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sSortBy=true&pushId=MENS&id=M_FULLSPECTRUM">Full Spectrum by Martin Parr</a><a h
UMMERESSENTIALS">Summer Essentials</a><a href="/urban/catalog/category.jsp?navAc
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rtBy=true&pushId=APARTMENT&id=TRENDS_SHOPBYROOM">Shop By Room</a><a href="/urban
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isSortBy=true&pushId=APARTMENT&id=A_TRENDS">Trends</a><a href="/urban/catalog/ca
Spectrum by Martin Parr</a><a href="/urban/catalog/category.jsp?navAction=jump&
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SENTIALS">Summer Essentials</a><a href="/urban/catalog/category.jsp?navAction=ju
mp&isSortBy=true&pushId=APARTMENT&id=APT_BIKESHOP">Bike Shop</a><a href="/urban/
HOP">Print Shop</a><a href="/urban/catalog/category.jsp?navAction=jump&isSortBy=
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eld" value="" maxlength="25" /> |
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itted" value="false" /> |
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| 245 <div class="amount" id="totalOrderDi
scountAmt"></div> |
| 246 </div> |
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| 248 <label>Subtotal</label> |
| 249 <div class="amount" id="subtotalAmt"></d
iv> |
| 250 </div> |
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| 252 <label>Shipping</label> |
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"></div> |
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ChargeAmt"></div> |
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| 260 <label>Overweight Charge</label> |
| 261 <div class="amount" id="overweightCharge
Amt"></div> |
| 262 </div> |
| 263 <div id="estTax"> |
| 264 <label>Estimated Tax</label> |
| 265 <div class="amount" id="estTaxAmt"></div
> |
| 266 </div> |
| 267 </div> |
| 268 <!-- end div#orderSubtotals --> |
| 269 |
| 270 <!-- begin div#orderTotal --> |
| 271 <div id="orderTotal"> |
| 272 <label>Total</label> |
| 273 <div class="amount" id="totalChargeAmt"></di
v> |
| 274 </div> |
| 275 <!-- end div#orderTotal --> |
| 276 |
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| 278 <div id="qualifier"> |
| 279 <h4>Almost There!</h4> |
| 280 <span class="qualifierMsg">$71.00 Away From Free
Shipping</span> |
| 281 </div> |
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ty code for</p> |
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ng in <span id="last4"></span>: <input type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" id="ci
dExpress" name="cidExpress" class="err" /> <a id="cidToolTip" ><img src="/urban
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| 292 <a class="disabled" id="placeOrderBtn"
></a> |
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| 295 |
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| 298 |
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ing Address</h4> |
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>select a saved address</option> |
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hipping address</a></small> |
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" maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" i
d="shippingFirstName"> |
| 327 </div> |
| 328 <div> |
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maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" id
="shippingLastName"> |
| 330 </div> |
