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ic-supplies/N=5+1886/" class="">Basic Supplies</a> |
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ders-and-accessories/N=5+2155/" class="">Binders & Accessories</a> |
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cutive-gifts/N=5+3415/" class="">Executive Gifts</a> |
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per Reams!</a></p> |
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ass="see_all">See all</a></li> |
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>Shredders</a></li> |
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nters-scanners-copiers-faxes/N=5+509833/" class="">Printers, Scanners, Copiers,
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p;redirect=false">Brother® Wireless All-In-One $59.99 Save $40 after Instan
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p;redirect=false">Nikon® Coolpix® 14.0-Megapixel Digital Camera $129.
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ss="">Wood Bookcases</a></li> |
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| 1588 Customer Registration |
| 1589 </h1> |
| 1590 |
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| 1592 |
| 1593 |
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| 1595 |
| 1596 |
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| 1598 |
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merService" target="_blank" class="">FAQs</a></li> |
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| 1645 |
| 1646 |
| 1647 |
| 1648 </div> |
| 1649 |
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do" autocomplete="off"> |
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34vd2jp8wl"></span> |
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| 1653 |
| 1654 |
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| 1656 |
| 1657 |
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| 1659 |
| 1660 |
| 1661 |
| 1662 |
| 1663 |
| 1664 <div class="moduleStruct"> |
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| 1667 <p class="intro"> |
| 1668 Please note that if you can answer "yes" to any of the f
ollowing questions, you may not need to fill out this registration form. Simply
click on the link that applies and you'll be taken to the appropriate page. If n
one of these links seem relevant, we can still search for a previous account set
up for you. Please enter your primary email address and we'll email your existi
ng login information. |
| 1669 </p> |
| 1670 |
| 1671 |
| 1672 <ul class="listOfLinks splitLinks"> |
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t number?</a></li> |
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xExemptionRules.jsp&template=customerService">Do you want to apply for an Of
fice Depot tax exempt account?</a></li> |
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yfacts/govprogram.jsp&template=companyInfo">Would you like to sign up for a
Government account?</a></li> |
| 1677 |
| 1678 </ul> |
| 1679 </div> |
| 1680 </div> |
| 1681 |
| 1682 |
| 1683 |
| 1684 </div> |
| 1685 |
| 1686 |
| 1687 |
| 1688 |
| 1689 |
| 1690 <div class="section"> |
| 1691 <div class="oCol1of2 first"> |
| 1692 |
| 1693 |
| 1694 |
| 1695 |
| 1696 |
| 1697 |
| 1698 |
| 1699 |
| 1700 |
| 1701 |
| 1702 <div id="reg_billingInfo" class="moduleStruct"> |
| 1703 <h2 class="modStyle1">Billing Information</h2> |
| 1704 |
| 1705 <div class="moduleStructContent"> |
| 1706 |
| 1707 |
| 1708 <p class="required"> |
| 1709 <label> |
| 1710 |
| 1711 <em>*</em> Indicates required field |
| 1712 </label> |
| 1713 </p> |
| 1714 |
| 1715 |
| 1716 <p class="note"> |
| 1717 |
| 1718 </p> |
| 1719 |
| 1720 |
| 1721 <p class="note"> |
| 1722 |
| 1723 Please provide your billing address exactly as
it appears on your credit card. |
| 1724 |
| 1725 |
| 1726 </p> |
| 1727 |
| 1728 |
| 1729 |
| 1730 |
| 1731 |
| 1732 |
| 1733 <div id="billing_addr"> |
| 1734 |
| 1735 |
| 1736 |
| 1737 |
| 1738 |
| 1739 <div class="address editable"> |
| 1740 <ol class="column1"> |
| 1741 <li class="firstName required"> |
| 1742 <label for="firstName-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>First Name:</span></label>
<span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].firstName" maxlength="30" size="30"
