Description[tabbed options] more work on content settings exceptions lists
- tie "edit" mode to "selected"
-- selecting enters into edit mode
-- blurring exits edit mode and deselects
- fix up layout within rows (faux columns)
- add a special "add new exception" row (this should be at the bottom of the table, but it's currently at the top)
- change behavior when the user attempts to commit an invalid exception. Instead of trying to regrab focus, just revert the row to its previous state.
TODO: list should be sized dynamically, i.e. no scrollbar.
TODO: list should be in sub-sub dialog
TODO: rows should have delete X
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : fix maybeSetPatternValid #
Total comments: 6
Patch Set 3 : subclass #
Total comments: 7
Patch Set 4 : this.items #
Total comments: 1
Patch Set 5 : fix and use list.items #Patch Set 6 : . #
Total comments: 5
Patch Set 7 : manual filter #
Total comments: 2
Patch Set 8 : use array.filter #
Total messages: 17 (0 generated)