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ccess.aspx--><head id="_ctl0_Head1"> |
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teral control for the common header --><div class="headerRepair noprint" name="t
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| 34 <p> |
| 35 Fill out this form only if you would like to become a U-Haul Vendor<
/p> |
| 36 </div> |
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| 57 </td> |
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xt" maxlength="20" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtName"><br> |
| 60 </td> |
| 61 </tr> |
| 62 <tr> |
| 63 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 64 Company<br> |
| 65 </td> |
| 66 <td valign="middle" align="left"> |
| 67 <input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtCompany" type=
"text" maxlength="100" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtCompany"> |
| 68 </td> |
| 69 </tr> |
| 70 <tr> |
| 71 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 72 Vendor Number<br> |
| 73 </td> |
| 74 <td valign="middle" align="left"> |
| 75 <br><input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtVendNo" ty
pe="text" maxlength="7" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtVendNo"><br><br> |
| 76 </td> |
| 77 <td> |
| 78 |
| 79 <br><br> |
| 80 </td> |
| 81 </tr> |
| 82 <tr> |
| 83 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 84 U-Haul Shop Entity Number |
| 85 </td> |
| 86 <td valign="middle" align="left"> |
| 87 <br><input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtEntity" ty
pe="text" maxlength="6" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtEntity"><br> |
| 88 </td> |
| 89 </tr> |
| 90 <tr> |
| 91 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 92 Email |
| 93 |
| 94 <br> |
| 95 </td> |
| 96 <td valign="middle" align="left"> |
| 97 <br><input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtEmail" typ
e="text" maxlength="100" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtEmail"><br><br> |
| 98 </td> |
| 99 </tr> |
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| 101 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 102 ReConfirm Email |
| 103 </td> |
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text" maxlength="100" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtEmail0"> |
| 106 </td> |
| 107 </tr> |
| 108 <tr> |
| 109 <td valign="baseline" align="left"> |
| 110 Password |
| 111 |
| 112 </td> |
| 113 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 114 <span id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_Label1">Password mus
t be between 4 and 8 characters, contain at least one digit and one alphabetic c
haracter, and must not contain special characters.</span> |
| 115 <br><input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtPassword"
type="password" maxlength="20" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtPassword"><br><br> |
| 116 </td> |
| 117 </tr> |
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| 120 ReConfirm Password |
| 121 </td> |
| 122 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 123 <span id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_Label2">Password sho
uld be same as the above entered password</span> |
| 124 <br><input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtPassword0"
type="password" maxlength="20" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtPassword0"> |
| 125 </td> |
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| 128 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 129 Phone |
| 130 |
| 131 </td> |
| 132 <td valign="middle" align="left"> |
| 133 <input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtPhone" type="t
ext" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtPhone"><br> |
| 134 </td> |
| 135 </tr> |
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| 137 <td valign="top" align="left"> |
| 139 </td> |
| 140 <td valign="middle" align="left"> |
| 141 <input name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:txtComments" type
="text" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_txtComments"> |
| 142 </td> |
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| 148 <input type="submit" name="_ctl0:cphMainBody:btn
_select" value="Request" language="javascript" id="_ctl0_cphMainBody_btn_select"
> |
| 149 </td> |
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spx">User policy</a> |
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| 179 Copyright <span id="footer_lb_year">2004
</span> U-Haul International, Inc. All rights reserved. <nobr>U-Haul®
</nobr> is a registered trademark of <nobr>U-Haul</nobr> International, Inc. |
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