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Unified Diff: ui/wayland/wayland_input_device.h

Issue 7457023: Adding a Wayland basic toolkit (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Updated trunk to HEAD Created 9 years, 5 months ago
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Index: ui/wayland/wayland_input_device.h
diff --git a/ui/wayland/wayland_input_device.h b/ui/wayland/wayland_input_device.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3250463d4f51f9b4481feb6535ef34cdee8d0e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/wayland/wayland_input_device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
+#include "ui/wayland/wayland_widget.h"
+struct xkb_desc;
+struct wl_array;
+struct wl_buffer;
+struct wl_display;
+struct wl_input_device;
+struct wl_input_device_listener;
+struct wl_surface;
+namespace ui {
+class WaylandWindow;
+// This class represents an input device that was registered with Wayland.
+// The purpose of this class is to parse and wrap events into generic
+// WaylandEvent types and dispatch the event to the appropriate WaylandWindow.
+// How Wayland events work:
+// ------------------------
+// When the On*Focus events are triggered, the input device receives a
+// reference to the surface that just received/lost focus. Each surface is
+// associated with a unique WaylandWindow. When processing the focus events we
+// keep track of the currently focused window such that when we receive
+// different events (mouse button press or key press) we only send the event to
+// the window in focus.
+class WaylandInputDevice {
+ public:
+ WaylandInputDevice(wl_display* display, uint32_t id);
+ ~WaylandInputDevice();
+ // Used to change the surface of the input device (normally pointer image).
+ void Attach(wl_buffer* buffer, int32_t x, int32_t y);
+ private:
+ // Input device callback functions. These will create 'WaylandEvent's and
+ // send them to the currently focused window.
+ // Args:
+ // - data: Pointer to the WaylandInputDevice object associated with the
+ // 'input_device'
+ // - input_device:
+ // The input device that sent the event
+ // - time: The time of the event.
+ static void OnMotionNotify(void* data,
+ wl_input_device* input_device,
+ uint32_t time,
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y,
+ int32_t sx,
+ int32_t sy);
+ static void OnButtonNotify(void* data,
+ wl_input_device* input_device,
+ uint32_t time,
+ uint32_t button,
+ uint32_t state);
+ static void OnKeyNotify(void* data,
+ wl_input_device* input_device,
+ uint32_t time,
+ uint32_t key,
+ uint32_t state);
+ // On*Focus events also have a Wayland surface associated with them. If the
+ // surface is NULL, then the event signifies a loss of focus. Otherwise we
+ // use the surface to get the WaylandWindow that receives focus.
+ static void OnPointerFocus(void* data,
+ wl_input_device* input_device,
+ uint32_t time,
+ wl_surface *surface,
+ int32_t x,
+ int32_t y,
+ int32_t sx,
+ int32_t sy);
+ static void OnKeyboardFocus(void* data,
+ wl_input_device* input_device,
+ uint32_t time,
+ wl_surface *surface,
+ wl_array* keys);
+ wl_input_device* input_device_;
+ // These keep track of the window that's currently under focus. NULL if no
+ // window is under focus.
+ WaylandWindow* pointer_focus_;
+ WaylandWindow* keyboard_focus_;
+ // Keeps track of the currently active keyboard modifiers. We keep this
+ // since we want to advertise keyboard modifiers with mouse events.
+ uint32_t keyboard_modifiers_;
+ // Keeps track of the last position for the motion event. We want to
+ // publish this with events such as button notify which doesn't have a
+ // position associated by default.
+ gfx::Point global_position_;
+ gfx::Point surface_position_;
+ // Keep track of the time of last event. Useful when we get buffer Attach
+ // calls and the calls wouldn't have a way of getting an event time.
+ uint32_t last_event_time_;
+ // keymap used to transform keyboard events.
+ xkb_desc* xkb_;
+} // namespace ui
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