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Side by Side Diff: chrome/test/data/autofill/heuristics/input/

Issue 7120008: Autofill heuristics regression suite (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 9 years, 6 months ago
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3 <html>
4 <head id="ctl00_ctl00_mc_Header"><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOODP"/><link rel="Stylesheet" href="/ADC.NET/css/checkout/checkout.css?v=25" t ype="text/css" /><link rel="Stylesheet" href="/ADC.NET/css/checkout/qas.css?v=25 " type="text/css" /><title>
5 - Posters, Art Print, Framed Art Leader
6 </title></head>
8 <body>
9 <form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="default.aspx" id="aspnetForm">
10 <div>
11 <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUKLTMzMTU1 NDIzMmRk5/CBEsnCp7vtt0f6x7+UbyLOj6A=" />
12 </div>
15 <div>
16 <span id="ctl00_ctl00_mc_Label1"></span>
17 </div>
18 <div>
20 <!-- @@Webtrends -->
26 <!-- @@Webtrends ends-->
28 </div>
29 <div>
33 <link href="/" rel="stylesheet" title="art" type="te xt/css" />
37 <div id="CheckoutParent">
38 <div id="globalExceptions" class="exceptions"></div>
39 <div id="headerContainer">
41 <div>
42 <div class="headerLogo">
43 <div style="float:left;">
44 <span>
45 <img alt="" src=" Checkout.gif" style="cursor:pointer;" />
46 </span>
47 </div>
48 <div style="float:right;margin:30px 10px 0 0; font-family:Verdana; font-size:11px;">NEED HELP? <strong>CALL 800-952-5592</strong></div>
49 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
50 </div>
51 <div class="headerCheckout" style="background-color:#4C3327;color:#FFFFF F;padding:0;height: 3%;">&nbsp;</div>
52 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
53 <div></div>
54 </div>
56 </div>
57 <div id="mainContainer">
58 <div id="leftContainer" class="floatLeft">
59 <!-- //@@Hoiday-->
60 <div style="color:Red;"></div>
61 <!-- //@@Hoiday-->
63 <div id="payPalExpress" class="payPalExpress cPointer"></div>
65 <div id="StepsCotainer">
67 <!-- Place the following code inside your form -->
68 <input type="hidden" id="AJAXURL" value="/ADC.NET/Root/Pages/Proxy/Checkout/ QAS/Default.aspx" />
69 <input type="hidden" id="ADDRESSLAYOUT" value="Database layout" />
70 <input type="hidden" id="RUN_AS_POPUP" value="true" />
71 <input type="hidden" id="IGNORE_UNMATCHED_ADDRESSES" value="false" />
72 <input type="hidden" id="IGNORE_CONNECTION_ERROR" value="true" />
73 <input type="hidden" id="BYPASS_QAS_VERIFICATION" value="false" />
74 <!--<input type="hidden" id="linethree" type="text" />-->
75 <!-- This is the name of id attribute of the submit button for the page form -->
76 <input type="hidden" id="FORM_BUTTON_ID" value="input_search" />
77 <input type="hidden" id="QASMatched" name="QASMatched" value="false" />
79 <div id="Add" class="checkoutStep">
80 <div class="header">
81 <div class="head erTitle floatLeft">1. Enter Address Information</div>
82 <div class="edit Link floatRight" style="display:none;">Edit</div>
83 <div class="clea r"></div>
84 </div>
86 <div class="exceptions"> </div>
87 <div id="loggedIn" class ="hidden"><span id="loggedInGreeting" class="bold">Welcome </span><span id="logg edInUsername" class="bold"></span> <span id="logout" class="link">&nbsp;Not you? </span></div>
88 <div class="summary">
89 <div class="inne rContents">
90 <div cla ss="floatLeft" style="margin-right:100px;">
91 <div class="billingAddressHeader summaryHeader ignore">Billing Address</div>
92 <div class="billingAddress summaryChild"></div>
93 </div>
94 <div cla ss="floatLeft">
95 <div class="shippingAddressHeader summaryHeader ignore">Shipping Address</div>
96 <div class="shippingAddress summaryChild"></div>
97 </div>
98 <div cla ss="clear"></div>
99 <div cla ss="emailAddressHeader summaryHeader ignore">Email Address</div>
100 <div cla ss="emailAddress summaryChild"></div>
101 <div cla ss="giftMessageHeader summaryHeader ignore">Gift Message</div>
102 <div cla ss="giftMessage summaryChild"></div>
103 <div cla ss="invoicePOHeader summaryHeader ignore">Invoice/PO Number</div>
104 <div cla ss="invoicePO summaryChild"></div>
105 <div id= "gcPrompt" class="hidden ignore link">Would you like to add a gift message?</div >
106 </div>
107 </div>
108 <div class="edit">
112 <div id="loginIn flow" class="loginContainer">
113 <div>
114 Already have an account?
116 </div>
117 <div class=" exceptions noMarginPadding">
118 <div cla ss="exception">Invalid username or password. Please try again.</div>
119 </div>
120 <input class ="username floatLeft" type="text" name="username" value="Email Address" maxlengt h="50" />
121 <input class ="passwordUI floatLeft" value="Password" type="text" name="passwordUI" maxlength ="25" />
122 <input class ="password floatLeft" type="password" name="password" maxlength="50" style="disp lay:none;" />
123 <div class=" gButtons gb2" id="login">LOGIN</div>
124 <div class=" proxyURL" id="loginProxyURL">/ADC.NET/Root/Pages/Proxy/Checkout/Account/ px</div>
125 <div class=" waitIconSmall hidden"><img src=" if" height="22" width="22" border="0" alt="loading" /></div>
126 <div id="btn ForgotPassword" class="clearPlus forgotPassword link">Forgot Your Password?</div >
127 <span class= "hidden" id="strEmailAddress">Email Address</span><span class="hidden" id="strPa ssword">Password</span>
128 </div>
130 <div id="popup_a ccountPassword" class="popup hidden" title="Forgot Password">
131 <div id="popup_accountPasswordHeading">E nter the email address associated with the account.<br /><br />We will send you an email with your password.<br /><br /></div>
132 <div id="popup_accountPasswordContents">
133 <div class="exceptions"></div>
134 <div class="popup_accountPassword_Co ntainer">
135 Email Address
136 <input id="accountPasswordEmailA ddress" class="accountPasswordEmailAddress" type="text" name="accountPasswordEma ilAddress" value="" maxlength="50" />
137 </div>
138 </div>
139 <div style="margin-top:15px;text-align:c enter">
140 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="popup_ accountPassword_SelectButton">Email me my password</div>
141 </div>
142 </div>
144 <div id="popup_accountPasswordSuccess" class ="popup hidden" title="Forgot Password">
145 <div id="popup_accountPasswordHeading">Y our password has been emailed to you.<br /><br /></div>
146 <div style="margin-top:15px;text-align:c enter">
147 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="popup_ accountPassword_Close">OK</div>
148 </div>
149 </div>
152 <div class="sectionH eading">Billing Address</div>
153 <div class="sect ionHeadingRight floatRight">* Required field</div>
154 <div class="clea r"></div>
155 <div class="choo seSavedAddress chooseSavedBillingAddress link hidden">Choose from your saved add resses</div>
157 <ul class="addressFields" id="billFields">
158 <li>
159 <div class="error">
160 Please enter your first name</div>
161 <label for="firstName_b">
162 First Name</label>
163 <input class="firstName" type="text" name="firstName_b" maxlength="20" / >
164 <div class="clear">
165 </div>
166 </li>
167 <li>
168 <div class="error">
169 Please enter your last name</div>
170 <label for="lastName_b">
171 Last Name</label>
172 <input class="lastName" type="text" name="lastName_b" maxlength="25" />
173 <div class="clear">
174 </div>
175 </li>
177 <li>
178 <div class="error">
179 </div>
180 <label for="companyName_b">
181 Company Name</label>
182 <input class="companyName" type="text" name="companyName_b" maxlength="4 0" />
183 <div class="clear">
184 </div>
185 </li>
186 <li>
187 <div class="error">
188 Please enter your address</div>
189 <label for="address1_b">
190 Address Line 1</label>
191 <input class="address1" type="text" name="address1_b" id="address1_b" ma xlength="40" />
193 <div class="clear">
194 </div>
195 </li>
196 <li>
197 <div class="error">
198 Please enter your address</div>
199 <label for="address2_b">
200 Address Line 2</label>
201 <input class="address2" type="text" name="address2_b" id="address2_b" ma xlength="40" />
202 <div class="note FR hidden">
203 Additional delivery instructions, such as an access code or an apart ment number.</div>
204 <div class="clear">
205 </div>
206 </li>
207 <li>
208 <div class="error">
209 Please enter your city</div>
210 <label for="city_b">
211 City</label>
212 <input class="city" type="text" name="city_b" id="city_b" maxlength="40" />
213 <div class="clear">
214 </div>
215 </li>
216 <li>
217 <div class="error">
218 Please enter your state/province/region</div>
219 <label for="state_b">
220 State/Territory</label>
221 <input class="state" type="text" name="state_b" id="state_b" maxlength=" 40" />
