddDeferredCode(this);
+ }
+ virtual ~LDeferredCode() { }
+ virtual void Generate() = 0;
+ virtual LInstruction* instr() = 0;
+ void SetExit(Label *exit) { external_exit_ = exit; }
+ Label* entry() { return &entry_; }
+ Label* exit() { return external_exit_ != NULL ? external_exit_ : &exit_; }
+ int instruction_index() const { return instruction_index_; }
+ protected:
+ LCodeGen* codegen() const { return codegen_; }
+ MacroAssembler* masm() const { return codegen_->masm(); }
+ private:
+ LCodeGen* codegen_;
+ Label entry_;
+ Label exit_;
+ Label* external_exit_;
+ int instruction_index_;
} } // namespace v8::internal

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