Description[Mac] Prefs layout work for "basics" and "personal stuff"
- These two pages should now auto size vertically the labels.
- The label should be top aligned with controls in the group when the group is taller.
- The content should be vertically centered when the label is taller.
- All the textfields should always be tall enough to show content.
- Radios/checkbox should word wrap to show all their text.
- The spacing between groups is a little more even
- DEPS roll to pick up newer GTM with GTMIBArray.
- A bunch of changes in the XIB related to evening out spacing, adding the GTMIBArray for referencing stuff, etc.
Note: if a single radio word wraps all radios get space for that many lines, that's just how the OS does it and we aren't trying to change that (at the moment).
Note: some of the horizontal layouts can extend off the side of the window, that will be fixed in a future cl (once under the hood is also cleaned up).
TEST=see cl description for what should be working now.
Committed revision 30696
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : '' #
Total comments: 9
Patch Set 3 : '' #Patch Set 4 : '' #
Total comments: 2
Total messages: 4 (0 generated)