autocomplete="" value="" id="firstName-0"></span> |
| 1743 </li> |
| 1744 <li class="middleInitial"> |
| 1745 <label for="middleInitial-0"><span>Middle Initial:</span></label><span><input ty
pe="text" name="addrsForm[0].middleInitial" maxlength="1" size="2" autocomplete=
"" value="" id="middleInitial-0"></span> |
| 1746 </li> |
| 1747 <li class="lastName required"> |
| 1748 <label for="lastName-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>Last Name:</span></label><s
pan><input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].lastName" maxlength="30" size="30" aut
ocomplete="" value="" id="lastName-0"></span> |
| 1749 </li> |
| 1750 <li class="shiptoName"> |
| 1751 <label for="shiptoName-0"><span>Company Name</span></label><span><input type="te
xt" name="addrsForm[0].shiptoName" maxlength="30" size="30" autocomplete="" valu
e="" id="shiptoName-0"></span> |
| 1752 </li> |
| 1753 <li class="address1 required"> |
| 1754 <label for="address1-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>Address</span></label><span
><input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].address1" maxlength="25" size="30" autoco
mplete="" value="" id="address1-0"></span> |
| 1755 </li> |
| 1756 <li class="address2"> |
| 1757 <label for="address2-0"><span></span></label><span><input type="text" name="addr
sForm[0].address2" maxlength="25" size="30" autocomplete="" value="" id="address
2-0"></span> |
| 1758 </li> |
| 1759 <li class="city required"> |
| 1760 <label for="city-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>City</span></label><span><input
type="text" name="addrsForm[0].city" maxlength="25" size="30" autocomplete="" v
alue="" id="city-0"></span> |
| 1761 </li> |
| 1762 <li class="state required"> |
| 1763 <label for="state-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>State</span></label><span><sel
ect name="addrsForm[0].state" id="state-0"><option value="{blank}" selected>Plea
se select...</option> |
| 1764 <option value="AK">AK - Alaska</option> |
| 1765 <option value="AL">AL - Alabama</option> |
| 1766 <option value="AR">AR - Arkansas</option> |
| 1767 <option value="AZ">AZ - Arizona</option> |
| 1768 <option value="CA">CA - California</option> |
| 1769 <option value="CO">CO - Colorado</option> |
| 1770 <option value="CT">CT - Connecticut</option> |
| 1771 <option value="DC">DC - District of Columbia</option> |
| 1772 <option value="DE">DE - Delaware</option> |
| 1773 <option value="FL">FL - Florida</option> |
| 1774 <option value="GA">GA - Georgia</option> |
| 1775 <option value="HI">HI - Hawaii</option> |
| 1776 <option value="IA">IA - Iowa</option> |
| 1777 <option value="ID">ID - Idaho</option> |
| 1778 <option value="IL">IL - Illinois</option> |
| 1779 <option value="IN">IN - Indiana</option> |
| 1780 <option value="KS">KS - Kansas</option> |
| 1781 <option value="KY">KY - Kentucky</option> |
| 1782 <option value="LA">LA - Louisiana</option> |
| 1783 <option value="MA">MA - Massachusetts</option> |
| 1784 <option value="MD">MD - Maryland</option> |
| 1785 <option value="ME">ME - Maine</option> |
| 1786 <option value="MI">MI - Michigan</option> |
| 1787 <option value="MN">MN - Minnesota</option> |
| 1788 <option value="MO">MO - Missouri</option> |
| 1789 <option value="MS">MS - Mississippi</option> |
| 1790 <option value="MT">MT - Montana</option> |
| 1791 <option value="NC">NC - North Carolina</option> |
| 1792 <option value="ND">ND - North Dakota</option> |
| 1793 <option value="NE">NE - Nebraska</option> |
| 1794 <option value="NH">NH - New Hampshire</option> |
| 1795 <option value="NJ">NJ - New Jersey</option> |
| 1796 <option value="NM">NM - New Mexico</option> |
| 1797 <option value="NV">NV - Nevada</option> |
| 1798 <option value="NY">NY - New York</option> |
| 1799 <option value="OH">OH - Ohio</option> |
| 1800 <option value="OK">OK - Oklahoma</option> |
| 1801 <option value="OR">OR - Oregon</option> |
| 1802 <option value="PA">PA - Pennsylvania</option> |
| 1803 <option value="PR">PR - Puerto Rico</option> |
| 1804 <option value="RI">RI - Rhode Island</option> |
| 1805 <option value="SC">SC - South Carolina</option> |
| 1806 <option value="SD">SD - South Dakota</option> |
| 1807 <option value="TN">TN - Tennessee</option> |
| 1808 <option value="TX">TX - Texas</option> |