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ingStreetAddress"> |
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ress" maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingFieldLong requiredField defaultO
ption" id="shippingAddress"> |
| 333 </div> |
| 334 <p class="clearLeft" id="shippin
gPoBoxAddress"> |
| 335 <input value="true" type
="checkbox" id="shippingPobox" class="checkbox" > This address is a P.O. Box |
| 336 </p> |
| 337 <div class="clearLeft" id="shipp
ingAddress2Apt"> |
| 338 <input value="Apt / Flr
/ Bldg (optional)" maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingFieldLong defaultOp
tion" id="shippingAddress2"> |
| 339 </div> |
| 340 <div class="clearLeft"> |
| 341 <input value="City" maxl
ength="30" type="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" id="shi
ppingCity"> |
| 342 </div> |
| 343 <div id="shippingStateProvince"> |
| 344 <select class="shippingF
ieldSelect requiredField defaultOption" id="shippingStates" > |
| 345 <option value=""
>State/Province</option> |
| 346 </select> |
| 347 </div> |
| 348 <p style="display: block;"></p> |
| 349 <div class="clearLeft postalCode
Div"> |
| 350 <input value="Postal Cod
e" type="text" class="shippingFieldPostal defaultOption" id="shippingPostalCode"
maxlength="5"> |
| 351 </div> |
| 352 <div> |
| 353 <select class="shippingF
ieldSelect requiredField defaultOption" id="shippingCountries" > |
| 354 <option value=""
>Country</option> |
| 355 </select> |
| 356 </div> |
| 357 <p style="display: block;"></p> |
| 358 <div id="shippingPhoneInfo" clas
s="clearLeft"> |
| 359 <input value="Phone" typ
e="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" id="shippingPhone" ma
xlength="10"> |
| 360 </div> |
| 361 <div id="altShippingPhoneInfo"> |
| 362 <input value="Alternate
Phone (optional)" type="text" class="shippingField defaultOption" id="altShippin
gPhone" maxlength="10"> |
| 363 </div> |
| 364 <p class="clearLeft" id="billing
IsShippingCheckBox"> |
| 365 <input value="true" type
="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="billingIsShipping"> My billing address is the s
ame as my shipping address |
| 366 </p> |
| 367 <p style="display: block;" id="d
efaultShippingCheckbox"> |
| 368 <input value="true" type
="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="defaultShipping" /> Make this my default shippi
ng address |
| 369 </p> |
| 370 </fieldset> |
| 371 </div> |
| 372 <div id="shippingMethod"> |
| 373 <h4>Select a Shipping Method</h4> |
| 374 <span id="shipMethods"></span> |
| 375 </div> |
| 376 </div> |
| 377 <!-- begin div#shippingControls --> |
| 378 <div id="shippingControls"> |
| 379 <div class="controls"> |
| 380 <a class="modal_cancel">Cancel</a> <a id="shippingSave
" ><img src="/urban/images/2007_holiday/save_btn.gif" alt="Save" height="24" wid
th="69" /></a> |
| 381 </div> |
| 382 </div> |
| 383 <!-- end div#shippingControls --> |
| 384 |
| 385 </form> |
| 386 </div> |
| 387 <!-- end shipping window --> |
| 388 |
| 389 <!-- begin billing window --> |
| 390 <div id="billingPanelWrapper" ></div> |
| 391 <div id="billingPanel" style="height:429px; width:590px; display:none;"> |
| 392 |
| 393 <div id="billingErr"> |
| 394 </div> |
| 395 <form id="billingForm" > |
| 396 |
| 397 <div id="billingInformation"> |
| 398 |
| 399 <div id="billingClose"><a >X</a></div> |
| 400 |
| 401 <div id="billingContainer"> |
| 402 <h4>Enter Billing Address</h4> |
| 403 |
