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splay:none" name="choose_address" value="new-address" /> |
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| 203 |
| 204 |
| 205 </div> |
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| 209 <div class="form-input-block"> |
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" value="" id="fname" tabindex="2"/> |
| 211
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| 218
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| 223 <div class="form-input-block"> |
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eld1" value="" id="company-name" tabindex="4"/> |
| 225
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| 227 </li> |
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/label> |
| 230 <div class="form-input-block"> |
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value="" id="address-1" tabindex="5" maxlength="30"/> |
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value="" id="address-2" tabindex="6" maxlength="30"/> |
| 239
| 240 </div> |
| 241 </li> |
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| 243 <label for="city" class="required">City:</label> |
| 244 <div class="form-input-block"> |
| 245 <input class="large" type="text" name="city" val
ue="" id="city" tabindex="7"/> |
| 246
| 247 </div> |
| 248 </li> |
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| 250 <label for="state" class="required">State:</label> |
| 251 |
| 252 <div class="form-input-block"> |
| 253 <select id="stateDropDown" name="state" tabindex
="8" style="width: 310px;"> |
| 254 <option value="" selected="selected">Cho
ose a State</option> |
| 255 |
| 256 <option value="AL" |
| 257 |
| 258 >Alabama</option> |
| 259 |
| 260 <option value="AK" |
| 261 |
| 262 >Alaska</option> |
| 263 |
| 264 <option value="AS" |
| 265 |
| 266 >American Samoa</option> |
| 267 |
| 268 <option value="AZ" |
| 269 |
| 270 >Arizona</option> |
| 271 |
| 272 <option value="AR" |
| 273 |
| 274 >Arkansas</option> |
| 275 |
| 276 <option value="AE" |
| 277 |
| 278 >Armed Forces Africa, Canada, Eu
rope, Middle East</option> |
| 279 |
| 280 <option value="AA" |
| 281 |
| 282 >Armed Forces Americas</option> |
| 283 |
| 284 <option value="AP" |
| 285 |
| 286 >Armed Forces Pacific</option> |
| 287 |
| 288 <option value="CA" |
| 289 |
| 290 >California</option> |
| 291 |
| 292 <option value="CO" |
| 293 |
| 294 >Colorado</option> |
| 295 |
| 296 <option value="CT" |
| 297 |
| 298 >Connecticut</option> |
| 299 |
| 300 <option value="DE" |
| 301 |
| 302 >Delaware</option> |
| 303 |
| 304 <option value="DC" |
| 305 |
| 306 >District of Columbia</option> |
| 307 |
| 308 <option value="FL" |
| 309 |
| 310 >Florida</option> |
| 311 |
| 312 <option value="GA" |
| 313 |
| 314 >Georgia</option> |
| 315 |
| 316 <option value="GU" |
| 317 |
| 318 >Guam</option> |
| 319 |
| 320 <option value="HI" |
| 321 |
| 322 >Hawaii</option> |
| 323 |
| 324 <option value="ID" |
| 325 |
| 326 >Idaho</option> |
| 327 |
| 328 <option value="IL" |
| 329 |
| 330 >Illinois</option> |
| 331 |
| 332 <option value="IN" |
| 333 |
| 334 >Indiana</option> |
| 335 |
| 336 <option value="IA" |
| 337 |
| 338 >Iowa</option> |
| 339 |
| 340 <option value="KS" |
| 341 |
| 342 >Kansas</option> |
| 343 |
| 344 <option value="KY" |
| 345 |
| 346 >Kentucky</option> |
| 347 |
