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ght="1"></div> |
| 101 <div class="chkheaderbartop"> |
| 102 <div class="chkheadertitle" title="Billing Information">
Billing Information</div> |
| 103 </div> |
| 104 <div class="chkheaderbartop2"> |
| 105 <div class="chkheadertitle" title="Name and address must
match credit card">Name and address must match credit card</div> |
| 106 </div> |
| 107 <div class="chkheaderbartop3"> |
| 108 <div class="chkheadertitle" title="Billing"> |
| 109 <div class="chkheaderimg3"><img src="/img/step1_
prod_on_t2.gif" alt="1" title="1" border="0"></div> |
| 110 <div class="chkheadertitle3" title="Billing">Bil
ling</div> |
| 111 <div class="chkheaderimg3"> |
| 112 <img src="/img/arrow_steps_t2.gif" alt="
" border="0"> |
| 113 <img src="/img/step2_prod_off_t2.gif" al
t="2" title="2" border="0"> |
| 114 </div> |
| 115 <div class="chkheadertitle3">Shipping options</d
iv> |
| 116 <div class="chkheaderimg3"> |
| 117 <img src="/img/arrow_steps_t2.gif" alt="
" border="0"> |
| 118 <img src="/img/step3_prod_off_t2.gif" al
t="3" title="3" border="0"> |
| 119 </div> |
| 120 <div class="chkheadertitle3">Payment</div> |
| 121 <div class="chkheaderimg3"> |
| 122 <img src="/img/arrow_steps_t2.gif" alt="
" border="0"> |
| 123 <img src="/img/step4_prod_off_t2.gif" al
t="4" title="4" border="0"> |
| 124 </div> |
| 125 <div class="chkheadertitle3">Review</div> |
| 126 </div> |
| 127 </div> |
| 128 <div class="checkoutcontent"> |
| 129 |
| 130 <form name="billing" action="https://www.bedbathandbeyon
d.com/chkbilling.asp?" method="post"> |
| 131 <input type="hidden" name="set_ship_type" value=
""> |
| 132 <input type="hidden" name="submit_addr_change" v
alue=""> |
| 133 <input type="hidden" name="orig_email_addr" valu
e=""> |
| 134 <div class="chkbilleditarea"> |
| 135 <div class="chkinstrtext">Fields marked
with an asterisk (*) are required.</div> |
| 136 |
| 137 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 138 <div class="chkeditlabel">*First
name</div> |
| 139 <input type="text" name="first_n
m" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 140 </div> |
| 141 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 142 <div class="chkeditlabel">Middle
name</div> |
| 143 <input type="text" name="mid_nm"
class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 144 </div> |
| 145 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 146 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Last
name</div> |
| 147 <input type="text" name="last_nm
" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 148 </div> |
| 149 <div class="chkeditcol2"><img src="/img/
i.gif" width="1" height="1"></div> |
| 150 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 151 <div class="chkeditlabel">Compan
y name</div> |
| 152 <input type="text" name="company
" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=50 > |
| 153 </div> |
| 154 <div class="chkeditcol2"><img src="/img/
i.gif" width="1" height="1"></div> |
| 155 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 156 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Addre
ss 1</div> |
| 157 <input type="text" name="addr1"
class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=50 > |
| 158 </div> |
| 159 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 160 <div class="chkeditlabel">Addres
s 2</div> |
| 161 <input type="text" name="addr2"
class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=50 > |
| 162 </div> |
| 163 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 164 <div class="chkeditlabel">*City<
/div> |
| 165 <input type="text" name="city" c
lass="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 166 </div> |
| 167 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 168 <div class="chkeditlabel">*State
</div> |
| 169 <select name="addr_state" id="ad
dr_state" value="" class="chkeditfield"><option value="">select</option><option
value="AA" >AA-Armed Forces of Americas</option><option value="AE" >AE-Armed For
ces of Europe</option><option value="AP" >AP-Armed Forces of Pacific</option><op
tion value="AL" >Alabama</option><option value="AK" >Alaska</option><option valu
e="AZ" >Arizona</option><option value="AR" >Arkansas</option><option value="CA"
