1 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. | 1 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. |
2 # 1. third party stuff we have no control over | 2 # 1. third party stuff we have no control over |
3 # | 3 # |
4 # 2. intentional unit test errors, or stuff that is somehow a false positive | 4 # 2. intentional unit test errors, or stuff that is somehow a false positive |
5 # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing | 5 # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing |
6 # | 6 # |
7 # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed. | 7 # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed. |
8 # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet). | 8 # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet). |
9 # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by | 9 # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by |
10 # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. | 10 # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. |
(...skipping 5172 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
5183 fun:_ZN71SyncUIUtilTest_ConstructAboutInformationWithUnrecoverableErrorTest_T
est8TestBodyEv | 5183 fun:_ZN71SyncUIUtilTest_ConstructAboutInformationWithUnrecoverableErrorTest_T
est8TestBodyEv |
5184 } | 5184 } |
5185 { | 5185 { |
5186 bug_91771_b | 5186 bug_91771_b |
5187 Memcheck:Cond | 5187 Memcheck:Cond |
5188 ... | 5188 ... |
5189 fun:_ZN12sync_ui_util25ConstructAboutInformationEP18ProfileSyncServicePN4base
15DictionaryValueE | 5189 fun:_ZN12sync_ui_util25ConstructAboutInformationEP18ProfileSyncServicePN4base
15DictionaryValueE |
5190 fun:_ZN71SyncUIUtilTest_ConstructAboutInformationWithUnrecoverableErrorTest_T
est8TestBodyEv | 5190 fun:_ZN71SyncUIUtilTest_ConstructAboutInformationWithUnrecoverableErrorTest_T
est8TestBodyEv |
5191 } | 5191 } |
5192 { | 5192 { |
5193 bug_91816_a | |
5194 Memcheck:Leak | |
5195 fun:_Znw* | |
5196 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_120CookiesTreeModelTest5SetUpEv | |
5197 } | |
5198 { | |
5199 bug_91816_b | |
5200 Memcheck:Leak | |
5201 fun:_Znw* | |
5202 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_140CookiesTreeModelTest_OriginOrdering_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5203 } | |
5204 { | |
5205 bug_91816_c | |
5206 Memcheck:Leak | |
5207 fun:_Znw* | |
5208 fun:_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_141CookiesTreeModelTest_ContentSettings_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5209 } | |
5210 { | |
5211 bug_91836_a | |
5212 Memcheck:Leak | |
5213 fun:_Znw* | |
5214 ... | |
5215 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker*DidGetHostUsage* | |
5216 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker*GatherHostUsageTask9CompletedEv | |
5217 fun:_ZN5quota9QuotaTask13CallCompletedEv | |
5218 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker19GatherUsageTaskBase11DidGetUsageEx | |
5219 } | |
5220 { | |
5221 bug_91836_b | |
5222 Memcheck:Leak | |
5223 fun:_Znw* | |
5224 ... | |
5225 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker*DidGetGlobalUsage* | |
5226 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker*GatherGlobalUsage* | |
5227 fun:_ZN5quota9QuotaTask13CallCompletedEv | |
5228 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker19GatherUsageTaskBase11DidGetUsageEx | |
5229 } | |
5230 { | |
5231 bug_91836_c | |
5232 Memcheck:Leak | |
5233 fun:_Znw* | |
5234 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager13StartEvictionEv | |
5235 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager34InitializeTemporaryOriginsInfoTask21DatabaseTask
CompletedEv | |
5236 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager16DatabaseTaskBase9CompletedEv | |
5237 fun:_ZN5quota9QuotaTask13CallCompletedEv | |
5238 ... | |
5239 fun:_ZN38BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest_Empty_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5240 } | |