| 1809 <option value="UT">UT - Utah</option> |
| 1810 <option value="VA">VA - Virginia</option> |
| 1811 <option value="VT">VT - Vermont</option> |
| 1812 <option value="WA">WA - Washington</option> |
| 1813 <option value="WI">WI - Wisconsin</option> |
| 1814 <option value="WV">WV - West Virginia</option> |
| 1815 <option value="WY">WY - Wyoming</option></select></span> |
| 1816 </li> |
| 1817 <li class="postalCode1 required"> |
| 1818 <label for="postalCode1-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>Zip Code</span></label><
span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].postalCode1" maxlength="11" size="11"
autocomplete="" value="" id="postalCode1-0"></span> |
| 1819 </li> |
| 1820 <li class="country"> |
| 1821 <label for="country-0"><span>Country</span></label><span>USA</span> |
| 1822 </li> |
| 1823 <li class="phoneNumber1 required"> |
| 1824 <label for="phoneNumber1-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>Phone Number:</span></l
abel><span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].phoneNumber1" maxlength="3" siz
e="1" autocomplete="" value="" id="phoneNumber1-0">-<input type="text" name="add
rsForm[0].phoneNumber2" maxlength="3" size="1" autocomplete="" value="" id="phon
eNumber2-0">-<input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].phoneNumber3" maxlength="4" s
ize="2" autocomplete="" value="" id="phoneNumber3-0"> ext.<input type="text
" name="addrsForm[0].phoneNumber4" maxlength="4" size="3" autocomplete="" value=
"" id="phoneNumber4-0"></span> |
| 1825 </li> |
| 1826 <li class="faxNumber1"> |
| 1827 <label for="faxNumber1-0"><span>Fax:</span></label><span><input type="text" name
="addrsForm[0].faxNumber1" maxlength="3" size="1" autocomplete="" value="" id="f
axNumber1-0">-<input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].faxNumber2" maxlength="3" si
ze="1" autocomplete="" value="" id="faxNumber2-0">-<input type="text" name="addr
sForm[0].faxNumber3" maxlength="4" size="2" autocomplete="" value="" id="faxNumb
er3-0"> </span> |
| 1828 </li> |
| 1829 <li class="email required"> |
| 1830 <label for="email-0"><span><em class="star">*</em>Email Address:</span></label><
span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[0].email" maxlength="99" size="31" autoc
omplete="" value="" id="email-0"></span> |
| 1831 </li> |
| 1832 </ol> |
| 1833 <input type="hidden" name="addrsForm[0].country" value="USA" id="country-0"> |
| 1834 </div> |
| 1835 |
| 1836 |
| 1837 |
| 1838 </div> |
| 1839 |
| 1840 |
| 1841 |
| 1842 |
| 1843 |
| 1844 |
| 1845 |
| 1846 |
| 1847 |
| 1848 |
| 1849 |
| 1850 |
| 1851 <input type="hidden" name="billingEmailPreferences.emailHtml" value=
"true"><div class="prefs tight"> |
| 1852 |
| 1853 |
| 1854 |
| 1855 <input type="hidden" name="billingEmailPreferences.optInSelected
" value="false"> |
| 1856 </div> |
| 1857 |
| 1858 |
| 1859 |
| 1860 </div> |
| 1861 </div> |
| 1862 |
| 1863 |
| 1864 |
| 1865 |
| 1866 |
| 1867 |
| 1868 |
| 1869 |
| 1870 |
| 1871 |
| 1872 <div id="reg_paymentInfo" class="moduleStruct"> |
| 1873 <h2 class="modStyle1">Payment Info (optional)</h
2> |
| 1874 <div class="moduleStructContent"> |
| 1875 |
| 1876 |
| 1877 |
| 1878 |
| 1879 |
| 1880 |
| 1881 |
| 1882 |
| 1883 |
| 1884 |
| 1885 |
| 1886 |
| 1887 |
| 1888 |
| 1889 |
| 1890 |
| 1891 |
| 1892 |
| 1893 |
| 1894 |
| 1895 |
| 1896 |
| 1897 |
| 1898 |
| 1899 |
| 1900 |
| 1901 |
| 1902 <div id="billto_PaymentInfo"> |
| 1903 |
| 1904 |
| 1905 |
| 1906 |
| 1907 <p class="note"> |
| 1908 Expedite your checkout process f
or future orders by allowing us to validate the credit card details below. Rest
assured we will never save your CID.<br><br></p> |
| 1909 |
| 1910 |
| 1911 |
| 1912 |
| 1913 |
| 1914 |
| 1915 |
| 1916 <table class="form" cellspacing="0"> |
| 1917 <thead><tr class="paymentSectionHeader first"> |
| 1918 <td class="radio"> |
| 1919 |
| 1920 |
| 1921 |
| 1922 <input t
ype="hidden" name="paymentFormInfo.tenderType" value="CR"> |
| 1923 </td> |
| 1924 <th colspan="2"> |
| 1925 |
| 1926 <label for="tenderRadioC
R" class="gen_vkg_cclabel"> |
| 1927 <b>Credit Card</
b> |
| 1928 </label> |
| 1929 |
| 1930 |
| 1931 </th> |
| 1932 </tr></thead> |
| 1933 <tr class="tenderInfoCR paymentOptionContent"> |
| 1934 <td></td> |
| 1935 <td colspan="2"> |
| 1936 |
| 1937 |