222 <select class="stateJP hidden required" name="state_bJP" id="state__bJP" >
223 <option value="">選択してください</option>
224 <option>北海道</option>
225 <option>青森県</option>
226 <option>岩手県</option>
227 <option>宮城県</option>
228 <option>秋田県</option>
229 <option>山形県</option>
230 <option>福島県</option>
231 <option>茨城県</option>
232 <option>栃木県</option>
233 <option>群馬県</option>
234 <option>埼玉県</option>
235 <option>千葉県</option>
236 <option>東京都</option>
237 <option>神奈川県</option>
238 <option>新潟県</option>
239 <option>富山県</option>
240 <option>石川県</option>
241 <option>福井県</option>
242 <option>山梨県</option>
243 <option>長野県</option>
244 <option>岐阜県</option>
245 <option>静岡県</option>
246 <option>愛知県</option>
247 <option>三重県</option>
248 <option>滋賀県</option>
249 <option>京都府</option>
250 <option>大阪府</option>
251 <option>兵庫県</option>
252 <option>奈良県</option>
253 <option>和歌山県</option>
254 <option>鳥取県</option>
255 <option>島根県</option>
256 <option>岡山県</option>
257 <option>広島県</option>
258 <option>山口県</option>
259 <option>香川県</option>
260 <option>愛媛県</option>
261 <option>高知県</option>
262 <option>徳島県</option>
263 <option>福岡県</option>
264 <option>長崎県</option>
265 <option>佐賀県</option>
266 <option>熊本県</option>
267 <option>大分県</option>
268 <option>宮崎県</option>
269 <option>鹿児島県</option>
270 <option>沖縄県</option>
271 </select>
273 <select class="stateTR hidden required" name="state_bTR"
274 id="state__bTR">
275 <option>İstanbul</option>
276 <option>Ankara</option>
277 <option>İzmir</option>
278 <option>Adana</option>
279 <option>Adıyaman</option>
280 <option>Afyonkarahisar</option>
281 <option>Ağrı</option>
282 <option>Aksaray</option>
283 <option>Amasya</option>
284 <option>Antalya</option>
285 <option>Ardahan</option>
286 <option>Artvin</option>
287 <option>Aydın</option>
288 <option>Balıkesir</option>
289 <option>Bartın</option>
290 <option>Batman</option>
291 <option>Bayburt</option>
292 <option>Bilecik</option>
293 <option>Bingöl</option>
294 <option>Bitlis</option>
295 <option>Bolu</option>
296 <option>Burdur</option>
297 <option>Bursa</option>
298 <option>Çanakkale</option>
299 <option>Çankırı</option>
300 <option>Çorum</option>
301 <option>Denizli</option>
302 <option>Diyarbakır</option>
303 <option>Düzce</option>
304 <option>Edirne</option>
305 <option>Elazığ</option>
306 <option>Erzincan</option>
307 <option>Erzurum</option>
308 <option>Eskişehir</option>
309 <option>Gaziantep</option>
310 <option>Giresun</option>
311 <option>Gümüşhane</option>
312 <option>Hakkâri</option>
313 <option>Hatay</option>
314 <option>Iğdır</option>
315 <option>Isparta</option>
316 <option>Kahramanmaraş</option>
317 <option>Karabük</option>
318 <option>Karaman</option>
319 <option>Kars</option>
320 <option>Kastamonu</option>
321 <option>Kayseri</option>
322 <option>Kilis</option>
323 <option>Kırıkkale</option>
324 <option>Kırklareli</option>
325 <option>Kırşehir</option>
326 <option>Kocaeli</option>
327 <option>Konya</option>
328 <option>Kütahya</option>
329 <option>Malatya</option>
330 <option>Manisa</option>
331 <option>Mardin</option>
332 <option>Mersin</option>
333 <option>Muğla</option>
334 <option>Muş</option>
335 <option>Nevşehir</option>
336 <option>Niğde</option>
337 <option>Ordu</option>
338 <option>Osmaniye</option>
339 <option>Rize</option>
340 <option>Sakarya</option>
341 <option>Samsun</option>
342 <option>Şanlıurfa</option>
343 <option>Siirt</option>
344 <option>Sinop</option>
345 <option>Şırnak</option>
346 <option>Sivas</option>
347 <option>Tekirdağ</option>
348 <option>Tokat</option>
349 <option>Trabzon</option>
350 <option>Tunceli</option>
351 <option>Uşak</option>
352 <option>Van</option>
353 <option>Yalova</option>
354 <option>Yozgat</option>
355 <option>Zonguldak</option>
356 </select>
357 <select class="stateAR hidden required" name="state_bAR"
358 id="state__bAR">
359 <option>Capital Federal</option>
360 <option selected="selected">Buenos Aires</option>
361 <option>Gran Buenos Aires</option>
362 <option>Catamarca</option>
363 <option>Chaco</option>
364 <option>Chubut</option>
365 <option>Córdoba</option>
366 <option>Corrientes</option>
367 <option>Entre Ríos</option>
368 <option>Formosa</option>
369 <option>Jujuy</option>
370 <option>La Pampa</option>
371 <option>La Rioja</option>
372 <option>Mendoza</option>
373 <option>Misiones</option>
374 <option>Neuquén</option>
375 <option>Río Negro</option>
376 <option>Salta</option>
377 <option>San Juan</option>
378 <option>San Luis</option>
379 <option>Santa Cruz</option>
380 <option>Santa Fe</option>
381 <option>Santiago del Estero</option>
382 <option>Tierra del Fuego</option>
383 <option>Tucumán</option>
384 <option>Islas del Atlántico Sur</option>
385 <option>Antártida</option>
386 </select>
387 <div class="clear">
388 </div>
389 </li>
390 <li>
391 <div class="error">
392 Please enter a valid ZIP/Postal code</div>
394 <label for="zip_b">
395 ZIP/Postal Code</label>
396 <input class="zip" type="text" name="zip_b" id="zip_b" maxlength="15" />
397 <div class="note JP hidden">
398 Example: 123-4567. For Japanese keyboards, use half-width numbers.</ div>
400 <div class="clear">
401 </div>
402 </li>
403 <li>
404 <div class="error">
405 </div>
406 <label for="country_b">
407 Country</label>
408 <select class="country" name="country_b" id="country_b">
410 <option value="AF">
411 Afghanistan</option>
413 <option value="AD">
414 Andorra</option>
416 <option value="AI">
417 Anguilla</option>
419 <option value="AR">
420 Argentina</option>
422 <option value="AM">
423 Armenia</option>
425 <option value="AW">
426 Aruba</option>
428 <option value="AU">
429 Australia</option>
431 <option value="AT">
432 Austria</option>
434 <option value="BS">
435 Bahamas</option>
437 <option value="BH">
438 Bahrain</option>
440 <option value="BY">
441 Belarus</option>
443 <option value="BE">
444 Belgium</option>
446 <option value="BZ">
447 Belize</option>
449 <option value="BM">
450 Bermuda</option>
452 <option value="BR">
453 Brazil</option>
455 <option value="CA">
456 Canada</option>
458 <option value="CN">
459 China</option>
461 <option value="HR">
462 Croatia</option>
464 <option value="CY">
465 Cyprus</option>
467 <option value="CZ">
468 Czech Republic</option>
470 <option value="DK">
471 Denmark</option>
473 <option value="DM">
474 Dominica</option>
476 <option value="FK">
477 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
479 <option value="FJ">
480 Fiji</option>
482 <option value="FI">
483 Finland</option>
485 <option value="FR">
486 France</option>
488 <option value="DE">
489 Germany</option>
491 <option value="GI">
492 Gibraltar</option>
494 <option value="GR">
495 Greece</option>
497 <option value="GD">
498 Grenada</option>
500 <option value="HK">
501 Hong Kong</option>
503 <option value="HU">
504 Hungary</option>
506 <option value="IS">
507 Iceland</option>
509 <option value="IQ">
510 Iraq</option>
512 <option value="IE">
513 Ireland</option>
515 <option value="IL">
516 Israel</option>
518 <option value="IT">
519 Italy</option>
521 <option value="JM">
522 Jamaica</option>
524 <option value="JP">
525 Japan</option>
527 <option value="KR">
528 Korea - South</option>
530 <option value="LA">
531 Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
533 <option value="LI">
534 Liechtenstein</option>
536 <option value="LU">
537 Luxembourg</option>
539 <option value="MY">
540 Malaysia</option>
542 <option value="MH">
543 Marshall Islands</option>
545 <option value="MU">
546 Mauritius</option>
548 <option value="MX">
549 Mexico</option>
551 <option value="MC">
552 Monaco</option>
554 <option value="NL">
555 Netherlands</option>
557 <option value="NZ">
558 New Zealand</option>
560 <option value="NO">
561 Norway</option>
563 <option value="PG">
564 Papua New Guinea</option>
566 <option value="PL">
567 Poland</option>
569 <option value="PT">
570 Portugal</option>
572 <option value="SA">
573 Saudi Arabia</option>
575 <option value="SG">
576 Singapore</option>
578 <option value="ZA">
579 South Africa</option>
581 <option value="ES">
582 Spain</option>
584 <option value="SE">
585 Sweden</option>
587 <option value="CH">
588 Switzerland</option>
590 <option value="TW">
591 Taiwan</option>
593 <option value="TH">
594 Thailand</option>
596 <option value="TR">
597 Turkey</option>
599 <option value="AE">
600 United Arab Emirates</option>
602 <option value="GB">
603 United Kingdom</option>
605 <option value="US">
606 United States</option>
608 </select>
609 <div class="clear">
610 </div>
611 </li>
612 <li>
613 <div class="error">
614 Please enter a valid phone number</div>
616 <label for="phone_b">
617 Phone</label>
618 <input class="phone" type="text" name="phone_b" id="phone_b" maxlength=" 40" />