5241 { | |
5242 bug_91836_c2 | |
5243 Memcheck:Leak | |
5244 fun:_Znw* | |
5245 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager13StartEvictionEv | |
5246 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager34InitializeTemporaryOriginsInfoTask21DatabaseTask
CompletedEv | |
5247 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager16DatabaseTaskBase9CompletedEv | |
5248 fun:_ZN5quota9QuotaTask13CallCompletedEv | |
5249 ... | |
5250 fun:_ZN42BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest_FetchData_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5251 } | |
5252 { | |
5253 bug_91836_d | |
5254 Memcheck:Leak | |
5255 fun:_Znw* | |
5256 fun:_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingData
QuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEEEE8allocateEjPKv | |
5257 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE11_M_get_nodeEv | |
5258 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE14_M_create_nodeERKS4_ | |
5259 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSD_RKS4_ | |
5260 ... | |
5261 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager12GetHostUsageERKSsNS_11StorageTypeEP14CallbackRun
nerI6Tuple3IS2_S3_xEE | |
5262 } | |
5263 { | |
5264 bug_91836_e | |
5265 Memcheck:Leak | |
5266 fun:_Znw* | |
5267 ... | |
5268 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetUniqueStatementEPKc | |
5269 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetCachedStatementERKNS_11StatementIDEPKc | |
5270 fun:_ZN3sql9MetaTable19PrepareSetStatementEPNS_9StatementEPKc | |
5271 fun:_ZN3sql9MetaTable8SetValueEPKci | |
5272 fun:_ZN3sql9MetaTable16SetVersionNumberEi | |
5273 fun:_ZN3sql9MetaTable4InitEPNS_10ConnectionEii | |
5274 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase12CreateSchemaEPN3sql10ConnectionEPNS1_9MetaTable
EiiPKNS0_11TableSchemaEjPKNS0_11IndexSchemaEj | |
5275 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase21EnsureDatabaseVersionEv | |
5276 } | |
5277 { | |
5278 bug_91836_f | |
5279 Memcheck:Leak | |
5280 fun:_Znw* | |
5281 fun:_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeIPN3sql10Connection12Statem
entRefEEE8allocateEjPKv | |
5282 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPN3sql10Connection12StatementRefES3_St9_IdentityIS3_ESt4le
ssIS3_ESaIS3_EE11_M_get_nodeEv | |
5283 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPN3sql10Connection12StatementRefES3_St9_IdentityIS3_ESt4le
ssIS3_ESaIS3_EE14_M_create_nodeERKS3_ | |
5284 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPN3sql10Connection12StatementRefES3_St9_IdentityIS3_ESt4le
ssIS3_ESaIS3_EE10_M_insert_EPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSC_RKS3_ | |
5285 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeIPN3sql10Connection12StatementRefES3_St9_IdentityIS3_ESt4le
ssIS3_ESaIS3_EE16_M_insert_uniqueERKS3_ | |
5286 fun:_ZNSt3setIPN3sql10Connection12StatementRefESt4lessIS3_ESaIS3_EE6insertERK
S3_ | |
5287 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection19StatementRefCreatedEPNS0_12StatementRefE | |
5288 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection12StatementRefC1EPS0_P12sqlite3_stmt | |
5289 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetUniqueStatementEPKc | |
5290 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetCachedStatementERKNS_11StatementIDEPKc | |
5291 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection17CommitTransactionEv | |
5292 fun:_ZN3sql11Transaction6CommitEv | |
5293 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase12CreateSchemaEPN3sql10ConnectionEPNS1_9MetaTable
EiiPKNS0_11TableSchemaEjPKNS0_11IndexSchemaEj | |
5294 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase21EnsureDatabaseVersionEv | |
5295 } | |
5296 { | |
5297 bug_91836_g | |
5298 Memcheck:Leak | |
5299 fun:_Znw* | |
