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Unified Diff: third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-private.hh

Issue 6052008: harfbuzz: check in harfbuzz-ng, add gyp define to use it (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: fix Created 9 years, 12 months ago
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Index: third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-private.hh
diff --git a/third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-private.hh b/third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-private.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11bb28699231511637b8e7d776226a5a11ede3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb-ot-layout-gpos-private.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,1588 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009,2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Google, Inc.
+ *
+ * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library.
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
+ * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+ * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the
+ * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in
+ * all copies of this software.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Red Hat Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod
+ * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod
+ */
+#include "hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos-private.hh"
+/* buffer var allocations */
+#define attach_lookback() var.u16[0] /* number of glyphs to go back to attach this glyph to its base */
+#define cursive_chain() var.i16[1] /* character to which this connects, may be positive or negative */
+/* Shared Tables: ValueRecord, Anchor Table, and MarkArray */
+typedef USHORT Value;
+typedef Value ValueRecord[VAR];
+struct ValueFormat : USHORT
+ enum
+ {
+ xPlacement = 0x0001, /* Includes horizontal adjustment for placement */
+ yPlacement = 0x0002, /* Includes vertical adjustment for placement */
+ xAdvance = 0x0004, /* Includes horizontal adjustment for advance */
+ yAdvance = 0x0008, /* Includes vertical adjustment for advance */
+ xPlaDevice = 0x0010, /* Includes horizontal Device table for placement */
+ yPlaDevice = 0x0020, /* Includes vertical Device table for placement */
+ xAdvDevice = 0x0040, /* Includes horizontal Device table for advance */
+ yAdvDevice = 0x0080, /* Includes vertical Device table for advance */
+ ignored = 0x0F00, /* Was used in TrueType Open for MM fonts */
+ reserved = 0xF000, /* For future use */
+ devices = 0x00F0 /* Mask for having any Device table */
+ };
+/* All fields are options. Only those available advance the value pointer. */
+#if 0
+ SHORT xPlacement; /* Horizontal adjustment for
+ * placement--in design units */
+ SHORT yPlacement; /* Vertical adjustment for
+ * placement--in design units */
+ SHORT xAdvance; /* Horizontal adjustment for
+ * advance--in design units (only used
+ * for horizontal writing) */
+ SHORT yAdvance; /* Vertical adjustment for advance--in
+ * design units (only used for vertical
+ * writing) */
+ Offset xPlaDevice; /* Offset to Device table for
+ * horizontal placement--measured from
+ * beginning of PosTable (may be NULL) */
+ Offset yPlaDevice; /* Offset to Device table for vertical
+ * placement--measured from beginning
+ * of PosTable (may be NULL) */
+ Offset xAdvDevice; /* Offset to Device table for
+ * horizontal advance--measured from
+ * beginning of PosTable (may be NULL) */
+ Offset yAdvDevice; /* Offset to Device table for vertical
+ * advance--measured from beginning of
+ * PosTable (may be NULL) */
+ inline unsigned int get_len (void) const
+ { return _hb_popcount32 ((unsigned int) *this); }
+ inline unsigned int get_size (void) const
+ { return get_len () * Value::static_size; }
+ void apply_value (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout,
+ const void *base,
+ const Value *values,
+ hb_glyph_position_t &glyph_pos) const
+ {
+ unsigned int x_ppem, y_ppem;
+ unsigned int format = *this;
+ if (!format) return;
+ /* design units -> fractional pixel */
+ if (format & xPlacement) glyph_pos.x_offset += layout->scale_x (get_short (values++));
+ if (format & yPlacement) glyph_pos.y_offset += layout->scale_y (get_short (values++));
+ if (format & xAdvance) glyph_pos.x_advance += layout->scale_x (get_short (values++));
+ if (format & yAdvance) glyph_pos.y_advance += layout->scale_y (get_short (values++));
+ if (!has_device ()) return;
+ x_ppem = layout->font->x_ppem;
+ y_ppem = layout->font->y_ppem;
+ if (!x_ppem && !y_ppem) return;
+ /* pixel -> fractional pixel */
+ if (format & xPlaDevice) {
+ if (x_ppem) glyph_pos.x_offset += (base + get_device (values++)).get_x_delta (layout); else values++;
+ }
+ if (format & yPlaDevice) {
+ if (y_ppem) glyph_pos.y_offset += (base + get_device (values++)).get_y_delta (layout); else values++;
+ }
+ if (format & xAdvDevice) {
+ if (x_ppem) glyph_pos.x_advance += (base + get_device (values++)).get_x_delta (layout); else values++;
+ }
