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Unified Diff: third_party/libphonenumber/patches/version186.patch

Issue 6930013: Re-committing after fixing multi-dll build: (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: Created 9 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/libphonenumber/patches/version186.patch
--- third_party/libphonenumber/patches/version186.patch (revision 0)
+++ third_party/libphonenumber/patches/version186.patch (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,1177 @@
+Index: regexp_adapter.h
+--- regexp_adapter.h (revision 0)
++++ regexp_adapter.h (revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
++// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
++// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
++// You may obtain a copy of the License at
++// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
++// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
++// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
++// limitations under the License.
++// Author: George Yakovlev
++#include <string>
++// Regexp adapter to allow pluggable regexp engine, as it is external to
++// libphonenumber.
++namespace reg_exp {
++// The reg exp input class.
++// It supports only functions used in phonelibrary.
++class RegularExpressionInput {
++ public:
++ virtual ~RegularExpressionInput() {};
++ // Matches string to regular expression, returns true if expression was
++ // matched, false otherwise, advances position in the match.
++ // |reg_exp| - expression to be matched.
++ // |beginning_only| - if true match would be successfull only if appears at
++ // the beginning of the tested region of the string.
++ // |matched_string1| - successfully matched first string. Can be NULL.
++ // |matched_string2| - successfully matched second string. Can be NULL.
++ virtual bool ConsumeRegExp(std::string const& reg_exp,
++ bool beginning_only,
++ std::string* matched_string1,
++ std::string* matched_string2) = 0;
++ // Convert unmatched input to a string.
++ virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
++// The regular expression class.
++// It supports only functions used in phonelibrary.
++class RegularExpression {
++ public:
++ RegularExpression() {}
++ virtual ~RegularExpression() {}
++ // Matches string to regular expression, returns true if expression was
++ // matched, false otherwise, advances position in the match.
++ // |input_string| - string to be searched.
++ // |beginning_only| - if true match would be successfull only if appears at
++ // the beginning of the tested region of the string.
++ // |matched_string1| - successfully matched first string. Can be NULL.
++ // |matched_string2| - successfully matched second string. Can be NULL.
++ // |matched_string3| - successfully matched third string. Can be NULL.
++ virtual bool Consume(RegularExpressionInput* input_string,
++ bool beginning_only,
++ std::string* matched_string1 = NULL,
++ std::string* matched_string2 = NULL,
++ std::string* matched_string3 = NULL) const = 0;
++ // Matches string to regular expression, returns true if expression was
++ // matched, false otherwise.
++ // |input_string| - string to be searched.
++ // |full_match| - if true match would be successfull only if it matches the
++ // complete string.
++ // |matched_string| - successfully matched string. Can be NULL.
++ virtual bool Match(const char* input_string,
++ bool full_match,
++ std::string* matched_string) const = 0;
++ // Replaces match(es) in the |string_to_process|. if |global| is true,
++ // replaces all the matches, only the first match otherwise.
++ // |replacement_string| - text the matches are replaced with.
++ // Returns true if expression successfully processed through the string,
++ // even if no actual replacements were made. Returns false in case of an
++ // error.
++ virtual bool Replace(std::string* string_to_process,
++ bool global,
++ const char* replacement_string) const = 0;
++RegularExpressionInput* CreateRegularExpressionInput(const char* utf8_input);
++RegularExpression* CreateRegularExpression(const char* utf8_regexp);
++} // namespace reg_exp
+Property changes on: regexp_adapter.h
+Added: svn:eol-style
+ + LF
+--- (revision 0)
++++ (revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
++// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
++// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
++// You may obtain a copy of the License at
++// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
++// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
++// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
++// limitations under the License.
++// Author: George Yakovlev
++#include "regexp_adapter.h"
++#include <re2/re2.h>
++#include <re2/stringpiece.h>
++#include <re2/re2.h>
++namespace {
++scoped_ptr<RE2Cache> re2_cache;
++} // namespace
++class RE2RegularExpressionInput : public RegularExpressionInput {
++ public:
++ RE2RegularExpressionInput(const char* utf8_input);
++ virtual bool ConsumeRegExp(std::string const& reg_exp,
++ bool beginning_only,
++ std::string* matched_string1,
++ std::string* matched_string2);
++ virtual std::string ToString() const;
++ private:
++ StringPiece utf8_input_;
++class RE2RegularExpression : public reg_exp::RegularExpression {
++ public:
++ RE2RegularExpression(const char* utf8_regexp);
++ virtual bool Consume(reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput* input_string,
++ bool beginning_only,
++ std::string* matched_string1,
++ std::string* matched_string2,
++ std::string* matched_string3) const;
++ virtual bool Match(const char* input_string,
++ bool full_match,
++ std::string* matched_string) const;
++ virtual bool Replace(std::string* string_to_process,
++ bool global,
++ const char* replacement_string) const;
++ private:
++ RE2 utf8_regexp_;
