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Unified Diff: gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/

Issue 7792002: Initial checkin of the compositor_model_bench tool (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: more clang fixes Created 9 years, 4 months ago
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Index: gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/
diff --git a/gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/ b/gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5aecf33cb0853a60581636139edcde79d3252768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/render_tree.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/file_path.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
+#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "gpu/tools/compositor_model_bench/shaders.h"
+using base::JSONReader;
+using base::JSONWriter;
+using base::Value;
+using file_util::ReadFileToString;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+GLenum TextureFormatFromString(std::string format) {
+ if (format == "RGBA")
+ return GL_RGBA;
+ if (format == "RGB")
+ return GL_RGB;
+ if (format == "LUMINANCE")
+ return GL_LUMINANCE;
+const char* TextureFormatName(GLenum format) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case GL_RGBA:
+ return "RGBA";
+ case GL_RGB:
+ return "RGB";
+ return "LUMINANCE";
+ default:
+ return "(unknown format)";
+ }
+int FormatBytesPerPixel(GLenum format) {
+ switch (format) {
+ case GL_RGBA:
+ return 4;
+ case GL_RGB:
+ return 3;
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+RenderNode::RenderNode() {
+RenderNode::~RenderNode() {
+void RenderNode::Accept(RenderNodeVisitor* v) {
+ v->BeginVisitRenderNode(this);
+ v->EndVisitRenderNode(this);
+ContentLayerNode::ContentLayerNode() {
+ContentLayerNode::~ContentLayerNode() {
+void ContentLayerNode::Accept(RenderNodeVisitor* v) {
+ v->BeginVisitContentLayerNode(this);
+ typedef vector<RenderNode*>::iterator node_itr;
+ for (node_itr i = children_.begin(); i != children_.end(); ++i) {
+ (*i)->Accept(v);
+ }
+ v->EndVisitContentLayerNode(this);
+CCNode::CCNode() {
+CCNode::~CCNode() {
+void CCNode::Accept(RenderNodeVisitor* v) {
+ v->BeginVisitCCNode(this);
+ v->EndVisitCCNode(this);
+RenderNodeVisitor::~RenderNodeVisitor() {
+void RenderNodeVisitor::BeginVisitContentLayerNode(ContentLayerNode* v) {
+ this->BeginVisitRenderNode(v);
+void RenderNodeVisitor::BeginVisitCCNode(CCNode* v) {
+ this->BeginVisitRenderNode(v);
+void RenderNodeVisitor::EndVisitRenderNode(RenderNode* v) {
+void RenderNodeVisitor::EndVisitContentLayerNode(ContentLayerNode* v) {
+ this->EndVisitRenderNode(v);
+void RenderNodeVisitor::EndVisitCCNode(CCNode* v) {
+ this->EndVisitRenderNode(v);
+RenderNode* InterpretNode(DictionaryValue* node);
+std::string ValueTypeAsString(Value::Type type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case Value::TYPE_NULL:
+ return "NULL";
+ case Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN:
+ return "BOOLEAN";
+ case Value::TYPE_INTEGER:
+ return "INTEGER";
+ case Value::TYPE_DOUBLE:
+ return "DOUBLE";
+ case Value::TYPE_STRING:
+ return "STRING";
+ case Value::TYPE_BINARY:
+ return "BINARY";
+ case Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY:
+ return "DICTIONARY";
+ case Value::TYPE_LIST:
+ return "LIST";
+ default:
+ return "(UNKNOWN TYPE)";
+ }
+// Makes sure that the key exists and has the type we expect.
+bool VerifyDictionaryEntry(DictionaryValue* node,
+ const std::string& key,
+ Value::Type type) {
+ if (!node->HasKey(key)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Missing value for key: " << key;
+ return false;
+ }
+ Value* child;
+ node->Get(key, &child);
+ if (!child->IsType(type)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << key << " did not have the expected type "
+ "(expected " << ValueTypeAsString(type) << ")";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Makes sure that the list entry has the type we expect.
+bool VerifyListEntry(ListValue* l,
+ int idx,
+ Value::Type type,
+ const char* listName = 0) {
+ // Assume the idx is valid (since we'll be able to generate a better
+ // error message for this elsewhere.)