+ if (format & yAdvDevice) {
+ if (y_ppem) glyph_pos.y_advance += (base + get_device (values++)).get_y_delta (layout); else values++;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ inline bool sanitize_value_devices (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base, Value *values) {
+ unsigned int format = *this;
+ if (format & xPlacement) values++;
+ if (format & yPlacement) values++;
+ if (format & xAdvance) values++;
+ if (format & yAdvance) values++;
+ if ((format & xPlaDevice) && !get_device (values++).sanitize (c, base)) return false;
+ if ((format & yPlaDevice) && !get_device (values++).sanitize (c, base)) return false;
+ if ((format & xAdvDevice) && !get_device (values++).sanitize (c, base)) return false;
+ if ((format & yAdvDevice) && !get_device (values++).sanitize (c, base)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ static inline OffsetTo<Device>& get_device (Value* value)
+ { return *CastP<OffsetTo<Device> > (value); }
+ static inline const OffsetTo<Device>& get_device (const Value* value)
+ { return *CastP<OffsetTo<Device> > (value); }
+ static inline const SHORT& get_short (const Value* value)
+ { return *CastP<SHORT> (value); }
+ public:
+ inline bool has_device (void) const {
+ unsigned int format = *this;
+ return (format & devices) != 0;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize_value (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base, Value *values) {
+ return c->check_range (values, get_size ())
+ && (!has_device () || sanitize_value_devices (c, base, values));
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize_values (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base, Value *values, unsigned int count) {
+ unsigned int len = get_len ();
+ if (!c->check_array (values, get_size (), count)) return false;
+ if (!has_device ()) return true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (!sanitize_value_devices (c, base, values))
+ return false;
+ values += len;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* Just sanitize referenced Device tables. Doesn't check the values themselves. */
+ inline bool sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base, Value *values, unsigned int count, unsigned int stride) {
+ if (!has_device ()) return true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ if (!sanitize_value_devices (c, base, values))
+ return false;
+ values += stride;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+struct AnchorFormat1
+ friend struct Anchor;
+ private:
+ inline void get_anchor (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout, hb_codepoint_t glyph_id HB_UNUSED,
+ hb_position_t *x, hb_position_t *y) const
+ {
+ *x = layout->scale_x (xCoordinate);
+ *y = layout->scale_y (yCoordinate);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ SHORT xCoordinate; /* Horizontal value--in design units */
+ SHORT yCoordinate; /* Vertical value--in design units */
+ public:
+struct AnchorFormat2
+ friend struct Anchor;
+ private:
+ inline void get_anchor (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout, hb_codepoint_t glyph_id,
+ hb_position_t *x, hb_position_t *y) const
+ {
+ unsigned int x_ppem = layout->font->x_ppem;
+ unsigned int y_ppem = layout->font->y_ppem;
+ hb_position_t cx, cy;
+ hb_bool_t ret = false;
+ if (x_ppem || y_ppem)
+ ret = hb_font_get_contour_point (layout->font, layout->face, anchorPoint, glyph_id, &cx, &cy);
+ *x = x_ppem && ret ? cx : layout->scale_x (xCoordinate);
+ *y = y_ppem && ret ? cy : layout->scale_y (yCoordinate);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
+ SHORT xCoordinate; /* Horizontal value--in design units */
+ SHORT yCoordinate; /* Vertical value--in design units */
+ USHORT anchorPoint; /* Index to glyph contour point */
+ public:
+struct AnchorFormat3
+ friend struct Anchor;
+ private:
+ inline void get_anchor (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout, hb_codepoint_t glyph_id HB_UNUSED,
+ hb_position_t *x, hb_position_t *y) const
+ {
+ *x = layout->scale_x (xCoordinate);
+ *y = layout->scale_y (yCoordinate);
+ /* pixel -> fractional pixel */
+ if (layout->font->x_ppem)
+ *x += (this+xDeviceTable).get_x_delta (layout);
+ if (layout->font->y_ppem)
+ *y += (this+yDeviceTable).get_x_delta (layout);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && xDeviceTable.sanitize (c, this)
+ && yDeviceTable.sanitize (c, this);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 3 */
+ SHORT xCoordinate; /* Horizontal value--in design units */
+ SHORT yCoordinate; /* Vertical value--in design units */
+ OffsetTo<Device>
+ xDeviceTable; /* Offset to Device table for X
+ * coordinate-- from beginning of
+ * Anchor table (may be NULL) */
+ OffsetTo<Device>
+ yDeviceTable; /* Offset to Device table for Y
+ * coordinate-- from beginning of
+ * Anchor table (may be NULL) */
+ public:
+struct Anchor
+ inline void get_anchor (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout, hb_codepoint_t glyph_id,
+ hb_position_t *x, hb_position_t *y) const
+ {
+ *x = *y = 0;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: u.format1.get_anchor (layout, glyph_id, x, y); return;