++RE2RegularExpressionInput::RE2RegularExpressionInput(const char* utf8_input)
++ : utf8_input_(utf8_input) {
++ DCHECK(utf8_input);
++bool RE2RegularExpressionInput::ConsumeRegExp(std::string const& reg_exp,
++ bool beginning_only,
++ std::string* matched_string1,
++ std::string* matched_string2) {
++ if (beginning_only) {
++ if (matched_string2)
++ return RE2::Consume(&utf8_input_,
++ RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(), reg_exp),
++ matched_string1, matched_string2);
++ else if (matched_string1)
++ return RE2::Consume(&utf8_input_,
++ RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(), reg_exp),
++ matched_string1);
++ else
++ return RE2::Consume(&utf8_input_,
++ RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(), reg_exp));
++ } else {
++ if (matched_string2)
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(&utf8_input_,
++ RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
++ reg_exp),
++ matched_string1, matched_string2);
++ else if (matched_string1)
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(&utf8_input_,
++ RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
++ reg_exp),
++ matched_string1);
++ else
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(&utf8_input_,
++ RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
++ reg_exp));
++ }
++std::string RE2RegularExpressionInput::ToString() const {
++ utf8_input_.ToString();
++RE2RegularExpression::RE2RegularExpression(const char* utf8_regexp)
++ : utf8_regexp_(utf8_regexp) {
++ DCHECK(utf8_regexp);
++bool RE2RegularExpression::Consume(RegularExpressionInput* input_string,
++ bool beginning_only,
++ std::string* matched_string1,
++ std::string* matched_string2,
++ std::string* matched_string3) const {
++ DCHECK(input_string);
++ // matched_string1 may be NULL
++ // matched_string2 may be NULL
++ if (beginning_only) {
++ if (matched_string3) {
++ return RE2::Consume(input_string, utf8_regexp_,
++ matched_string1, matched_string2, matched_string3);
++ } else if (matched_string2) {
++ return RE2::Consume(input_string, utf8_regexp_,
++ matched_string1, matched_string2);
++ } else if (matched_string1) {
++ return RE2::Consume(input_string, utf8_regexp_, matched_string1);
++ } else {
++ return RE2::Consume(input_string, utf8_regexp_);
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (matched_string3) {
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(input_string, utf8_regexp_,
++ matched_string1, matched_string2,
++ matched_string3);
++ } else if (matched_string2) {
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(input_string, utf8_regexp_,
++ matched_string1, matched_string2);
++ } else if (matched_string1) {
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(input_string, utf8_regexp_, matched_string1);
++ } else {
++ return RE2::FindAndConsume(input_string, utf8_regexp_);
++ }
++ }
++bool RE2RegularExpression::Match(const char* input_string,
++ bool full_match,
++ std::string* matched_string) const {
++ DCHECK(input_string);
++ // matched_string may be NULL
++ if (full_match) {
++ if (matched_string)
++ return RE2::FullMatch(input_string, matched_string);
++ else
++ return RE2::FullMatch(input_string);
++ } else {
++ if (matched_string)
++ return RE2::PartialMatch(input_string, matched_string);
++ else
++ return RE2::PartialMatch(input_string);
++ }
++bool RE2RegularExpression::Replace(std::string* string_to_process,
++ bool global,
++ const char* replacement_string) const {
++ DCHECK(string_to_process);
++ DCHECK(replacement_string);
++ if (global) {
++ StringPiece str(replacement_string);
++ return RE2::GlobalReplace(string_to_process, str);
++ } else {
++ return RE2::Replace(string_to_process, replacement_string);
++ }
++namespace reg_exp {
++RegularExpressionInput* CreateRegularExpressionInput(const char* utf8_input) {
++ if (!re2_cache.get())
++ re2_cache.reset(new RE2Cache(64));
++ return new RE2RegularExpressionInput(utf8_input);
++RegularExpression* CreateRegularExpression(const char* utf8_regexp) {
++ if (!re2_cache.get())
++ re2_cache.reset(new RE2Cache(64));
++ return new RE2RegularExpression(utf8_regexp);
++} // namespace reg_exp
+Property changes on:
+Added: svn:eol-style
+ + LF
+--- (revision 186)
++++ (working copy)
+@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
+ #include <string>
+ #include <gtest/gtest.h>
+-#include <re2/re2.h>
+ #include "phonemetadata.pb.h"
+ #include "phonenumber.h"
+ #include "phonenumber.pb.h"
+ #include "phonenumberutil.h"
++#include "regexp_adapter.h"
+ #include "test_metadata.h"
+ namespace i18n {
+--- (revision 186)
++++ (working copy)
+@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <google/protobuf/message_lite.h>
+-#include <re2/re2.h>
+-#include <re2/stringpiece.h>
+ #include <unicode/errorcode.h>
+ #include <unicode/translit.h>
+@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@
+ #include "phonemetadata.pb.h"
+ #include "phonenumber.h"
+ #include "phonenumber.pb.h"
+-#include "re2_cache.h"
++#include "regexp_adapter.h"
+ #include "stringutil.h"
+ #include "utf/unicodetext.h"
+ #include "utf/utf.h"
+@@ -54,14 +52,11 @@
+ using std::stringstream;
+ using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
+-using re2::StringPiece;
+ namespace {
+ scoped_ptr<LoggerAdapter> logger;
+-scoped_ptr<RE2Cache> re2_cache;
+ // These objects are created in the function InitializeStaticMapsAndSets.
+ // These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should replace
+@@ -78,7 +73,7 @@
+ const char kPlusSign[] = "+";
+ const char kPlusChars[] = "++";
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> plus_chars_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> plus_chars_pattern;
+ const char kRfc3966ExtnPrefix[] = ";ext=";
+@@ -89,7 +84,7 @@
+ // prefixes in a region, they will be represented as a regex string that always
+ // contains character(s) other than ASCII digits.