>California</option><option value="CO" >Colorado</option><option value="CT" >Con
necticut</option><option value="DE" >Delaware</option><option value="DC" >Distri
ct of Columbia</option><option value="FL" >Florida</option><option value="GA" >G
eorgia</option><option value="HI" >Hawaii</option><option value="ID" >Idaho</opt
ion><option value="IL" >Illinois</option><option value="IN" >Indiana</option><op
tion value="IA" >Iowa</option><option value="KS" >Kansas</option><option value="
KY" >Kentucky</option><option value="LA" >Louisiana</option><option value="ME" >
Maine</option><option value="MD" >Maryland</option><option value="MA" >Massachus
etts</option><option value="MI" >Michigan</option><option value="MN" >Minnesota<
/option><option value="MS" >Mississippi</option><option value="MO" >Missouri</op
tion><option value="MT" >Montana</option><option value="NE" >Nebraska</option><o
ption value="NV" >Nevada</option><option value="NH" >New Hampshire</option><opti
on value="NJ" >New Jersey</option><option value="NM" >New Mexico</option><option
value="NY" >New York</option><option value="NC" >North Carolina</option><option
value="ND" >North Dakota</option><option value="OH" >Ohio</option><option value
="OK" >Oklahoma</option><option value="OR" >Oregon</option><option value="PA" >P
ennsylvania</option><option value="RI" >Rhode Island</option><option value="SC"
>South Carolina</option><option value="SD" >South Dakota</option><option value="
TN" >Tennessee</option><option value="TX" >Texas</option><option value="UT" >Uta
h</option><option value="VT" >Vermont</option><option value="VA" >Virginia</opti
on><option value="WA" >Washington</option><option value="WV" >West Virginia</opt
ion><option value="WI" >Wisconsin</option><option value="WY" >Wyoming</option></
select> |
| 170 </div> |
| 171 <div class="chkeditcol3"> |
| 172 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Zip C
ode</div> |
| 173 <input type="text" name="zip" cl
ass="chkeditfield2" value="" maxlength=10 > |
| 174 </div> |
| 175 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 176 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Day p
hone</div> |
| 177 <input type="text" name="day_pho
ne_part1" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 178 <input type="text" name="day_pho
ne_part2" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 179 <input type="text" name="day_pho
ne_part3" class="chkeditfieldph2" value="" maxlength="4" > |
| 180 </div> |
| 181 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 182 <div class="chkeditlabel">Evenin
g phone</div> |
| 183 <input type="text" name="eve_pho
ne_part1" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 184 <input type="text" name="eve_pho
ne_part2" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 185 <input type="text" name="eve_pho
ne_part3" class="chkeditfieldph2" value="" maxlength="4" > |
| 186 </div> |
| 187 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 188 <div class="chkeditlabel">Mobile
phone</div> |
| 189 <input type="text" name="mob_pho
ne_part1" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 190 <input type="text" name="mob_pho
ne_part2" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 191 <input type="text" name="mob_pho
ne_part3" class="chkeditfieldph2" value="" maxlength="4" > |
| 192 </div> |
| 193 <div class="chkeditcol2"> </div> |
| 194 |
| 195 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 196 <div class="chkeditlabel
">*Email</div> |
| 197 <input type="text" name=
"email_addr" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength="50"> |
| 198 </div> |
| 199 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 200 <div class="chkeditlabel
">*Re-type email</div> |
| 201 <input type="text" name=
"retype_email_addr" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength="50"> |
| 202 </div> |
| 203 <div class="chkfinetext"><span c
lass=tiny>If your email settings filter unfamiliar addresses from your inbox, we
recommend that you add customer.service@bedbath.com to your address list or saf
e list so that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will recognize Bed Bath & Be
yond as an accepted email sender. This is to ensure that you can receive email c
onfirmations and order status updates by email.</span></div> |