| 1938 <div id="noPreauthedCard"> |
| 1939 |
| 1940 |
| 1941 |
| 1942 |
| 1943 |
| 1944 |
| 1945 |
| 1946 |
| 1947 |
| 1948 |
| 1949 |
| 1950 |
| 1951 |
| 1952 |
| 1953 |
| 1954 |
| 1955 <ul id="creditCardFields"> |
| 1956 <li class="SelectCreditCard"> |
| 1957 |
| 1958 |
| 1959 <label> |
| 1960 <span>Credit Card Type:<
/span> |
| 1961 </label> |
| 1962 |
| 1963 |
| 1964 <span id="creditCardList"> |
| 1965 <select name="paymentFor
mInfo.creditCardType"><option value=" " selected>(Select your card type)</option
> |
| 1966 <option value="AM">American Express</option> |
| 1967 <option value="DS">Discover Network</option> |
| 1968 <option value="MC">MasterCard</option> |
| 1969 <option value="VS">Visa</option> |
| 1970 <option value="SR">Office Depot Credit Card</option> |
| 1971 <option value="WV">Worklife Rewards Visa</option></select></span> |
| 1972 </li> |
| 1973 |
| 1974 |
| 1975 |
| 1976 <li> |
| 1977 |
| 1978 |
| 1979 <label> |
| 1980 <span> |
| 1981 Credit Card Number: |
| 1982 |
| 1983 |
| 1984 </span> |
| 1985 </label> |
| 1986 |
| 1987 |
| 1988 |
| 1989 |
| 1990 <span> |
| 1991 |
| 1992 |
| 1993 <input type="tex
t" name="paymentFormInfo.creditCardNumber" maxlength="20" size="20" autocomplete
="" value=""></span> |
| 1994 |
| 1995 |
| 1996 |
| 1997 |
| 1998 <input type="hidden" nam
e="paymentFormInfo.creditCardIsPreauthed" value="false"> |
| 1999 </li> |
| 2000 |
| 2001 <li class="ccMessage"> |
| 2002 <label><span></span></la
bel> |
| 2003 <span class="note"> |
| 2004 Please enter your credit car
d # without spaces or dashes (i.e. 00000000000) |
| 2005 </span> |
| 2006 </li> |
| 2007 |
| 2008 |
| 2009 |
| 2010 <li class="payOptDates"> |
| 2011 <ul> |
| 2012 <li class="poStartDate"> |
| 2013 |
| 2014 <span class="ppp
ExpDate"> |
| 2015 |
| 2016 </span> |
| 2017 </li> |
| 2018 |
| 2019 <li class="poExpDate"> |
| 2020 |
| 2021 |
| 2022
<label class="ccExpDateTitle"> |
| 2023
| 2024
<span>Expiration Date:</span> |
| 2025 |
| 2026 |
| 2027
</label> |
| 2028 |
| 2029 |
| 2030 |
| 2031 <span class="ppp
ExpDate"> |
| 2032 |
| 2033 |
| 2034
| 2035
<select name="paymentFormInfo.creditCardExpMonth"><option value=
" " selected>--</option> |
| 2036 <option value="01">01</option> |
| 2037 <option value="02">02</option> |
| 2038 <option value="03">03</option> |
| 2039 <option value="04">04</option> |
| 2040 <option value="05">05</option> |
| 2041 <option value="06">06</option> |
| 2042 <option value="07">07</option> |
| 2043 <option value="08">08</option> |
| 2044 <option value="09">09</option> |
| 2045 <option value="10">10</option> |
| 2046 <option value="11">11</option> |
| 2047 <option value="12">12</option></select><span>/</span> |
| 2048
| 2049
<select name="paymentFormInfo.creditCardExpYear"><option value="
-1" selected>--</option> |
| 2050 <option value="11">2011</option> |
| 2051 <option value="12">2012</option> |
| 2052 <option value="13">2013</option> |
| 2053 <option value="14">2014</option> |
| 2054 <option value="15">2015</option> |
| 2055 <option value="16">2016</option> |
| 2056 <option value="17">2017</option> |
| 2057 <option value="18">2018</option> |
| 2058 <option value="19">2019</option> |
| 2059 <option value="20">2020</option> |
| 2060 <option value="21">2021</option> |
| 2061 <option value="22">2022</option> |
| 2062 <option value="23">2023</option> |
| 2063 <option value="24">2024</option> |
| 2064 <option value="25">2025</option> |
| 2065 <option value="26">2026</option> |
| 2066 <option value="27">2027</option> |
| 2067 <option value="28">2028</option> |
| 2068 <option value="29">2029</option> |
| 2069 <option value="30">2030</option></select><span> |
| 2070
(mm/yyyy) |
| 2071
</span> |
| 2072
| 2073
| 2074
| 2075
| 2076 |
| 2077 </span> |
| 2078 </li> |
| 2079 |
| 2080 <li class="poIssueDate">
| 2081 |
| 2082 |
| 2083 |
| 2084 <span class="poD
ateFields"> |
| 2085 |
| 2086 |
| 2087 </span> |
| 2088 </li> |
| 2089 |
| 2090 </ul> |
| 2091 </li> |
| 2092 |
| 2093 |
| 2094 |
| 2095 <input type="hidden" name="paymentFormIn
fo.cidPreAuthFeature" value="true"><li class="secNumTitle"> |
| 2096 <label class="cvv"> |
| 2097 <span>CID<br></span> |
| 2098 </label> |
| 2099 <span> |
| 2100 <input type="tex
t" name="paymentFormInfo.creditCardCvv" maxlength="4" size="4" autocomplete="off
" value=""></span> |
