(Empty) | |
| 1 <?xml version="1.0" ?> |
| 2 <!DOCTYPE translationbundle> |
| 3 <translationbundle lang="en-AU"> |
| 4 <translation id="1171774979989969504">Please enter an email address.</translatio
n> |
| 5 <translation id="1235745349614807883">Clear Recent Searches</translation> |
| 6 <translation id="1416462845279468967">Plugin installation failed</translation> |
| 7 <translation id="1637811476055996098">Choose Files</translation> |
| 8 <translation id="1639239467298939599">Loading</translation> |
| 9 <translation id="1842960171412779397">select</translation> |
| 10 <translation id="2226276347425096477">Please shorten this text to <ph name="MAX_
CHARACTERS"/> characters or less (you are currently using <ph name="CURRENT_LENG
TH"/> characters).</translation> |
| 11 <translation id="2507943997699731163">Please fill out this field.</translation> |
| 12 <translation id="2548326553472216322">No recent searches</translation> |
| 13 <translation id="2597378329261239068">This document is password protected. Plea
se enter a password.</translation> |
| 14 <translation id="2653659639078652383">Submit</translation> |
| 15 <translation id="2745343197843472802">Get Plugin</translation> |
| 16 <translation id="2761667185364618470">Please check this box if you want to proce
ed.</translation> |
| 17 <translation id="2846343701378493991">1024 (Medium Grade)</translation> |
| 18 <translation id="2908441821576996758">Please enter a comma separated list of ema
il addresses.</translation> |
| 19 <translation id="3018094406922859308">Downloading plugin...</translation> |
| 20 <translation id="3040011195152428237">link</translation> |
| 21 <translation id="310520048233152454">Please enter a URL.</translation> |
| 22 <translation id="3358049263351449631">This is a searchable index. Enter search k
eywords: '''</translation> |
| 23 <translation id="3450233048674729344">Value must be less than or equal to <ph na
me="MAXIMUM"/>.</translation> |
| 24 <translation id="370665806235115550">Loading...</translation> |
| 25 <translation id="372362261556059955">Additional plugin needed</translation> |
| 26 <translation id="3789841737615482174">Install</translation> |
| 27 <translation id="3851140433852960970">No plugin available to display this conten
t.</translation> |
| 28 <translation id="3934680773876859118">Failed to load PDF document</translation> |
| 29 <translation id="4202807286478387388">jump</translation> |
| 30 <translation id="4519964825805946997">Failed to install plugin from <ph name="UR
L"/></translation> |
| 31 <translation id="4522570452068850558">Details</translation> |
| 32 <translation id="4611115858363067980"><ph name="FILENAME"/><ph name="WIDTH"/>×<p
h name="HEIGHT"/></translation> |
| 33 <translation id="5048533449481078685">list marker</translation> |
| 34 <translation id="5129723458012748440"><ph name="PLUGIN"/> plugin is not installe
d.</translation> |
| 35 <translation id="5164977714490026579">Value must be greater than or equal to <ph
name="MINIMUM"/>.</translation> |
| 36 <translation id="5253117816378681419">Please confirm that you would like to inst
all the <ph name="PLUGIN"/> plugin. You should only install plugins that you tru
st.</translation> |
| 37 <translation id="5466621249238537318">Please select one or more files.</translat
ion> |
| 38 <translation id="5476505524087279545">uncheck</translation> |
| 39 <translation id="5650795167354946011">After installing the plugin, click here to
refresh</translation> |
| 40 <translation id="5776402066334188252">Please confirm that you would like to inst
all this plugin. You should only install plugins that you trust.</translation> |
| 41 <translation id="5939518447894949180">Reset</translation> |
| 42 <translation id="5944544982112848342">2048 (High Grade)</translation> |
| 43 <translation id="6119846243427417423">activate</translation> |
| 44 <translation id="6663448176199120256">Recent Searches</translation> |
| 45 <translation id="6845533974506654842">press</translation> |
| 46 <translation id="709897737746224366">Please match the requested format.</transla
tion> |
| 47 <translation id="7263440858009898357">Please select an item in the list.</transl
ation> |
| 48 <translation id="7335060848622232389">Installing plugins has been disabled.</tra
nslation> |
| 49 <translation id="7364796246159120393">Choose File</translation> |
| 50 <translation id="7638452146404718955">Click here to download plugin</translation
> |
| 51 <translation id="7658239707568436148">Cancel</translation> |
| 52 <translation id="7740050170769002709">HTML content</translation> |
| 53 <translation id="795667975304826397">No file chosen</translation> |
| 54 <translation id="8244226242650769279">image map</translation> |
| 55 <translation id="835897206747267392">Invalid value.</translation> |
| 56 <translation id="838869780401515933">check</translation> |
| 57 <translation id="8444882422881193423"><ph name="NUMBER_OF_FILES"/> files</transl
ation> |
| 58 <translation id="8451268428117625855">Please select a file.</translation> |
| 59 <translation id="8475551193147984329"><ph name="PLUGIN"/> plugin needed</transla
tion> |
| 60 <translation id="8597182159515967513">heading</translation> |
| 61 <translation id="8750798805984357768">Please select one of these options.</trans
lation> |
| 62 <translation id="8964020114565522021">Drag file here</translation> |
| 63 <translation id="9186171386827445984">Loading document: <ph name="PAGE_NUMBER"/>
/<ph name="NUMBER_OF_PAGES"/> pages...</translation> |
| 64 <translation id="9198010615634362518">The required plugin is not installed.</tra
nslation> |
| 65 </translationbundle> |