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Unified Diff: src/string.js

Issue 43075: * Reapply revisions 1383, 1384, 1391, 1398, 1401, 1402,... (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 11 years, 9 months ago
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Index: src/string.js
--- src/string.js (revision 1489)
+++ src/string.js (working copy)
@@ -165,8 +165,9 @@
// Build the result array.
var result = new $Array(match_string);
for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; ++i) {
- var match = matches[i];
- var match_string = subject.slice(match[0], match[1]);
+ var matchInfo = matches[i];
+ var match_string = subject.slice(matchInfo[CAPTURE0],
+ matchInfo[CAPTURE1]);
result[i] = match_string;
@@ -218,7 +219,9 @@
if (IS_FUNCTION(replace)) {
builder.add(, search, start, subject));
} else {
- ExpandReplacement(ToString(replace), subject, [ start, end ], builder);
+ reusableMatchInfo[CAPTURE0] = start;
+ reusableMatchInfo[CAPTURE1] = end;
+ ExpandReplacement(ToString(replace), subject, reusableMatchInfo, builder);
// suffix
@@ -228,6 +231,15 @@
+// This has the same size as the lastMatchInfo array, and can be used for
+// functions that expect that structure to be returned. It is used when the
+// needle is a string rather than a regexp. In this case we can't update
+// lastMatchArray without erroneously affecting the properties on the global
+// RegExp object.
+var reusableMatchInfo = [2, -1, -1, "", ""];
+var reusableMatchArray = [ void 0 ];
// Helper function for regular expressions in String.prototype.replace.
function StringReplaceRegExp(subject, regexp, replace) {
// Compute an array of matches; each match is really a list of
@@ -237,9 +249,10 @@
matches = DoRegExpExecGlobal(regexp, subject);
if (matches.length == 0) return subject;
} else {
- var captures = DoRegExpExec(regexp, subject, 0);
- if (IS_NULL(captures)) return subject;
- matches = [ captures ];
+ var lastMatchInfo = DoRegExpExec(regexp, subject, 0);
+ if (IS_NULL(lastMatchInfo)) return subject;
+ reusableMatchArray[0] = lastMatchInfo;
+ matches = reusableMatchArray;
// Determine the number of matches.
@@ -253,17 +266,17 @@
replace = ToString(replace);
if (%StringIndexOf(replace, "$", 0) < 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- var captures = matches[i];
- result.addSpecialSlice(previous, captures[0]);
+ var matchInfo = matches[i];
+ result.addSpecialSlice(previous, matchInfo[CAPTURE0]);
- previous = captures[1]; // continue after match
+ previous = matchInfo[CAPTURE1]; // continue after match
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- var captures = matches[i];
- result.addSpecialSlice(previous, captures[0]);
- ExpandReplacement(replace, subject, captures, result);
- previous = captures[1]; // continue after match
+ var matchInfo = matches[i];
+ result.addSpecialSlice(previous, matchInfo[CAPTURE0]);
+ ExpandReplacement(replace, subject, matchInfo, result);
+ previous = matchInfo[CAPTURE1]; // continue after match
result.addSpecialSlice(previous, subject.length);
@@ -273,7 +286,7 @@
// Expand the $-expressions in the string and return a new string with
// the result.
-function ExpandReplacement(string, subject, captures, builder) {
+function ExpandReplacement(string, subject, matchInfo, builder) {
var next = %StringIndexOf(string, '$', 0);
if (next < 0) {
@@ -281,11 +294,12 @@
// Compute the number of captures; see ECMA-262,, p. 102.
- var m = captures.length >> 1; // includes the match
+ var m = NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(matchInfo) >> 1; // Includes the match.
if (next > 0) builder.add(SubString(string, 0, next));
var length = string.length;
Mads Ager (chromium) 2009/03/11 13:49:17 Any reason for the extra space here?