| 2101 |
| 2102 </li> |
| 2103 |
| 2104 |
| 2105 |
| 2106 |
| 2107 <!----> |
| 2108 |
| 2109 |
| 2110 |
| 2111 |
| 2112 |
| 2113 |
| 2114 |
| 2115 |
| 2116 |
| 2117 |
| 2118 |
| 2119 |
| 2120 |
| 2121 |
| 2122 |
| 2123 </ul> |
| 2124 </div> |
| 2125 <!-- end credit card entry form (noPreath) --> |
| 2126 |
| 2127 </td> |
| 2128 </tr> |
| 2129 </table> |
| 2130 <table class="form" cellspacing="0"> |
| 2131 <!-- START OF BSD Account Billing Option --><!-- END OF BSD Account Billing Op
tion --><!-- START OF NON-BSD Account Billing Option --> |
| 2132 </table> |
| 2133 <div id="loadingCards" class="loading hidden"></div> |
| 2134 </div> |
| 2135 |
| 2136 |
| 2137 |
| 2138 |
| 2139 |
| 2140 |
| 2141 |
| 2142 </div> |
| 2143 </div> |
| 2144 |
| 2145 |
| 2146 </div> |
| 2147 |
| 2148 |
| 2149 <div class="oCol1of2"> |
| 2150 |
| 2151 |
| 2152 |
| 2153 |
| 2154 |
| 2155 |
| 2156 |
| 2157 |
| 2158 |
| 2159 |
| 2160 |
| 2161 |
| 2162 |
| 2163 |
| 2164 |
| 2165 |
| 2166 <div class="form_divider"></div> |
| 2167 <div id="reg_shippingInfo" class="moduleStruct "> |
| 2168 <h2 class="modStyle1">Shipping Information</h2> |
| 2169 <div class="moduleStructContent"> |
| 2170 <p id="checkSameAs"> |
| 2171 |
| 2172 <input type="checkbox" name="sam
eAsBilling" value="on" checked id="sameAsBilling1" class="input1"><label> |
| 2173 Same as Billing |
| 2174 </label> |
| 2175 |
| 2176 </p> |
| 2177 |
| 2178 |
| 2179 <div class="intro"> |
| 2180 <p class="note"> |
| 2181 Currently Office Depot is unable to process orders onl
ine for delivery to APO/FPO, PO Box, and export addresses. Please |
| 2182 <a href="http://www.officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?fi
le=/customerservice/FAQ.jsp&template=customerService" class=""> click h
ere </a> |
| 2183 for additional ordering options |
| 2184 </p> |
| 2185 </div> |
| 2186 |
| 2187 |
| 2188 |
| 2189 <div class="address editable shipToAddressHideShow"> |
| 2190 <p class="required"> |
| 2191 <label> |
| 2192 |
| 2193 <em>*</em> Indicates required fi
eld |
| 2194 </label> |
| 2195 </p> |
| 2196 |
| 2197 <ol class="column1"> |
| 2198 <li class="firstName required"> |
| 2199 <label for="firstName-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>First Name:</span></label>
<span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].firstName" maxlength="30" size="30"
autocomplete="" value="" id="firstName-2"></span> |
| 2200 </li> |
| 2201 <li class="middleInitial"> |
| 2202 <label for="middleInitial-2"><span>Middle Initial:</span></label><span><input ty
pe="text" name="addrsForm[2].middleInitial" maxlength="1" size="2" autocomplete=
"" value="" id="middleInitial-2"></span> |
| 2203 </li> |
| 2204 <li class="lastName required"> |
| 2205 <label for="lastName-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>Last Name:</span></label><s
pan><input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].lastName" maxlength="30" size="30" aut
ocomplete="" value="" id="lastName-2"></span> |
| 2206 </li> |
| 2207 <li class="shiptoName"> |
| 2208 <label for="shiptoName-2"><span>Company Name</span></label><span><input type="te
xt" name="addrsForm[2].shiptoName" maxlength="30" size="30" autocomplete="" valu
e="" id="shiptoName-2"></span> |
| 2209 </li> |
| 2210 <li class="address1 required"> |
| 2211 <label for="address1-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>Address</span></label><span
><input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].address1" maxlength="25" size="30" autoco
mplete="" value="" id="address1-2"></span> |
| 2212 </li> |
| 2213 <li class="address2"> |
| 2214 <label for="address2-2"><span></span></label><span><input type="text" name="addr
sForm[2].address2" maxlength="25" size="30" autocomplete="" value="" id="address
2-2"></span> |
| 2215 </li> |
| 2216 <li class="city required"> |
| 2217 <label for="city-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>City</span></label><span><input
type="text" name="addrsForm[2].city" maxlength="25" size="30" autocomplete="" v
alue="" id="city-2"></span> |
| 2218 </li> |
| 2219 <li class="state required"> |
| 2220 <label for="state-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>State</span></label><span><sel
ect name="addrsForm[2].state" id="state-2"><option value="{blank}" selected>Plea