+ // Note this regex also includes tilde, which signals waiting for the tone.
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> unique_international_prefix;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> unique_international_prefix;
+ // Digits accepted in phone numbers.
+ // Both Arabic-Indic and Eastern Arabic-Indic are supported.
+@@ -97,8 +92,8 @@
+ // We accept alpha characters in phone numbers, ASCII only. We store lower-case
+ // here only since our regular expressions are case-insensitive.
+ const char kValidAlpha[] = "a-z";
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> capturing_digit_pattern;
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> capturing_ascii_digits_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> capturing_digit_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> capturing_ascii_digits_pattern;
+ // Regular expression of acceptable characters that may start a phone number
+ // for the purposes of parsing. This allows us to strip away meaningless
+@@ -110,7 +105,7 @@
+ // a number. The string starting with this valid character is captured.
+ // This corresponds to VALID_START_CHAR in the java version.
+ scoped_ptr<const string> valid_start_char;
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> valid_start_char_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_start_char_pattern;
+ // Regular expression of characters typically used to start a second phone
+ // number for the purposes of parsing. This allows us to strip off parts of
+@@ -121,7 +116,8 @@
+ // preceding this is captured.
+ // This corresponds to SECOND_NUMBER_START in the java version.
+ const char kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart[] = "(.*)[\\\\/] *x";
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
++ capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern;
+ // Regular expression of trailing characters that we want to remove. We remove
+ // all characters that are not alpha or numerical characters. The hash
+@@ -130,7 +126,7 @@
+ // number if this was a match.
+ // This corresponds to UNWANTED_END_CHARS in the java version.
+ const char kUnwantedEndChar[] = "[^\\p{N}\\p{L}#]";
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> unwanted_end_char_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> unwanted_end_char_pattern;
+ // Regular expression of acceptable punctuation found in phone numbers. This
+ // excludes punctuation found as a leading character only. This consists of
+@@ -177,20 +173,20 @@
+ scoped_ptr<const string> known_extn_patterns;
+ // Regexp of all known extension prefixes used by different regions followed
+ // by 1 or more valid digits, for use when parsing.
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> extn_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> extn_pattern;
+ // We append optionally the extension pattern to the end here, as a valid phone
+ // number may have an extension prefix appended, followed by 1 or more digits.
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> valid_phone_number_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_phone_number_pattern;
+ // We use this pattern to check if the phone number has at least three letters
+ // in it - if so, then we treat it as a number where some phone-number digits
+ // are represented by letters.
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> valid_alpha_phone_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_alpha_phone_pattern;
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> first_group_capturing_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> first_group_capturing_pattern;
+-scoped_ptr<const RE2> carrier_code_pattern;
++scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> carrier_code_pattern;
+ void TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(string* regex) {
+ DCHECK(regex);
+@@ -280,18 +276,19 @@
+ it = available_formats.begin(); it != available_formats.end(); ++it) {
+ int size = it->leading_digits_pattern_size();
+ if (size > 0) {
+- StringPiece number_copy(number_for_leading_digits_match);
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput>
++ number_copy(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(
++ number_for_leading_digits_match.c_str()));
+ // We always use the last leading_digits_pattern, as it is the most
+ // detailed.
+- if (!RE2::Consume(&number_copy,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(
+- re2_cache.get(),
+- it->leading_digits_pattern(size - 1)))) {
++ if (!number_copy->ConsumeRegExp(it->leading_digits_pattern(size - 1),
++ true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess pattern_to_match(re2_cache.get(), it->pattern());
+- if (RE2::FullMatch(national_number, pattern_to_match)) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> pattern_to_match(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(it->pattern().c_str()));
++ if (pattern_to_match->Match(national_number.c_str(), true, NULL)) {
+ string formatting_pattern(it->format());
+ if (number_format == PhoneNumberUtil::NATIONAL &&
+ carrier_code.length() > 0 &&
+@@ -299,11 +296,12 @@
+ // Replace the $CC in the formatting rule with the desired carrier code.
+ string carrier_code_formatting_rule =
+ it->domestic_carrier_code_formatting_rule();
+- RE2::Replace(&carrier_code_formatting_rule, *carrier_code_pattern,
+- carrier_code);
++ carrier_code_pattern->Replace(&carrier_code_formatting_rule,
++ false, carrier_code.c_str());
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(&carrier_code_formatting_rule);
+- RE2::Replace(&formatting_pattern, *first_group_capturing_pattern,
+- carrier_code_formatting_rule);
++ first_group_capturing_pattern->Replace(&formatting_pattern,
++ false,
++ carrier_code_formatting_rule.c_str());
+ } else {
+ // Use the national prefix formatting rule instead.
+ string national_prefix_formatting_rule =
+@@ -315,14 +313,15 @@
+ // should be formatted at this point.