| 204 |
| 205 <div class="chkeditchkbo
x"><div class="chkeditchkboxbtn"><input type="checkbox" name="promo_email_flag"
value="Y" checked></div><div class="chkeditchkboxtext"> Receive information
on special offers and new arrivals at Bed Bath & Beyond.</div></div> |
| 206 |
| 207 <div class="chkeditchkbox"> |
| 208 <div class="chkeditchkboxbtn"> |
| 209 |
| 210 <input type="che
ckbox" name="mobile_offers_opt_in" value="Y"> |
| 211 |
| 212 </div> |
| 213 <div class="chkeditchkboxtext"> |
| 214 Bed Bath & Beyond may de
liver mobile offers and promotions via text message in the future. Check the box
if you would like to receive these mobile offers and promotions on your mobile
phone. View our <a title="Privacy policy">Privacy policy</a>. Message & data ra
tes may apply. |
| 215 </div> |
| 216 </div> |
| 217 </div> |
| 218 <div class="chkinfoboxright"> |
| 219 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width=
"158"> |
| 220 <tr> |
| 221 <td colspan="3"><img src="/img/co_LiveCh
atComp.gif" alt="LiveChat" width="158" height="30" border="0" title="LiveChat"><
/td> |
| 222 </tr> |
| 223 <tr> |
| 224 <td background="/img/co_dottedline_v.gif
"><img src="/img/i.gif" width="1" height="74" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 225 <td valign="top"> |
| 226 <table cellspacing="0" cellpaddi
ng="0" border="0"> |
| 227 <tr> |
| 228 <td rowspan="2">
<img src="/img/i.gif" width="10" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 229 <td><img src="/i
mg/i.gif" width="136" height="10" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 230 <td rowspan="2">
<img src="/img/i.gif" width="10" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 231 </tr> |
| 232 <tr> |
| 233 <td width="136"
valign="top"><a >Click Here for LiveChat!</a><br>Monday-Friday<br>9:00am-9:00pm
EST</td> |
| 234 </tr> |
| 235 <tr> |
| 236 <td><img src="/i
mg/i.gif" width="10" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 237 <td><img src="/i
mg/i.gif" width="136" height="10" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 238 <td><img src="/i
mg/i.gif" width="10" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 239 </tr> |
| 240 </table> |
| 241 </td> |
| 242 <td background="/img/co_dottedline_v.gif
"><img src="/img/i.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="" border="0"></td> |
| 243 </tr> |
| 244 <tr> |
| 245 <td colspan="3" background="/img/co_dott
edline_h.gif"><img src="/img/i.gif" width="158" height="1" alt="" border="0"></t
d> |
| 246 </tr> |
| 247 </table> |
| 248 </div> |
| 249 |
| 250 <div class="chkmainhorizbar"><img src="/img/i.gi
f" width="1" height="1"></div> |
| 251 <div class="chkheaderbartop"> |
| 252 <div class="chkheadertitle" title="Shipp
ing">Shipping</div> |
| 253 </div> |
| 254 <div class="chkheaderbartop3"><div class="chkbil
lchkbox"><input type="checkbox" name="shipping_options" value="B">Same as billin
g information</div></div> |
| 255 <div class="chkbilleditarea"> |
| 256 |
| 257 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 258 <div class="chkeditlabel">*First
name</div> |
| 259 <input type="text" name="ship_fi
rst_nm" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 260 </div> |
| 261 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 262 <div class="chkeditlabel">Middle
name</div> |
| 263 <input type="text" name="ship_mi
d_nm" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 264 </div> |
| 265 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 266 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Last
name</div> |
| 267 <input type="text" name="ship_la
st_nm" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 268 </div> |
| 269 <div class="chkeditcol2"><img src="/img/
i.gif" width="1" height="1"></div> |
| 270 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 271 <div class="chkeditlabel">Compan
y name</div> |
| 272 <input type="text" name="ship_co
mpany" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=50 > |
| 273 </div> |
| 274 <div class="chkeditcol2"><img src="/img/
i.gif" width="1" height="1"></div> |
| 275 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 276 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Addre
ss 1 (No P.O. Boxes)</div> |
| 277 <input type="text" name="ship_ad