se select...</option> |
| 2221 <option value="AK">AK - Alaska</option> |
| 2222 <option value="AL">AL - Alabama</option> |
| 2223 <option value="AR">AR - Arkansas</option> |
| 2224 <option value="AZ">AZ - Arizona</option> |
| 2225 <option value="CA">CA - California</option> |
| 2226 <option value="CO">CO - Colorado</option> |
| 2227 <option value="CT">CT - Connecticut</option> |
| 2228 <option value="DC">DC - District of Columbia</option> |
| 2229 <option value="DE">DE - Delaware</option> |
| 2230 <option value="FL">FL - Florida</option> |
| 2231 <option value="GA">GA - Georgia</option> |
| 2232 <option value="HI">HI - Hawaii</option> |
| 2233 <option value="IA">IA - Iowa</option> |
| 2234 <option value="ID">ID - Idaho</option> |
| 2235 <option value="IL">IL - Illinois</option> |
| 2236 <option value="IN">IN - Indiana</option> |
| 2237 <option value="KS">KS - Kansas</option> |
| 2238 <option value="KY">KY - Kentucky</option> |
| 2239 <option value="LA">LA - Louisiana</option> |
| 2240 <option value="MA">MA - Massachusetts</option> |
| 2241 <option value="MD">MD - Maryland</option> |
| 2242 <option value="ME">ME - Maine</option> |
| 2243 <option value="MI">MI - Michigan</option> |
| 2244 <option value="MN">MN - Minnesota</option> |
| 2245 <option value="MO">MO - Missouri</option> |
| 2246 <option value="MS">MS - Mississippi</option> |
| 2247 <option value="MT">MT - Montana</option> |
| 2248 <option value="NC">NC - North Carolina</option> |
| 2249 <option value="ND">ND - North Dakota</option> |
| 2250 <option value="NE">NE - Nebraska</option> |
| 2251 <option value="NH">NH - New Hampshire</option> |
| 2252 <option value="NJ">NJ - New Jersey</option> |
| 2253 <option value="NM">NM - New Mexico</option> |
| 2254 <option value="NV">NV - Nevada</option> |
| 2255 <option value="NY">NY - New York</option> |
| 2256 <option value="OH">OH - Ohio</option> |
| 2257 <option value="OK">OK - Oklahoma</option> |
| 2258 <option value="OR">OR - Oregon</option> |
| 2259 <option value="PA">PA - Pennsylvania</option> |
| 2260 <option value="PR">PR - Puerto Rico</option> |
| 2261 <option value="RI">RI - Rhode Island</option> |
| 2262 <option value="SC">SC - South Carolina</option> |
| 2263 <option value="SD">SD - South Dakota</option> |
| 2264 <option value="TN">TN - Tennessee</option> |
| 2265 <option value="TX">TX - Texas</option> |
| 2266 <option value="UT">UT - Utah</option> |
| 2267 <option value="VA">VA - Virginia</option> |
| 2268 <option value="VT">VT - Vermont</option> |
| 2269 <option value="WA">WA - Washington</option> |
| 2270 <option value="WI">WI - Wisconsin</option> |
| 2271 <option value="WV">WV - West Virginia</option> |
| 2272 <option value="WY">WY - Wyoming</option></select></span> |
| 2273 </li> |
| 2274 <li class="postalCode1 required"> |
| 2275 <label for="postalCode1-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>Zip Code</span></label><
span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].postalCode1" maxlength="11" size="11"
autocomplete="" value="" id="postalCode1-2"></span> |
| 2276 </li> |
| 2277 <li class="country"> |
| 2278 <label for="country-2"><span>Country</span></label><span>USA</span> |
| 2279 </li> |
| 2280 <li class="phoneNumber1 required"> |
| 2281 <label for="phoneNumber1-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>Phone Number:</span></l
abel><span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].phoneNumber1" maxlength="3" siz
e="1" autocomplete="" value="" id="phoneNumber1-2">-<input type="text" name="add
rsForm[2].phoneNumber2" maxlength="3" size="1" autocomplete="" value="" id="phon
eNumber2-2">-<input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].phoneNumber3" maxlength="4" s
ize="2" autocomplete="" value="" id="phoneNumber3-2"> ext.<input type="text
" name="addrsForm[2].phoneNumber4" maxlength="4" size="3" autocomplete="" value=
"" id="phoneNumber4-2"></span> |
| 2282 </li> |
| 2283 <li class="email required"> |
| 2284 <label for="email-2"><span><em class="star">*</em>Email Address:</span></label><
span><input type="text" name="addrsForm[2].email" maxlength="99" size="31" autoc
omplete="" value="" id="email-2"></span> |
| 2285 </li> |
| 2286 </ol> |
| 2287 <input type="hidden" name="addrsForm[2].country" value="USA" id="country-2"> |
| 2288 </div> |
| 2289 |