Erik Corry 2009/03/11 14:01:06 No.
while (true) {
var expansion = '$';
var position = next + 1;
@@ -299,13 +313,14 @@
} else if (peek == 38) { // $& - match
- builder.addSpecialSlice(captures[0], captures[1]);
+ builder.addSpecialSlice(matchInfo[CAPTURE0],
+ matchInfo[CAPTURE1]);
} else if (peek == 96) { // $` - prefix
- builder.addSpecialSlice(0, captures[0]);
+ builder.addSpecialSlice(0, matchInfo[CAPTURE0]);
} else if (peek == 39) { // $' - suffix
- builder.addSpecialSlice(captures[1], subject.length);
+ builder.addSpecialSlice(matchInfo[CAPTURE1], subject.length);
} else if (peek >= 48 && peek <= 57) { // $n, 0 <= n <= 9
var n = peek - 48;
@@ -329,7 +344,7 @@
if (0 < n && n < m) {
- addCaptureString(builder, captures, n);
+ addCaptureString(builder, matchInfo, n);
} else {
// Because of the captures range check in the parsing of two
// digit capture references, we can only enter here when a
@@ -361,26 +376,27 @@
-// Compute the string of a given PCRE capture.
-function CaptureString(string, captures, index) {
+// Compute the string of a given regular expression capture.
+function CaptureString(string, lastCaptureInfo, index) {
// Scale the index.
var scaled = index << 1;
// Compute start and end.
- var start = captures[scaled];
- var end = captures[scaled + 1];
+ var start = lastCaptureInfo[CAPTURE(scaled)];
+ var end = lastCaptureInfo[CAPTURE(scaled + 1)];
// If either start or end is missing return undefined.
if (start < 0 || end < 0) return;
return SubString(string, start, end);
-// Add the string of a given PCRE capture to the ReplaceResultBuilder
-function addCaptureString(builder, captures, index) {
+// Add the string of a given regular expression capture to the
+// ReplaceResultBuilder
+function addCaptureString(builder, matchInfo, index) {
// Scale the index.
var scaled = index << 1;
// Compute start and end.
- var start = captures[scaled];
- var end = captures[scaled + 1];
+ var start = matchInfo[CAPTURE(scaled)];
+ var end = matchInfo[CAPTURE(scaled + 1)];
// If either start or end is missing return.
if (start < 0 || end <= start) return;
builder.addSpecialSlice(start, end);
@@ -396,10 +412,8 @@
// should be 'abcd' and not 'dddd' (or anything else).
function StringReplaceRegExpWithFunction(subject, regexp, replace) {
var result = new ReplaceResultBuilder(subject);
- // Captures is an array of pairs of (start, end) indices for the match and
- // any captured substrings.
- var captures = DoRegExpExec(regexp, subject, 0);
- if (IS_NULL(captures)) return subject;
+ var lastMatchInfo = DoRegExpExec(regexp, subject, 0);
+ if (IS_NULL(lastMatchInfo)) return subject;
// There's at least one match. If the regexp is global, we have to loop
// over all matches. The loop is not in C++ code here like the one in
@@ -409,13 +423,16 @@
if ( {
var previous = 0;
do {
- result.addSpecialSlice(previous, captures[0]);
- result.add(ApplyReplacementFunction(replace, captures, subject));
+ result.addSpecialSlice(previous, lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0]);
+ var startOfMatch = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0];
+ previous = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
+ result.add(ApplyReplacementFunction(replace, lastMatchInfo, subject));
+ // Can't use lastMatchInfo any more from here, since the function could
+ // overwrite it.
// Continue with the next match.
- previous = captures[1];
// Increment previous if we matched an empty string, as per ECMA-262
- if (previous == captures[0]) {
+ if (previous == startOfMatch) {
// Add the skipped character to the output, if any.
if (previous < subject.length) {
result.addSpecialSlice(previous, previous + 1);
@@ -425,19 +442,22 @@
// Per ECMA-262, if the previous index is greater than the
// string length, there is no match
- captures = (previous > subject.length)
+ lastMatchInfo = (previous > subject.length)
? null
: DoRegExpExec(regexp, subject, previous);
- } while (!IS_NULL(captures));
+ } while (!IS_NULL(lastMatchInfo));
// Tack on the final right substring after the last match, if necessary.
if (previous < subject.length) {
result.addSpecialSlice(previous, subject.length);
} else { // Not a global regexp, no need to loop.