| 404 <fieldset class="address_info"> |
| 405 <div> |
| 406 <input value="First Name
" maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" i
d="billingFirstName"> |
| 407 </div> |
| 408 <div> |
| 409 <input value="Last Name"
maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" si
ze="15" id="billingLastName"> |
| 410 </div> |
| 411 <div class="clearLeft" id="billi
ngStreetAddress"> |
| 412 <input value="Street Add
ress" maxlength="40" type="text" class="shippingFieldLong requiredField defaultO
ption" id="billingAddress"> |
| 413 </div> |
| 414 <p id="billingPoBoxAddress" clas
s="clearLeft"> |
| 415 <input value="true" type
="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="billingPobox"> This address is a P.O. Box |
| 416 </p> |
| 417 <div id="billingAddress2Apt" cla
ss="clearLeft"> |
| 418 <input value="Apt / Flr
/ Bldg (optional)" type="text" class="shippingFieldLong defaultOption" size="54"
id="billingAddress2"> |
| 419 </div>
| 420 <div class="clearLeft"> |
| 421 <input value="City" maxl
ength="30" type="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" id="bil
lingCity"> |
| 422 </div> |
| 423 <div id="billingStateProvince"> |
| 424 <select class="shippingF
ieldSelect requiredField" id="billingStates"></select> |
| 425 </div> |
| 426 <p style="display: block;"></p> |
| 427 <div class="clearLeft postalCode
Div"> |
| 428 <input value="Postal Cod
e" type="text" class="shippingFieldPostal defaultOption" id="billingPostalCode"
maxlength="5"> |
| 429 </div> |
| 430 <div> |
| 431 <select class="shippingF
ieldSelect requiredField defaultOption" id="billingCountries" ></select> |
| 432 </div> |
| 433 <p style="display: block;"></p>
| 434 <div class="clearLeft" id="billi
ngPhoneInfo"> |
| 435 <input value="Phone" typ
e="text" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption" id="billingPhone" max
length="10"> |
| 436 </div> |
| 437 <div id="altbillingPhoneInfo"> |
| 438 <input value="Alternate
Phone (optional)" type="text" class="shippingField defaultOption" id="altBilling
Phone" maxlength="10"> |
| 439 </div> |
| 440 <p style="display: block" class=
"clearLeft" id="defaultBillingCheckbox"> |
| 441 <input value="true" type
="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="defaultBilling" /> Make this my default billing
address |
| 442 </p> |
| 443 </fieldset> |
| 444 </div> |
| 445 <div id="billingMethod"> |
| 446 <fieldset id="creditcard_saved"> |
| 447 <h4>Select Saved Credit Card</h4
> |
| 448 <div> |
| 449 <select name="savedCredi
tCard" id="savedCreditCard" > |
| 450 <option value=""
>select a saved credit card</option> |
| 451 </select> |
| 452 <small><a >enter a new c
redit card</a></small> |
| 453 </div> |
| 454 </fieldset> |
| 455 <h4>Credit Card</h4> |
| 456 <fieldset id="creditcard_new"> |
| 457 <div> |
| 458 <select name="payment_ca
rdtype" id="payment_cardtype" class="shippingField requiredField defaultOption"
> |
| 459 <option value=""
>Card Type</option> |
| 460 <option value="V
isa">Visa</option> |
| 461 <option value="MasterCar
d">Master Card</option> |
| 462 <option value="AmericanE
xpress">American Express</option> |
| 463 <option value="Discover"
>Discover</option> |
| 464 </select> |
| 465 </div> |
| 466 <div> |
| 467 <input value="Card Numbe
r (no spaces or dashes)" maxlength="16" type="text" class="shippingFieldLong req
uiredField defaultOption" name="payment_acctnum" id="payment_acctnum"> |
| 468 </div> |
