1 Tests that we trigger same-document navigation when history entries are generate
d via pushState, even if the frames present in the document change between histo
ry entries. | 1 Tests that we trigger same-document navigation when history entries are generate
d via pushState, even if the frames present in the document change between histo
ry entries. |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 popstate to state: null filename: same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html | 6 popstate to state: null filename: same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html |
7 removing iframe2 | 7 removing iframe2 |
8 pushState to newState | 8 pushState to newState |
9 going back | 9 going back |
10 popstate to state: null filename: same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html | 10 popstate to state: null filename: same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html |
11 going forward | 11 going forward |
12 popstate to state: newState filename: same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.h
tml?newState | 12 popstate to state: newState filename: same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.h
tml?newState |
13 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 13 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
14 | 14 |
16 | 16 |
17 | 17 |
18 -------- | 18 -------- |
19 Frame: 'iframe1' | 19 Frame: 'iframe1' |
20 -------- | 20 -------- |
21 iframe1 | 21 iframe1 |
22 | 22 |
23 ============== Back Forward List ============== | 23 ============== Back Forward List ============== |
24 (file test):fast/history/same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html
**nav target** | 24 (file test):fast/history/same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html
**nav target** |
25 data:text/plain,iframe1 (in frame "iframe1") | 25 data:text/plain,iframe1 (in frame "iframe1") |
26 data:text/plain,iframe2 (in frame "iframe2") | 26 data:text/plain,iframe2 (in frame "iframe2") |
27 curr-> (file test):fast/history/same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html?n
ewState **nav target** | 27 curr-> (file test):fast/history/same-document-iframes-changing-pushstate.html?n
ewState **nav target** |
28 data:text/plain,iframe1 (in frame "iframe1") | 28 data:text/plain,iframe1 (in frame "iframe1") |
29 =============================================== | 29 =============================================== |