DescriptionFix WebSocket crash bug.
If SocketStream closes while waiting ResolveProxy, it badly
calls DoResolveProxyComplete from DoLoop invoked by SocketStream::Close,
and real callback of ResolveProxy failed to call SocketStream::OnIOCompleted.
So, don't run DoLoop when closed, if SocketStream is calling APIs of
proxy_service or resolver. Check closing_ after the API calls back
and closes the SocketStream.
r54707 broke SocketStreamTest::CloseFlushPendingWrite.
This CL fixes this by not closing socket if it is still writing on the socket.
BUG=50394, 46750
TEST=websocket/tests doesn't crash, and net_unittests passes
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : fix unittests failures #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 3 : fix for tyoshino's comment #
Total messages: 4 (0 generated)