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Issue 6694044: Strict mode poison pills for function.caller and function.arguments (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Final touches. Created 9 years, 9 months ago
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diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 8cd29b218aa9473f7468038c9ac7cbdbf48cf385..d0ecb856ab4a8918b4f9dc83743d7531ff216efa 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -207,6 +207,10 @@ class Genesis BASE_EMBEDDED {
void CreateRoots();
// Creates the empty function. Used for creating a context from scratch.
Handle<JSFunction> CreateEmptyFunction();
+ // Creates the ThrowTypeError function. ECMA 5th Ed. 13.2.3
+ Handle<JSFunction> CreateThrowTypeErrorFunction(Builtins::Name builtin);
+ void CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps(Handle<JSFunction> empty);
// Creates the global objects using the global and the template passed in
// through the API. We call this regardless of whether we are building a
// context from scratch or using a deserialized one from the partial snapshot
@@ -260,10 +264,24 @@ class Genesis BASE_EMBEDDED {
+ Handle<Map> CreateFunctionMap(PrototypePropertyMode prototype_mode);
Handle<DescriptorArray> ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(
PrototypePropertyMode prototypeMode);
void MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable();
+ Handle<Map> CreateStrictModeFunctionMap(
+ PrototypePropertyMode prototype_mode,
+ Handle<JSFunction> empty_function,
+ Handle<FixedArray> arguments_callbacks,
+ Handle<FixedArray> caller_callbacks);
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> ComputeStrictFunctionInstanceDescriptor(
+ PrototypePropertyMode propertyMode,
+ Handle<FixedArray> arguments,
+ Handle<FixedArray> caller);
static bool CompileBuiltin(int index);
static bool CompileNative(Vector<const char> name, Handle<String> source);
static bool CompileScriptCached(Vector<const char> name,
@@ -274,7 +292,14 @@ class Genesis BASE_EMBEDDED {
bool use_runtime_context);
Handle<Context> result_;
- Handle<JSFunction> empty_function_;
+ // Function instance maps. Function literal maps are created initially with
+ // a read only prototype for the processing of JS builtins. Later the function
+ // instance maps are replaced in order to make prototype writable.
+ // These are the final, writable prototype, maps.
+ Handle<Map> function_instance_map_writable_prototype_;
+ Handle<Map> strict_mode_function_instance_map_writable_prototype_;
BootstrapperActive active_;
friend class Bootstrapper;
@@ -359,89 +384,79 @@ static Handle<JSFunction> InstallFunction(Handle<JSObject> target,
Handle<DescriptorArray> Genesis::ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(
PrototypePropertyMode prototypeMode) {
- Handle<DescriptorArray> result = Factory::empty_descriptor_array();
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors =
+ Factory::NewDescriptorArray(prototypeMode == DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE ? 4 : 5);
+ PropertyAttributes attributes =
+ static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
+ { // Add length.
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionLength);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::length_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(0, &d);
+ }
+ { // Add name.
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionName);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::name_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(1, &d);
+ }
+ { // Add arguments.
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionArguments);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::arguments_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(2, &d);
+ }
+ { // Add caller.
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionCaller);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::caller_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(3, &d);
+ }
if (prototypeMode != DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE) {
- PropertyAttributes attributes = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(
- (prototypeMode == ADD_READONLY_PROTOTYPE ? READ_ONLY : 0));
- result =
- Factory::CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
- result,
- Factory::prototype_symbol(),
- Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionPrototype),
- attributes);
+ // Add prototype.
+ if (prototypeMode == ADD_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE) {
+ attributes = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(attributes & ~READ_ONLY);
+ }
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionPrototype);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::prototype_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(4, &d);
+ descriptors->Sort();
+ return descriptors;
- PropertyAttributes attributes =
- static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE | READ_ONLY);
- // Add length.
- result =
- Factory::CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
- result,
- Factory::length_symbol(),
- Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionLength),
- attributes);
- // Add name.
- result =
- Factory::CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
- result,
- Factory::name_symbol(),
- Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionName),
- attributes);
- // Add arguments.
- result =
- Factory::CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
- result,
- Factory::arguments_symbol(),
- Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionArguments),
- attributes);
- // Add caller.
- result =
- Factory::CopyAppendProxyDescriptor(
- result,
- Factory::caller_symbol(),
- Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionCaller),
- attributes);
- return result;
+Handle<Map> Genesis::CreateFunctionMap(PrototypePropertyMode prototype_mode) {
+ Handle<Map> map = Factory::NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors =
+ ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(prototype_mode);
+ map->set_instance_descriptors(*descriptors);
+ map->set_function_with_prototype(prototype_mode != DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE);
+ return map;
Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::CreateEmptyFunction() {
- // Allocate the map for function instances.
