DescriptionCall git diff --name-status with a relative path.
On a new Linux box, during git cl dcommit I observed
the error:
fatal: invalid diff option/value: -r
This was caused by the git cl presubmit hooks running:
git diff --name-status -r refs/remotes/origin/trunk.. /path/to/src
By passing a relative path (given by git rev-parse
--show-cdup) instead of an absolute path for
/path/to/src, git diff --name-status does not print an
error and returns the expected list of changed files.
Also fix some broken scm and gclient_scm unit tests.
TEST=git presubmit hooks work from main working
Committed as r32999
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : '' #Patch Set 3 : '' #
Total messages: 3 (0 generated)