| 348 <option value="LA" |
| 349 |
| 350 >Louisiana</option> |
| 351 |
| 352 <option value="ME" |
| 353 |
| 354 >Maine</option> |
| 355 |
| 356 <option value="MD" |
| 357 |
| 358 >Maryland</option> |
| 359 |
| 360 <option value="MA" |
| 361 |
| 362 >Massachusetts</option> |
| 363 |
| 364 <option value="MI" |
| 365 |
| 366 >Michigan</option> |
| 367 |
| 368 <option value="MN" |
| 369 |
| 370 >Minnesota</option> |
| 371 |
| 372 <option value="MS" |
| 373 |
| 374 >Mississippi</option> |
| 375 |
| 376 <option value="MO" |
| 377 |
| 378 >Missouri</option> |
| 379 |
| 380 <option value="MT" |
| 381 |
| 382 >Montana</option> |
| 383 |
| 384 <option value="NE" |
| 385 |
| 386 >Nebraska</option> |
| 387 |
| 388 <option value="NV" |
| 389 |
| 390 >Nevada</option> |
| 391 |
| 392 <option value="NH" |
| 393 |
| 394 >New Hampshire</option> |
| 395 |
| 396 <option value="NJ" |
| 397 |
| 398 >New Jersey</option> |
| 399 |
| 400 <option value="NM" |
| 401 |
| 402 >New Mexico</option> |
| 403 |
| 404 <option value="NY" |
| 405 |
| 406 >New York</option> |
| 407 |
| 408 <option value="NC" |
| 409 |
| 410 >North Carolina</option> |
| 411 |
| 412 <option value="ND" |
| 413 |
| 414 >North Dakota</option> |
| 415 |
| 416 <option value="OH" |
| 417 |
| 418 >Ohio</option> |
| 419 |
| 420 <option value="OK" |
| 421 |
| 422 >Oklahoma</option> |
| 423 |
| 424 <option value="OR" |
| 425 |
| 426 >Oregon</option> |
| 427 |
| 428 <option value="PW" |
| 429 |
| 430 >Palau</option> |
| 431 |
| 432 <option value="PA" |
| 433 |
| 434 >Pennsylvania</option> |
| 435 |
| 436 <option value="PR" |
| 437 |
| 438 >Puerto Rico</option> |
| 439 |
| 440 <option value="RI" |
| 441 |
| 442 >Rhode Island</option> |
| 443 |
| 444 <option value="SC" |
| 445 |
| 446 >South Carolina</option> |
| 447 |
| 448 <option value="SD" |
| 449 |
| 450 >South Dakota</option> |
| 451 |
| 452 <option value="TN" |
| 453 |
| 454 >Tennessee</option> |
| 455 |
| 456 <option value="TX" |
| 457 |
| 458 >Texas</option> |
| 459 |
| 460 <option value="VI" |
| 461 |
| 462 >U.S. Virgin Islands</option> |
| 463 |
| 464 <option value="UT" |
| 465 |
| 466 >Utah</option> |
| 467 |
| 468 <option value="VT" |
| 469 |
| 470 >Vermont</option> |
| 471 |
| 472 <option value="VA" |
| 473 |
| 474 >Virginia</option> |
| 475 |
| 476 <option value="WA" |
| 477 |
| 478 >Washington</option> |
| 479 |
| 480 <option value="WV" |
| 481 |
| 482 >West Virginia</option> |
| 483 |
| 484 <option value="WI" |
| 485 |
| 486 >Wisconsin</option> |
| 487 |
| 488 <option value="WY" |
| 489 |
| 490 >Wyoming</option> |
| 491 |
| 492 </select> |
| 493 |
| 494 </div> |
| 495 </li> |
| 496 <li id="zipCode" > |
| 497 <label for="zip" class="required">ZIP Code:</label> |
| 498 <div class="form-input-block"> |
| 499 <input size="5" maxlength="5" type="text" name="
zipCode" value="" id="zip" tabindex="9"/> |
| 500 <div class="form-input-help"> |
| 501 Example: 12345 |
| 502 </div> |
| 503 |
| 504 |
| 505 </div> |
| 506 </li> |
| 507 |
| 508 <li id="taxGeoCode" class="alert"> |
| 509 <label for="municipality">Municipality: |
| 510 <a class="contextHelp outdent" title="Click for
more information" rel="taxGeoCode-help1" href="#" target="_blank"><img src="/wcs
store/B2BDirectStorefrontAssetStore/images/icon_question.gif" alt="help icon"/><
/a> |
| 511 <div id="taxGeoCode-help1" class="hidden"> |
| 512 |