+ Value* el;
+ l->Get(idx, &el);
+ if (!el->IsType(type)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << (listName ? listName : "List") << "element " << idx <<
+ " did not have the expected type (expected " <<
+ ValueTypeAsString(type) << ")\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool InterpretCommonContents(DictionaryValue* node, RenderNode* c) {
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "layerID", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "width", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "height", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "drawsContent", Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "targetSurfaceID", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "transform", Value::TYPE_LIST)
+ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int layerID;
+ node->GetInteger("layerID", &layerID);
+ c->set_layerID(layerID);
+ int width;
+ node->GetInteger("width", &width);
+ c->set_width(width);
+ int height;
+ node->GetInteger("height", &height);
+ c->set_height(height);
+ bool drawsContent;
+ node->GetBoolean("drawsContent", &drawsContent);
+ c->set_drawsContent(drawsContent);
+ int targetSurface;
+ node->GetInteger("targetSurfaceID", &targetSurface);
+ c->set_targetSurface(targetSurface);
+ ListValue* transform;
+ node->GetList("transform", &transform);
+ if (transform->GetSize() != 16) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "4x4 transform matrix did not have 16 elements";
+ return false;
+ }
+ float transform_mat[16];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ if (!VerifyListEntry(transform, i, Value::TYPE_DOUBLE, "Transform"))
+ return false;
+ double el;
+ transform->GetDouble(i, &el);
+ transform_mat[i] = el;
+ }
+ c->set_transform(transform_mat);
+ if (node->HasKey("tiles")) {
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "tiles", Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY))
+ return false;
+ DictionaryValue* tiles_dict;
+ node->GetDictionary("tiles", &tiles_dict);
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(tiles_dict, "dim", Value::TYPE_LIST))
+ return false;
+ ListValue* dim;
+ tiles_dict->GetList("dim", &dim);
+ if (!VerifyListEntry(dim, 0, Value::TYPE_INTEGER, "Tile dimension") ||
+ !VerifyListEntry(dim, 1, Value::TYPE_INTEGER, "Tile dimension")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int tile_width;
+ dim->GetInteger(0, &tile_width);
+ c->set_tile_width(tile_width);
+ int tile_height;
+ dim->GetInteger(1, &tile_height);
+ c->set_tile_height(tile_height);
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(tiles_dict, "info", Value::TYPE_LIST))
+ return false;
+ ListValue* tiles;
+ tiles_dict->GetList("info", &tiles);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tiles->GetSize(); ++i) {
+ if (!VerifyListEntry(tiles, i, Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, "Tile info"))
+ return false;
+ DictionaryValue* tdict;
+ tiles->GetDictionary(i, &tdict);
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(tdict, "x", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(tdict, "y", Value::TYPE_INTEGER)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Tile t;
+ tdict->GetInteger("x", &t.x);
+ tdict->GetInteger("y", &t.y);
+ if (tdict->HasKey("texID")) {
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(tdict, "texID", Value::TYPE_INTEGER))
+ return false;
+ tdict->GetInteger("texID", &t.texID);
+ } else {
+ t.texID = -1;
+ }
+ c->add_tile(t);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool InterpretCCData(DictionaryValue* node, CCNode* c) {
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "vertex_shader", Value::TYPE_STRING) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "fragment_shader", Value::TYPE_STRING) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "textures", Value::TYPE_LIST)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string vertex_shader_name, fragment_shader_name;
+ node->GetString("vertex_shader", &vertex_shader_name);
+ node->GetString("fragment_shader", &fragment_shader_name);
+ c->set_vertex_shader(ShaderIDFromString(vertex_shader_name));
+ c->set_fragment_shader(ShaderIDFromString(fragment_shader_name));
+ ListValue* textures;
+ node->GetList("textures", &textures);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < textures->GetSize(); ++i) {
+ if (!VerifyListEntry(textures, i, Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, "Tex list"))
+ return false;
+ DictionaryValue* tex;
+ textures->GetDictionary(i, &tex);
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(tex, "texID", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(tex, "height", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(tex, "width", Value::TYPE_INTEGER) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(tex, "format", Value::TYPE_STRING)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Texture t;