- result.addSpecialSlice(0, captures[0]);
- result.add(ApplyReplacementFunction(replace, captures, subject));
- result.addSpecialSlice(captures[1], subject.length);
+ result.addSpecialSlice(0, lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0]);
+ var endOfMatch = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
+ result.add(ApplyReplacementFunction(replace, lastMatchInfo, subject));
+ // Can't use lastMatchInfo any more from here, since the function could
+ // overwrite it.
+ result.addSpecialSlice(endOfMatch, subject.length);
return result.generate();
@@ -445,20 +465,20 @@
// Helper function to apply a string replacement function once.
-function ApplyReplacementFunction(replace, captures, subject) {
+function ApplyReplacementFunction(replace, lastMatchInfo, subject) {
// Compute the parameter list consisting of the match, captures, index,
// and subject for the replace function invocation.
- var index = captures[0];
+ var index = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0];
// The number of captures plus one for the match.
- var m = captures.length >> 1;
+ var m = NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(lastMatchInfo) >> 1;
if (m == 1) {
- var s = CaptureString(subject, captures, 0);
+ var s = CaptureString(subject, lastMatchInfo, 0);
// Don't call directly to avoid exposing the built-in global object.
return ToString(, s, index, subject));
var parameters = $Array(m + 2);
for (var j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- parameters[j] = CaptureString(subject, captures, j);
+ parameters[j] = CaptureString(subject, lastMatchInfo, j);
parameters[j] = index;
parameters[j + 1] = subject;
@@ -559,14 +579,14 @@
return result;
- var match = splitMatch(sep, subject, currentIndex, startIndex);
+ var lastMatchInfo = splitMatch(sep, subject, currentIndex, startIndex);
- if (IS_NULL(match)) {
+ if (IS_NULL(lastMatchInfo)) {
result[result.length] = subject.slice(currentIndex, length);
return result;
- var endIndex = match[0];
+ var endIndex = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE1];
// We ignore a zero-length match at the currentIndex.
if (startIndex === endIndex && endIndex === currentIndex) {
@@ -574,11 +594,20 @@
- result[result.length] = match[1];
+ result[result.length] =
+ SubString(subject, currentIndex, lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0]);
if (result.length === lim) return result;
- for (var i = 2; i < match.length; i++) {
- result[result.length] = match[i];
+ for (var i = 2; i < NUMBER_OF_CAPTURES(lastMatchInfo); i += 2) {
+ var start = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(i)];
+ var end = lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(i + 1)];
+ if (start != -1 && end != -1) {
+ result[result.length] = SubString(subject,
+ lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(i)],
+ lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE(i + 1)]);
+ } else {
+ result[result.length] = void 0;
+ }
if (result.length === lim) return result;
@@ -588,32 +617,24 @@
// ECMA-262 section
-// Helper function used by split.
+// Helper function used by split. This version returns the lastMatchInfo
+// instead of allocating a new array with basically the same information.
function splitMatch(separator, subject, current_index, start_index) {
if (IS_REGEXP(separator)) {
- var ovector = DoRegExpExec(separator, subject, start_index);
- if (ovector == null) return null;
- var nof_results = ovector.length >> 1;
- var result = new $Array(nof_results + 1);
+ var lastMatchInfo = DoRegExpExec(separator, subject, start_index);
+ if (lastMatchInfo == null) return null;
// Section paragraph two says that we do not allow zero length
// matches at the end of the string.
- if (ovector[0] === subject.length) return null;
- result[0] = ovector[1];
- result[1] = subject.slice(current_index, ovector[0]);
- for (var i = 1; i < nof_results; i++) {
- var matching_start = ovector[2*i];
- var matching_end = ovector[2*i + 1];
- if (matching_start != -1 && matching_end != -1) {
- result[i + 1] = subject.slice(matching_start, matching_end);
- }
- }
- return result;
+ if (lastMatchInfo[CAPTURE0] === subject.length) return null;
+ return lastMatchInfo;
var separatorIndex = subject.indexOf(separator, start_index);
if (separatorIndex === -1) return null;
- return [ separatorIndex + separator.length, subject.slice(current_index, separatorIndex) ];
+ reusableMatchInfo[CAPTURE0] = separatorIndex;
+ reusableMatchInfo[CAPTURE1] = separatorIndex + separator.length;
+ return reusableMatchInfo;
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