| 513 <p>As an additional way to make sure you receive your order, we ask that
you select the name of your municipality (city, town, borough, village, et
c.) followed by the county, township, or parish in which you reside.</p> |
| 514 |
| 515 </div> |
| 516 </label> |
| 517 <div class="form-input-block"> |
| 518 |
| 519 <select name="taxGeoCode" id="municipality" tabi
ndex="10"> |
| 520 <option value="">Please select your muni
cipality</option> |
| 521 |
| 522 <option value="00">I don't know</option> |
| 523 </select> |
| 524 <div id="taxGeoCode-error"> |
| 525 </div> |
| 526 </div> |
| 527 </li> |
| 528 </span> |
| 529 |
| 530 |
| 531 <li> |
| 532 <div class="form-input-block-wide"> |
| 533
| 534 <label class="checkbox-label" for="also-billing-
address"><input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="billingAddress" id="also
-billing-address" tabindex="11"/>This is also my billing address.</label> |
| 535 |
| 536 </div> |
| 537 <div id="billing-address-info" class="checkout-indent-bl
ock hidden"> |
| 538 <p>Please enter the phone number and e-mail addr
ess associated with this billing address.</p> |
| 539 <ol> |
| 540 <li > |
| 541 <label for="email1" class="requi
red">E-mail Address: </label> |
| 542 <div class="form-input-block">
| 543 <input class="large" typ
e="text" name="email1" value="" id="emailaddress" tabindex="12"/> |
| 544 <div class="form-input-h
elp"> |
| 545 Example: xxx@dom
ain.com |
| 546 </div> |
| 547 |
| 548 </div> |
| 549 </li> |
| 550 <li > |
| 551 <label for="phone1" class="requi
red">Contact Phone:</label> |
| 552 <div class="form-input-block"> |
| 553 <input class="tiny js-au
totab" type="text" name="billphone1" value="" id="phone1" maxlength="3" tabindex
="13" /> |
| 554 <input class="tiny js-au
totab" type="text" name="billphone2" value="" id="phone2" maxlength="3" /> |
| 555 <input class="tiny" type
="text" name="billphone3" value="" id="phone3" maxlength="4" /> |
| 556 <div class="form-input-h
elp"> |
| 557 We will contact
you only about your orders and deliveries. |
| 558 </div> |
| 559 |
| 560 |
| 561 </div> |
| 562 </li> |
| 563 </ol> |
| 564 <input class="hidden" id="selfAd
dress" name="selfAddress" value="0" /> |
| 565 </div> |
| 566 </li> |
| 567 |
| 568 <li> |
| 569 <input class="hidden" name="save-address
" value="on"/> |
| 570 </li> |
| 571 |
| 572 <li> |
| 573 <div class="form-input-block buttons"> |
| 574 <a href="OrderItemDisplay?storeId=10151&lang
Id=-1&catalogId=10051" class="button-grey"><span>Cancel</span></a> |
| 575 |
| 576 <a class="button-green"><span>N
ext ></span></a> |
| 577 |
| 578 </div> |
| 579 </li> |
| 580 </ol> |
| 581 </fieldset> |
| 582 </form> |
| 583 </div> |
| 584 |
| 585 </div>
| 586 <div class="checkout-container-bottom"></div> |
| 587 </div> |
| 588 |
| 589 <div id="two-column-b" class="two-column-b"> |
| 590 |
| 591 <a class="return-to-cart" href="OrderItemDisplay?storeId=10151&a
mp;langId=-1&catalogId=10051">Return to Cart to Edit Products</a> |
| 592 |
| 593 <h2>Cart Summary</h2> |
| 594 <table class="order-info" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> |
| 595 |
| 596 <tr> |
| 597 |
| 598 <th colspan="4"><div id="pdLabel">Parcel Shippin
g - Standard 3-7 Business Days</div></th> |
| 599 </tr> |
| 600 |
| 601 |
| 602 <tr class="subhead"> |
| 603 <td class="column-1 first">Products Ordered</td> |
