DescriptionTweaks to improve memory consumption by TopSites. The biggest culprit
seems to repeatedly querying history during this perf test. So, the
biggest gain is made by scaling this back. Here are other tweaks I've
. decrease the page size/cache size of the two DBs. Now that favicons
doesn't store thumbnails the db doesn't need to be so big.
. Set a cap to the max number of tmp thumnbails maintains.
. Force jpg data vector to be only as big as it needs to be.
. Tweak TopSitesCache so it doesn't end up duplicating so many
GURLs. This is particularly helpful for long redirect lists.
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : Cleanup #
Total comments: 3
Patch Set 3 : Incorporate review feedback #
Total messages: 4 (0 generated)