dr1" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=50 > |
| 278 </div> |
| 279 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 280 <div class="chkeditlabel">Addres
s 2</div> |
| 281 <input type="text" name="ship_ad
dr2" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=50 > |
| 282 </div> |
| 283 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 284 <div class="chkeditlabel">*City<
/div> |
| 285 <input type="text" name="ship_ci
ty" class="chkeditfield" value="" maxlength=30 > |
| 286 </div> |
| 287 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 288 <div class="chkeditlabel">*State
</div> |
| 289 <select name="ship_addr_state" i
d="ship_addr_state" value="" class="chkeditfield"><option value="">select</optio
n><option value="AA" >AA-Armed Forces of Americas</option><option value="AE" >AE
-Armed Forces of Europe</option><option value="AP" >AP-Armed Forces of Pacific</
option><option value="AL" >Alabama</option><option value="AK" >Alaska</option><o
ption value="AZ" >Arizona</option><option value="AR" >Arkansas</option><option v
alue="CA" >California</option><option value="CO" >Colorado</option><option value
="CT" >Connecticut</option><option value="DE" >Delaware</option><option value="D
C" >District of Columbia</option><option value="FL" >Florida</option><option val
ue="GA" >Georgia</option><option value="HI" >Hawaii</option><option value="ID" >
Idaho</option><option value="IL" >Illinois</option><option value="IN" >Indiana</
option><option value="IA" >Iowa</option><option value="KS" >Kansas</option><opti
on value="KY" >Kentucky</option><option value="LA" >Louisiana</option><option va
lue="ME" >Maine</option><option value="MD" >Maryland</option><option value="MA"
>Massachusetts</option><option value="MI" >Michigan</option><option value="MN" >
Minnesota</option><option value="MS" >Mississippi</option><option value="MO" >Mi
ssouri</option><option value="MT" >Montana</option><option value="NE" >Nebraska<
/option><option value="NV" >Nevada</option><option value="NH" >New Hampshire</op
tion><option value="NJ" >New Jersey</option><option value="NM" >New Mexico</opti
on><option value="NY" >New York</option><option value="NC" >North Carolina</opti
on><option value="ND" >North Dakota</option><option value="OH" >Ohio</option><op
tion value="OK" >Oklahoma</option><option value="OR" >Oregon</option><option val
ue="PA" >Pennsylvania</option><option value="RI" >Rhode Island</option><option v
alue="SC" >South Carolina</option><option value="SD" >South Dakota</option><opti
on value="TN" >Tennessee</option><option value="TX" >Texas</option><option value
="UT" >Utah</option><option value="VT" >Vermont</option><option value="VA" >Virg
inia</option><option value="WA" >Washington</option><option value="WV" >West Vir
ginia</option><option value="WI" >Wisconsin</option><option value="WY" >Wyoming<
/option></select> |
| 290 </div> |
| 291 <div class="chkeditcol3"> |
| 292 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Zip C
ode</div> |
| 293 <input type="text" name="ship_zi
p" class="chkeditfield2" value="" maxlength=10 > |
| 294 </div> |
| 295 <div class="chkeditcol1"> |
| 296 <div class="chkeditlabel">*Day p
hone</div> |
| 297 <input type="text" name="ship_da
y_phone_part1" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 298 <input type="text" name="ship_da
y_phone_part2" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 299 <input type="text" name="ship_da
y_phone_part3" class="chkeditfieldph2" value="" maxlength="4" > |
| 300 </div> |
| 301 <div class="chkeditcol2"> |
| 302 <div class="chkeditlabel">Evenin
g phone</div> |
| 303 <input type="text" name="ship_ev
e_phone_part1" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 304 <input type="text" name="ship_ev
e_phone_part2" class="chkeditfieldph1" value="" maxlength="3" > |
| 305 <input type="text" name="ship_ev
e_phone_part3" class="chkeditfieldph2" value="" maxlength="4" > |
| 306 </div> |
| 307 </div> |
| 308 <div class="chkbuttonbar"><img src="/img/i.gif"
width="1" height="1"></div> |
| 309 <div class="chkbuttons"> |
| 310 <div class="chkbutton"><input type="imag
e" name="Submit" src="/img/btnBlueNext.gif" alt="NEXT" title="NEXT" border=0></d
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