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(
+ &national_prefix_formatting_rule);
+- RE2::Replace(&formatting_pattern, *first_group_capturing_pattern,
+- national_prefix_formatting_rule);
++ first_group_capturing_pattern->Replace(&formatting_pattern,
++ false,
++ national_prefix_formatting_rule.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(&formatting_pattern);
+ formatted_number->assign(national_number);
+- RE2::GlobalReplace(formatted_number, pattern_to_match,
+- formatting_pattern);
++ pattern_to_match->Replace(formatted_number, true,
++ formatting_pattern.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -361,12 +360,14 @@
+ bool IsNumberMatchingDesc(const string& national_number,
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& number_desc) {
+- return (RE2::FullMatch(national_number,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- number_desc.possible_number_pattern())) &&
+- RE2::FullMatch(national_number,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- number_desc.national_number_pattern())));
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
++ possible_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ number_desc.possible_number_pattern().c_str()));
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
++ national_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ number_desc.national_number_pattern().c_str()));
++ return (possible_pattern->Match(national_number.c_str(), true, NULL) &&
++ national_pattern->Match(national_number.c_str(), true, NULL));
+ }
+ PhoneNumberUtil::PhoneNumberType GetNumberTypeHelper(
+@@ -452,18 +453,25 @@
+ // Initialisation helper function used to populate the regular expressions in a
+ // defined order.
+ void CreateRegularExpressions() {
+- unique_international_prefix.reset(new RE2("[\\d]+(?:[~⁓∼~][\\d]+)?"));
+- first_group_capturing_pattern.reset(new RE2("(\\$1)"));
+- carrier_code_pattern.reset(new RE2("\\$CC"));
+- capturing_digit_pattern.reset(new RE2(StrCat("([", kValidDigits, "])")));
+- capturing_ascii_digits_pattern.reset(new RE2("(\\d+)"));
++ unique_international_prefix.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("[\\d]+(?:[~⁓∼~][\\d]+)?"));
++ first_group_capturing_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("(\\$1)"));
++ carrier_code_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("\\$CC"));
++ capturing_digit_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("([", kValidDigits, "])").c_str()));
++ capturing_ascii_digits_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("(\\d+)"));
+ valid_start_char.reset(new string(StrCat(
+ "[", kPlusChars, kValidDigits, "]")));
+- valid_start_char_pattern.reset(new RE2(*valid_start_char));
+- capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern.reset(new RE2(
+- kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart));
+- unwanted_end_char_pattern.reset(new RE2(
+- kUnwantedEndChar));
++ valid_start_char_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(valid_start_char->c_str()));
++ capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(kCaptureUpToSecondNumberStart));
++ unwanted_end_char_pattern.reset(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(kUnwantedEndChar));
+ valid_phone_number.reset(new string(
+ StrCat("[", kPlusChars, "]*(?:[", kValidPunctuation, "]*[", kValidDigits,
+ "]){3,}[", kValidAlpha, kValidPunctuation, kValidDigits, "]*")));
+@@ -479,17 +487,19 @@
+ "int|int|anexo)"
+ "[:\\..]?[  \\t,-]*", capturing_extn_digits, "#?|"
+ "[- ]+([", kValidDigits, "]{1,5})#")));
+- extn_pattern.reset(new RE2(StrCat("(?i)(?:", *known_extn_patterns, ")$")));
+- valid_phone_number_pattern.reset(new RE2(
+- StrCat("(?i)", *valid_phone_number, "(?:", *known_extn_patterns, ")?")));
+- valid_alpha_phone_pattern.reset(new RE2(
+- StrCat("(?i)(?:.*?[", kValidAlpha, "]){3}")));
+- plus_chars_pattern.reset(new RE2(StrCat("[", kPlusChars, "]+")));
++ extn_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("(?i)(?:", *known_extn_patterns, ")$").c_str()));
++ valid_phone_number_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("(?i)", *valid_phone_number, "(?:", *known_extn_patterns,
++ ")?").c_str()));
++ valid_alpha_phone_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("(?i)(?:.*?[", kValidAlpha, "]){3}").c_str()));
++ plus_chars_pattern.reset(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("[", kPlusChars, "]+").c_str()));
+ }
+ void InitializeStaticMapsAndSets() {
+ // Create global objects.
+- re2_cache.reset(new RE2Cache(64));
+ all_plus_number_grouping_symbols.reset(new map<char32, char>);
+ alpha_mappings.reset(new map<char32, char>);
+ all_normalization_mappings.reset(new map<char32, char>);
+@@ -625,36 +635,37 @@
+ // Strips the IDD from the start of the number if present. Helper function used
+ // by MaybeStripInternationalPrefixAndNormalize.
+-bool ParsePrefixAsIdd(const RE2& idd_pattern, string* number) {
++bool ParsePrefixAsIdd(const reg_exp::RegularExpression* idd_pattern,
++ string* number) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+- StringPiece number_copy(*number);
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
+ // First attempt to strip the idd_pattern at the start, if present. We make a
+ // copy so that we can revert to the original string if necessary.
+- if (RE2::Consume(&number_copy, idd_pattern)) {
++ if (idd_pattern->Consume(number_copy.get(), true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ // Only strip this if the first digit after the match is not a 0, since
+ // country calling codes cannot begin with 0.
