1 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. | 1 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file. |
2 # 1. third party stuff we have no control over | 2 # 1. third party stuff we have no control over |
3 # | 3 # |
4 # 2. intentional unit test errors, or stuff that is somehow a false positive | 4 # 2. intentional unit test errors, or stuff that is somehow a false positive |
5 # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing | 5 # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing |
6 # | 6 # |
7 # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed. | 7 # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed. |
8 # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet). | 8 # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system (but a few aren't yet). |
9 # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by | 9 # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by |
10 # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. | 10 # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions. |
(...skipping 1301 matching lines...) Expand 10 before | Expand all | Expand 10 after Loading... |
1312 fun:_Znwj | 1312 fun:_Znwj |
1313 fun:_ZN7WebCore26PlatformMessagePortChannel19postMessageToRemoteEN3WTF10PassO
wnPtrINS_18MessagePortChannel9EventDataEEE | 1313 fun:_ZN7WebCore26PlatformMessagePortChannel19postMessageToRemoteEN3WTF10PassO
wnPtrINS_18MessagePortChannel9EventDataEEE |
1314 fun:_ZN7WebCore18MessagePortChannel19postMessageToRemoteEN3WTF10PassOwnPtrINS
0_9EventDataEEE | 1314 fun:_ZN7WebCore18MessagePortChannel19postMessageToRemoteEN3WTF10PassOwnPtrINS
0_9EventDataEEE |
1315 fun:_ZN7WebCore11MessagePort11postMessageERKNS_6StringEPKN3WTF6VectorINS4_6Re
fPtrIS0_EELj1EEERi | 1315 fun:_ZN7WebCore11MessagePort11postMessageERKNS_6StringEPKN3WTF6VectorINS4_6Re
fPtrIS0_EELj1EEERi |
1316 fun:_ZN7WebCore8V8Custom32v8MessagePortPostMessageCallbackERKN2v89ArgumentsE | 1316 fun:_ZN7WebCore8V8Custom32v8MessagePortPostMessageCallbackERKN2v89ArgumentsE |
1317 fun:_ZN2v88internal21Builtin_HandleApiCallENS0_9ArgumentsE | 1317 fun:_ZN2v88internal21Builtin_HandleApiCallENS0_9ArgumentsE |
1318 ... | 1318 ... |
1319 fun:_ZN2v88internal6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0_6ObjectEE
EiPPPS4_Pb | 1319 fun:_ZN2v88internal6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0_6ObjectEE
EiPPPS4_Pb |
1320 fun:_ZN2v88internal9Execution4CallENS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS2_INS0_6O
bjectEEEiPPPS5_Pb | 1320 fun:_ZN2v88internal9Execution4CallENS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS2_INS0_6O
bjectEEEiPPPS5_Pb |
1321 } | 1321 } |
| 1322 { |
| 1323 bug_22984 |
| 1324 Memcheck:Leak |
| 1325 fun:_Znwj |
| 1326 fun:_ZN27ScopedRunnableMethodFactoryI12SpellCheckerE17NewRunnableMethodIMS0_F
vvEEEP4TaskT_ |
| 1327 fun:_ZN12SpellChecker18OnURLFetchCompleteEPK10URLFetcherRK4GURLRK16URLRequest
StatusiRKSt6vectorISsSaISsEERKSs |
| 1328 fun:_ZN10URLFetcher4Core21OnCompletedURLRequestERK16URLRequestStatus |
| 1329 fun:_Z16DispatchToMethodIN10URLFetcher4CoreEMS1_FvRK16URLRequestStatusES2_EvP
T_T0_RK6Tuple1IT1_E |
| 1330 fun:_ZN14RunnableMethodIN10URLFetcher4CoreEMS1_FvRK16URLRequestStatusE6Tuple1
IS2_EE3RunEv |
| 1331 fun:_ZN11MessageLoop7RunTaskEP4Task |
| 1332 fun:_ZN11MessageLoop21DeferOrRunPendingTaskERKNS_11PendingTaskE |
| 1333 fun:_ZN11MessageLoop6DoWorkEv |
| 1334 fun:_ZN4base19MessagePumpLibevent3RunEPNS_11MessagePump8DelegateE |
| 1335 fun:_ZN11MessageLoop11RunInternalEv |
| 1336 fun:_ZN11MessageLoop10RunHandlerEv |
| 1337 fun:_ZN11MessageLoop3RunEv |
| 1338 fun:_ZN4base6Thread3RunEP11MessageLoop |
| 1339 fun:_ZN4base6Thread10ThreadMainEv |
| 1340 fun:_Z10ThreadFuncPv |
| 1341 fun:start_thread |
| 1342 fun:clone |
| 1343 } |