619 <div class="note JP hidden">
620 Example: 03-1234-5678. For Japanese keyboards, use half-width numbe rs.</div>
621 <div class="clear">
622 </div>
623 </li>
624 </ul>
627 <div class="sec tionHeading">Email Address</div>
628 <div class="emai lAddressReqMsg" id="emailAddressReq">
629 Your ema il address is required for your order confirmation and shipping notification.
630 </div>
631 <div class="emai lAddressReqMsg hidden" id="emailAddressReqGC">
632 Your email a ddress is required for your order confirmation.
633 </div>
634 <ul class="email Address" id="emailAddressFields">
635 <li>
636 <div class="error">Please enter a valid email address</div>
637 <label for="emailAddress">Email Address*</label>
638 <input class="emailAddress required" type="text" name="emailAddress" maxlength=" 100" />
639 <div class="clear"></div>
640 </li>
641 <li>
642 <div class="error">Please enter a valid email address</div>
643 <div class="error dontMatch">The emails do not match</div>
644 <label for="emailAddress2">Re-enter Email Address*</label>
645 <input class="emailAddress required" type="text" name="emailAddress2" maxlength ="100" />
646 <div class="clear"></div>
647 </li>
648 </ul>
650 <div class="clea r"></div>
651 <div class="sec tionHeading">Shipping Address</div>
652 <div class="cho oseSavedAddress chooseSavedShippingAddress link hidden">Choose from your saved a ddresses</div>
653 <div class="inp utAlign">
654 <div class=" gButtons gb2" id="copyBilling">Copy Billing Address</div>
655 <div class=" clear"></div>
656 </div>
658 <ul class="addressFields" id="shipFields">
659 <li>
660 <div class="error">
661 Please enter your first name</div>
662 <label for="firstName_s">
663 First Name</label>
664 <input class="firstName" type="text" name="firstName_s" maxlength="20" / >
665 <div class="clear">
666 </div>
667 </li>
668 <li>
669 <div class="error">
670 Please enter your last name</div>
671 <label for="lastName_s">
672 Last Name</label>
673 <input class="lastName" type="text" name="lastName_s" maxlength="25" />
674 <div class="clear">
675 </div>
676 </li>
678 <li>
679 <div class="error">
680 </div>
681 <label for="companyName_s">
682 Company Name</label>
683 <input class="companyName" type="text" name="companyName_s" maxlength="4 0" />
684 <div class="clear">
685 </div>
686 </li>
687 <li>
688 <div class="error">
689 Please enter your address</div>
690 <label for="address1_s">
691 Address Line 1</label>
692 <input class="address1" type="text" name="address1_s" id="address1_s" ma xlength="40" />
694 <div class="note poBoxMsg">
695 Note: Not all items can be shipped to a PO Box.<div
696 class="tooltip basic" title="Some items cannot be shipped to PO boxes due to their size, such as framed art, canvas art, oversized items, etc.">
697 </div>
698 </div>
700 <div class="clear">
701 </div>
702 </li>
703 <li>
704 <div class="error">
705 Please enter your address</div>
706 <label for="address2_s">
707 Address Line 2</label>
708 <input class="address2" type="text" name="address2_s" id="address2_s" ma xlength="40" />
709 <div class="note FR hidden">
710 Additional delivery instructions, such as an access code or an apart ment number.</div>
711 <div class="clear">
712 </div>
713 </li>
714 <li>
715 <div class="error">
716 Please enter your city</div>
717 <label for="city_s">
718 City</label>
719 <input class="city" type="text" name="city_s" id="city_s" maxlength="40" />
720 <div class="clear">
721 </div>
722 </li>
723 <li>
724 <div class="error">
725 Please enter your state/province/region</div>
726 <label for="state_s">
727 State/Territory</label>
728 <input class="state" type="text" name="state_s" id="state_s" maxlength=" 40" />
729 <select class="stateJP hidden required" name="state_sJP" id="state__sJP" >
730 <option value="">選択してください</option>
731 <option>北海道</option>
732 <option>青森県</option>
733 <option>岩手県</option>
734 <option>宮城県</option>
735 <option>秋田県</option>
736 <option>山形県</option>
737 <option>福島県</option>
738 <option>茨城県</option>
739 <option>栃木県</option>
740 <option>群馬県</option>
741 <option>埼玉県</option>
742 <option>千葉県</option>
743 <option>東京都</option>
744 <option>神奈川県</option>
745 <option>新潟県</option>
746 <option>富山県</option>
747 <option>石川県</option>
748 <option>福井県</option>
749 <option>山梨県</option>
750 <option>長野県</option>
751 <option>岐阜県</option>
752 <option>静岡県</option>
753 <option>愛知県</option>
754 <option>三重県</option>
755 <option>滋賀県</option>
756 <option>京都府</option>
757 <option>大阪府</option>
758 <option>兵庫県</option>
759 <option>奈良県</option>
760 <option>和歌山県</option>
761 <option>鳥取県</option>
762 <option>島根県</option>
763 <option>岡山県</option>
764 <option>広島県</option>
765 <option>山口県</option>
766 <option>香川県</option>
767 <option>愛媛県</option>
768 <option>高知県</option>
769 <option>徳島県</option>
770 <option>福岡県</option>
771 <option>長崎県</option>
772 <option>佐賀県</option>
773 <option>熊本県</option>
774 <option>大分県</option>
775 <option>宮崎県</option>
776 <option>鹿児島県</option>
777 <option>沖縄県</option>
778 </select>
780 <select class="stateTR hidden required" name="state_sTR"
781 id="state__sTR">
782 <option>İstanbul</option>
783 <option>Ankara</option>
784 <option>İzmir</option>
785 <option>Adana</option>
786 <option>Adıyaman</option>
787 <option>Afyonkarahisar</option>
788 <option>Ağrı</option>
789 <option>Aksaray</option>
790 <option>Amasya</option>
791 <option>Antalya</option>
792 <option>Ardahan</option>
793 <option>Artvin</option>
794 <option>Aydın</option>
795 <option>Balıkesir</option>
796 <option>Bartın</option>
797 <option>Batman</option>
798 <option>Bayburt</option>
799 <option>Bilecik</option>
800 <option>Bingöl</option>
801 <option>Bitlis</option>
802 <option>Bolu</option>
803 <option>Burdur</option>
804 <option>Bursa</option>
805 <option>Çanakkale</option>
806 <option>Çankırı</option>
807 <option>Çorum</option>
808 <option>Denizli</option>
809 <option>Diyarbakır</option>
810 <option>Düzce</option>
811 <option>Edirne</option>
812 <option>Elazığ</option>
813 <option>Erzincan</option>
814 <option>Erzurum</option>
815 <option>Eskişehir</option>
816 <option>Gaziantep</option>
817 <option>Giresun</option>
818 <option>Gümüşhane</option>
819 <option>Hakkâri</option>
820 <option>Hatay</option>
821 <option>Iğdır</option>
822 <option>Isparta</option>
823 <option>Kahramanmaraş</option>
824 <option>Karabük</option>
825 <option>Karaman</option>
826 <option>Kars</option>
827 <option>Kastamonu</option>
828 <option>Kayseri</option>
829 <option>Kilis</option>
830 <option>Kırıkkale</option>
831 <option>Kırklareli</option>
832 <option>Kırşehir</option>
833 <option>Kocaeli</option>
834 <option>Konya</option>
835 <option>Kütahya</option>
836 <option>Malatya</option>
837 <option>Manisa</option>
838 <option>Mardin</option>
839 <option>Mersin</option>
840 <option>Muğla</option>
841 <option>Muş</option>
842 <option>Nevşehir</option>
843 <option>Niğde</option>
844 <option>Ordu</option>
845 <option>Osmaniye</option>
846 <option>Rize</option>
847 <option>Sakarya</option>
848 <option>Samsun</option>
849 <option>Şanlıurfa</option>
850 <option>Siirt</option>
851 <option>Sinop</option>
852 <option>Şırnak</option>
853 <option>Sivas</option>
854 <option>Tekirdağ</option>
855 <option>Tokat</option>
856 <option>Trabzon</option>
857 <option>Tunceli</option>
858 <option>Uşak</option>
859 <option>Van</option>
860 <option>Yalova</option>
861 <option>Yozgat</option>
862 <option>Zonguldak</option>
863 </select>
864 <select class="stateAR hidden required" name="state_sAR"
865 id="state__sAR">
866 <option>Capital Federal</option>
867 <option selected="selected">Buenos Aires</option>
868 <option>Gran Buenos Aires</option>
869 <option>Catamarca</option>
870 <option>Chaco</option>
871 <option>Chubut</option>
872 <option>Córdoba</option>
873 <option>Corrientes</option>
874 <option>Entre Ríos</option>
875 <option>Formosa</option>
876 <option>Jujuy</option>
877 <option>La Pampa</option>
878 <option>La Rioja</option>
879 <option>Mendoza</option>
880 <option>Misiones</option>
881 <option>Neuquén</option>
882 <option>Río Negro</option>
883 <option>Salta</option>
884 <option>San Juan</option>
885 <option>San Luis</option>
886 <option>Santa Cruz</option>
887 <option>Santa Fe</option>
888 <option>Santiago del Estero</option>
889 <option>Tierra del Fuego</option>
890 <option>Tucumán</option>
891 <option>Islas del Atlántico Sur</option>
892 <option>Antártida</option>
893 </select>
894 <div class="clear">
895 </div>
896 </li>
897 <li>
898 <div class="error">
899 Please enter a valid ZIP/Postal code</div>
901 <label for="zip_s">
902 ZIP/Postal Code</label>
903 <input class="zip" type="text" name="zip_s" id="zip_s" maxlength="15" />
904 <div class="note JP hidden">
905 Example: 123-4567. For Japanese keyboards, use half-width numbers.</ div>
907 <div class="clear">
908 </div>
909 </li>
910 <li>
911 <div class="error">
912 </div>
913 <label for="country_s">
914 Country</label>
915 <select class="country" name="country_s" id="country_s">
917 <option value="AF">
918 Afghanistan</option>
920 <option value="AD">
921 Andorra</option>
923 <option value="AI">
924 Anguilla</option>
926 <option value="AR">
927 Argentina</option>
929 <option value="AM">
930 Armenia</option>
932 <option value="AW">
933 Aruba</option>
935 <option value="AU">
936 Australia</option>
938 <option value="AT">
939 Austria</option>
941 <option value="BS">
942 Bahamas</option>
944 <option value="BH">
945 Bahrain</option>
947 <option value="BY">
948 Belarus</option>
950 <option value="BE">
951 Belgium</option>
953 <option value="BZ">
954 Belize</option>
956 <option value="BM">
957 Bermuda</option>
959 <option value="BR">
960 Brazil</option>
962 <option value="CA">
963 Canada</option>
965 <option value="CN">
966 China</option>
968 <option value="HR">
969 Croatia</option>
971 <option value="CY">
972 Cyprus</option>
974 <option value="CZ">
975 Czech Republic</option>
977 <option value="DK">
978 Denmark</option>
980 <option value="DM">
981 Dominica</option>
983 <option value="FK">
984 Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
986 <option value="FJ">
987 Fiji</option>
989 <option value="FI">
990 Finland</option>
992 <option value="FR">
993 France</option>
995 <option value="DE">
996 Germany</option>
998 <option value="GI">
999 Gibraltar</option>
1001 <option value="GR">
1002 Greece</option>
1004 <option value="GD">
1005 Grenada</option>
1007 <option value="HK">
1008 Hong Kong</option>
1010 <option value="HU">
1011 Hungary</option>
1013 <option value="IS">
1014 Iceland</option>
1016 <option value="IQ">
1017 Iraq</option>
1019 <option value="IE">
1020 Ireland</option>
1022 <option value="IL">
1023 Israel</option>
1025 <option value="IT">
1026 Italy</option>
1028 <option value="JM">
1029 Jamaica</option>
1031 <option value="JP">
1032 Japan</option>
1034 <option value="KR">
1035 Korea - South</option>
1037 <option value="LA">
1038 Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
1040 <option value="LI">
1041 Liechtenstein</option>
1043 <option value="LU">
1044 Luxembourg</option>
1046 <option value="MY">
1047 Malaysia</option>
1049 <option value="MH">
1050 Marshall Islands</option>
1052 <option value="MU">
1053 Mauritius</option>
1055 <option value="MX">
1056 Mexico</option>