+ string extracted_digit;
+- if (RE2::PartialMatch(number_copy,
+- *capturing_digit_pattern,
+- &extracted_digit)) {
++ if (capturing_digit_pattern->Match(number_copy->ToString().c_str(), false,
++ &extracted_digit)) {
+ PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDigitsOnly(&extracted_digit);
+ if (extracted_digit == "0") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+- number->assign(number_copy.ToString());
++ number->assign(number_copy->ToString());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ PhoneNumberUtil::ValidationResult TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(
+- const RE2& number_pattern, const string& number) {
++ const reg_exp::RegularExpression* number_pattern, const string& number) {
+ string extracted_number;
+- if (RE2::FullMatch(number, number_pattern, &extracted_number)) {
++ if (number_pattern->Match(number.c_str(), true, &extracted_number)) {
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::IS_POSSIBLE;
+ }
+- if (RE2::PartialMatch(number, number_pattern, &extracted_number)) {
++ if (number_pattern->Match(number.c_str(), false, &extracted_number)) {
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::TOO_LONG;
+ } else {
+ return PhoneNumberUtil::TOO_SHORT;
+@@ -862,8 +873,10 @@
+ PhoneNumberFormat number_format,
+ const RepeatedPtrField<NumberFormat>& user_defined_formats,
+ string* formatted_number) const {
+- static const RE2 national_prefix_pattern("\\$NP");
+- static const RE2 first_group_pattern("\\$FG");
++ static scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
++ national_prefix_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("\\$NP"));
++ static scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression>
++ first_group_pattern(reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("\\$FG"));
+ DCHECK(formatted_number);
+ int country_calling_code = number.country_code();
+ // Note GetRegionCodeForCountryCode() is used because formatting information
+@@ -893,10 +906,12 @@
+ num_format_copy->MergeFrom(*it);
+ if (!national_prefix.empty()) {
+ // Replace $NP with national prefix and $FG with the first group ($1).
+- RE2::Replace(&national_prefix_formatting_rule, national_prefix_pattern,
+- national_prefix);
+- RE2::Replace(&national_prefix_formatting_rule, first_group_pattern,
+- "$1");
++ national_prefix_pattern->Replace(&national_prefix_formatting_rule,
++ false,
++ national_prefix.c_str());
++ first_group_pattern->Replace(&national_prefix_formatting_rule,
++ false,
++ "$1");
+ num_format_copy->set_national_prefix_formatting_rule(
+ national_prefix_formatting_rule);
+ } else {
+@@ -1021,7 +1036,8 @@
+ // format of the number is returned, unless there is a preferred international
+ // prefix.
+ string international_prefix_for_formatting(
+- RE2::FullMatch(international_prefix, *unique_international_prefix)
++ unique_international_prefix->Match(international_prefix.c_str(),
++ true, NULL)
+ ? international_prefix
+ : metadata->preferred_international_prefix());
+ if (!international_prefix_for_formatting.empty()) {
+@@ -1133,7 +1149,8 @@
+ // format of the number is returned, unless there is a preferred international
+ // prefix.
+ string international_prefix_for_formatting(
+- RE2::FullMatch(international_prefix, *unique_international_prefix)
++ unique_international_prefix->Match(international_prefix.c_str(),
++ true, NULL)
+ ? international_prefix
+ : metadata->preferred_international_prefix());
+ if (!international_prefix_for_formatting.empty()) {
+@@ -1179,8 +1196,10 @@
+ number, carrier_code, formatted_number);
+ if (number_format == RFC3966) {
+ // Replace all separators with a "-".
+- static const RE2 separator_pattern(StrCat("[", kValidPunctuation, "]+"));
+- RE2::GlobalReplace(formatted_number, separator_pattern, "-");
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> separator_pattern(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("[", kValidPunctuation, "]+").c_str()));
++ separator_pattern->Replace(formatted_number, true, "-");
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1288,10 +1307,9 @@
+ it != region_codes.end(); ++it) {
+ const PhoneMetadata* metadata = GetMetadataForRegion(*it);
+ if (metadata->has_leading_digits()) {
+- StringPiece number(national_number);
+- if (RE2::Consume(&number,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- metadata->leading_digits()))) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(national_number.c_str()));
++ if (number->ConsumeRegExp(metadata->leading_digits(), true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ *region_code = *it;
+ return;
+ }
+@@ -1367,8 +1385,10 @@
+ const string& number_to_parse,
+ const string& default_region) const {
+ if (!IsValidRegionCode(default_region) && !number_to_parse.empty()) {
+- StringPiece number_as_string_piece(number_to_parse);
+- if (!RE2::Consume(&number_as_string_piece, *plus_chars_pattern)) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_as_string_piece(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number_to_parse.c_str()));
++ if (!plus_chars_pattern->Consume(number_as_string_piece.get(),
++ true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1435,8 +1455,6 @@
+ return TOO_SHORT_NSN;
+ }
+ if (country_metadata) {
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess valid_number_pattern(re2_cache.get(),
+- country_metadata->general_desc().national_number_pattern());
+ string* carrier_code = keep_raw_input ?
+ temp_number.mutable_preferred_domestic_carrier_code() : NULL;
+ MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(*country_metadata,
+@@ -1489,7 +1507,7 @@
+ for (it = number_as_unicode.begin(); it != number_as_unicode.end(); ++it) {
+ len = it.get_utf8(current_char);
+ current_char[len] = '\0';
+- if (RE2::FullMatch(current_char, *valid_start_char_pattern)) {
++ if (valid_start_char_pattern->Match(current_char, true, NULL)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1505,7 +1523,7 @@
+ for (; reverse_it.base() != it; ++reverse_it) {
+ len = reverse_it.get_utf8(current_char);
+ current_char[len] = '\0';
+- if (!RE2::FullMatch(current_char, *unwanted_end_char_pattern)) {
++ if (!unwanted_end_char_pattern->Match(current_char, true, NULL)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1521,9 +1539,9 @@
+ " left with: " + *extracted_number);
+ // Now remove any extra numbers at the end.