+ case 2: u.format2.get_anchor (layout, glyph_id, x, y); return;
+ case 3: u.format3.get_anchor (layout, glyph_id, x, y); return;
+ default: return;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ case 2: return u.format2.sanitize (c);
+ case 3: return u.format3.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ AnchorFormat1 format1;
+ AnchorFormat2 format2;
+ AnchorFormat3 format3;
+ } u;
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_UNION (2, format);
+struct AnchorMatrix
+ inline const Anchor& get_anchor (unsigned int row, unsigned int col, unsigned int cols) const {
+ if (unlikely (row >= rows || col >= cols)) return Null(Anchor);
+ return this+matrix[row * cols + col];
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int cols) {
+ if (!c->check_struct (this)) return false;
+ if (unlikely (rows > 0 && cols >= ((unsigned int) -1) / rows)) return false;
+ unsigned int count = rows * cols;
+ if (!c->check_array (matrix, matrix[0].static_size, count)) return false;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ if (!matrix[i].sanitize (c, this)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ USHORT rows; /* Number of rows */
+ private:
+ OffsetTo<Anchor>
+ matrix[VAR]; /* Matrix of offsets to Anchor tables--
+ * from beginning of AnchorMatrix table */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (2, matrix);
+struct MarkRecord
+ friend struct MarkArray;
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && markAnchor.sanitize (c, base);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT klass; /* Class defined for this mark */
+ OffsetTo<Anchor>
+ markAnchor; /* Offset to Anchor table--from
+ * beginning of MarkArray table */
+ public:
+struct MarkArray : ArrayOf<MarkRecord> /* Array of MarkRecords--in Coverage order */
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c,
+ unsigned int mark_index, unsigned int glyph_index,
+ const AnchorMatrix &anchors, unsigned int class_count,
+ unsigned int glyph_pos) const
+ {
+ const MarkRecord &record = ArrayOf<MarkRecord>::operator[](mark_index);
+ unsigned int mark_class = record.klass;
+ const Anchor& mark_anchor = this + record.markAnchor;
+ const Anchor& glyph_anchor = anchors.get_anchor (glyph_index, mark_class, class_count);
+ hb_position_t mark_x, mark_y, base_x, base_y;
+ mark_anchor.get_anchor (c->layout, c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint, &mark_x, &mark_y);
+ glyph_anchor.get_anchor (c->layout, c->buffer->info[glyph_pos].codepoint, &base_x, &base_y);
+ hb_glyph_position_t &o = c->buffer->pos[c->buffer->i];
+ o.x_offset = base_x - mark_x;
+ o.y_offset = base_y - mark_y;
+ o.attach_lookback() = c->buffer->i - glyph_pos;
+ c->buffer->i++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return ArrayOf<MarkRecord>::sanitize (c, this);
+ }
+/* Lookups */
+struct SinglePosFormat1
+ friend struct SinglePos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int index = (this+coverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ valueFormat.apply_value (c->layout, this, values, c->buffer->pos[c->buffer->i]);
+ c->buffer->i++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && valueFormat.sanitize_value (c, this, values);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
+ * beginning of subtable */
+ ValueFormat valueFormat; /* Defines the types of data in the
+ * ValueRecord */
+ ValueRecord values; /* Defines positioning
+ * value(s)--applied to all glyphs in
+ * the Coverage table */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (6, values);
+struct SinglePosFormat2
+ friend struct SinglePos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int index = (this+coverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ if (likely (index >= valueCount))
+ return false;
+ valueFormat.apply_value (c->layout, this,
+ &values[index * valueFormat.get_len ()],
+ c->buffer->pos[c->buffer->i]);
+ c->buffer->i++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && valueFormat.sanitize_values (c, this, values, valueCount);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
+ * beginning of subtable */
+ ValueFormat valueFormat; /* Defines the types of data in the
+ * ValueRecord */
+ USHORT valueCount; /* Number of ValueRecords */
+ ValueRecord values; /* Array of ValueRecords--positioning
+ * values applied to glyphs */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (8, values);
+struct SinglePos
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.apply (c);
+ case 2: return u.format2.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ case 2: return u.format2.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ SinglePosFormat1 format1;
+ SinglePosFormat2 format2;
+ } u;
+struct PairValueRecord
+ friend struct PairSet;
+ private:
+ GlyphID secondGlyph; /* GlyphID of second glyph in the
+ * pair--first glyph is listed in the
+ * Coverage table */
+ ValueRecord values; /* Positioning data for the first glyph
+ * followed by for second glyph */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (2, values);
+struct PairSet