| 469 <div> |
| 470 <select name="expmonth"
id="expmonth" class="shippingFieldSelect requiredField defaultOption"> |
| 471 <option value=""
>Month</option> |
| 472 <option value="0
1">01</option> |
| 473 <option value="0
2">02</option> |
| 474 <option value="0
3">03</option> |
| 475 <option value="0
4">04</option> |
| 476 <option value="0
5">05</option> |
| 477 <option value="0
6">06</option> |
| 478 <option value="0
7">07</option> |
| 479 <option value="0
8">08</option> |
| 480 <option value="0
9">09</option> |
| 481 <option value="1
0">10</option> |
| 482 <option value="1
1">11</option> |
| 483 <option value="1
2">12</option> |
| 484 </select>
| 485 <select id="expyear" nam
e="expyear" class="shippingFieldSelect requiredField defaultOption"> |
| 486 <option
value="">Year</option> |
| 487 <option
value="2011"> |
| 488
2011</option> |
| 489
<option value="2012"> |
| 490
2012</option> |
| 491
<option value="2013"> |
| 492
2013</option> |
| 493
<option value="2014"> |
| 494
2014</option> |
| 495
<option value="2015"> |
| 496
2015</option> |
| 497
<option value="2016"> |
| 498
2016</option> |
| 499
<option value="2017"> |
| 500
2017</option> |
| 501
<option value="2018"> |
| 502
2018</option> |
| 503
<option value="2019"> |
| 504
2019</option> |
| 505
<option value="2020"> |
| 506
2020</option> |
| 507
<option value="2021"> |
| 508
2021</option> |
| 509
<option value="2022"> |
| 510
2022</option> |
| 511
<option value="2023"> |
| 512
2023</option> |
| 513
<option value="2024"> |
| 514
2024</option> |
| 515
<option value="2025"> |
| 516
2025</option> |
| 517
<option value="2026"> |
| 518
2026</option> |
| 519
</select> |
| 520 </div> |
| 521 <div> |
| 522 <input value="CID / Secu
rity Code" maxlength="3" type="text" name="payment_cidnew" id="payment_cidnew" c
lass="shippingField requiredField defaultOption"> <a class="help_icon" id="sav
edCidToolTip" ><img src="/urban/images/2007_holiday/question_mark.gif" alt="" he
ight="20" width="20" /></a> |
| 523 </div> |
| 524 <p class="clearLeft" id="makeDefaultCred
itCardCheckBox"> |
| 525 <input value="true" type="checkb
ox" class="checkbox" name="makeDefaultCreditCard" id="makeDefaultCreditCard"> Ma
ke this my default credit card |
| 526 </p> |
| 527 </fieldset> |
| 528 </div> |
| 529 </div> |
| 530 <div id="billingControls"> |
| 531 <div class="controls"> |
| 532 <a class="modal_cancel">Cancel</a> <a id="billingSave"
><img src="/urban/images/2007_holiday/save_btn.gif" alt="Save" height="24" widt
h="69" /></a> |
| 533 </div> |
| 534 </div> |
| 535 </form> |
| 536 </div> |
| 537 <!-- end billing window --> |
| 538 |
| 539 <!-- Begin Gift Wrap Modal Window --> |
| 540 <!-- GiftWrap Options Wrapper --> |
| 541 <div id="giftWrapOptionsWrapper" ></div> |
| 542 |
| 543 <!-- Begin GiftWrap Options Modal Window --> |
| 544 <div id="giftWrapOptions" style="height:460px; width:312px; display:none
;"> |
| 545 |
| 546 <!-- begin div#giftWrapErr --> |
| 547 <div id="giftWrapErr"> |
| 548 </div> |
| 549 <!-- end div#giftWrapErr --> |
| 550 |
| 551 <!-- begin div#giftWrapInfo --> |
| 552 <div id="giftWrapInfo"> |
| 553 |
| 554 <!-- begin div#giftWrapClose --> |
| 555 <div id="giftWrapClose"><a >X</a></div> |
| 556 <!-- end div#giftWrapClose --> |
| 557 |
| 558 <!-- begin div#giftWrapFormContent --> |
| 559 <div id="giftWrapFormContent"> |
| 560 <h4>Gift Wrap Options</h4> |
| 561 <em>Gift Options Available for U.S. Orders Only.
