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Unified Diff: test/mjsunit/object-literal.js

Issue 3027043: Revert r5165 (Added support for ES5's propertyname production)... (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 10 years, 4 months ago
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Index: test/mjsunit/object-literal.js
--- test/mjsunit/object-literal.js (revision 5181)
+++ test/mjsunit/object-literal.js (working copy)
@@ -103,110 +103,3 @@
b = makeRegexpInObject();
assertTrue(a.a.b === b.a.b);
assertFalse(a.a.c === b.a.c);
-// Test keywords valid as property names in initializers and dot-access.
-var keywords = [
- "break",
- "case",
- "catch",
- "const",
- "continue",
- "debugger",
- "default",
- "delete",
- "do",
- "else",
- "false",
- "finally",
- "for",
- "function",
- "if",
- "in",
- "instanceof",
- "native",
- "new",
- "null",
- "return",
- "switch",
- "this",
- "throw",
- "true",
- "try",
- "typeof",
- "var",
- "void",
- "while",
- "with",
-function testKeywordProperty(keyword) {
- try {
- // Sanity check that what we get is a keyword.
- eval("var " + keyword + " = 42;");
- assertUnreachable("Not a keyword: " + keyword);
- } catch (e) { }
- // Simple property, read and write.
- var x = eval("({" + keyword + ": 42})");
- assertEquals(42, x[keyword]);
- assertEquals(42, eval("x." + keyword));
- eval("x." + keyword + " = 37");
- assertEquals(37, x[keyword]);
- assertEquals(37, eval("x." + keyword));
- // Getter/setter property, read and write.
- var y = eval("({value : 42, get " + keyword + "(){return this.value}," +
- " set " + keyword + "(v) { this.value = v; }})");
- assertEquals(42, y[keyword]);
- assertEquals(42, eval("y." + keyword));
- eval("y." + keyword + " = 37");
- assertEquals(37, y[keyword]);
- assertEquals(37, eval("y." + keyword));
- // Quoted keyword works is read back by unquoted as well.
- var z = eval("({\"" + keyword + "\": 42})");
- assertEquals(42, z[keyword]);
- assertEquals(42, eval("z." + keyword));
- // Function property, called.
- var was_called;
- function test_call() { this.was_called = true; was_called = true; }
- var w = eval("({" + keyword + ": test_call, was_called: false})");
- eval("w." + keyword + "();");
- assertTrue(was_called);
- assertTrue(w.was_called);
- // Function property, constructed.
- function construct() { this.constructed = true; }
- var v = eval("({" + keyword + ": construct})");
- var vo = eval("new v." + keyword + "()");
- assertTrue(vo instanceof construct);
- assertTrue(vo.constructed);
-for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
- testKeywordProperty(keywords[i]);
-// Test getter and setter properties with string/number literal names.
-var obj = {get 42() { return 42; },
- get 3.14() { return "PI"; },
- get "PI"() { return 3.14; },
- readback: 0,
- set 37(v) { this.readback = v; },
- set 1.44(v) { this.readback = v; },
- set "Poo"(v) { this.readback = v; }}
-assertEquals(42, obj[42]);
-assertEquals("PI", obj[3.14]);
-assertEquals(3.14, obj["PI"]);
-obj[37] = "t1";
-assertEquals("t1", obj.readback);
-obj[1.44] = "t2";
-assertEquals("t2", obj.readback);
-obj["Poo"] = "t3";
-assertEquals("t3", obj.readback);
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