1058 <option value="MC">
1059 Monaco</option>
1061 <option value="NL">
1062 Netherlands</option>
1064 <option value="NZ">
1065 New Zealand</option>
1067 <option value="NO">
1068 Norway</option>
1070 <option value="PG">
1071 Papua New Guinea</option>
1073 <option value="PL">
1074 Poland</option>
1076 <option value="PT">
1077 Portugal</option>
1079 <option value="SA">
1080 Saudi Arabia</option>
1082 <option value="SG">
1083 Singapore</option>
1085 <option value="ZA">
1086 South Africa</option>
1088 <option value="ES">
1089 Spain</option>
1091 <option value="SE">
1092 Sweden</option>
1094 <option value="CH">
1095 Switzerland</option>
1097 <option value="TW">
1098 Taiwan</option>
1100 <option value="TH">
1101 Thailand</option>
1103 <option value="TR">
1104 Turkey</option>
1106 <option value="AE">
1107 United Arab Emirates</option>
1109 <option value="GB">
1110 United Kingdom</option>
1112 <option value="US">
1113 United States</option>
1115 </select>
1116 <div class="clear">
1117 </div>
1118 </li>
1119 <li>
1120 <div class="error">
1121 Please enter a valid phone number</div>
1123 <label for="phone_s">
1124 Phone</label>
1125 <input class="phone" type="text" name="phone_s" id="phone_s" maxlength=" 40" />
1126 <div class="note JP hidden">
1127 Example: 03-1234-5678. For Japanese keyboards, use half-width numbe rs.</div>
1128 <div class="clear">
1129 </div>
1130 </li>
1131 </ul>
1134 <div id="giftPu rchaseContainer">
1135 <div id= "giftMessageIcon"></div> <input name="isGiftPurchase" type="checkbox" value="yes " />
1136 This ord er is a gift purchase
1137 <div id= "giftOption" style="display:none;">
1138 Prices will not be displayed on the packing slip.<br />
1139 Enter your gift message below<br />
1140 <textarea name="giftMessage" id="giftMessage" rows="5" style="width:380px;displa y:none;"></textarea>
1141 <div id="charactersRemainingString">Characters remaining: <span id="charactersRe maining">250</span></div>
1142 </div>
1143 </div>
1144 <div id="purpose OfPurchaseContainer">
1145 What is the purpose of this purchase? (optional)<br />
1146 <div cla ss="floatLeft">
1147 <input name="purposeOfPurchase" type="radio" value="personal" />
1148 Personal/Home
1149 </div>
1150 <div cla ss="floatLeft" style="margin-left:25px;">
1151 <input name="purposeOfPurchase" type="radio" value="business" />
1152 Business/Company
1153 <div id="enterInvoice" style="margin-left:25px;display:none;">
1154 Invoice/PO Number
1155 <div class="tooltip basic" title="If you have an invoice or a purchase o rder number, you can enter it here. This information is not required."></div>
1156 <input name="invoice" type="text" maxlength="40" />
1157 </div>
1160 </div>
1161 <div cla ss="clear"></div>
1162 </div>
1164 <div id="addres sLabels" style="display:none;">
1165 <span id ="zipPostalLabel">ZIP/Postal Code</span>
1166 <span id ="postalLabel">ZIP/Postal Code</span>
1167 <span id ="stateLabel">State</span>
1168 <span id ="stateProvRegLabel">State/Province/Region</span>
1169 <span id ="stateTerritoryLabel">State/Territory</span>
1170 <span id ="cityLabel">City</span>
1171 <span id ="cityProvCountyLabel">City/Province/County</span>
1172 <span id ="cityDistrictAddressLabel">City/District/Address</span>
1173 <span id ="provinceLabel">Province</span>
1174 <span id ="address1Label">Address Line 1</span>
1175 <span id ="neighborhoodLabel">Neighborhood</span>
1176 <span id="streetBldgLabel">Street/Bldg</span >
1177 <span id="address2Label">Address Line 2</spa n>
1178 <span id="districtLabel">District</span>
1179 <span id="departmentDataLabel">Department</s pan>
1181 </div>
1183 <input type="hid den" name="county_b" id="county_b" value="" class="hiddenInput" />
1184 <input type="hid den" name="county_s" id="county_s" value="" class="hiddenInput" />
1185 <input type="hidden" name="address3" id="address 3" value="" class="hiddenInput ignore" />
1187 <input type="hid den" name="translationStatus" value="translated" class="hiddenInput" />
1188 <div class="subm itContainer borderTop">
1189 <div class="floatRight">
1190 <div class="gButtons gb1" id="submitAdd" >Continue</div><div class="proxyURL" style="display:none;">/ADC.NET/Root/Pages/P roxy/Checkout/Address/Default.aspx</div>
1191 </div>
1192 <div class="clear"></div>
1194 </div>
1195 </div>
1196 </div>
1204 <div id="Ship" class="checkoutStep">
1205 <div class="header">
1206 <div class="headerTitle floatLeft">2. Select Shipping Method </div>
1207 <div class="editLink floatRight" style="display:none;">Edit< /div>
1208 <div class="clear"></div>
1209 </div>
1210 <div class="exceptions"></div>
1211 <div class="summary">
1213 <div class="innerContents">
1214 <div class="shippingMethodHeader summaryHeader">Ship ping Method</div>
1215 <div class="ShippingMethod summaryChild"></div>
1216 </div>
1217 </div>
1219 <div class="edit">
1220 <input type="hidden" name="localHiddenShip" value="ship local hi dden" class="hiddenInput" />
1221 <div class="shippingMethod">
1222 <div id="ShpMtdContainer" style="">
1224 <div id = "HolidayMessage1" class="holiday-shipping-red" style= " padding-left:10px; text-align:left;" ></div>
1225 <div id = "HolidayMessage2" class="holiday-shipping-red" style=" pad ding-left:10px; text-align:left; padding-top:10px;clear:both;" > </div>
1227 <div id="ShippingMethodCartItems" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
1229 <div class="ShpMtdCartItemContainer item_FD760DE5FF9B449AB9053A1FF00FACFC" sty le="margin-top:10px; clear:both; height:90px; padding-bottom:20px;">
1230 <div class="ItemTitle" style="width:100%;display:none;">
1231 <div style="float:left;width:100px;">&nbsp;</div>
1232 <div style="float:left;border-bottom: 1px dotted #4C3327;paddin g-bottom:8px;margin-bottom:10px;">
1233 <div class="ItemTitleDesc" style="float:left;width:290px;">< strong>Description</strong></div>
1234 <div style="float:left;width:85px;"><strong>Qty</strong></di v>
1235 <div style="float:left;width:30px;"><strong>Price</strong></ div>
1236 </div>
1237 <div class="clear"></div>
1238 </div>
1239 <div class="ShippingCartItemDetails" style="width:100%;">
1240 <div style="width:85px;height:70px; float:left; text-align:center;ma rgin-top:5px;">
1241 <img class="imageBorder" src=" /5129/FCKEG00Z.jpg" alt="" height="76" width="76" />
1242 </div>
1243 <div class="ShippingCartItemDesc floatLeft">
1244 <div class="shpCartItemName" style="margin:0;"><strong>Warmth</s trong></div>
1245 <div>Framed Canvas Print</div>
1246 <div>42 x 42 in</div>
1247 <div>Item # : 8390107447A</div>
1248 <div style="color:#B34A0D; font-weight:bold;margin-top:8px;">
1249 <div class="floatLeft">
1250 <!--//@@HOLIDAYS_2010 @@-->
1252 <span class="EstimatedArrivalHoliday">Estimated arrival: </span>
1255 <div>
1256 <span id="Est_FD760DE5FF9B449AB9053A1FF00FACFC" class="l blEstArrValue"> </span>
1257 </div>
1258 <!--//@@HOLIDAYS_2010 @@-->
1259 </div>
1261 <div class="floatLeft">
1262 <div class="tooltip2" href="#tt_arrivalDate"></div>
1263 </div>
1265 </div>
1266 </div>
1267 <div style="width:50px;float:left;">
1268 <span class="cartItemID" style="display:none;">FD760DE5FF9B4 49AB9053A1FF00FACFC</span>
1269 <span class="iQty body">1 </span>
1270 <input class="txtQty numericOnly body" maxlength="3" style=" width:20px;display:none;" value="1" />
1271 <span class="lnkEditQty link lcase"><br />Edit</span>
1272 <span class="lnkUpdateQty link hidden" ><br />
1273 update qty
1274 </span>
1275 </div>
1276 <div class="itemPrice" style="text-align:right;font-size:11px;paddin g-left:10px;font-weight:bold;padding-right:2px;">$324.99</div>
1277 </div>
1278 </div>
1279 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1280 </div>
1281 <div>
1283 <div class="msgNotAllPNP hidden">
1284 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communication changes -->
1285 Note: Your items may be delivered in more than one shipment.
1287 <div class="tooltip basic" title="Items of different sizes may be shipped in sep arate boxes. Framed, laminated, wood mounted or canvas transferred items may als o be shipped separately.">
1288 </div></div>
1289 <div class="msgAllPNP hidden">
1290 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communication changes -->
1291 Note: Multiple items may be shipped together which may increase the ship time for some items.
1292 <div class="tooltip basic" title="Orders that contain multiple items wit h different ship times will be shipped out based on the item with the longest sh ip time.">
1294 </div></div>
1295 <div class="ShpMtdShippingOptionsContainer" style="background-color:#EEEEEE;padd ing-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px;margin-top:15px;">
1296 <div style="float:left;width:160px;" class="giftMsgDependent shpItem hid den">
1297 Prices will not be displayed on the packing slip.
1298 </div>
1299 <div style="text-align:right;float:right;" class="">
1300 <div style="float:left;" class="lblSubTotal">Subtotal</div>
1301 <div style="float:left; padding-right:10px;margin-left:20px;" class= "SubTotalValue">
1302 324.99
1303 </div>
1304 </div>
1305 <div class="clear"></div>
1306 <div class="CouponMsgContainer clsPaymentSummary" style="text-align :right;float:right;">
1307 <div class="coupon" id="lblCouponRevState" style="float:left;"> <span>Discount</span> (<span class="lblCouponRevStateDesc" ></span>)</div>
1308 <div class="coupon lblCouponValueRevState" style="float:left;ma rgin-left:20px;"></div>
1309 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1310 </div>
1311 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1312 <div class="taxLineContainer">
1313 <div style="float:right;" id="lblTax" class="shpItem">
1314 <span id="lblTaxText">Estimated Sales Tax</span>
1315 <span class="taxRate"></span>
1316 <div class="tooltip basic" title="If the sales tax rate for the shipping address changes before the order is shipped, the new rate will appl y."></div>
1318 <span class="lblTaxValue" style="margin-left:20px;"></span>
1319 </div>
1320 </div>
1321 <div class="clear"></div>
1322 <div class="ShipOptionsContainer floatRight" style="width:60%;">
1323 <div id="StdShipContainer" class="shipContainer" style="display: none;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">
1324 <div class="floatLeft" style="width:65%;">
1325 <div>
1326 <span style="font-weight:bold;" id="lblStdShippi ng">
1327 <input type="radio" name="rdShipping" value= "1" />
1328 Standard Shipping
1329 </span>
1330 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communicati on changes -->
1332 <div class="tooltip basic" title="Tracking may n ot be available for all shipments delivered via Standard shipping. "></div>
1334 </div>
1336 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1338 <span>Get it by: </span>
1341 <span id="lblStdEstArrRangeValue"></span>
1342 </div>
1344 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1345 <span>items under 1lb. will ship USPS</span>
1346 </div>
1348 </div>
1349 <div class="floatRight shipPrice">
1350 <span style="margin-left:10px;" id="lblStdShippingVa lue"></span>
1351 <span class="hidden lblFreeShippingValue" style="mar gin-left:10px;">FREE</span>
1352 </div>
1353 <div class="clear"></div>
1354 </div>
1355 <div id="ExpShipContainer" class="shipContainer" style="display: none;margin-bottom:10px;">