- Handle<Map> fm = Factory::NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
- global_context()->set_function_instance_map(*fm);
+ // Allocate the map for function instances. Maps are allocated first and their
+ // prototypes patched later, once empty function is created.
// Please note that the prototype property for function instances must be
// writable.
- Handle<DescriptorArray> function_map_descriptors =
- ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(ADD_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE);
- fm->set_instance_descriptors(*function_map_descriptors);
- fm->set_function_with_prototype(true);
+ global_context()->set_function_instance_map(
// Functions with this map will not have a 'prototype' property, and
// can not be used as constructors.
- Handle<Map> function_without_prototype_map =
- Factory::NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
- *function_without_prototype_map);
- Handle<DescriptorArray> function_without_prototype_map_descriptors =
- ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE);
- function_without_prototype_map->set_instance_descriptors(
- *function_without_prototype_map_descriptors);
- function_without_prototype_map->set_function_with_prototype(false);
+ *CreateFunctionMap(DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE));
- // Allocate the function map first and then patch the prototype later
- fm = Factory::NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
- global_context()->set_function_map(*fm);
- function_map_descriptors =
- ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(ADD_READONLY_PROTOTYPE);
- fm->set_instance_descriptors(*function_map_descriptors);
- fm->set_function_with_prototype(true);
+ // Allocate the function map. This map is temporary, used only for processing
+ // of builtins.
+ // Later the map is replaced with writable prototype map, allocated below.
+ global_context()->set_function_map(
+ *CreateFunctionMap(ADD_READONLY_PROTOTYPE));
+ // The final map for functions. Writeable prototype.
+ // This map is installed in MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable.
+ function_instance_map_writable_prototype_ =
Handle<String> object_name = Handle<String>(Heap::Object_symbol());
@@ -469,7 +484,7 @@ Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::CreateEmptyFunction() {
// 262 15.3.4.
Handle<String> symbol = Factory::LookupAsciiSymbol("Empty");
Handle<JSFunction> empty_function =
- Factory::NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(symbol);
+ Factory::NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(symbol, kNonStrictMode);
// --- E m p t y ---
Handle<Code> code =
@@ -483,22 +498,149 @@ Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::CreateEmptyFunction() {
+ // Set prototypes for the function maps.
+ function_instance_map_writable_prototype_->set_prototype(*empty_function);
// Allocate the function map first and then patch the prototype later
+ Handle<Map> function_without_prototype_map(
+ global_context()->function_without_prototype_map());
Handle<Map> empty_fm = Factory::CopyMapDropDescriptors(
- *function_without_prototype_map_descriptors);
+ function_without_prototype_map->instance_descriptors());
return empty_function;
+Handle<DescriptorArray> Genesis::ComputeStrictFunctionInstanceDescriptor(
+ PrototypePropertyMode prototypeMode,
+ Handle<FixedArray> arguments,
+ Handle<FixedArray> caller) {
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors =
+ Factory::NewDescriptorArray(prototypeMode == DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE ? 4 : 5);
+ PropertyAttributes attributes = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(
+ { // length
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionLength);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::length_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(0, &d);
+ }
+ { // name
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionName);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::name_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(1, &d);
+ }
+ { // arguments
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::arguments_symbol(), *arguments, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(2, &d);
+ }
+ { // caller
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::caller_symbol(), *caller, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(3, &d);
+ }
+ // prototype
+ if (prototypeMode != DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE) {
+ if (prototypeMode == ADD_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE) {
+ attributes = static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(attributes & ~READ_ONLY);
+ }
+ Handle<Proxy> proxy = Factory::NewProxy(&Accessors::FunctionPrototype);
+ CallbacksDescriptor d(*Factory::prototype_symbol(), *proxy, attributes);
+ descriptors->Set(4, &d);
+ }
+ descriptors->Sort();
+ return descriptors;
+// ECMAScript 5th Edition, 13.2.3
+Handle<JSFunction> Genesis::CreateThrowTypeErrorFunction(
+ Builtins::Name builtin) {
+ Handle<String> name = Factory::LookupAsciiSymbol("ThrowTypeError");
+ Handle<JSFunction> throw_type_error =
+ Factory::NewFunctionWithoutPrototype(name, kStrictMode);
+ Handle<Code> code = Handle<Code>(Builtins::builtin(builtin));
+ throw_type_error->set_map(global_context()->strict_mode_function_map());
+ throw_type_error->set_code(*code);
+ throw_type_error->shared()->set_code(*code);
+ throw_type_error->shared()->DontAdaptArguments();
+ PreventExtensions(throw_type_error);
+ return throw_type_error;
+Handle<Map> Genesis::CreateStrictModeFunctionMap(
+ PrototypePropertyMode prototype_mode,
+ Handle<JSFunction> empty_function,
+ Handle<FixedArray> arguments_callbacks,
+ Handle<FixedArray> caller_callbacks) {
+ Handle<Map> map = Factory::NewMap(JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, JSFunction::kSize);
+ Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors =
+ ComputeStrictFunctionInstanceDescriptor(prototype_mode,
+ arguments_callbacks,
+ caller_callbacks);
+ map->set_instance_descriptors(*descriptors);
+ map->set_function_with_prototype(prototype_mode != DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE);
+ map->set_prototype(*empty_function);
+ return map;
+void Genesis::CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps(Handle<JSFunction> empty) {
+ // Create the callbacks arrays for ThrowTypeError functions.
