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Unified Diff: base/

Issue 6028009: Move base/thread.h to base/threading, fix up callers to use the new location.... (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: Created 10 years ago
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Index: base/
--- base/ (revision 70342)
+++ base/ (working copy)
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/lock.h"
-#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
-#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
-#include "base/thread_collision_warner.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-// '' : local class member function does not have a body
-#if defined(NDEBUG)
-// Would cause a memory leak otherwise.
-#define DFAKE_MUTEX(obj) scoped_ptr<base::AsserterBase> obj
-// In Release, we expect the AsserterBase::warn() to not happen.
-// In Debug, we expect the AsserterBase::warn() to happen.
-namespace {
-// This is the asserter used with ThreadCollisionWarner instead of the default
-// DCheckAsserter. The method fail_state is used to know if a collision took
-// place.
-class AssertReporter : public base::AsserterBase {
- public:
- AssertReporter()
- : failed_(false) {}
- virtual void warn() {
- failed_ = true;
- }
- virtual ~AssertReporter() {}
- bool fail_state() const { return failed_; }
- void reset() { failed_ = false; }
- private:
- bool failed_;
-} // namespace
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, BookCriticalSection) {
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- base::ThreadCollisionWarner warner(local_reporter);
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- { // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- { // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- }
- }
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, ScopedRecursiveBookCriticalSection) {
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- base::ThreadCollisionWarner warner(local_reporter);
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- { // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- { // Pin section again (allowed by DFAKE_SCOPED_RECURSIVE_LOCK)
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- } // Unpin section.
- } // Unpin section.
- // Check that section is not pinned
- { // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- } // Unpin section.
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, ScopedBookCriticalSection) {
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- base::ThreadCollisionWarner warner(local_reporter);
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- { // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- } // Unpin section.
- { // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- {
- // Pin section again (not allowed by DFAKE_SCOPED_LOCK)
- EXPECT_NDEBUG_FALSE_DEBUG_TRUE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- // Reset the status of warner for further tests.
- local_reporter->reset();
- } // Unpin section.
- } // Unpin section.
- {
- // Pin section.
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
- } // Unpin section.
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, MTBookCriticalSectionTest) {
- class NonThreadSafeQueue {
- public:
- explicit NonThreadSafeQueue(base::AsserterBase* asserter)
- : push_pop_(asserter) {
- }
- void push(int value) {
- }
- int pop() {
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- DFAKE_MUTEX(push_pop_);
- };
- class QueueUser : public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
- public:
- explicit QueueUser(NonThreadSafeQueue& queue)
- : queue_(queue) {}
- virtual void Run() {
- queue_.push(0);
- queue_.pop();
- }
- private:
- NonThreadSafeQueue& queue_;
- };
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- NonThreadSafeQueue queue(local_reporter);
- QueueUser queue_user_a(queue);
- QueueUser queue_user_b(queue);
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_a(&queue_user_a, "queue_user_thread_a");
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_b(&queue_user_b, "queue_user_thread_b");
- thread_a.Start();
- thread_b.Start();
- thread_a.Join();
- thread_b.Join();
- EXPECT_NDEBUG_FALSE_DEBUG_TRUE(local_reporter->fail_state());
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, MTScopedBookCriticalSectionTest) {
- // Queue with a 5 seconds push execution time, hopefuly the two used threads
- // in the test will enter the push at same time.
- class NonThreadSafeQueue {
- public:
- explicit NonThreadSafeQueue(base::AsserterBase* asserter)
- : push_pop_(asserter) {
- }
- void push(int value) {
- DFAKE_SCOPED_LOCK(push_pop_);
- base::PlatformThread::Sleep(5000);
- }
- int pop() {
- DFAKE_SCOPED_LOCK(push_pop_);
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- DFAKE_MUTEX(push_pop_);
- };
- class QueueUser : public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
- public:
- explicit QueueUser(NonThreadSafeQueue& queue)
- : queue_(queue) {}
- virtual void Run() {
- queue_.push(0);
- queue_.pop();
- }
- private:
- NonThreadSafeQueue& queue_;
- };
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- NonThreadSafeQueue queue(local_reporter);
- QueueUser queue_user_a(queue);
- QueueUser queue_user_b(queue);
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_a(&queue_user_a, "queue_user_thread_a");
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_b(&queue_user_b, "queue_user_thread_b");
- thread_a.Start();
- thread_b.Start();
- thread_a.Join();
- thread_b.Join();
- EXPECT_NDEBUG_FALSE_DEBUG_TRUE(local_reporter->fail_state());
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, MTSynchedScopedBookCriticalSectionTest) {
- // Queue with a 2 seconds push execution time, hopefuly the two used threads
- // in the test will enter the push at same time.
- class NonThreadSafeQueue {
- public:
- explicit NonThreadSafeQueue(base::AsserterBase* asserter)
- : push_pop_(asserter) {
- }
- void push(int value) {
- DFAKE_SCOPED_LOCK(push_pop_);
- base::PlatformThread::Sleep(2000);
- }
- int pop() {
- DFAKE_SCOPED_LOCK(push_pop_);
- return 0;
- }
- private:
- DFAKE_MUTEX(push_pop_);
- };
- // This time the QueueUser class protects the non thread safe queue with
- // a lock.
- class QueueUser : public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
- public:
- QueueUser(NonThreadSafeQueue& queue, Lock& lock)
- : queue_(queue),
- lock_(lock) {}
- virtual void Run() {
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- queue_.push(0);
- }
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- queue_.pop();
- }
- }
- private:
- NonThreadSafeQueue& queue_;
- Lock& lock_;
- };
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- NonThreadSafeQueue queue(local_reporter);
- Lock lock;
- QueueUser queue_user_a(queue, lock);
- QueueUser queue_user_b(queue, lock);
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_a(&queue_user_a, "queue_user_thread_a");
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_b(&queue_user_b, "queue_user_thread_b");
- thread_a.Start();
- thread_b.Start();
- thread_a.Join();
- thread_b.Join();
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
-TEST(ThreadCollisionTest, MTSynchedScopedRecursiveBookCriticalSectionTest) {
- // Queue with a 2 seconds push execution time, hopefuly the two used threads
- // in the test will enter the push at same time.
- class NonThreadSafeQueue {
- public:
- explicit NonThreadSafeQueue(base::AsserterBase* asserter)
- : push_pop_(asserter) {
- }
- void push(int) {
- bar();
- base::PlatformThread::Sleep(2000);
- }
- int pop() {
- return 0;
- }
- void bar() {
- }
- private:
- DFAKE_MUTEX(push_pop_);
- };
- // This time the QueueUser class protects the non thread safe queue with
- // a lock.
- class QueueUser : public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
- public:
- QueueUser(NonThreadSafeQueue& queue, Lock& lock)
- : queue_(queue),
- lock_(lock) {}
- virtual void Run() {
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- queue_.push(0);
- }
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- }
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- queue_.pop();
- }
- }
- private:
- NonThreadSafeQueue& queue_;
- Lock& lock_;
- };
- AssertReporter* local_reporter = new AssertReporter();
- NonThreadSafeQueue queue(local_reporter);
- Lock lock;
- QueueUser queue_user_a(queue, lock);
- QueueUser queue_user_b(queue, lock);
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_a(&queue_user_a, "queue_user_thread_a");
- base::DelegateSimpleThread thread_b(&queue_user_b, "queue_user_thread_b");
- thread_a.Start();
- thread_b.Start();
- thread_a.Join();
- thread_b.Join();
- EXPECT_FALSE(local_reporter->fail_state());
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