</em> |
| 562 <p> |
| 563 Choose GIFT BOX to send or receive |
| 564 items pre-wrapped ($4.00 per item) or, i
f you'd rather wrap it up yourself we'll |
| 565 send you everything you need to get the
job done ($3.00 per item) — either |
| 566 option gets your items wrapped in origin
al, always-awesome UO gift packaging. |
| 567 </p> |
| 568 <form name="giftWrapOptionsForm" id="giftWrapOpt
ionsForm"> |
| 569 <ul> |
| 570 <li><input type="radio" name="gi
ftWrapOptionsBtn" value="000011445" class="checkbox" /> Gift Box - $4.00</li> |
| 571 <li><input type="radio" name="gi
ftWrapOptionsBtn" value="000148852" class="checkbox" /> Self Wrap - $3.00</li> |
| 572 <li><input type="radio" name="gi
ftWrapOptionsBtn" value="" class="checkbox" /> None - $0.00</li> |
| 573 </ul> |
| 574 <input type="hidden" value="" name="comm
erceIdToGiftWrap" id="commerceIdToGiftWrap" /> |
| 575 <a class="save_btn"><img src="/urban/im
ages/2007_holiday/save_btn.gif" alt="Save" height="24" width="69" /></a> <a cla
ss="cancel_btn">Cancel</a> |
| 576 </form> |
| 577 <p> </p> |
| 578 <h4>Gift Message</h4> |
| 579 <p> |
| 580 Add a gift message to your order. One me
ssage per order, 50 character maximum.</em> |
| 581 </p> |
| 582 <form name="giftMessageForm" id="giftMessageForm
"> |
| 583 <textarea name="giftMessageField" id="gi
ftMessageField" maxlength="50" rows="3"></textarea> |
| 584 <a class="save_btn"><img src="/urban/im
ages/2007_holiday/save_btn.gif" alt="Save" height="24" width="69" /></a> <a cla
ss="cancel_btn">Cancel</a> |
| 585 </form> |
| 586 </div> |
| 587 <!-- end div#giftWrapFormContent --> |
| 588 |
| 589 </div> |
| 590 <!-- end div#giftWrapInfo --> |
| 591 |
| 592 </div> |
| 593 <!-- End GiftWrap Options Modal Window --> |
| 594 |
| 595 <!-- Begin Gift Card Balance Modal Window --> |
| 596 <div id="giftCardBalanceWrapper" ></div> |
| 597 <div id="giftCardBalance" style="height:200px; width:250px; display:none
;"> |
| 598 |
| 599 <!-- begin div#giftWrapErr --> |
| 600 <div id="giftCardBalanceErr"> |
| 601 </div> |
| 602 <!-- end div#giftCardBalanceErr --> |
| 603 |
| 604 <!-- begin div#giftCardBalanceFormContent --> |
| 605 <div id="giftCardBalanceFormContent"> |
| 606 <!-- div#giftCardClose --> |
| 607 <div id="giftCardClose"><a >X</a></div> |
| 608 <h4>Gift Card Balance Check</h4> |
| 609 <!-- giftCardBalanceForm --> |
| 610 <form name="giftCardBalanceForm" id="giftCardBalanceForm
"> |
| 611 <input value="Gift Card Number" maxlength="16" t
ype="text" class="defaultOption" name="giftCardNumberFromBalance" id="giftCardNu
mberFromBalance" /> |
| 612 <input value="Gift Card PIN" type="text" class="
defaultOption" name="giftCardPIN" id="giftCardPIN" /> |
| 613 <input type="button" id="checkGiftCardBalanceBtn" name="checkGif
tCardBalanceBtn" value="Check Balance" /> |
| 614 </form> |
| 615 </div> |
| 616 <!-- end div#giftCardBalanceFormContent --> |
| 617 |
| 618 </div> |
| 619 <!-- End Gift Card Balance Modal Window --> |
| 620 |
| 621 <!-- End Gift Wrap Modal Window --> |
| 622 |
| 623 <div id="cartToolTipDiv"></div> |
| 624 <div id="ajaxMsgWrapper"></div> |
| 625 <div id="ajaxMsg" style="width:300px; di
splay:none;"> |
| 626 <div id="ajaxMsgContent"></div> |
| 627 </div> |
| 628 </div> |
| 629 <!-- ||BEGIN: "FOOTER" OF THE WEBSITE --> |
| 630 <div id="cartUtilityNav"> |
| 631 <hr /><br/> |
| 632 <!-- ||BEGIN: "UTILITY NAV" OF THE WEBSITE --> |
| 633 <div id="utility"> |
| 634 <div id="utility_cart"> |
| 635 <h5> |
| 636 <a href="/urban/checkout/cart.jsp" id="checkoutLink"
>CHECKOUT</a></h5> |
| 637 <p id="bagTextLink"><a href="/urban/checkout/cart.jsp" i
d="inlineCartLink" >1 items</a></p> |
| 638 </div> |
| 639 <div id="utility_account"> |
| 640 <ul> |
| 641 <li><a href="/urban/user/wishlist_nav.jsp">Wishlist</a></li> |
| 642 <li><a href="/urban/user/login_order_status.jsp">Order Status</a></l
i> |
| 643 <li> |
| 644 <form action="/urban/user/account_menu.jsp" name="headerlogoutFo
rm" method="GET"><input value="ISO-8859-1" type="hidden" name="_dyncharset"></in
put><input value="1036725326288129983" type="hidden" name="_dynSessConf"></input
><input value="submit" type="hidden" name="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler
.logout"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormH
andler.logout"><input value="/urban/checkout/eco_confirm.jsp" type="hidden" name
="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler.logoutErrorURL"><input value=" " type="h
idden" name="_D:/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler.logoutErrorURL"><a href="/
formURL=/urban/user/account_menu.jsp" target="_top" id="utility_signin"> |
| 645 Sign-In |
| 646 </a><input value="/urban/common/login_check.jsp"
type="hidden" name="_DARGS"></input></form><form action="/urban/common/#" name=
"logout" method="GET"><input value="ISO-8859-1" type="hidden" name="_dyncharset"
></input><input value="1036725326288129983" type="hidden" name="_dynSessConf"></
input><input value="" type="hidden" name="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler.