+- RE2::PartialMatch(*extracted_number,
+- *capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern,
+- extracted_number);
++ capture_up_to_second_number_start_pattern->Match(extracted_number->c_str(),
++ false,
++ extracted_number);
+ }
+ bool PhoneNumberUtil::IsPossibleNumber(const PhoneNumber& number) const {
+@@ -1569,9 +1587,10 @@
+ return IS_POSSIBLE;
+ }
+ }
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess possible_number_pattern(re2_cache.get(),
+- StrCat("(", general_num_desc.possible_number_pattern(), ")"));
+- return TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possible_number_pattern,
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> possible_number_pattern(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("(", general_num_desc.possible_number_pattern(), ")").c_str()));
++ return TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possible_number_pattern.get(),
+ national_number);
+ }
+@@ -1701,13 +1720,16 @@
+ string formatted_number;
+ Format(copied_proto, INTERNATIONAL, &formatted_number);
+- StringPiece i18n_number(formatted_number);
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> i18n_number(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(formatted_number.c_str()));
+ string digit_group;
+ string ndc;
+ string third_group;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+- if (!RE2::FindAndConsume(&i18n_number, *capturing_ascii_digits_pattern,
+- &digit_group)) {
++ if (!capturing_ascii_digits_pattern->Consume(i18n_number.get(),
++ false,
++ &digit_group,
++ NULL)) {
+ // We should find at least three groups.
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1734,9 +1756,11 @@
+ void PhoneNumberUtil::NormalizeDigitsOnly(string* number) {
+ DCHECK(number);
+ // Delete everything that isn't valid digits.
+- static const RE2 invalid_digits_pattern(StrCat("[^", kValidDigits, "]"));
+- static const StringPiece empty;
+- RE2::GlobalReplace(number, invalid_digits_pattern, empty);
++ static scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> invalid_digits_pattern(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(StrCat("[^", kValidDigits,
++ "]").c_str()));
++ static const char *empty = "";
++ invalid_digits_pattern->Replace(number, true, empty);
+ // Normalize all decimal digits to ASCII digits.
+ UParseError error;
+ icu::ErrorCode status;
+@@ -1778,7 +1802,7 @@
+ string number_copy(number);
+ string extension;
+ MaybeStripExtension(&number_copy, &extension);
+- return RE2::FullMatch(number_copy, *valid_alpha_phone_pattern);
++ return valid_alpha_phone_pattern->Match(number_copy.c_str(), true, NULL);
+ }
+ void PhoneNumberUtil::ConvertAlphaCharactersInNumber(string* number) const {
+@@ -1798,7 +1822,7 @@
+ // - Arabic-Indic numerals are converted to European numerals.
+ void PhoneNumberUtil::Normalize(string* number) const {
+ DCHECK(number);
+- if (RE2::PartialMatch(*number, *valid_alpha_phone_pattern)) {
++ if (valid_alpha_phone_pattern->Match(number->c_str(), false, NULL)) {
+ NormalizeHelper(*all_normalization_mappings, true, number);
+ }
+ NormalizeDigitsOnly(number);
+@@ -1816,7 +1840,7 @@
+ logger->Debug("Number too short to be viable:" + number);
+ return false;
+ }
+- return RE2::FullMatch(number, *valid_phone_number_pattern);
++ return valid_phone_number_pattern->Match(number.c_str(), true, NULL);
+ }
+ // Strips any international prefix (such as +, 00, 011) present in the number
+@@ -1836,17 +1860,20 @@
+ if (number->empty()) {
+ return PhoneNumber::FROM_DEFAULT_COUNTRY;
+ }
+- StringPiece number_string_piece(*number);
+- if (RE2::Consume(&number_string_piece, *plus_chars_pattern)) {
+- number->assign(number_string_piece.ToString());
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_string_piece(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
++ if (plus_chars_pattern->Consume(number_string_piece.get(), true,
++ NULL, NULL)) {
++ number->assign(number_string_piece->ToString());
+ // Can now normalize the rest of the number since we've consumed the "+"
+ // sign at the start.
+ Normalize(number);
+ return PhoneNumber::FROM_NUMBER_WITH_PLUS_SIGN;
+ }
+ // Attempt to parse the first digits as an international prefix.
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess idd_pattern(re2_cache.get(), possible_idd_prefix);
+- if (ParsePrefixAsIdd(idd_pattern, number)) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> idd_pattern(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(possible_idd_prefix.c_str()));
++ if (ParsePrefixAsIdd(idd_pattern.get(), number)) {
+ Normalize(number);
+ return PhoneNumber::FROM_NUMBER_WITH_IDD;
+ }
+@@ -1854,7 +1881,7 @@
+ // This shouldn't be done before, since non-numeric characters (+ and ~) may
+ // legally be in the international prefix.
+ Normalize(number);
+- return ParsePrefixAsIdd(idd_pattern, number)
++ return ParsePrefixAsIdd(idd_pattern.get(), number)
+ }
+@@ -1879,25 +1906,25 @@
+ }
+ // We use two copies here since Consume modifies the phone number, and if the
+ // first if-clause fails the number will already be changed.
+- StringPiece number_copy(*number);
+- StringPiece number_copy_without_transform(*number);
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy_without_transform(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number->c_str()));
+ string number_string_copy(*number);
+ string captured_part_of_prefix;
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess national_number_rule(
+- re2_cache.get(),
+- metadata.general_desc().national_number_pattern());
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> national_number_rule(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ metadata.general_desc().national_number_pattern().c_str()));
+ // Attempt to parse the first digits as a national prefix. We make a
+ // copy so that we can revert to the original string if necessary.