1356 <div class="floatLeft" style="width:65%;">
1357 <div>
1358 <span style="font-weight:bold;" id="lblExpShipping">
1359 <input type="radio" name="rdShipping" value="2" />
1360 Expedited Shipping
1361 </span>
1362 </div>
1363 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1366 <span>Get it by: </span>
1369 <span id="lblExpEstArrRangeValue"></span>
1370 </div>
1371 </div>
1372 <div class="floatRight shipPrice">
1373 <span style="margin-left:10px;" class="shippingOptionPri ce fadedText" id="lblExpShippingValue"></span>
1374 </div>
1375 <div class="clear"></div>
1376 </div>
1377 <div id="OvrShipContainer" class="shipContainer" style="display: none;margin-bottom:10px;">
1378 <div class="floatLeft" style="width:65%;">
1379 <div>
1380 <span style="font-weight:bold;" id="lblOverNightShip ping">
1381 <input type="radio" name="rdShipping" value="3" />
1382 Overnight Shipping
1383 </span>
1384 </div>
1385 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1387 <span>Get it by: </span>
1390 <span id="lblOvrEstArrRangeValue"></span>
1391 </div>
1392 </div>
1393 <div class="floatRight shipPrice">
1394 <span style="margin-left:10px;" class="shippingOptionPr ice fadedText" id="lblOverNightShippingValue"></span>
1395 </div>
1396 <div class="clear"></div>
1397 </div>
1398 </div>
1399 <div class="clear"></div>
1400 <div class="ShipOptionsReviewState floatRight">
1401 <div class="shipOptionsSummarySTDContainer hidden" >
1402 <div style="float:left;">
1403 <span class="shipOptionsSummarySTD">Standard Shipping </ span>
1404 </div>
1405 <div class="shipOptionsSummaryValueSTD" style="float:left;ma rgin-left:20px;"></div>
1406 <div class="hidden lblFreeShippingValue" style="float:left;m argin-left:20px;">FREE</div>
1407 </div>
1408 <div class="shipOptionsSummaryEXPContainer hidden"><div style="f loat:left;"><span class="shipOptionsSummaryEXP">Expedited Shipping </span></div> <div class="shipOptionsSummaryValueEXP" style="float:left;margin-left:20px;"></d iv></div>
1409 <div class="shipOptionsSummaryOVRContainer hidden" ><div style=" float:left;"><span class="shipOptionsSummaryOVR">Overnight Shipping </span></div ><div class="shipOptionsSummaryValueOVR" style="float:left;margin-left:20px;"></ div></div>
1410 </div>
1411 <div class="clear"></div>
1412 <div style="text-align:right;float:right;">
1413 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1414 <div style="font-weight:bold;">
1415 <div style="float:left;" class="lblTotal shpItem">
1416 Total
1417 <span class="msgVAT hidden vatConditional">(Inclusive of VAT)</span>
1418 <div class="tooltip2 vatConditional hidden" href="#tt_Va t"></div>
1419 </div>
1420 <div style="float:left;margin-left:18px;" class="TotalCharg es shpItem"><strong>324.99</strong></div>
1421 </div>
1422 </div>
1423 <div class="clear"></div>
1424 <div class="msgVAT hidden vatConditional"></div>
1426 </div>
1427 </div>
1428 <div>
1430 </div>
1431 </div>
1432 <div class="submitContainer borderTop">
1433 <div class="floatRight">
1434 <div class="gButtons gb1" id="submitShip">Continue</ div>
1435 <div class="proxyURL" style="display:none;">/ /root/pages/checkout/PaymentBuilder.aspx</div>
1436 </div>
1437 <div class="clear"></div>
1438 </div>
1439 <div>
1442 <div id="ValueMagazineContainer" style="display:none;">
1443 <div class="sectionHeading"><strong>Your purchase comes with an added benefi t</strong></div>
1444 <div>
1445 <div style="float:left;margin-bottom:20px;margin-right:15px;">
1446 <img class="imgFrm" src=" eMag/am_photo.jpeg" alt="" height="90" width="70" />
1447 </div>
1448 <div style=" margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;">
1449 <div>
1450 Special customer benefit:
1451 </div>
1452 <div>
1453 Enjoy a subscription to American Photo Magazine (6 issues). A $9 .99 value. The magazine is included with your purchase over $30.00.
1454 There are no hidden charges and your credit card will not be sha red with the publisher or charged at any time.
1455 </div>
1456 <div> <br />
1457 <input type="checkBox" name="UserWantsValueMagazine">
1458 Check the box if you <b>do not want a magazine</b>.
1459 <br />
1460 Get <a href="" >details</a> on rebate instructions
1461 </div>
1462 </div>
1463 <div class="clear"></div>
1464 </div>
1465 </div>
1470 </div>
1471 </div>
1472 </div>
1474 </div>
1475 <span id="lblValueMagazineID" class="hidden">147</span>
1476 <span id="lblIsMixedCart" class="hidden">0</span>
1480 <div id="Pay" class="checkoutStep">
1481 <div class="header">
1482 <div class="headerTitle floatLeft">3. Enter Payment Info</di v>
1483 <div class="editLink floatRight" style="display:none;">Edit< /div>
1484 <div class="clear"></div>
1485 </div>
1486 <div class="exceptions"></div>
1487 <div class="summary">
1489 <div class="innerContents">
1490 <div class="paymentMethodHeader"></div>
1491 <div class="paymentMethod"></div>
1492 </div>
1493 </div>
1494 <div class="edit">
1498 <div id="pMethods">
1501 <div id="paymentBy" class="hidden">
1502 Payment by</div>
1503 <div id="paymentOptions" class="paymentOptions">
1506 </div>
1508 <div id="couponPaymentOption" style="margin-left: 15px;margin-bottom:20px;">
1509 <div id="couponPaymentExceptions" class="exceptions noMarginPadding"></div>
1511 <div class="bold" style="margin-bottom: 5px;">
1512 Have a Coupon Code?
1513 <div class="tooltip basic tooltiplive" title="If you have a coupon code, enter it here. "></div>
1514 </div>
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1516 <ul id="addCouponPayment">
1517 <li>
1518 <label for="txtCoupon">
1519 Coupon Code</label>
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1521 <div class="buttonSameHeight floatLeft">
1522 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="btnApplyCouponPayment">Apply</ div>
1523 </div>
1524 <div class="clear"></div>
1525 </li>
1526 </ul>
1528 </div>
1529 </div>
1530 <input type="hidden" name="waste" value="" class="hiddenInpu t" />
1532 <div class="submitContainer borderTop">
1533 <div class="floatRight">
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1535 <div class="proxyURL" style="display:none;">/ADC.NET /Root/Pages/Proxy/Checkout/Payment/SetPayment.aspx</div>
1536 </div>
1537 <div class="clear"></div>
1538 <div class="floatRight" style="text-align:right;">
1539 <div class="continueMsg" id="payContinueMsg">You will re view all your order details on the next step.</div>
1540 <div class="continueMsg" id="payContinueMsgPayPal" class ="hidden">You will log into your PayPal account on the next step. When you are done, you will come back to review everything before placing your order.</div>
1541 <div class="continueMsg" id="payContinueMsgBML" class="h idden">Click Continue to pay with Bill Me Later. You will have a chance to revie w everything again before submitting your order.</div>
1542 <div class="continueMsg" id="payContinueMsgBMLReauth" cl ass="hidden">You will be taken again to Bill Me Later since you made changes to your order. You will have a chance to review everything again before submitting your order</div>
1543 </div>
1544 <div class="clear"></div>
1545 </div>
1546 </div>
1547 <span id="invalidBMLAuthorizationFlag" class="hidden"></span>
1548 <span id="gText_AmountDeducted" class="hidden">Amount to be ded ucted:</span>
1549 <span id="gText_BalanceRemaining" class="hidden">Available balance rema ining:</span>
1550 <span class="hidden expires">expires</span><span class="hidden amountCha rged">Amount to be charged: </span>
1551 </div>
1556 <div id="Review" class="checkoutStep">
1557 <div class="header">
1558 <div class="headerTitle">4. Review Your Order</div>
1559 </div>
1560 <div class="summary">
1561 <div class="innerContents">
1562 </div>
1563 </div>
1564 <div class="edit">
1566 <div id="RevOrderContainer" style="">
1567 <div id="ReviewStepCartItems" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
1569 <div class="ShpMtdCartItemContainer item_FD760DE5FF9B449AB9053A1FF00FACFC" sty le="margin-top:10px; clear:both; height:90px; padding-bottom:20px;">
1570 <div class="ItemTitle" style="width:100%;display:none;">
1571 <div style="float:left;width:100px;">&nbsp;</div>
1572 <div style="float:left;border-bottom: 1px dotted #4C3327;paddin g-bottom:8px;margin-bottom:10px;">
1573 <div class="ItemTitleDesc" style="float:left;width:290px;">< strong>Description</strong></div>
1574 <div style="float:left;width:85px;"><strong>Qty</strong></di v>
1575 <div style="float:left;width:30px;"><strong>Price</strong></ div>
1576 </div>
1577 <div class="clear"></div>
1578 </div>
1579 <div class="ShippingCartItemDetails" style="width:100%;">
1580 <div style="width:85px;height:70px; float:left; text-align:center;ma rgin-top:5px;">
1581 <img class="imageBorder" src=" /5129/FCKEG00Z.jpg" alt="" height="76" width="76" />
1582 </div>
1583 <div class="ShippingCartItemDesc floatLeft">
1584 <div class="shpCartItemName" style="margin:0;"><strong>Warmth</s trong></div>
1585 <div>Framed Canvas Print</div>
1586 <div>42 x 42 in</div>
1587 <div>Item # : 8390107447A</div>
1588 <div style="color:#B34A0D; font-weight:bold;margin-top:8px;">
1589 <div class="floatLeft">
1590 <!--//@@HOLIDAYS_2010 @@-->
1592 <span class="EstimatedArrivalHoliday">Estimated arrival: </span>
1595 <div>
1596 <span id="Est_FD760DE5FF9B449AB9053A1FF00FACFC" class="l blEstArrValue"> </span>
1597 </div>
1598 <!--//@@HOLIDAYS_2010 @@-->
1599 </div>
1601 <div class="floatLeft">
1602 <div class="tooltip2" href="#tt_arrivalDate"></div>
1603 </div>
1605 </div>
1606 </div>
1607 <div style="width:50px;float:left;">
1608 <span class="cartItemID" style="display:none;">FD760DE5FF9B4 49AB9053A1FF00FACFC</span>
1609 <span class="iQty body">1 </span>
1610 <input class="txtQty numericOnly body" maxlength="3" style=" width:20px;display:none;" value="1" />
1611 <span class="lnkEditQty link lcase"><br />Edit</span>
1612 <span class="lnkUpdateQty link hidden" ><br />
1613 update qty
1614 </span>
1615 </div>
1616 <div class="itemPrice" style="text-align:right;font-size:11px;paddin g-left:10px;font-weight:bold;padding-right:2px;">$324.99</div>
1617 </div>
1618 </div>
1619 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1620 </div>
1621 <div>
1623 <div class="msgNotAllPNP hidden">
1624 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communication changes -->
1625 Note: Your items may be delivered in more than one shipment.
1627 <div class="tooltip basic" title="Items of different sizes may be shipped in sep arate boxes. Framed, laminated, wood mounted or canvas transferred items may als o be shipped separately.">
1628 </div></div>
1629 <div class="msgAllPNP hidden">
1630 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communication changes -->
1631 Note: Multiple items may be shipped together which may increase the ship time for some items.
1632 <div class="tooltip basic" title="Orders that contain multiple items wit h different ship times will be shipped out based on the item with the longest sh ip time.">
1634 </div></div>
1635 <div class="ShpMtdShippingOptionsContainer" style="background-color:#EEEEEE;padd ing-bottom:5px;padding-top:5px;margin-top:15px;">
1636 <div style="float:left;width:160px;" class="giftMsgDependent shpItem hid den">