+ // The get/set callacks are filled in after the maps are created below.
+ Handle<FixedArray> arguments = Factory::NewFixedArray(2, TENURED);
+ Handle<FixedArray> caller = Factory::NewFixedArray(2, TENURED);
+ // Allocate map for the strict mode function instances.
+ global_context()->set_strict_mode_function_instance_map(
+ *CreateStrictModeFunctionMap(
+ ADD_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE, empty, arguments, caller));
+ // Allocate map for the prototype-less strict mode instances.
+ global_context()->set_strict_mode_function_without_prototype_map(
+ *CreateStrictModeFunctionMap(
+ DONT_ADD_PROTOTYPE, empty, arguments, caller));
+ // Allocate map for the strict mode functions. This map is temporary, used
+ // only for processing of builtins.
+ // Later the map is replaced with writable prototype map, allocated below.
+ global_context()->set_strict_mode_function_map(
+ *CreateStrictModeFunctionMap(
+ ADD_READONLY_PROTOTYPE, empty, arguments, caller));
+ // The final map for the strict mode functions. Writeable prototype.
+ // This map is installed in MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable.
+ strict_mode_function_instance_map_writable_prototype_ =
+ CreateStrictModeFunctionMap(
+ ADD_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE, empty, arguments, caller);
+ // Create the ThrowTypeError function instances.
+ Handle<JSFunction> arguments_throw =
+ CreateThrowTypeErrorFunction(Builtins::StrictFunctionArguments);
+ Handle<JSFunction> caller_throw =
+ CreateThrowTypeErrorFunction(Builtins::StrictFunctionCaller);
+ // Complete the callback fixed arrays.
+ arguments->set(0, *arguments_throw);
+ arguments->set(1, *arguments_throw);
+ caller->set(0, *caller_throw);
+ caller->set(1, *caller_throw);
static void AddToWeakGlobalContextList(Context* context) {
#ifdef DEBUG
@@ -1809,16 +1951,17 @@ void Genesis::TransferObject(Handle<JSObject> from, Handle<JSObject> to) {
void Genesis::MakeFunctionInstancePrototypeWritable() {
- // Make a new function map so all future functions
- // will have settable and enumerable prototype properties.
- HandleScope scope;
- Handle<DescriptorArray> function_map_descriptors =
- ComputeFunctionInstanceDescriptor(ADD_WRITEABLE_PROTOTYPE);
- Handle<Map> fm = Factory::CopyMapDropDescriptors(Top::function_map());
- fm->set_instance_descriptors(*function_map_descriptors);
- fm->set_function_with_prototype(true);
- Top::context()->global_context()->set_function_map(*fm);
+ // The maps with writable prototype are created in CreateEmptyFunction
+ // and CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps respectively. Initially the maps are
+ // created with read-only prototype for JS builtins processing.
+ ASSERT(!function_instance_map_writable_prototype_.is_null());
+ ASSERT(!strict_mode_function_instance_map_writable_prototype_.is_null());
+ // Replace function instance maps to make prototype writable.
+ global_context()->set_function_map(
+ *function_instance_map_writable_prototype_);
+ global_context()->set_strict_mode_function_map(
+ *strict_mode_function_instance_map_writable_prototype_);
@@ -1841,9 +1984,6 @@ Genesis::Genesis(Handle<Object> global_object,
- JSFunction* empty_function =
- JSFunction::cast(global_context_->function_map()->prototype());
- empty_function_ = Handle<JSFunction>(empty_function);
Handle<GlobalObject> inner_global;
Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy =
@@ -1858,6 +1998,7 @@ Genesis::Genesis(Handle<Object> global_object,
// We get here if there was no context snapshot.
Handle<JSFunction> empty_function = CreateEmptyFunction();
+ CreateStrictModeFunctionMaps(empty_function);
Handle<GlobalObject> inner_global;
Handle<JSGlobalProxy> global_proxy =
CreateNewGlobals(global_template, global_object, &inner_global);
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