+ friend struct PairPosFormat1;
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c,
+ const ValueFormat *valueFormats,
+ unsigned int pos) const
+ {
+ unsigned int len1 = valueFormats[0].get_len ();
+ unsigned int len2 = valueFormats[1].get_len ();
+ unsigned int record_size = USHORT::static_size * (1 + len1 + len2);
+ unsigned int count = len;
+ const PairValueRecord *record = CastP<PairValueRecord> (array);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ if (c->buffer->info[pos].codepoint == record->secondGlyph)
+ {
+ valueFormats[0].apply_value (c->layout, this, &record->values[0], c->buffer->pos[c->buffer->i]);
+ valueFormats[1].apply_value (c->layout, this, &record->values[len1], c->buffer->pos[pos]);
+ if (len2)
+ pos++;
+ c->buffer->i = pos;
+ return true;
+ }
+ record = &StructAtOffset<PairValueRecord> (record, record_size);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct sanitize_closure_t {
+ void *base;
+ ValueFormat *valueFormats;
+ unsigned int len1; /* valueFormats[0].get_len() */
+ unsigned int stride; /* 1 + len1 + len2 */
+ };
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, const sanitize_closure_t *closure) {
+ if (!(c->check_struct (this)
+ && c->check_array (array, USHORT::static_size * closure->stride, len))) return false;
+ unsigned int count = len;
+ PairValueRecord *record = CastP<PairValueRecord> (array);
+ return closure->valueFormats[0].sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (c, closure->base, &record->values[0], count, closure->stride)
+ && closure->valueFormats[1].sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (c, closure->base, &record->values[closure->len1], count, closure->stride);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT len; /* Number of PairValueRecords */
+ USHORT array[VAR]; /* Array of PairValueRecords--ordered
+ * by GlyphID of the second glyph */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (2, array);
+struct PairPosFormat1
+ friend struct PairPos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int end = MIN (c->buffer->len, c->buffer->i + c->context_length);
+ if (unlikely (c->buffer->i + 2 > end))
+ return false;
+ unsigned int index = (this+coverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ unsigned int j = c->buffer->i + 1;
+ while (_hb_ot_layout_skip_mark (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[j], c->lookup_props, NULL))
+ {
+ if (unlikely (j == end))
+ return false;
+ j++;
+ }
+ return (this+pairSet[index]).apply (c, &valueFormat1, j);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ unsigned int len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
+ unsigned int len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
+ PairSet::sanitize_closure_t closure = {
+ this,
+ &valueFormat1,
+ len1,
+ 1 + len1 + len2
+ };
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && pairSet.sanitize (c, this, &closure);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
+ * beginning of subtable */
+ ValueFormat valueFormat1; /* Defines the types of data in
+ * ValueRecord1--for the first glyph
+ * in the pair--may be zero (0) */
+ ValueFormat valueFormat2; /* Defines the types of data in
+ * ValueRecord2--for the second glyph
+ * in the pair--may be zero (0) */
+ OffsetArrayOf<PairSet>
+ pairSet; /* Array of PairSet tables
+ * ordered by Coverage Index */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (10, pairSet);
+struct PairPosFormat2
+ friend struct PairPos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int end = MIN (c->buffer->len, c->buffer->i + c->context_length);
+ if (unlikely (c->buffer->i + 2 > end))
+ return false;
+ unsigned int index = (this+coverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ unsigned int j = c->buffer->i + 1;
+ while (_hb_ot_layout_skip_mark (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[j], c->lookup_props, NULL))
+ {
+ if (unlikely (j == end))
+ return false;
+ j++;
+ }
+ unsigned int len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
+ unsigned int len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
+ unsigned int record_len = len1 + len2;
+ unsigned int klass1 = (this+classDef1) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ unsigned int klass2 = (this+classDef2) (c->buffer->info[j].codepoint);
+ if (unlikely (klass1 >= class1Count || klass2 >= class2Count))
+ return false;
+ const Value *v = &values[record_len * (klass1 * class2Count + klass2)];
+ valueFormat1.apply_value (c->layout, this, v, c->buffer->pos[c->buffer->i]);
+ valueFormat2.apply_value (c->layout, this, v + len1, c->buffer->pos[j]);
+ if (len2)
+ j++;
+ c->buffer->i = j;
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!(c->check_struct (this)
+ && coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && classDef1.sanitize (c, this)
+ && classDef2.sanitize (c, this))) return false;
+ unsigned int len1 = valueFormat1.get_len ();
+ unsigned int len2 = valueFormat2.get_len ();
+ unsigned int stride = len1 + len2;
+ unsigned int record_size = valueFormat1.get_size () + valueFormat2.get_size ();
+ unsigned int count = (unsigned int) class1Count * (unsigned int) class2Count;