1637 Prices will not be displayed on the packing slip.
1638 </div>
1639 <div style="text-align:right;float:right;" class="">
1640 <div style="float:left;" class="lblSubTotal">Subtotal</div>
1641 <div style="float:left; padding-right:10px;margin-left:20px;" class= "SubTotalValue">
1642 324.99
1643 </div>
1644 </div>
1645 <div class="clear"></div>
1646 <div class="CouponMsgContainer clsPaymentSummary" style="text-align :right;float:right;">
1647 <div class="coupon" id="lblCouponRevState" style="float:left;"> <span>Discount</span> (<span class="lblCouponRevStateDesc" ></span>)</div>
1648 <div class="coupon lblCouponValueRevState" style="float:left;ma rgin-left:20px;"></div>
1649 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1650 </div>
1651 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1652 <div class="taxLineContainer">
1653 <div style="float:right;" id="lblTax" class="shpItem">
1654 <span id="lblTaxText">Estimated Sales Tax</span>
1655 <span class="taxRate"></span>
1656 <div class="tooltip basic" title="If the sales tax rate for the shipping address changes before the order is shipped, the new rate will appl y."></div>
1658 <span class="lblTaxValue" style="margin-left:20px;"></span>
1659 </div>
1660 </div>
1661 <div class="clear"></div>
1662 <div class="ShipOptionsContainer floatRight" style="width:60%;">
1663 <div id="StdShipContainer" class="shipContainer" style="display: none;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;">
1664 <div class="floatLeft" style="width:65%;">
1665 <div>
1666 <span style="font-weight:bold;" id="lblStdShippi ng">
1667 <input type="radio" name="rdShipping" value= "1" />
1668 Standard Shipping
1669 </span>
1670 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communicati on changes -->
1672 <div class="tooltip basic" title="Tracking may n ot be available for all shipments delivered via Standard shipping. "></div>
1674 </div>
1676 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1678 <span>Get it by: </span>
1681 <span id="lblStdEstArrRangeValue"></span>
1682 </div>
1684 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1685 <span>items under 1lb. will ship USPS</span>
1686 </div>
1688 </div>
1689 <div class="floatRight shipPrice">
1690 <span style="margin-left:10px;" id="lblStdShippingVa lue"></span>
1691 <span class="hidden lblFreeShippingValue" style="mar gin-left:10px;">FREE</span>
1692 </div>
1693 <div class="clear"></div>
1694 </div>
1695 <div id="ExpShipContainer" class="shipContainer" style="display: none;margin-bottom:10px;">
1696 <div class="floatLeft" style="width:65%;">
1697 <div>
1698 <span style="font-weight:bold;" id="lblExpShipping">
1699 <input type="radio" name="rdShipping" value="2" />
1700 Expedited Shipping
1701 </span>
1702 </div>
1703 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1706 <span>Get it by: </span>
1709 <span id="lblExpEstArrRangeValue"></span>
1710 </div>
1711 </div>
1712 <div class="floatRight shipPrice">
1713 <span style="margin-left:10px;" class="shippingOptionPri ce fadedText" id="lblExpShippingValue"></span>
1714 </div>
1715 <div class="clear"></div>
1716 </div>
1717 <div id="OvrShipContainer" class="shipContainer" style="display: none;margin-bottom:10px;">
1718 <div class="floatLeft" style="width:65%;">
1719 <div>
1720 <span style="font-weight:bold;" id="lblOverNightShip ping">
1721 <input type="radio" name="rdShipping" value="3" />
1722 Overnight Shipping
1723 </span>
1724 </div>
1725 <div style="margin-left:25px;">
1727 <span>Get it by: </span>
1730 <span id="lblOvrEstArrRangeValue"></span>
1731 </div>
1732 </div>
1733 <div class="floatRight shipPrice">
1734 <span style="margin-left:10px;" class="shippingOptionPr ice fadedText" id="lblOverNightShippingValue"></span>
1735 </div>
1736 <div class="clear"></div>
1737 </div>
1738 </div>
1739 <div class="clear"></div>
1740 <div class="ShipOptionsReviewState floatRight">
1741 <div class="shipOptionsSummarySTDContainer hidden" >
1742 <div style="float:left;">
1743 <span class="shipOptionsSummarySTD">Standard Shipping </ span>
1744 </div>
1745 <div class="shipOptionsSummaryValueSTD" style="float:left;ma rgin-left:20px;"></div>
1746 <div class="hidden lblFreeShippingValue" style="float:left;m argin-left:20px;">FREE</div>
1747 </div>
1748 <div class="shipOptionsSummaryEXPContainer hidden"><div style="f loat:left;"><span class="shipOptionsSummaryEXP">Expedited Shipping </span></div> <div class="shipOptionsSummaryValueEXP" style="float:left;margin-left:20px;"></d iv></div>
1749 <div class="shipOptionsSummaryOVRContainer hidden" ><div style=" float:left;"><span class="shipOptionsSummaryOVR">Overnight Shipping </span></div ><div class="shipOptionsSummaryValueOVR" style="float:left;margin-left:20px;"></ div></div>
1750 </div>
1751 <div class="clear"></div>
1752 <div style="text-align:right;float:right;">
1753 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1754 <div style="font-weight:bold;">
1755 <div style="float:left;" class="lblTotal shpItem">
1756 Total
1757 <span class="msgVAT hidden vatConditional">(Inclusive of VAT)</span>
1758 <div class="tooltip2 vatConditional hidden" href="#tt_Va t"></div>
1759 </div>
1760 <div style="float:left;margin-left:18px;" class="TotalCharg es shpItem"><strong>324.99</strong></div>
1761 </div>
1762 </div>
1763 <div class="clear"></div>
1764 <div class="msgVAT hidden vatConditional"></div>
1766 </div>
1767 </div>
1768 <div>
1770 </div>
1771 </div>
1773 <div class="submitContainer borderTop">
1774 <div class="floatRight">
1775 <div class="gButtons gb5" id="submitPlaceOrder">Place Your O rder</div>
1776 <div class="proxyURL" style="display:none;">/ADC.NET/Root/Pa ges/Proxy/Checkout/Review/SubmitOrder.aspx</div>
1777 </div>
1778 <div class="clear"></div>
1779 </div>
1780 </div>
1781 </div>
1782 <div id="popup_DiscontinuedItems" class="popup hidden" title="Shopping Cart" >
1783 <div id="DiscontinuedItemsCart"></div>
1784 <div style="margin-top:15px;text-align:center">
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1790 <div id="footerContainerCheckOut" style="margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:5px;">
1792 <img alt="" src="" height="1" wid th="1" />
1794 <div style="text-align:center;">
1795 <div class="">
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1797 <span style="font-weight:bold;">
1798 Order Toll Free: 800-952-5592
1799 </span>
1800 <span style="padding-left:10px;">
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1802 </span>
1804 </div>
1805 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1806 </div>
1807 <div class="" style="margin-top:5px;">&copy;, Inc. All rights r eserved.</div>
1808 <div style="margin-top:5px;font-size:10px;">
1809 <img alt="" style="padding-bottom:2px;" src=" om/images/spc/g/icon_lock.gif" />
1810 <span style="vertical-align:super;">Secure Payment </span>
1811 &nbsp;<span>
1812 <img alt="" src=" gif" class="cc visa" />
1813 <img alt="" src=" f" class="cc mastercard"/>
1814 <img alt="" src=" gif" class="cc amex" />
1815 <img alt="" src=" ver.gif" class="cc discover" />
1816 <img alt="" src=" l.gif" />
1817 <img alt="" src=" L_checkout_footer.gif" />
1818 </span>
1819 </div>
1820 <div style="clear:both;"></div>
1821 </div>
1823 </div>
1824 <span id="bHasOtherItem" class="hidden">True</span>
1825 <span id="bHasGiftCertificateItem" class="hidden">False</span>
1826 <span id="bIsPOBoxPossible" class="hidden">False</span>
1827 </div>
1829 <div id="rightContainer" class="floatLeft">
1830 <div>
1834 <div id="sideCart">
1835 <div id="sideCartHeader" class="headerBK">
1836 <div class="headerTitle">Shopping Cart</div>
1837 </div>
1838 <div id="sideCartInner">
1840 <div id="paymentSummary">
1841 <ul>
1842 <li>
1843 <div class="floatLeft" id="lblSubTotal">Subtotal: </div>
1844 <div class="floatRight SubTotalValue">$324.99</div>
1845 </li>
1846 <li class="couponLineContainer hidden">
1847 <span class="coupon floatLeft" id="lblCoupon">Discount: </span>
1848 <span class="coupon floatRight" id="lblCouponValue"></span>
1849 </li>
1850 <li class="taxLineContainer hidden">
1851 <div class="floatLeft lblTax">Estimated Tax: </div>
1852 <div class="floatRight lblTaxValue">$0.00</div>
1853 </li>
1854 <li class="shippingLineContainer fadedText">
1855 <div class="floatLeft" id="lblShipping" >Shipping:</div>
1856 <div class="floatRight clsPaymentSummary" id="lblShippingValue">$0.0 0</div>
1857 <div class="floatRight hidden lblFreeShippingValue clsPaymentSummary ">FREE</div>
1858 </li>
1859 <li>
1860 <div class="floatLeft" id="lblTotal">Total: </div>
1861 <div class="floatRight TotalCharges">$324.99</div>
1862 </li>
1863 <li class="hidden">
1864 <div class="error"></div>
1865 </li>
1867 <li id="addCoupon">
1868 <div class="exceptions noMarginPadding"></div>
1869 <input class="floatLeft" type="text" id="txtCoupon" style="width:100p x;" value="Coupon Code" />
1870 <div id="btnApplyCoupon" class="gButtons gb2">Apply</div>
1871 <div class="tooltip2 floatLeft alignWithButton" id="ttCouponCodeIcon" href="#tt_couponCode"></div>
1872 <div class="clear"></div>
1873 </li>
1874 <li id="lblRemoveCoupon" class="link hidden floatRight">
1875 <div class="floatRight" style="padding-right:10px;">
1876 remove coupon
1877 </div>
1878 </li>
1880 </ul>
1881 </div>
1882 <div class="clear"></div>
1883 <div id="sideCartItems" class="borderTopSolid">
1885 <div class="miniCartItemContainer">
1886 <div class="floatLeft miniCartImageContainer">
1887 <img class="imageBorder" src=" KEG00Z.jpg" alt="" height="60" width="60" />
1888 </div>
1889 <div class="floatLeft miniCartItemText">
1890 <ul>
1891 <li>Warmth</li>
1892 <li>42 x 42 in</li>
1893 <li>
1894 <span class="cartItemID hidden">FD760DE5FF9B449AB9053A1FF00FACFC </span>
1895 Qty: <span class="iQty">1</span>
1896 <input class="txtQty numericOnly" style="display:none;" maxlengt h="3" value="1" />
1898 <span class="lnkEditQty link lcase">Edit</span>
1900 <span class="lnkUpdateQty link lcase" style="display:none;">
1901 update qty
1902 </span>
1903 </li>
1904 <li class="itemPrice bold">$324.99</li>
1906 </ul>
1907 </div>
1908 </div>
1911 </div>
1912 </div>
1913 <div id="sideCartFooter" class="headerBK borderTopSolid">
1914 <div class="hideShowLinkContainer link">
1915 <span id="hideShowLabel">Hide Items</span> (<span id="miniCartQty">1 </span>)
1916 </div>
1917 </div>
1918 </div>
1919 <div id="globalReturnValue" class="hidden"></div>
1920 <div id="txtHideItems" class="hidden">Hide Items</div>
1921 <div id="txtShowItems" class="hidden">Show Items</div>
1922 <div id="popup_DeleteItem" class="popup" title="Delete Item" style="display:none ;">
1923 <div>Are you sure you want to delete this item from your order?</div>
1924 <div id="popup_DeleteItemButtonContainer" class="multi" style="float:left;ma rgin-top:15px;text-align:center">
1925 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="popup_DeleteItem_DeleteButton">Delete Item </div>
1926 <div class="gButtons gb3" id="popup_DeleteItem_CancelButton">Cancel</div >
1927 </div>
1928 </div>
1929 <span id="CountryDefault" class="hidden">US</span>
1930 <span id="IsCouponApplied" class="hidden">False</span>
1932 </div>
1933 <div>
1936 <div class="standardBorder" style="margin:10px 0 5px; padding:10px 0; text-align :center;">
1937 <div class="headerTitle bold" style="line-height:normal !important;">100% Sa tisfaction Guaranteed</div>
