DescriptionMake git-cl and update_depot_tools msys-compatible.
This change makes it possible to run 'git cl' from
a Command Prompt using only the auto-installed git
from depot_tools. It is needed because in MSysGit,
'git cl' invokes 'git' which calls 'git-cl'. While
'git-cl' is pulled from depot_tools (since it's in
PATH), depot_tools/python_bin is not in PATH, and
so we execute through our auto-installed
python.exe directly.
update_depot_tools is fixed so that if we find
the auto-installed svn and git in depot_tools, we
execute those directly, otherwise falling back to
calling them based on PATH.
In both git-cl and update_depot_tools, we only enable
this new behavior if uname in PATH reports a 'MINGW'
environment. This should not trigger on any other
environment where uname exists, including Cygwin which
should report 'CYGWIN'.
Patch Set 1 #
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