+ return c->check_array (values, record_size, count) &&
+ valueFormat1.sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (c, this, &values[0], count, stride) &&
+ valueFormat2.sanitize_values_stride_unsafe (c, this, &values[len1], count, stride);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
+ * beginning of subtable */
+ ValueFormat valueFormat1; /* ValueRecord definition--for the
+ * first glyph of the pair--may be zero
+ * (0) */
+ ValueFormat valueFormat2; /* ValueRecord definition--for the
+ * second glyph of the pair--may be
+ * zero (0) */
+ OffsetTo<ClassDef>
+ classDef1; /* Offset to ClassDef table--from
+ * beginning of PairPos subtable--for
+ * the first glyph of the pair */
+ OffsetTo<ClassDef>
+ classDef2; /* Offset to ClassDef table--from
+ * beginning of PairPos subtable--for
+ * the second glyph of the pair */
+ USHORT class1Count; /* Number of classes in ClassDef1
+ * table--includes Class0 */
+ USHORT class2Count; /* Number of classes in ClassDef2
+ * table--includes Class0 */
+ ValueRecord values; /* Matrix of value pairs:
+ * class1-major, class2-minor,
+ * Each entry has value1 and value2 */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (16, values);
+struct PairPos
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.apply (c);
+ case 2: return u.format2.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ case 2: return u.format2.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ PairPosFormat1 format1;
+ PairPosFormat2 format2;
+ } u;
+struct EntryExitRecord
+ friend struct CursivePosFormat1;
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, void *base) {
+ return entryAnchor.sanitize (c, base)
+ && exitAnchor.sanitize (c, base);
+ }
+ private:
+ OffsetTo<Anchor>
+ entryAnchor; /* Offset to EntryAnchor table--from
+ * beginning of CursivePos
+ * subtable--may be NULL */
+ OffsetTo<Anchor>
+ exitAnchor; /* Offset to ExitAnchor table--from
+ * beginning of CursivePos
+ * subtable--may be NULL */
+ public:
+struct CursivePosFormat1
+ friend struct CursivePos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ /* We don't handle mark glyphs here. */
+ if (c->property & HB_OT_LAYOUT_GLYPH_CLASS_MARK)
+ return false;
+ unsigned int end = MIN (c->buffer->len, c->buffer->i + c->context_length);
+ if (unlikely (c->buffer->i + 2 > end))
+ return false;
+ const EntryExitRecord &this_record = entryExitRecord[(this+coverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint)];
+ if (!this_record.exitAnchor)
+ return false;
+ unsigned int j = c->buffer->i + 1;
+ while (_hb_ot_layout_skip_mark (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[j], c->lookup_props, NULL))
+ {
+ if (unlikely (j == end))
+ return false;
+ j++;
+ }
+ const EntryExitRecord &next_record = entryExitRecord[(this+coverage) (c->buffer->info[j].codepoint)];
+ if (!next_record.entryAnchor)
+ return false;
+ unsigned int i = c->buffer->i;
+ hb_position_t entry_x, entry_y, exit_x, exit_y;
+ (this+this_record.exitAnchor).get_anchor (c->layout, c->buffer->info[i].codepoint, &exit_x, &exit_y);
+ (this+next_record.entryAnchor).get_anchor (c->layout, c->buffer->info[j].codepoint, &entry_x, &entry_y);
+ hb_direction_t direction = c->buffer->props.direction;
+ /* Align the exit anchor of the left/top glyph with the entry anchor of the right/bottom glyph
+ * by adjusting advance of the left/top glyph. */
+ if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_BACKWARD (direction))
+ {
+ if (likely (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (direction)))
+ c->buffer->pos[j].x_advance = c->buffer->pos[j].x_offset + entry_x - exit_x;
+ else
+ c->buffer->pos[j].y_advance = c->buffer->pos[j].y_offset + entry_y - exit_y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (likely (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (direction)))
+ c->buffer->pos[i].x_advance = c->buffer->pos[i].x_offset + exit_x - entry_x;
+ else
+ c->buffer->pos[i].y_advance = c->buffer->pos[i].y_offset + exit_y - entry_y;
+ }
+ if (c->lookup_props & LookupFlag::RightToLeft)
+ {
+ c->buffer->pos[i].cursive_chain() = j - i;
+ if (likely (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (direction)))
+ c->buffer->pos[i].y_offset = entry_y - exit_y;
+ else
+ c->buffer->pos[i].x_offset = entry_x - exit_x;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c->buffer->pos[j].cursive_chain() = i - j;
+ if (likely (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (direction)))
+ c->buffer->pos[j].y_offset = exit_y - entry_y;
+ else
+ c->buffer->pos[j].x_offset = exit_x - entry_x;
+ }
+ c->buffer->i = j;
+ return true;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && entryExitRecord.sanitize (c, this);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
+ * beginning of subtable */
+ ArrayOf<EntryExitRecord>
+ entryExitRecord; /* Array of EntryExit records--in
+ * Coverage Index order */
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (6, entryExitRecord);
+struct CursivePos
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ CursivePosFormat1 format1;
+ } u;