1938 <div style="color:#666666">
1939 <div style="margin: 5px 35px;">
1940 If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchas e, you may return it within 30 days.
1941 </div>
1942 <div id="Satisfaction_SeeDetails" class="cPointer">
1943 see&nbsp;details
1944 </div>
1945 </div>
1946 </div>
1947 <div id="popup_Returns" class="popup hidden" title="100% Satisfaction Guaranteed ">
1948 It's simple: AllPosters is committed to quality products and services-your satis faction is 100% guaranteed! We make returning your purchase for a replacement or refund easy.
1949 if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can take advanta ge of our 30-day return policy. sometimes, it is not even necessary to return th e item. for items that require a return, we'll usually pay the return cost. we d o need to hear from you within 30 days of delivery.
1950 Please visit our return FAQs for additional details and contact information.
1951 </div>
1952 </div>
1953 <div >
1955 <div id="TrustIconsContainer" class="standardBorder" style="text-align:center;ma rgin-top:10px;">
1957 <div class="headerBK borderTopSolid">
1958 <div class="headerTitle">100% Secured Payment</div>
1959 </div>
1961 <!-- SSL LOCK-->
1962 <div id="SSLContainer">
1963 <img alt="SSL" style="cursor:pointer;" src=" ages/spc/g/icon_ssl.gif" />
1964 </div>
1965 <div id="VerisignContainer">
1967 <!-- Verisign -->
1970 </div>
1972 <!-- BBB -->
1973 <div id="BBBContainer" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
1974 <img alt="BBB" style="cursor:pointer;" src=" mages/spc/g/logo_bbb.gif" />
1975 </div>
1977 <!-- TrustWave -->
1978 <div id="TrustWaveContainer" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
1980 <table width="135" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="dis play:inline"><tr><td width="135" align="center"><noscript><a href="https://seals yle=invert&size=105x54&language=en" target="hATW"><img src="https://sealserver.t ert&size=105x54&language=en" border="0" alt="Trusted Commerce"/></a></noscript>< /td></tr></table>
1983 </div>
1985 <div style="margin-bottom:10px;">
1986 <img border="0" alt="McAfee Secure sites help keep you safe from identit y theft, credit card fraud, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams" src="https: //" style="cursor:pointer; z-index: 1000; width: 65px; height: 37px;"/>
1987 </div>
1989 </div>
1990 <!-- Privacy Policy -->
1991 <div id="PrivacyPolicy" style="text-align:center;margin-top:10px;color:Gray; cur sor:pointer;">
1992 Our Privacy Policy
1993 </div>
1994 <div>
1995 <!--@@ LIVECHAT @@-->
1997 <!--@@ LIVECHAT @@-->
1998 </div>
1999 <div id="popup_SSLDesc" class="popup hidden" title="Security">
2000 Protecting your private data is our highest priority. We provide high-level prot ection through SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer. This advanced cryptographic system is designed to encrypt private data so that it can be transmitted safely and securely over the Internet. SSL is the approved standard of the Internet Eng ineering Task Force (IETF). Our security system also meets the rigorous security requirements of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
2001 </div>
2002 <div id="popup_PrivacyPolicy" class="popup hidden" title="Privacy Policy">
2004 <div>
2005 <div>
2006 We value the users of our web site (the "Website") and their access to the products and services offered on it (the "Services"), and we know privacy is important to them.
2007 Accordingly, we have implemented this Privacy Policy to inform you of th e information that we collect from you, how we collect it, and what we do with i t. By using the Website you are accepting the practices described in this Privac y Policy.
2008 </div>
2009 <div style="margin-left:20px;">
2010 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;"> How and when we collect i nformation:</div>
2011 <div>
2012 We collect "personal" information from you when you provide it to us .
2013 For example, if you purchase a product from us, we collect your nam e, mailing address, telephone number, credit card number and email address. If y ou sign up to receive a newsletter, we will collect your email address.
2014 If you utilize Services or take advantage of special offers made by us or our marketing partners, we may collect other personal information about y ou.
2015 </div>
2016 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;"> What we do with your info rmation:</div>
2017 <div>We are committed to protecting your privacy. Under no circumstances do we rent, trade or share your e-mail address with any other company for their marketing purposes without your consent.</div>
2018 <div>
2019 We use your personal information for internal purposes such as p rocessing and keeping you informed of your order. You may, from time to time, re ceive information from us about new features, new services and special offers we think you'll find valuable. If you take advantage of special offers made by ou r marketing partners, we may transfer your personal information to them.
2020 Also, we make our customer's mailing addresses available to care fully screened companies whose products or services might interest you.
2021 </div>
2022 <div style="margin-top:5px;">
2023 The personal information that you give us when you place an order o r utilize one of the Services is used to process and fulfill your order or reque st. We also use your personal information for our own internal purposes, such as providing customer support or providing, maintaining, evaluating and improving the Services and the Website.
2026 </div>
2027 <div style="margin-top:5px;">
2028 We may disclose the personal and non-personal information of our customers to any successor-in-interest of ours, such as a company that acquires us. In the event we go through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisi tion by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your informa tion will likely be among the assets transferred.
2029 We may need to disclose personal information when required by la w and when we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply w ith a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process.
2030 </div>
2032 <div></div>
2033 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;">
2034 Your choice to opt-out of certain communications:
2035 </div>
2036 <div>
2037 If you are no longer interested in receiving e-mail announcements an d other marketing information from us, please e-mail your request to support@art .com.
2038 Please include your complete name and mailing address (as well as yo ur e-mail address) if you prefer not to receive direct mail postcards or catalog s.
2039 Note that you may still receive customer service related communicat ions from us.
2040 </div>
2042 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;"> We link to other sites:</ div>
2043 <div>
2044 This Website may contain links to other web sites. Please be aware t hat we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other web sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privac y statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable in formation.
2045 This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by th is Website.
2046 </div>
2047 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;">
2048 IP address and cookies:
2049 </div>
2050 <div>
2051 We also collect "non-personal" information from you, such as your br owser type, the URL of the previous web site you visited, your ISP, operating sy stem, and your IP address.
2052 Non-personal information cannot be easily used to personally identi fy you.
2053 We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our serve r and to administer our website. Your IP address also may be used to gather broa d demographic information and to recognize customer traffic patterns and site us age.
2054 This information aids us in merchandising and in developing the des ign and layout of the site.
2055 </div>
2056 <div style="margin-top:5px;">
2057 In addition, like almost all e-commerce web sites, we use "cookies. " Cookies are bits of information that are stored on your computer by your web b rowser.
2058 Although our cookies don't store any of your personal information, they do allow us to do things like keep items in your shopping cart between visi ts or during the same visit or provide you with a more personalized user experie nce.
2059 Whether you want your web browser to accept cookies or not is up to you. If you haven't changed your computer's settings, most likely your browser already accepts cookies.
2060 </div>
2061 <div style="margin-top:5px;">
2062 We may collect and share non-personal information about the pages t hat you visit on the Website, but this information is not personally identifiabl e, and we may use selected third parties for marketing and analysis purposes.
2064 </div>
2065 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;">
2066 How we protect your information:
2067 </div>
2068 <div>
2069 The security of your personal information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information such as a credit card number on our registration or order forms, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technolog y (SSL).
2070 We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the pers onal information submitted to us from unauthorized access or disclosure, both du ring transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission ove r the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure.
2071 Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security. We assume no liability for any disclosure of data due to errors in transmission, u nauthorized third party access or other acts of third parties, or other acts or omissions.
2073 </div>
2074 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;"> Children's Privacy</div>
2075 <div>
2076 The Services are intended for users ages 18 and older. Accordingly, we will not knowingly collect or use any personal information from persons that we know to be under the age of 18.
2077 In addition, we will delete any information in our database that we know originates from a child under the age of 18.
2078 </div>
2079 <div style="font-weight:bold;">Updating your personal information:</div>
2080 <div>
2081 If your personal information changes, you may correct, update or re move personal information previously provided to us by contacting our customer s ervice department at
2082 </div>
2083 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;">Changes to our Privacy Pol icy:</div>
2084 <div> If we change our Privacy Policy, we will post a new Privacy Policy on our Website, which will become effective when posted. The new policy will ap ply to all current and past users of the Website and will replace any prior poli cies that are inconsistent with it.