| 604 <td class="column-2 right"><span>Unit Price</span></td> |
| 605 <td class="column-3 center">Quantity</td> |
| 606 <td class="column-4 right">Total</td> |
| 607 </tr> |
| 608 |
| 609 <!-- debuggggg:: 11 --><!-- 379431926 --><!--debug RGL--> |
| 610 <tr class="border-top"> |
| 611 <td class="column-1 first" > |
| 612 |
| 613 <acronym title="Dremel TrioTool Kit"> |
| 614 <!-- Defect Id :1707: Fixed By: Sourav Starts --
> |
| 615 Dremel TrioTool Kit |
| 616 <!-- Defect Id :1707: Fixed By: Sourav Ends --> |
| 617 </acronym> |
| 618 |
| 619 <br /> |
| 620 Item #:148844 | Model #:6800-01 |
| 621 |
| 622 </td> |
| 623 <td class="column-2 right">$99.00 |
| 624 </td> |
| 625 <td class="column-3 center">1</td> |
| 626 <td class="column-4 right">$99.00</td> |
| 627 </tr> |
| 628 |
| 629 </table> |
| 630 |
| 632 <table class="order-info" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> |
| 633 <tr> |
| 634 <th colspan="4">Billing Summary</th> |
| 635 </tr> |
| 636 <tr class="sub-total"> |
| 637 <td class="first"> </td> |
| 638 <td class="right"><strong>Subtotal</strong></td> |
| 639 <td class="right"><strong>$99.00</strong></td> |
| 640 <td> </td> |
| 641 </tr> |
| 642 <!-- To Fix defect # 2535 --><!-- To Fix defect # 2535 --> |
| 643 <tr class="payment"> |
| 644 <td> </td> |
| 645 <td class="right">Estimated Parcel Shipping |
| 646 |
| 647 <a class="outdent" title="Information on Shippin
g Estimate" rel="estShipping-help" href="#" target="_blank"> |
| 648 <img src="/wcsstore/B2BDirectStorefrontA
ssetStore/images/icon_question_whitebg.gif" alt="help icon" /> |
| 649 </a> |
| 650 <div id="estShipping-help" class="hidden"> |
| 651 |
| 652 <p>We estimate your shipping cost based on the weight of your items, the
shipping level of service you choose (Standard, 2nd Business Day, Next Business
Day), and the shipping destination of your items.</p> |
| 653 |
| 654 </div> |
| 655 |
| 656 </td> |
| 657 <td class="right"><div id="shpCost">$5.99</div></td>
| 658 <td> </td> |
| 659 </tr> |
| 660 <!-- To Fix defect # 2535 --><!-- To Fix defect # 2535 --> |
| 661 |
| 662 <tr class="payment"> |
| 663 <td> </td> |
| 664 <td class="right"> |
| 665 <!-- Defect Id :2534: Fixed By: Sourav Starts -->Estimated Tax |
| 666 <a class="outdent" title="Information on Estimate Tax" rel="estT
ax-help" href="#" target="_blank"> |
| 667 <img src="/wcsstore/B2BDirectStorefrontAssetStore/images
/icon_question_whitebg.gif" alt="help icon" /> |
| 668 </a> |
| 669 <div id="estTax-help" class="hidden"> |
| 670 |
| 671 <p>Your order may be subject to state and local sales or use taxes (incl
uding special fees where required), depending on the shipping address or store l
ocation you requested. For further assistance, contact Lowe's Customer Care
at 1-800-445-6937.</p> |
| 672 |
| 673 </div> |
| 674 </td> |
| 675 |
| 676 <td class="right">$9.16</td> |
| 677 <td> </td> |
| 678 </tr> |
| 679 <tr class="payment"> |
| 680 <td> </td> |
| 681 <td class="right payment-method">Balance Due</td> |
| 682 <td class="right payment-method"><div id="Total">$114.15</div></td> |
| 683 <td> </td> |
| 684 </tr> |
| 685 <div id="balanceDue" class="hidden">$114.15</div> |
| 686 </table> |
| 687 |
| 688 </div> |
| 689 |
| 690 <div id="back-to-top"><a title="Back to Top" hre
f="#top">Back to Top</a></div> |
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