+ const string& transform_rule = metadata.national_prefix_transform_rule();
+ if (!transform_rule.empty() &&
+- (RE2::Consume(&number_copy,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- possible_national_prefix),
+- &carrier_code_temp, &captured_part_of_prefix) ||
+- RE2::Consume(&number_copy,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- possible_national_prefix),
+- &captured_part_of_prefix)) &&
++ (number_copy->ConsumeRegExp(possible_national_prefix, true,
++ &carrier_code_temp,
++ &captured_part_of_prefix) ||
++ number_copy->ConsumeRegExp(possible_national_prefix, true,
++ &captured_part_of_prefix, NULL)) &&
+ !captured_part_of_prefix.empty()) {
+ string re2_transform_rule(transform_rule);
+ TransformRegularExpressionToRE2Syntax(&re2_transform_rule);
+@@ -1905,29 +1932,27 @@
+ // have been some part of the prefix that we captured.
+ // We make the transformation and check that the resultant number is viable.
+ // If so, replace the number and return.
+- RE2::Replace(&number_string_copy,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- possible_national_prefix),
+- re2_transform_rule);
+- if (RE2::FullMatch(number_string_copy, national_number_rule)) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> possible_national_prefix_rule(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(possible_national_prefix.c_str()));
++ possible_national_prefix_rule->Replace(&number_string_copy, false,
++ re2_transform_rule.c_str());
++ if (national_number_rule->Match(number_string_copy.c_str(), true, NULL)) {
+ number->assign(number_string_copy);
+ if (carrier_code) {
+ carrier_code->assign(carrier_code_temp);
+ }
+ }
+- } else if (RE2::Consume(&number_copy_without_transform,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- possible_national_prefix),
+- &carrier_code_temp) ||
+- RE2::Consume(&number_copy_without_transform,
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess(re2_cache.get(),
+- possible_national_prefix))) {
++ } else if (number_copy_without_transform->ConsumeRegExp(
++ possible_national_prefix, true, &carrier_code_temp, NULL) ||
++ number_copy_without_transform->ConsumeRegExp(
++ possible_national_prefix, true, NULL, NULL)) {
+ logger->Debug("Parsed the first digits as a national prefix.");
++ string unconsumed_part(number_copy_without_transform->ToString());
+ // If captured_part_of_prefix is empty, this implies nothing was captured by
+ // the capturing groups in possible_national_prefix; therefore, no
+ // transformation is necessary, and we just remove the national prefix.
+- if (RE2::FullMatch(number_copy_without_transform, national_number_rule)) {
+- number->assign(number_copy_without_transform.ToString());
++ if (national_number_rule->Match(unconsumed_part.c_str(), true, NULL)) {
++ number->assign(unconsumed_part);
+ if (carrier_code) {
+ carrier_code->assign(carrier_code_temp);
+ }
+@@ -1949,11 +1974,13 @@
+ string possible_extension_two;
+ string possible_extension_three;
+ string number_copy(*number);
+- if (RE2::PartialMatch(number_copy, *extn_pattern,
+- &possible_extension_one, &possible_extension_two,
+- &possible_extension_three)) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> number_copy_regex_input(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput(number_copy.c_str()));
++ if (extn_pattern->Consume(number_copy_regex_input.get(), false,
++ &possible_extension_one, &possible_extension_two,
++ &possible_extension_three)) {
+ // Replace the extensions in the original string here.
+- RE2::Replace(&number_copy, *extn_pattern, "");
++ extn_pattern->Replace(&number_copy, false, "");
+ logger->Debug("Found an extension. Possible extension one: "
+ + possible_extension_one
+ + ". Possible extension two: " + possible_extension_two
+@@ -2061,25 +2088,29 @@
+ &potential_national_number)) {
+ const PhoneNumberDesc& general_num_desc =
+ default_region_metadata->general_desc();
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess valid_number_pattern(
+- re2_cache.get(),
+- general_num_desc.national_number_pattern());
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> valid_number_pattern(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ general_num_desc.national_number_pattern().c_str()));
+ MaybeStripNationalPrefixAndCarrierCode(*default_region_metadata,
+ &potential_national_number,
+ NULL);
+ logger->Debug("Number without country code prefix: "
+ + potential_national_number);
+ string extracted_number;
+- RE2Cache::ScopedAccess possible_number_pattern(
+- re2_cache.get(),
+- StrCat("(", general_num_desc.possible_number_pattern(), ")"));
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpression> possible_number_pattern(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ StrCat("(", general_num_desc.possible_number_pattern(),
++ ")").c_str()));
+ // If the number was not valid before but is valid now, or if it was too
+ // long before, we consider the number with the country code stripped to
+ // be a better result and keep that instead.
+- if ((!RE2::FullMatch(*national_number, valid_number_pattern) &&
+- RE2::FullMatch(potential_national_number, valid_number_pattern)) ||
+- TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possible_number_pattern,
+- *national_number)
++ if ((!valid_number_pattern->Match(national_number->c_str(),
++ true, NULL) &&
++ valid_number_pattern->Match(potential_national_number.c_str(),
++ true, NULL)) ||
++ TestNumberLengthAgainstPattern(possible_number_pattern.get(),
++ *national_number)
+ == TOO_LONG) {
+ national_number->assign(potential_national_number);
+ if (keep_raw_input) {
+--- (revision 0)
++++ (revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
++// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
++// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
++// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
++// You may obtain a copy of the License at
++// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
++// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
++// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
++// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
++// limitations under the License.