2085 </div>
2086 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;">Contact us:</div>
2087 <div>
2088 If you ever have any questions regarding our privacy policy please c ontact us at
2089 </div>
2090 <div style="font-weight:bold;margin-top:5px;"> Privacy Policy Effective Date: February 29, 2008</div>
2091 </div>
2095 </div>
2097 </div>
2098 <div >
2100 <style type="text/css">
2101 .heading2
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2105 }
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2107 {
2108 font-family:Verdana,Arial,helvetica;
2109 font-size:11px;
2110 margin-left:20px;
2111 }
2113 </style>
2114 <div id="popup_termsOfSale" class="popup hidden" title="Terms of Sale">
2115 <style type="text/css">
2116 .heading1
2117 {
2118 font-weight: 700;
2119 }
2120 .paragraph1
2121 {
2122 padding-left: 0px;
2123 }
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2125 {
2126 padding-left: 0px;
2127 }
2128 .heading2
2129 {
2130 font-size: 13px;
2131 font-weight: 700;
2132 }
2133 </style>
2135 </div>
2136 </div>
2137 </div>
2138 </div>
2139 </div>
2140 <div id="popup_county" class="popup" title="Verify Your County" style="display:n one;">
2141 <div style="margin-bottom:15px;">For tax purposes, please select the correct city/county for this address.</div>
2142 <div class="ieHeightFix">
2143 <div class="floatLeft">
2144 <div class="bold">Please select the correct city/county combination< /div>
2145 <div id="popup_countyList">
2146 County Item
2147 </div>
2148 </div>
2149 <div class="floatRight leftBorder" style="margin-right:75px;padding-left :15px;">
2150 <div style="margin-bottom:10px;" class="bold">You Entered</div>
2151 <div id="popup_countyAddress"></div>
2152 </div>
2153 <div class="clear"></div>
2154 </div>
2155 </div>
2156 <div id="popup_accountAddress" class="popup hidden" title="">
2157 <div id="popup_accountAddressHeading"></div>
2158 <div id="popup_accountAddressContents">
2159 <div class="popup_accountAddress_Container"></div>
2160 </div>
2161 <div id="popup_accountAddressButtonContainer" class="multi" style="margin-to p:15px;text-align:center">
2162 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="popup_accountAddress_SelectButton">Select< /div>
2163 <div class="gButtons gb3" id="popup_accountAddress_CancelButton">Cancel< /div>
2164 <div class="clear"></div>
2165 </div>
2166 </div>
2167 <div id="popup_accountPayment" class="popup hidden" title="Select Credit Card">
2168 <div id="popup_accountPaymentHeading">Select the credit card you wish to use :</div>
2169 <div id="popup_accountPaymentContents">
2170 <div class="popup_accountPayment_Container"></div>
2171 </div>
2172 <div id="popup_accountPaymentButtonContainer" class="multi" style="margin-to p:15px;text-align:center">
2173 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="popup_accountPayment_SelectButton">Select< /div>
2174 <div class="gButtons gb3" id="popup_accountPayment_SelectButton">Cancel< /div>
2175 </div>
2176 </div>
2177 <div id="tt_Vat" class="hidden">
2178 <div style="width:170px;" class="floatLeft">
2179 <div class="smallMarginBottom">Total before VAT</div>
2180 <div class="smallMarginBottom">VAT (<span class="vatRate"></span>)</div>
2181 </div>
2182 <div class="floatRight" style="width:54px;text-align:right;">
2183 <div class="orderTotalWithoutVAT smallMarginBottom"></div>
2184 <div class="smallMarginBottom">+ <span class="vatTotal"></span></div>
2185 </div>
2186 <div class="clear"></div>
2187 <div class="borderTopSolid smallMarginBottom"></div>
2188 <div class="floatLeft smallMarginBottom bold">Total</div>
2189 <div class="floatRight orderTotal smallMarginBottom bold"></div>
2190 </div>
2193 <div id="tt_securityCode" class="hidden" style="width:400px;">
2194 <div class="floatLeft tt_ccImage"><img src=" /spc/g/creditcardback.jpg" width="262" height="179" border="0" alt="back of card " /></div>
2195 <div class="floatLeft tt_ccText">
2196 <p class="bold">Visa, MasterCard, Discover</p>
2197 <p>The security code is a three-digit number found on the <b>back</b> of your credit card.</p>
2198 </div>
2199 <div class="clear"></div>
2200 <div class="floatLeft tt_ccImage"><img src=" /spc/g/creditcardfront.jpg" width="262" height="179" border="0" alt="front of ca rd" /></div>
2201 <div class="floatLeft tt_ccText">
2202 <p class="bold">American Express</p>
2203 <p>The security code is a four-digit number on the <b>front</b> of the c ard, above the credit card number on either the <b>right or the left</b> side.</ p>
2204 </div>
2205 <div class="clear"></div>
2206 </div>
2209 <div id="tt_arrivalDate" class="hidden">
2210 <!-- Added for HDT- 73796- BR Shipping communication changes -->
2211 The estimated arrival date is calculated by adding both the processing time an d the transit time. All times are measured in business days.
2213 <div id="tt_arrivalDateFaster"><span class="bold">Need it faster?</span><br />
2214 <span id="tt_arrivalDateExpOrOvernight">Choose Expedited or Overnight shippi ng to receive your order sooner.</span>
2215 <span id="tt_arrivalDateOvernight" class="hidden">Choose Overnight shipping to receive your order sooner.</span>
2216 </div>
2218 </div>
2219 <span id="tt_couponCode" class="hidden">If you have a coupon code, enter it here . <br /><br />If you have a gift certificate or giftcard code, you will be able to enter it on the payment step.</span>
2220 <span id="gText_selectBillingToUse" class="hidden">Select the billing address yo u wish to use:</span>
2221 <span id="gText_selectShippingToUse" class="hidden">Select the shipping address you wish to use:</span>
2222 <span id="gText_selectBillingAddress" class="hidden">Select Billing Address</spa n>
2223 <span id="gText_selectShippingAddress" class="hidden">Select Shipping Address</s pan>
2224 <span id="gText_expires" class="hidden">expires</span>
2225 <span id="gText_amountCharged" class="hidden">Amount to be charged:</span>
2226 <span id="gText_Discontinued" class="hidden">We're sorry - This item has been di scontinued.</span>
2227 <div id="popup_invalidAddress" class="popup" title="Verify Your Address" style=" display:none;">
2228 <div class="ieHeightFix" style="margin-top:20px;">
2229 <br />
2230 <span class="alertText bold">Sorry, we could not process this address as entered. </span><br /><br />
2231 <span class="alertText bold">Please go back and verify that your address is valid.</span><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
2232 <div id="invalidContinueContainer" class="center">
2233 <div class="gButtons gb2" id="invalidContinue">Edit Address</div>
2234 </div>
2235 </div>
2236 </div>
2237 <div id="QASShippingTitle" class="hidden">Verify Your Shipping Address</div>
2238 <div id="QASBillingTitle" class="hidden">Verify Your Billing Address</div>
2239 <div id="qText_seeAll" class="hidden">See all potential matches</div>
2240 <div id="qText_youEntered" class="hidden">You Entered</div>
2241 <div id="qText_enterAdditional" class="hidden">Enter Additional Information</div >
2242 <div id="qText_or" class="hidden">OR</div>
2243 <div id="proweb_wgt" title=""></div>
2244 <div id="input_wgt"></div>
2246 <span id="CREDIT_DEBIT_CARD" class="hidden">Credit Card</span>
2247 <span id="DIRECT_DEBIT" class="hidden">Direct Debit</span>
2248 <span id="DIRECT_DEBIT_NL" class="hidden">Direct Debit</span>
2249 <span id="PAY_BY_INVOICE" class="hidden">Invoice</span>
2250 <span id="PAYPAL" class="hidden">PayPal</span>
2251 <span id="GIFT_CERTIFICATE" class="hidden">Gift Certificate</span>
2252 <span id="PAY_BY_PHONE" class="hidden">Phone</span>
2253 <span id="PAY_BY_MAIL" class="hidden">Mail</span>
2254 <span id="PERSONAL_CHECK" class="hidden">Personal Check</span>
2255 <span id="MONEY_ORDER" class="hidden">Money Order</span>
2256 <span id="PAY_BY_COD" class="hidden">COD</span>
2257 <span id="PAY_BY_FAX" class="hidden">Fax</span>
2258 <span id="WIRE_TRANSFER" class="hidden">Wire Transfer</span>
2259 <span id="lblContinueShoppingURL" class="hidden"></span>
2260 <span id="lblEmptyCartURL" class="hidden"> </span>
2261 <span id="isAPCJP" class="hidden">false</span>
2262 <span id="gTextPaymentLabelUNKNOWN" class="hidden"></span><span id="gTextPayment LabelDIRECT_DEBIT" class="hidden">Payment by Direct Debit </span><span id="gText PaymentLabelDIRECT_DEBIT_NL" class="hidden">Payment by Direct Debit </span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelCREDIT_DEBIT_CARD" class="hidden">Payment by Credit Card</ span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPAY_BY_INVOICE" class="hidden">Payment by Invoic e</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPAYPAL" class="hidden">Payment by PayPal</spa n><span id="gTextPaymentLabelGIFT_CERTIFICATE" class="hidden">Payment by Gift Ce rtificate</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPAY_BY_PHONE" class="hidden">Payment by Phone</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPAY_BY_MAIL" class="hidden">Payment by Mail</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPERSONAL_CHECK" class="hidden">Payment by personal check</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelMONEY_ORDER" class="hidden">Mon ey Order Payment</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPAY_BY_COD" class="hidden">Pay ment by COD</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelPAY_BY_FAX" class="hidden">Payment by Fax</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelWIRE_TRANSFER" class="hidden">Payment by wire transfer</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelEXTERNAL_PAYMENT" class="hidden" >External Payment</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelBML" class="hidden">Payment b y Bill Me Later</span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelIDEAL" class="hidden"></span><s pan id="gTextPaymentLabelSOFORTUBERWEISUNG" class="hidden"></span><span id="gTex tPaymentLabelGIROPAY" class="hidden"></span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelNORDEA" c lass="hidden"></span><span id="gTextPaymentLabelOBT" class="hidden"></span>
2263 <div id="divPayPalToken" class="hidden"></div>
2264 <div id="divPayPalPayerId" class="hidden"></div>
2265 <div id="bImplementGA" class="hidden">
2267 </div>
2269 <div id="divBMLSessionKey" class="hidden"></div>
2270 <div id="divBMLAction" class="hidden"></div>
2271 <div id="divBMLAuthorization" class="hidden"></div>
2272 <div id="popup_bmlMoreDetails" class="hidden bmlPopUp">
2273 <div style="text-align:right;"><span class="BMLPopupCloseLink" style="cursor:poi nter;color:Red;">close</span></div>
2274 <p>
2275 Bill Me Later® was unable to authorize your transaction based on the inf ormation
2276 you provided. this may have occured because you:</p>
2277 <ul>
2278 <li>Provided your work address instead of your home address as your bill ing address(where you receive bills, credit card bills, etc.).</li>
2279 <li>Provided a PO Box instead of a physical address and we were unable t o veryfy the corresponding physical address.</li>
2280 <li>Provided your work phone number or cell phone number instead of your home phone number.</li>
2281 <li>Inaccurately entered your phone number (must be 10 digits)</li>
2282 <li>Inaccurately entered the last four digits of your Social Security Nu mber or your Date of Birth.</li>
2283 <li>Provided your initials, company name, or family name instead of your full, legal name.</li>
2284 <li>Did not provide a valid email address that is registered to you.</li >
2285 </ul>
2286 <p>If you wish to try Bill Me Later® again, please verify the accuracy of yo ur information or select another payment method.</p>
2287 <p>If your transaction was not approved, Bill Me Later® will notify you of t he reasons.</p>
2288 </div>
2289 <div id="divPaymentAuth" class="hidden"></div>
2290 <div id="divPaymentPopup" class="popup" title="Payment Information" style="displ ay:none;overflow:hidden;">
2291 <div style="margin-top:5px;#height:365px;">
2292 <iframe id="framePayment" height="100%" width="100%" style="border:0 ;" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"> </iframe>
2293 </div>
2294 </div>
2297 </div>
2298 </form>
2299 </body>
2300 </html>

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