+typedef AnchorMatrix BaseArray; /* base-major--
+ * in order of BaseCoverage Index--,
+ * mark-minor--
+ * ordered by class--zero-based. */
+struct MarkBasePosFormat1
+ friend struct MarkBasePos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int mark_index = (this+markCoverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (mark_index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ /* now we search backwards for a non-mark glyph */
+ unsigned int property;
+ unsigned int j = c->buffer->i;
+ do
+ {
+ if (unlikely (!j))
+ return false;
+ j--;
+ } while (_hb_ot_layout_skip_mark (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[j], LookupFlag::IgnoreMarks, &property));
+ /* The following assertion is too strong, so we've disabled it. */
+ {/*return false;*/}
+ unsigned int base_index = (this+baseCoverage) (c->buffer->info[j].codepoint);
+ if (base_index == NOT_COVERED)
+ return false;
+ return (this+markArray).apply (c, mark_index, base_index, this+baseArray, classCount, j);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && markCoverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && baseCoverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && markArray.sanitize (c, this)
+ && baseArray.sanitize (c, this, (unsigned int) classCount);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ markCoverage; /* Offset to MarkCoverage table--from
+ * beginning of MarkBasePos subtable */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ baseCoverage; /* Offset to BaseCoverage table--from
+ * beginning of MarkBasePos subtable */
+ USHORT classCount; /* Number of classes defined for marks */
+ OffsetTo<MarkArray>
+ markArray; /* Offset to MarkArray table--from
+ * beginning of MarkBasePos subtable */
+ OffsetTo<BaseArray>
+ baseArray; /* Offset to BaseArray table--from
+ * beginning of MarkBasePos subtable */
+ public:
+struct MarkBasePos
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ MarkBasePosFormat1 format1;
+ } u;
+typedef AnchorMatrix LigatureAttach; /* component-major--
+ * in order of writing direction--,
+ * mark-minor--
+ * ordered by class--zero-based. */
+typedef OffsetListOf<LigatureAttach> LigatureArray;
+ /* Array of LigatureAttach
+ * tables ordered by
+ * LigatureCoverage Index */
+struct MarkLigPosFormat1
+ friend struct MarkLigPos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int mark_index = (this+markCoverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (mark_index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ /* now we search backwards for a non-mark glyph */
+ unsigned int property;
+ unsigned int j = c->buffer->i;
+ do
+ {
+ if (unlikely (!j))
+ return false;
+ j--;
+ } while (_hb_ot_layout_skip_mark (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[j], LookupFlag::IgnoreMarks, &property));
+ /* The following assertion is too strong, so we've disabled it. */
+ {/*return false;*/}
+ unsigned int lig_index = (this+ligatureCoverage) (c->buffer->info[j].codepoint);
+ if (lig_index == NOT_COVERED)
+ return false;
+ const LigatureArray& lig_array = this+ligatureArray;
+ const LigatureAttach& lig_attach = lig_array[lig_index];
+ /* Find component to attach to */
+ unsigned int comp_count = lig_attach.rows;
+ if (unlikely (!comp_count))
+ return false;
+ unsigned int comp_index;
+ /* We must now check whether the ligature ID of the current mark glyph
+ * is identical to the ligature ID of the found ligature. If yes, we
+ * can directly use the component index. If not, we attach the mark
+ * glyph to the last component of the ligature. */
+ if (c->buffer->info[j].lig_id() && c->buffer->info[j].lig_id() == c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].lig_id() && c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].lig_comp())
+ {
+ comp_index = c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].lig_comp() - 1;
+ if (comp_index >= comp_count)
+ comp_index = comp_count - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ comp_index = comp_count - 1;
+ return (this+markArray).apply (c, mark_index, comp_index, lig_attach, classCount, j);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && markCoverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && ligatureCoverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && markArray.sanitize (c, this)
+ && ligatureArray.sanitize (c, this, (unsigned int) classCount);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ markCoverage; /* Offset to Mark Coverage table--from
+ * beginning of MarkLigPos subtable */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ ligatureCoverage; /* Offset to Ligature Coverage
+ * table--from beginning of MarkLigPos
+ * subtable */
+ USHORT classCount; /* Number of defined mark classes */
+ OffsetTo<MarkArray>
+ markArray; /* Offset to MarkArray table--from
+ * beginning of MarkLigPos subtable */
+ OffsetTo<LigatureArray>
+ ligatureArray; /* Offset to LigatureArray table--from
+ * beginning of MarkLigPos subtable */
+ public:
+struct MarkLigPos
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ MarkLigPosFormat1 format1;
+ } u;