+ tex->GetInteger("texID", &t.texID);
+ tex->GetInteger("height", &t.height);
+ tex->GetInteger("width", &t.width);
+ string formatName;
+ tex->GetString("format", &formatName);
+ t.format = TextureFormatFromString(formatName);
+ if (t.format == GL_INVALID_ENUM) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized texture format in layer " << c->layerID() <<
+ " (format: " << formatName << ")\n"
+ "The layer had " << textures->GetSize() << " children.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ c->add_texture(t);
+ }
+ if (c->vertex_shader() == SHADER_UNRECOGNIZED) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized vertex shader name, layer " << c->layerID() <<
+ " (shader: " << vertex_shader_name << ")";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (c->fragment_shader() == SHADER_UNRECOGNIZED) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized fragment shader name, layer " << c->layerID() <<
+ " (shader: " << fragment_shader_name << ")";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+RenderNode* InterpretContentLayer(DictionaryValue* node) {
+ ContentLayerNode* n = new ContentLayerNode;
+ if (!InterpretCommonContents(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "type", Value::TYPE_STRING) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "skipsDraw", Value::TYPE_BOOLEAN) ||
+ !VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "children", Value::TYPE_LIST)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ string type;
+ node->GetString("type", &type);
+ DCHECK_EQ(type, "ContentLayer");
+ bool skipsDraw;
+ node->GetBoolean("skipsDraw", &skipsDraw);
+ n->set_skipsDraw(skipsDraw);
+ ListValue* children;
+ node->GetList("children", &children);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < children->GetSize(); ++i) {
+ DictionaryValue* childNode;
+ children->GetDictionary(i, &childNode);
+ RenderNode* child = InterpretNode(childNode);
+ if (child)
+ n->add_child(child);
+ }
+ return n;
+RenderNode* InterpretCanvasLayer(DictionaryValue* node) {
+ CCNode* n = new CCNode;
+ if (!InterpretCommonContents(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "type", Value::TYPE_STRING)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ string type;
+ node->GetString("type", &type);
+ assert(type == "CanvasLayer");
+ if (!InterpretCCData(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ return n;
+RenderNode* InterpretVideoLayer(DictionaryValue* node) {
+ CCNode* n = new CCNode;
+ if (!InterpretCommonContents(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "type", Value::TYPE_STRING)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ string type;
+ node->GetString("type", &type);
+ assert(type == "VideoLayer");
+ if (!InterpretCCData(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ return n;
+RenderNode* InterpretImageLayer(DictionaryValue* node) {
+ CCNode* n = new CCNode;
+ if (!InterpretCommonContents(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "type", Value::TYPE_STRING)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ string type;
+ node->GetString("type", &type);
+ assert(type == "ImageLayer");
+ if (!InterpretCCData(node, n))
+ return NULL;
+ return n;
+RenderNode* InterpretNode(DictionaryValue* node) {
+ if (!VerifyDictionaryEntry(node, "type", Value::TYPE_STRING)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ string type;
+ node->GetString("type", &type);
+ if (type == "ContentLayer")
+ return InterpretContentLayer(node);
+ if (type == "CanvasLayer")
+ return InterpretCanvasLayer(node);
+ if (type == "VideoLayer")
+ return InterpretVideoLayer(node);
+ if (type == "ImageLayer")
+ return InterpretImageLayer(node);
+ string outjson;
+ JSONWriter::Write(node, true, &outjson);
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized node type! JSON:\n\n"
+ "-----------------------\n" <<
+ outjson <<
+ "-----------------------";
+ return NULL;
+RenderNode* BuildRenderTreeFromFile(const FilePath& path) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Reading " << path.LossyDisplayName();
+ string contents;
+ if (!ReadFileToString(path, &contents))
+ return NULL;
+ scoped_ptr<Value> root;
+ int error_code = 0;
+ string error_message;
+ root.reset(JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError(contents,
+ true,
+ &error_code,
+ &error_message));
+ if (!root.get()) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse JSON file " << path.LossyDisplayName() <<
+ "\n(" << error_message << ")";
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (root->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) {
+ DictionaryValue* v = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(root.get());
+ RenderNode* tree = InterpretContentLayer(v);
+ return tree;
+ } else {
+ LOG(ERROR) << path.LossyDisplayName() <<
+ " doesn not encode a JSON dictionary.";
+ return NULL;
+ }
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