| 2290 |
| 2291 |
| 2292 |
| 2293 |
| 2294 |
| 2295 |
| 2296 <input type="hidden" name="shippingEmailPreferences.emailHtml" value="tr
ue"><p class="prefs tight"> |
| 2297 |
| 2298 |
| 2299 |
| 2300 <input type="hidden" name="shippingEmailPreferences.optI
nSelected" value="true"></p> |
| 2301 |
| 2302 |
| 2303 |
| 2304 |
| 2305 |
| 2306 </div> |
| 2307 </div> |
| 2308 |
| 2309 |
| 2310 |
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| 2312 |
| 2313 |
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| 2320 |
| 2321 |
| 2322 |
| 2323 |
| 2324 |
| 2325 |
| 2326 |
| 2327 |
| 2328 |
| 2329 |
| 2330 |
| 2331 <div class="form_divider"></div> |
| 2332 <div id="reg_userInfo" class="moduleStruct"> |
| 2333 <h2 class="modStyle1">Create Your Login and Password</h2> |
| 2334 |
| 2335 <div class="moduleStructContent"> |
| 2336 |
| 2337 <p class="required"> |
| 2338 <label> |
| 2339 <em>*</em> Indicates required field |
| 2340 </label> |
| 2341 </p> |
| 2342 |
| 2343 <table id="createLogin" class="form" cellspacing="0"> |
| 2344 <tr> |
| 2345 <td class="label"> |
| 2346 <label class="required"> |
| 2347 |
| 2348 |
| 2349 <em class="star">*</em>Login Name: |
| 2350 |
| 2351 |
| 2352 |
| 2353 |
| 2354 </label> |
| 2355 </td> |
| 2356 <td class="input required"> |
| 2357 |
| 2358 <input type="text" name="loginForm.loginName" maxlength="100
" size="30" autocomplete="" value="" class="textfield"><img class="star" src="/i
mages/od/clear.gif"><span class="note">We recommend you use your email address.<
/span> |
| 2359 |
| 2360 |
| 2361 |
| 2362 </td> |
| 2363 </tr> |
| 2364 <tr> |
| 2365 <td class="label"><label class="required"> |
| 2366 |
| 2367 |
| 2368 |
| 2369 <em class="star">*</em>Password: |
| 2370 |
| 2371 |
| 2372 |
| 2373 </label></td> |
| 2374 <td class="input required"> |
| 2375 <input type="password" name="loginForm.password" maxlength="10" size="30" value=
"" class="textfield"><img class="star" src="/images/od/clear.gif"><span class="n
ote">must be at least 6 characters</span> |
| 2376 </td> |
| 2377 |
| 2378 </tr> |
| 2379 <tr> |
| 2380 <td class="label"><label class="required"> |
| 2381 |
| 2382 <em class="star">*</em>Password Confirm: |
| 2383 |
| 2384 |
| 2385 </label></td> |
| 2386 <td class="input required"> |
| 2387 <input type="password" name="loginForm.passwordConfirm" maxlength="10" size="30"
value="" class="textfield"><img class="star" src="/images/od/clear.gif"><span c
lass="note">retype your password</span> |
| 2388 </td> |
| 2389 </tr> |
| 2390 <tr> |
| 2391 <td class="label"></td> |
| 2392 <td class="check" colspan="2"> |
| 2393 <input type="checkbox" name="loginForm.autoLogin" value="on" class="checkboxfiel
d"><label>Log me in automatically<br><span class="note">(Cookies must 
be enabled)</span></label> |
| 2394 </td> |
| 2395 |
| 2396 </tr> |
| 2397 </table> |
| 2398 </div> |
| 2399 |
| 2400 </div> |
| 2401 |
| 2402 |
| 2403 |
| 2404 </div> |
| 2405 |
| 2406 </div> |
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| 2421 |
| 2422 |
| 2423 |
| 2424 |
| 2425 <div class="actions section"> |
| 2426 <ul class="buttonwrapper"> |
| 2427 <li> |
| 2428 |
| 2429 |
| 2430 <div class="b1"> |
| 2431 <input type="sub
mit" value=" Create Account" name="cmd_registration" class="button" title=" Crea
te Account"> |
| 2432 </div> |
| 2433 |
| 2434 |
| 2435 |
| 2436 |
| 2437 |
| 2438 </li> |
| 2439 </ul> |
| 2440 </div> |
| 2441 |
| 2442 <input type="hidden" name="displayedForm" value="true"><input type="hidd
en" name="linked" value="false"><input type="hidden" name="billToID" value=""><i
nput type="hidden" name="requestFromPage" value="true"><input type="hidden" name
="fromShoppingCartPage" value="false"><input type="hidden" name="registrationExc
eptionInfo.billToId" value=""><input type="hidden" name="registrationExceptionIn
fo.shipToSeq" value=""><input type="hidden" name="registrationExceptionInfo.last
User" value=""><input type="hidden" name="registrationExceptionInfo.billingEmail
Created" value="false"><input type="hidden" name="registrationExceptionInfo.ship
pingEmailCreated" value="false"><input type="hidden" name="registrationException
Info.userCreated" value="false"><input type="hidden" name="registrationException
Info.contactId" value=""><input type="hidden" name="customLabelsPermissionsForm.