5300 fun:_ZN9__gnu_cxx13new_allocatorISt13_Rb_tree_nodeISt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingData
QuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEEEE8allocateEmPKv | |
5301 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE11_M_get_nodeEv | |
5302 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE14_M_create_nodeERKS4_ | |
5303 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE9_M_insertEPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSC_RKS4_ | |
5304 ... | |
5305 fun:_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoEESt10_Se
lect1stIS4_ESt4lessISsESaIS4_EE13insert_uniqueESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS4_ERKS4_ | |
5306 fun:_ZNSt3mapISsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoESt4lessISsESaISt4pairIKS
sS1_EEE6insertESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS6_ERKS6_ | |
5307 fun:_ZNSt3mapISsN23BrowsingDataQuotaHelper9QuotaInfoESt4lessISsESaISt4pairIKS
sS1_EEEixERS5_ | |
5308 fun:_ZN27BrowsingDataQuotaHelperImpl12GotHostUsageERKSsN5quota11StorageTypeEx | |
5309 fun:_Z16DispatchToMethodI27BrowsingDataQuotaHelperImplMS0_FvRKSsN5quota11Stor
ageTypeExES2_S4_xEvPT_T0_RK6Tuple3IT1_T2_T3_E | |
5310 fun:_ZN4base21ScopedCallbackFactoryI27BrowsingDataQuotaHelperImplE12CallbackI
mplIMS1_FvRKSsN5quota11StorageTypeExE6Tuple3IS5_S7_xEE13RunWithParamsERKSB_ | |
5311 fun:_ZN14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple3IRKSsN5quota11StorageTypeExEE3RunISsS4_xEEvRKT
_RKT0_RKT1_ | |
5312 fun:_ZN5quota14CallbackQueue3IP14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple3IRKSsNS_11StorageTypeE
xEES4_S5_xE3RunES4_S5_x | |
5313 fun:_ZN5quota17CallbackQueueMap3IP14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple3IRKSsNS_11StorageTy
peExEESsS4_S5_xE3RunES4_S4_S5_x | |
5314 fun:_ZN5quota12UsageTracker21DidGetClientHostUsageERKSsNS_11StorageTypeEx | |
5315 fun:_Z16DispatchToMethodIN5quota12UsageTrackerEMS1_FvRKSsNS0_11StorageTypeExE
S3_S4_xEvPT_T0_RK6Tuple3IT1_T2_T3_E | |
5316 fun:_ZN4base21ScopedCallbackFactoryIN5quota12UsageTrackerEE12CallbackImplIMS2
_FvRKSsNS1_11StorageTypeExE6Tuple3IS6_S7_xEE13RunWithParamsERKSB_ | |
5317 fun:_ZN14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple3IRKSsN5quota11StorageTypeExEE3RunISsS4_xEEvRKT
_RKT0_RKT1_ | |
5318 fun:_ZN5quota18ClientUsageTracker12GetHostUsageERKSsP14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple3
IS2_NS_11StorageTypeExEE | |
5319 fun:_ZN5quota12UsageTracker12GetHostUsageERKSsP14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple3IS2_NS
_11StorageTypeExEE | |
5320 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager12GetHostUsageERKSsNS_11StorageTypeEP14CallbackRun
nerI6Tuple3IS2_S3_xEE | |
5321 } | |
5322 { | |
5323 bug_91836_h | |
5324 Memcheck:Leak | |
5325 fun:_Znw* | |
5326 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetUniqueStatementEPKc | |
5327 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetCachedStatementERKNS_11StatementIDEPKc | |
5328 fun:_ZN5quota12_GLOBAL__N_122PrepareCachedStatementEPN3sql10ConnectionERKNS1_
11StatementIDEPKcPNS1_9StatementE | |
5329 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase23GetOriginsModifiedSinceENS_11StorageTypeEPSt3se
tI4GURLSt4lessIS3_ESaIS3_EEN4base4TimeE | |
5330 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager20GetModifiedSinceTask17RunOnTargetThreadEv | |
5331 ... | |
5332 fun:_ZN38BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest_Empty_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5333 } | |
5334 { | |
5335 bug_91836_h2 | |
5336 Memcheck:Leak | |
5337 fun:_Znw* | |
5338 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetUniqueStatementEPKc | |
5339 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetCachedStatementERKNS_11StatementIDEPKc | |
5340 fun:_ZN3sql9MetaTable19PrepareGetStatementEPNS_9StatementEPKc | |
5341 fun:_ZN3sql9MetaTable8GetValueEPKcPi | |
5342 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase28IsOriginDatabaseBootstrappedEv | |
