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Unified Diff: webkit/appcache/

Issue 6727006: Select a more appropiate appcache based on the opener or the parent of the new document. (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: '' Created 9 years, 8 months ago
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Index: webkit/appcache/
--- webkit/appcache/ (revision 81647)
+++ webkit/appcache/ (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
const base::Time kZeroTime;
const GURL kManifestUrl("http://blah/manifest");
const GURL kManifestUrl2("http://blah/manifest2");
+const GURL kManifestUrl3("http://blah/manifest3");
const GURL kEntryUrl("http://blah/entry");
const GURL kEntryUrl2("http://blah/entry2");
const GURL kFallbackNamespace("http://blah/fallback_namespace/");
@@ -34,6 +35,9 @@
const GURL kOnlineNamespaceWithinFallback(
+const int kManifestEntryIdOffset = 100;
+const int kFallbackEntryIdOffset = 1000;
// For the duration of this test case, we hijack the AppCacheThread API
// calls and implement them in terms of the io and db threads created here.
@@ -723,7 +727,7 @@
this, &AppCacheStorageImplTest::Verify_FindNoMainResponse));
// Conduct the test.
- storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, delegate());
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, GURL(), delegate());
EXPECT_NE(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
@@ -783,7 +787,7 @@
// Conduct the test.
- storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, delegate());
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, GURL(), delegate());
EXPECT_NE(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
@@ -844,7 +848,7 @@
// Conduct the test. The test url is in both fallback namespace urls,
// but should match the longer of the two.
- storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kFallbackTestUrl, delegate());
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kFallbackTestUrl, GURL(), delegate());
EXPECT_NE(kFallbackTestUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
@@ -866,44 +870,146 @@
- // Setup some preconditions. Create 2 complete caches with an entry
- // for the same url.
+ // Setup some preconditions, create a few caches with an identical set
+ // of entries and fallback namespaces. Only the last one remains in
+ // the working set to simulate appearing as "in use".
+ MakeMultipleHitCacheAndGroup(kManifestUrl, 1);
+ MakeMultipleHitCacheAndGroup(kManifestUrl2, 2);
+ MakeMultipleHitCacheAndGroup(kManifestUrl3, 3);
- // The first cache, in the database but not in the working set.
- MakeCacheAndGroup(kManifestUrl, 1, 1, true);
- cache_->AddEntry(kEntryUrl, AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT, 1));
+ // Conduct the test, we should find the response from the last cache
+ // since it's "in use".
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, GURL(), delegate());
+ EXPECT_NE(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ }
+ void MakeMultipleHitCacheAndGroup(const GURL& manifest_url, int id) {
+ MakeCacheAndGroup(manifest_url, id, id, true);
AppCacheDatabase::EntryRecord entry_record;
- entry_record.cache_id = 1;
+ // Add an entry for kEntryUrl
+ entry_record.cache_id = id;
entry_record.url = kEntryUrl;
entry_record.flags = AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT;
- entry_record.response_id = 1;
+ entry_record.response_id = id;
- cache_ = NULL;
- group_ = NULL;
+ cache_->AddEntry(
+ entry_record.url,
+ AppCacheEntry(entry_record.flags, entry_record.response_id));
- // The second cache, in the database and working set.
- MakeCacheAndGroup(kManifestUrl2, 2, 2, true);
- cache_->AddEntry(kEntryUrl, AppCacheEntry(AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT, 2));
- entry_record.cache_id = 2;
- entry_record.url = kEntryUrl;
- entry_record.flags = AppCacheEntry::EXPLICIT;
- entry_record.response_id = 2;
+ // Add an entry for the manifestUrl
+ entry_record.cache_id = id;
+ entry_record.url = manifest_url;
+ entry_record.flags = AppCacheEntry::MANIFEST;
+ entry_record.response_id = id + kManifestEntryIdOffset;
+ cache_->AddEntry(
+ entry_record.url,
+ AppCacheEntry(entry_record.flags, entry_record.response_id));
- // Conduct the test, we should find the response from the second cache
- // since it's "in use".
- storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, delegate());
- EXPECT_NE(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ // Add a fallback entry and namespace
+ entry_record.cache_id = id;
+ entry_record.url = kEntryUrl2;
+ entry_record.flags = AppCacheEntry::FALLBACK;
+ entry_record.response_id = id + kFallbackEntryIdOffset;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(database()->InsertEntry(&entry_record));
+ cache_->AddEntry(
+ entry_record.url,
+ AppCacheEntry(entry_record.flags, entry_record.response_id));
+ AppCacheDatabase::FallbackNameSpaceRecord fallback_namespace_record;
+ fallback_namespace_record.cache_id = id;
+ fallback_namespace_record.fallback_entry_url = entry_record.url;
+ fallback_namespace_record.namespace_url = kFallbackNamespace;
+ fallback_namespace_record.origin = manifest_url.GetOrigin();
+ database()->InsertFallbackNameSpace(&fallback_namespace_record));
+ cache_->fallback_namespaces_.push_back(
+ FallbackNamespace(kFallbackNamespace, kEntryUrl2));
void Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits() {
EXPECT_EQ(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kManifestUrl3, delegate()->found_manifest_url_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_blocked_by_policy_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, delegate()->found_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, delegate()->found_entry_.response_id());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delegate()->found_entry_.IsExplicit());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id());
+ // Conduct another test perferring kManifestUrl
+ delegate_.reset(new MockStorageDelegate(this));
+ PushNextTask(NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &AppCacheStorageImplTest::Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits2));
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, kManifestUrl, delegate());
+ EXPECT_NE(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ }
+ void Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits2() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kManifestUrl, delegate()->found_manifest_url_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_blocked_by_policy_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, delegate()->found_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, delegate()->found_entry_.response_id());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delegate()->found_entry_.IsExplicit());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_fallback_entry_.has_response_id());
+ // Conduct the another test perferring kManifestUrl2
+ delegate_.reset(new MockStorageDelegate(this));
+ PushNextTask(NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &AppCacheStorageImplTest::Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits3));
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, kManifestUrl2, delegate());
+ EXPECT_NE(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ }
+ void Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits3() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(kEntryUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
EXPECT_EQ(kManifestUrl2, delegate()->found_manifest_url_);
EXPECT_EQ(2, delegate()->found_cache_id_);
EXPECT_EQ(2, delegate()->found_entry_.response_id());
+ // Conduct another test with no preferred manifest that hits the fallback.
+ delegate_.reset(new MockStorageDelegate(this));
+ PushNextTask(NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &AppCacheStorageImplTest::Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits4));
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(
+ kFallbackTestUrl, GURL(), delegate());
+ EXPECT_NE(kFallbackTestUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ }
+ void Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits4() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFallbackTestUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kManifestUrl3, delegate()->found_manifest_url_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_blocked_by_policy_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(3, delegate()->found_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_entry_.has_response_id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(3 + kFallbackEntryIdOffset,
+ delegate()->found_fallback_entry_.response_id());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delegate()->found_fallback_entry_.IsFallback());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kEntryUrl2, delegate()->found_fallback_url_);
+ // Conduct another test preferring kManifestUrl2 that hits the fallback.
+ delegate_.reset(new MockStorageDelegate(this));
+ PushNextTask(NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &AppCacheStorageImplTest::Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits5));
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(
+ kFallbackTestUrl, kManifestUrl2, delegate());
+ EXPECT_NE(kFallbackTestUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ }
+ void Verify_FindMainResponseWithMultipleHits5() {
+ EXPECT_EQ(kFallbackTestUrl, delegate()->found_url_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(kManifestUrl2, delegate()->found_manifest_url_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_blocked_by_policy_);
+ EXPECT_EQ(2, delegate()->found_cache_id_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(delegate()->found_entry_.has_response_id());
+ EXPECT_EQ(2 + kFallbackEntryIdOffset,
+ delegate()->found_fallback_entry_.response_id());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(delegate()->found_fallback_entry_.IsFallback());
+ EXPECT_EQ(kEntryUrl2, delegate()->found_fallback_url_);
@@ -961,7 +1067,7 @@
this, &AppCacheStorageImplTest::Verify_ExclusionNotFound,
kEntryUrl, 1));
- storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, delegate());
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kEntryUrl, GURL(), delegate());
void Verify_ExclusionNotFound(GURL expected_url, int phase) {
@@ -980,7 +1086,8 @@
kOnlineNamespace, 2));
- storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(kOnlineNamespace, delegate());
+ storage()->FindResponseForMainRequest(
+ kOnlineNamespace, GURL(), delegate());
if (phase == 2) {
@@ -990,7 +1097,7 @@
kOnlineNamespaceWithinFallback, 3));
- kOnlineNamespaceWithinFallback, delegate());
+ kOnlineNamespaceWithinFallback, GURL(), delegate());

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