++// Author: George Yakovlev
++#include <gtest/gtest.h>
++#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
++#include "regexp_adapter.h"
++namespace reg_exp {
++TEST(RegExpAdapter, TestConsumeRegExp) {
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> reg_exp1(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("[0-9a-z]+"));
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> reg_exp2(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(" \\(([0-9a-z]+)\\)"));
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> reg_exp3(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("([0-9a-z]+)-([0-9a-z]+)"));
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> reg_input1(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput("+1-123-456-789"));
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> reg_input2(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput("1 (123)456-789"));
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp1->Consume(reg_input1.get(), true, NULL, NULL));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input1->ToString(), "+1-123-456-789");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp1->Consume(reg_input1.get(), false, NULL, NULL));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input1->ToString(), "-123-456-789");
++ std::string res1, res2;
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp2->Consume(reg_input1.get(), true, &res1, NULL));
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp3->Consume(reg_input1.get(), true, &res1, &res2));
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp3->Consume(reg_input1.get(), false, &res1, &res2));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input1->ToString(), "-789");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res1, "123");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res2, "456");
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input2->ToString(), "1 (123)456-789");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp1->Consume(reg_input2.get(), true, NULL, NULL));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input2->ToString(), " (123)456-789");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp2->Consume(reg_input2.get(), true, &res1, NULL));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input2->ToString(), "456-789");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res1, "123");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp3->Consume(reg_input2.get(), true, &res1, &res2));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input2->ToString(), "");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res1, "456");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res2, "789");
++TEST(RegExpAdapter, TestConsumeInput) {
++ scoped_ptr<reg_exp::RegularExpressionInput> reg_input(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpressionInput("1 (123)456-789"));
++ std::string res1, res2;
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input->ToString(), "1 (123)456-789");
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_input->ConsumeRegExp(std::string("\\[1\\]"),
++ true,
++ &res1,
++ &res2));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input->ToString(), "1 (123)456-789");
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_input->ConsumeRegExp(std::string("([0-9]+) \\([0-9]+\\)"),
++ true,
++ &res1,
++ &res2));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input->ToString(), "1 (123)456-789");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_input->ConsumeRegExp(std::string("([0-9]+) \\(([0-9]+)\\)"),
++ true,
++ &res1,
++ &res2));
++ EXPECT_EQ(reg_input->ToString(), "456-789");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res1, "1");
++ EXPECT_EQ(res2, "123");
++TEST(RegExpAdapter, TestMatch) {
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> reg_exp(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("([0-9a-z]+)"));
++ std::string matched;
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Match("12345af", true, &matched));
++ EXPECT_EQ(matched, "12345af");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Match("12345af", false, &matched));
++ EXPECT_EQ(matched, "12345af");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Match("12345af", false, NULL));
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Match("12345af", true, NULL));
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp->Match("[12]", true, &matched));
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Match("[12]", false, &matched));
++ EXPECT_EQ(matched, "12");
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp->Match("[]", true, &matched));
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp->Match("[]", false, &matched));
++TEST(RegExpAdapter, TestReplace) {
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> reg_exp(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("[0-9]"));
++ std::string s("123-4567 ");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Replace(&s, false, "+"));
++ EXPECT_EQ(s, "+23-4567 ");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Replace(&s, false, "+"));
++ EXPECT_EQ(s, "++3-4567 ");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Replace(&s, true, "*"));
++ EXPECT_EQ(s, "++*-**** ");
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Replace(&s, true, "*"));
++ EXPECT_EQ(s, "++*-**** ");
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> full_number_expr(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression("(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})"));
++ s = "1234567890:0987654321";
++ EXPECT_TRUE(full_number_expr->Replace(&s, true, "(\\1) \\2-\\3$1"));
++ EXPECT_EQ(s, "(123) 456-7890$1:(098) 765-4321$1");
++TEST(RegExpAdapter, TestUtf8) {
++ // Expression: <tel symbol><opening square bracket>[<alpha>-<omega>]*
++ // <closing square bracket>
++ scoped_ptr<const reg_exp::RegularExpression> reg_exp(
++ reg_exp::CreateRegularExpression(
++ "\xe2\x84\xa1\xe2\x8a\x8f([\xce\xb1-\xcf\x89]*)\xe2\x8a\x90"));
++ std::string matched;
++ // The string is split to avoid problem with MSVC compiler when it thinks
++ // 123 is a part of character code.
++ EXPECT_FALSE(reg_exp->Match("\xe2\x84\xa1\xe2\x8a\x8f" "123\xe2\x8a\x90",
++ true, &matched));
++ EXPECT_TRUE(reg_exp->Match(
++ "\xe2\x84\xa1\xe2\x8a\x8f\xce\xb1\xce\xb2\xe2\x8a\x90", true, &matched));
++ // <alpha><betha>
++ EXPECT_EQ(matched, "\xce\xb1\xce\xb2");
++} // namespace reg_exp
+Property changes on:
+Added: svn:eol-style
+ + LF
« no previous file with comments | « third_party/libphonenumber/libphonenumber.gyp ('k') | third_party/libphonenumber/resources/PhoneNumberMetaData.xml » ('j') | no next file with comments »

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