5343 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager14InitializeTask17RunOnTargetThreadEv | |
5344 ... | |
5345 fun:_ZN38BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest_Empty_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5346 } | |
5347 { | |
5348 bug_91836_h3 | |
5349 Memcheck:Leak | |
5350 fun:_Znw* | |
5351 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetUniqueStatementEPKc | |
5352 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection18GetCachedStatementERKNS_11StatementIDEPKc | |
5353 fun:_ZN5quota12_GLOBAL__N_122PrepareCachedStatementEPN3sql10ConnectionERKNS1_
11StatementIDEPKcPNS1_9StatementE | |
5354 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase19FindOriginUsedCountERK4GURLNS_11StorageTypeEPi | |
5355 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase25SetOriginLastModifiedTimeERK4GURLNS_11StorageTy
peEN4base4TimeE | |
5356 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager22UpdateModifiedTimeTask17RunOnTargetThreadEv | |
5357 ... | |
5358 fun:_ZN42BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest_FetchData_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5359 } | |
5360 { | |
5361 bug_91836_i | |
5362 Memcheck:Leak | |
5363 fun:_Znw* | |
5364 ... | |
5365 fun:_ZN27BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest5SetUpEv | |
5366 } | |
5367 { | |
5368 bug_91836_j | |
5369 Memcheck:Leak | |
5370 fun:malloc | |
5371 fun:sqlite3MemMalloc | |
5372 fun:mallocWithAlarm | |
5373 fun:sqlite3Malloc | |
5374 fun:sqlite3MallocZero | |
5375 fun:sqlite3BtreeOpen | |
5376 fun:openDatabase | |
5377 fun:sqlite3_open | |
5378 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection12OpenInternalERKSs | |
5379 fun:_ZN3sql10Connection4OpenERK8FilePath | |
5380 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase8LazyOpenEb | |
5381 fun:_ZN5quota13QuotaDatabase14SetGlobalQuotaENS_11StorageTypeEx | |
5382 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager14InitializeTask17RunOnTargetThreadEv | |
5383 } | |
5384 { | |
5385 bug_91836_k | |
5386 Memcheck:Leak | |
5387 fun:_Znw* | |
5388 ... | |
5389 fun:_ZN5quota12UsageTrackerC1ERKSt4listIPNS_11QuotaClientESaIS3_EENS_11Storag
eTypeEPNS_20SpecialStoragePolicyE | |
5390 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager14LazyInitializeEv | |
5391 fun:_ZN5quota12QuotaManager29NotifyStorageModifiedInternalENS_11QuotaClient2I
DERK4GURLNS_11StorageTypeExN4base4TimeE | |
5392 fun:_ZN5quota17MockStorageClient24TouchAllOriginsAndNotifyEv | |
5393 fun:_ZN27BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest14RegisterClientEPKN5quota14MockOriginDat
a* | |
5394 fun:_ZN42BrowsingDataQuotaHelperTest_FetchData_Test8TestBodyEv | |
5395 } | |
5396 { | |
5397 bug_91845_a | 5193 bug_91845_a |
5398 Memcheck:Leak | 5194 Memcheck:Leak |
5399 fun:_Znw* | 5195 fun:_Znw* |
5400 ... | 5196 ... |
5401 fun:_ZN27BrowserAccessibilityManager23CreateAccessibilityTreeEP20BrowserAcces
sibilityRKN11webkit_glue16WebAccessibilityEi | 5197 fun:_ZN27BrowserAccessibilityManager23CreateAccessibilityTreeEP20BrowserAcces
sibilityRKN11webkit_glue16WebAccessibilityEi |
5402 ... | 5198 ... |
5403 fun:_ZN60BrowserAccessibilityManagerTest_TestCreateEmptyDocument_Test8TestBod
yEv | 5199 fun:_ZN60BrowserAccessibilityManagerTest_TestCreateEmptyDocument_Test8TestBod
yEv |
5404 } | 5200 } |
5405 { | 5201 { |
5406 bug_91845_b | 5202 bug_91845_b |
(...skipping 53 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
5460 } | 5256 } |
5461 { | 5257 { |
5462 bug_todo_getdelim2 | 5258 bug_todo_getdelim2 |
5463 Memcheck:Leak | 5259 Memcheck:Leak |
5464 fun:malloc | 5260 fun:malloc |
5465 fun:getdelim | 5261 fun:getdelim |
5466 obj:/lib/libselinux.so.1 | 5262 obj:/lib/libselinux.so.1 |
5467 obj:/lib/libselinux.so.1 | 5263 obj:/lib/libselinux.so.1 |
5468 obj:/lib/libselinux.so.1 | 5264 obj:/lib/libselinux.so.1 |
5469 } | 5265 } |