logout"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHa
ndler.logout"><input value="/urban/user/checkout_login.jsp" type="hidden" name="
/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler.logoutSuccessURL"><input value=" " type="h
idden" name="_D:/atg/userprofiling/ProfileFormHandler.logoutSuccessURL"><input v
alue="/urban/checkout/eco_confirm.jsp" type="hidden" name="/atg/userprofiling/Pr
ofileFormHandler.logoutErrorURL"><input value=" " type="hidden" name="_D:/atg/us
erprofiling/ProfileFormHandler.logoutErrorURL"><input value="/urban/common/login
_check.jsp.1" type="hidden" name="_DARGS"></input></form></li> |
| 647 <li> |
| 648 <h5> |
| 649 <a href="/urban/user/checkout_login.jsp?anonymouslogin=anony
mouslogin&checkoutHeader=hide&formURL=/urban/user/account_menu.jsp" target="_top
"> |
| 650 Your Account
| 651 </a></h5> |
| 652 </li> |
| 653 </ul> |
| 654 </div> |
| 655 <div id="utility_connect"> |
| 656 <ul> |
| 657 <!-- |
| 658 <li> |
| 659 <div id="giftCardWrapper"> |
| 660 <a id="giftCardsLink">Gift Cards</a> |
| 661 <ul id="giftCardSubNav"> |
| 662 <li><a href="/urban/catalog/productdetail.jsp?_dyncharse
t=ISO-8859-1&navAction=jump&id=GIFTCARD">Shop UO Gift Cards</a></li> |
| 663 <li><a href="/urban/help/gift_card_balance_check.jsp">Ch
eck Your Balance</a></li> |
| 664 </ul> |
| 665 </div> |
| 666 </li> |
| 667 <li><a href="/urban/catalog/category.jsp?specialCategory=false&navAction=jum
p&id=BRANDS">Brands</a></li> |
| 668 --> |
| 669 </ul></div> |
| 670 <div id="qualifierBg"> |
| 671 <div id="qualifierCopy"> |
| 672 <h4>Almost There!</h4> |
| 673 <span class="qualifierMsg">$71.00 Away From Free
Shipping</span> |
| 674 </div> |
| 675 </div> |
| 676 </div> |
| 677 <!-- ||END: "UTILITY NAV" OF THE WEBSITE --> |
| 678 </div> |
| 679 <!-- |
| 680 Displaying the app server hostname and instance that is currently being viewed. |
| 681 uobwisapp15-urban-store-01 |
| 682 |
| 683 --> |
| 684 |
| 685 |
| 686 <!-- Begin Monetate tag --> |
| 687 |
| 688 |
| 689 <!-- End Monetate tag --> |
| 690 |
| 691 </div> |
| 692 </div> |
| 693 |
| 694 |
| 695 |
| 696 </body> |
| 697 </html> |
| 698 |