requestor" value="_registrationRequestor_"> |
| 2443 </div> |
| 2444 </div> |
| 2445 </form> |
| 2446 |
| 2447 |
| 2448 |
| 2449 |
| 2450 </div> |
| 2451 |
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| 2476 |
| 2477 |
| 2478 |
| 2479 |
| 2480 |
| 2481 <div id="footer"> |
| 2482 |
| 2483 |
| 2484 <div id="promoFooter"> |
| 2485 <ul> |
| 2486 <li id="footer_giftCards" class="first"> |
| 2487 <h4><a href="http://www.officede
pot.com/purchaseGiftCard.do" class="">Gift Cards</a></h4> |
| 2488 <p>Gift cards have no ex
piration dates and can be shipped free.</p> |
| 2489 <p><a href="http://www.o
fficedepot.com/purchaseGiftCard.do" class="">Buy a Gift Card</a></p> |
| 2490 </li> |
| 2491 |
| 2492 <li id="footer_creditCards"> |
| 2493 <h4><a href="http://www.
officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/creditcard/creditcard.jsp" class="">Credit
Cards</a></h4> |
| 2494 <p>Special financing opt
ions available everyday.</p> |
| 2495 <p><a href="http://www.o
fficedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/creditcard/creditcard.jsp" class="">Learn M
ore</a></p> |
| 2496 </li> |
| 2497 |
| 2498 <li id="footer_workLifeRewards"> |
| 2499 <h4><a href="http://www.
" target="_blank" class="">Worklife Rewards™</a></h4> |
| 2500 <p>10% Back on Ink, Tone
r, Paper, and Copy & Print PLUS 1% on almost everything else.</p> |
| 2501 <p><a href="http://www.w
class="">Join Today</a></p> |
| 2502 </li> |
| 2503 |
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officedepot.com/account/alertsDisplay.do" class="">Smart Email Deals</a></h4> |
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counts and offers</p> |
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fficedepot.com/account/alertsDisplay.do" class="">Sign-up Now!</a></p> |
| 2508 </li> |
| 2509 |
| 2510 |
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ficedepot.com/a/promo/pages/0711_mobile/" target="_blank" class="">Mobile Alerts
</a></span></h4> |
| 2513 <p>Text 'Offer' to Depot
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y Apply. Must be 18 or have parent/guardian permission and agree to Office Depot
's Terms of Use. U.S. Only. Text 'STOP' to opt-out.</p> |
| 2515 </li> |
| 2516 |
| 2517 |
| 2518 </ul> |
| 2519 </div> |
| 2520 <div class="footer_separator"> </div> |
| 2521 |
| 2522 <div id="siteFooter"> |
| 2523 <ul> |
| 2524 <li class="first">Site Info |
| 2525 <ul> |
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></li> |
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rmsofuse.jsp&template=customerService">Terms of Use</a></li> |
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rmsofuse.jsp&template=customerService#l1">Mobile Terms of Use</a></li> |
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ivacy.jsp&template=customerService">Privacy Policy</a></li> |
| 2534 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/a/promo/pages/0316_connectwithus/">Offic
e Depot Anywhere</a></li> |
| 2535 </ul> |
| 2536 </li> |
| 2537 <li>Company Info |
| 2538 <ul> |
| 2539 <li class=""><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/storelocator/input.do">Store Lo
cator</a></li> |
| 2540 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/companyinfo/defaul
t.jsp&template=companyInfo">Company Overview</a></li> |
| 2541 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/companyinfo/compan
yfacts/index.jsp&template=companyInfo" target="_blank">About Office Depot
74;</a></li> |
| 2542 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.jobs?SID=ZBOQ8Sp5mFecc34vd2jp8wl&odserve
r=www.officedepot.com" target="_blank">Career Opportunities</a></li> |
| 2543 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/companyinfo/compan
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| 2544 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/companyinfo/compan
yfacts/govprogram.jsp&template=companyInfo">Government Programs</a></li> |
| 2545 <li><a href="http://www.officedepot.com/specialLinks.do?file=/companyinfo/compan
> |
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