1 # Expectations for preparser tests. | 1 # Expectations for preparser tests. |
2 # Only mentions tests that throw SyntaxError, and optionally specifies | 2 # Only mentions tests that throw SyntaxError, and optionally specifies |
3 # the message and location expected in the exception. | 3 # the message and location expected in the exception. |
4 # Format: | 4 # Format: |
5 # testname[:message[:beg_pos,end_pos]] | 5 # testname[:message[:beg_pos,end_pos]] |
6 strict-octal-number:strict_octal_literal | 6 strict-octal-number:strict_octal_literal |
7 strict-octal-string:strict_octal_literal | 7 strict-octal-string:strict_octal_literal |
8 strict-octal-regexp:strict_octal_literal | 8 strict-octal-regexp:strict_octal_literal |
9 strict-octal-use-strict-after:strict_octal_literal | 9 strict-octal-use-strict-after:strict_octal_literal |
10 strict-octal-use-strict-before:strict_octal_literal | 10 strict-octal-use-strict-before:strict_octal_literal |
| 11 |
| 12 strict-eval-argument-own:strict_param_name |
| 13 strict-eval-argument:strict_param_name |
| 14 strict-eval-assign:strict_lhs_assignment |
| 15 strict-eval-op-assign:strict_lhs_assignment |
| 16 strict-eval-prefix:strict_lhs_prefix |
| 17 strict-eval-postfix:strict_lhs_postfix |
| 18 strict-eval-catch:strict_catch_variable |
| 19 strict-eval-func-own:strict_function_name |
| 20 strict-eval-func:strict_function_name |
| 21 strict-eval-funcexp:strict_function_name |
| 22 strict-eval-var:strict_var_name |
| 23 |
| 24 strict-arguments-argument-own:strict_param_name |
| 25 strict-arguments-argument:strict_param_name |
| 26 strict-arguments-assign:strict_lhs_assignment |
| 27 strict-arguments-op-assign:strict_lhs_assignment |
| 28 strict-arguments-prefix:strict_lhs_prefix |
| 29 strict-arguments-postfix:strict_lhs_postfix |
| 30 strict-arguments-catch:strict_catch_variable |
| 31 strict-arguments-func-own:strict_function_name |
| 32 strict-arguments-func:strict_function_name |
| 33 strict-arguments-funcexp:strict_function_name |
| 34 strict-arguments-var:strict_var_name |
| 35 |
| 36 strict-yield-argument-own:strict_reserved_word |
| 37 strict-yield-argument:strict_reserved_word |
| 38 strict-yield-assign:strict_reserved_word |
| 39 strict-yield-op-assign:strict_reserved_word |
| 40 strict-yield-prefix:strict_reserved_word |
| 41 strict-yield-postfix:strict_reserved_word |
| 42 strict-yield-catch:strict_reserved_word |
| 43 strict-yield-func-own:strict_reserved_word |
| 44 strict-yield-func:strict_reserved_word |
| 45 strict-yield-funcexp:strict_reserved_word |
| 46 strict-yield-var:strict_reserved_word |
| 47 |
| 48 strict-with:strict_mode_with |