+typedef AnchorMatrix Mark2Array; /* mark2-major--
+ * in order of Mark2Coverage Index--,
+ * mark1-minor--
+ * ordered by class--zero-based. */
+struct MarkMarkPosFormat1
+ friend struct MarkMarkPos;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ unsigned int mark1_index = (this+mark1Coverage) (c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].codepoint);
+ if (likely (mark1_index == NOT_COVERED))
+ return false;
+ /* now we search backwards for a suitable mark glyph until a non-mark glyph */
+ unsigned int property;
+ unsigned int j = c->buffer->i;
+ do
+ {
+ if (unlikely (!j))
+ return false;
+ j--;
+ } while (_hb_ot_layout_skip_mark (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[j], c->lookup_props, &property));
+ if (!(property & HB_OT_LAYOUT_GLYPH_CLASS_MARK))
+ return false;
+ /* Two marks match only if they belong to the same base, or same component
+ * of the same ligature. That is, the component numbers must match, and
+ * if those are non-zero, the ligid number should also match. */
+ if ((c->buffer->info[j].lig_comp() != c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].lig_comp()) ||
+ (c->buffer->info[j].lig_comp() && c->buffer->info[j].lig_id() != c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i].lig_id()))
+ return false;
+ unsigned int mark2_index = (this+mark2Coverage) (c->buffer->info[j].codepoint);
+ if (mark2_index == NOT_COVERED)
+ return false;
+ return (this+mark1Array).apply (c, mark1_index, mark2_index, this+mark2Array, classCount, j);
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ return c->check_struct (this)
+ && mark1Coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && mark2Coverage.sanitize (c, this)
+ && mark1Array.sanitize (c, this)
+ && mark2Array.sanitize (c, this, (unsigned int) classCount);
+ }
+ private:
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ mark1Coverage; /* Offset to Combining Mark1 Coverage
+ * table--from beginning of MarkMarkPos
+ * subtable */
+ OffsetTo<Coverage>
+ mark2Coverage; /* Offset to Combining Mark2 Coverage
+ * table--from beginning of MarkMarkPos
+ * subtable */
+ USHORT classCount; /* Number of defined mark classes */
+ OffsetTo<MarkArray>
+ mark1Array; /* Offset to Mark1Array table--from
+ * beginning of MarkMarkPos subtable */
+ OffsetTo<Mark2Array>
+ mark2Array; /* Offset to Mark2Array table--from
+ * beginning of MarkMarkPos subtable */
+ public:
+struct MarkMarkPos
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (!u.format.sanitize (c)) return false;
+ switch (u.format) {
+ case 1: return u.format1.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT format; /* Format identifier */
+ MarkMarkPosFormat1 format1;
+ } u;
+static inline bool position_lookup (hb_apply_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_index);
+struct ContextPos : Context
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ return Context::apply (c, position_lookup);
+ }
+struct ChainContextPos : ChainContext
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ {
+ return ChainContext::apply (c, position_lookup);
+ }
+struct ExtensionPos : Extension
+ friend struct PosLookupSubTable;
+ private:
+ inline const struct PosLookupSubTable& get_subtable (void) const
+ {
+ unsigned int offset = get_offset ();
+ if (unlikely (!offset)) return Null(PosLookupSubTable);
+ return StructAtOffset<PosLookupSubTable> (this, offset);
+ }
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const;
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c);
+ * PosLookup
+ */
+struct PosLookupSubTable
+ friend struct PosLookup;
+ enum {
+ Single = 1,
+ Pair = 2,
+ Cursive = 3,
+ MarkBase = 4,
+ MarkLig = 5,
+ MarkMark = 6,
+ Context = 7,
+ ChainContext = 8,
+ Extension = 9
+ };
+ inline bool apply (hb_apply_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_type) const
+ {
+ switch (lookup_type) {
+ case Single: return u.single.apply (c);
+ case Pair: return u.pair.apply (c);
+ case Cursive: return u.cursive.apply (c);
+ case MarkBase: return u.markBase.apply (c);
+ case MarkLig: return u.markLig.apply (c);
+ case MarkMark: return u.markMark.apply (c);
+ case Context: return u.c.apply (c);
+ case ChainContext: return u.chainContext.apply (c);
+ case Extension: return u.extension.apply (c);
+ default:return false;
+ }
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_type) {
+ switch (lookup_type) {
+ case Single: return u.single.sanitize (c);
+ case Pair: return u.pair.sanitize (c);
+ case Cursive: return u.cursive.sanitize (c);
+ case MarkBase: return u.markBase.sanitize (c);
+ case MarkLig: return u.markLig.sanitize (c);
+ case MarkMark: return u.markMark.sanitize (c);
+ case Context: return u.c.sanitize (c);
+ case ChainContext: return u.chainContext.sanitize (c);
+ case Extension: return u.extension.sanitize (c);
+ default:return true;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ USHORT sub_format;
+ SinglePos single;
+ PairPos pair;
+ CursivePos cursive;
+ MarkBasePos markBase;
+ MarkLigPos markLig;
+ MarkMarkPos markMark;
+ ContextPos c;
+ ChainContextPos chainContext;
+ ExtensionPos extension;
+ } u;
+ public:
+ DEFINE_SIZE_UNION (2, sub_format);
+struct PosLookup : Lookup
+ inline const PosLookupSubTable& get_subtable (unsigned int i) const
+ { return this+CastR<OffsetArrayOf<PosLookupSubTable> > (subTable)[i]; }
+ inline bool apply_once (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout,
+ hb_buffer_t *buffer,
+ hb_mask_t lookup_mask,
+ unsigned int context_length,
+ unsigned int nesting_level_left) const
+ {
+ unsigned int lookup_type = get_type ();
+ hb_apply_context_t c[1] = {{0}};
+ c->layout = layout;
+ c->buffer = buffer;
+ c->lookup_mask = lookup_mask;
+ c->context_length = context_length;
+ c->nesting_level_left = nesting_level_left;
+ c->lookup_props = get_props ();
+ if (!_hb_ot_layout_check_glyph_property (c->layout->face, &c->buffer->info[c->buffer->i], c->lookup_props, &c->property))
+ return false;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < get_subtable_count (); i++)
+ if (get_subtable (i).apply (c, lookup_type))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ inline bool apply_string (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout,
+ hb_buffer_t *buffer,
+ hb_mask_t mask) const
+ {
+ bool ret = false;
+ if (unlikely (!buffer->len))
+ return false;
+ buffer->i = 0;
+ while (buffer->i < buffer->len)
+ {
+ if ((buffer->info[buffer->i].mask & mask) &&
+ apply_once (layout, buffer, mask, NO_CONTEXT, MAX_NESTING_LEVEL))
+ ret = true;
+ else
+ buffer->i++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (unlikely (!Lookup::sanitize (c))) return false;
+ OffsetArrayOf<PosLookupSubTable> &list = CastR<OffsetArrayOf<PosLookupSubTable> > (subTable);
+ return list.sanitize (c, this, get_type ());
+ }
+typedef OffsetListOf<PosLookup> PosLookupList;
+ * GPOS
+ */
+ static const hb_tag_t Tag = HB_OT_TAG_GPOS;
+ inline const PosLookup& get_lookup (unsigned int i) const
+ { return CastR<PosLookup> (GSUBGPOS::get_lookup (i)); }
+ inline bool position_lookup (hb_ot_layout_context_t *layout,
+ hb_buffer_t *buffer,
+ unsigned int lookup_index,
+ hb_mask_t mask) const
+ { return get_lookup (lookup_index).apply_string (layout, buffer, mask); }
+ static inline void position_finish (hb_buffer_t *buffer);
+ inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) {
+ if (unlikely (!GSUBGPOS::sanitize (c))) return false;
+ OffsetTo<PosLookupList> &list = CastR<OffsetTo<PosLookupList> > (lookupList);
+ return list.sanitize (c, this);
+ }
+ public:
+GPOS::position_finish (hb_buffer_t *buffer)
+ unsigned int i, j;
+ unsigned int len = hb_buffer_get_length (buffer);
+ hb_glyph_position_t *pos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions (buffer);
+ hb_direction_t direction = buffer->props.direction;
+ /* Handle cursive connections:
+ * First handle all chain-back connections, then handle all chain-forward connections. */
+ if (likely (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (direction)))
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+ if (pos[j].cursive_chain() < 0)
+ pos[j].y_offset += pos[j + pos[j].cursive_chain()].y_offset;
+ }
+ for (i = len; i > 0; i--) {
+ j = i - 1;
+ if (pos[j].cursive_chain() > 0)
+ pos[j].y_offset += pos[j + pos[j].cursive_chain()].y_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+ if (pos[j].cursive_chain() < 0)
+ pos[j].x_offset += pos[j + pos[j].cursive_chain()].x_offset;
+ }
+ for (i = len; i > 0; i--) {
+ j = i - 1;
+ if (pos[j].cursive_chain() > 0)
+ pos[j].x_offset += pos[j + pos[j].cursive_chain()].x_offset;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Handle attachments */
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ if (pos[i].attach_lookback())
+ {
+ unsigned int back = i - pos[i].attach_lookback();
+ pos[i].x_offset += pos[back].x_offset;
+ pos[i].y_offset += pos[back].y_offset;
+ if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_BACKWARD (buffer->props.direction))
+ for (j = back + 1; j < i + 1; j++) {
+ pos[i].x_offset += pos[j].x_advance;
+ pos[i].y_offset += pos[j].y_advance;
+ }
+ else
+ for (j = back; j < i; j++) {
+ pos[i].x_offset -= pos[j].x_advance;
+ pos[i].y_offset -= pos[j].y_advance;
+ }
+ }
+/* Out-of-class implementation for methods recursing */
+inline bool ExtensionPos::apply (hb_apply_context_t *c) const
+ return get_subtable ().apply (c, get_type ());
+inline bool ExtensionPos::sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c)
+ if (unlikely (!Extension::sanitize (c))) return false;
+ unsigned int offset = get_offset ();
+ if (unlikely (!offset)) return true;
+ return StructAtOffset<PosLookupSubTable> (this, offset).sanitize (c, get_type ());
+static inline bool position_lookup (hb_apply_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_index)
+ const GPOS &gpos = *(c->layout->face->ot_layout->gpos);
+ const PosLookup &l = gpos.get_lookup (lookup_index);
+ if (unlikely (c->nesting_level_left == 0))
+ return false;
+ if (unlikely (c->context_length < 1))
+ return false;
+ return l.apply_once (c->layout, c->buffer, c->lookup_mask, c->context_length, c->nesting_level_left - 1);
+#undef attach_lookback
+#undef cursive_chain
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