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Unified Diff: third_party/WebKit/WebCore/editing/markup.cpp

Issue 21184: WebKit merge 40722:40785 (part 1) (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 11 years, 10 months ago
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Index: third_party/WebKit/WebCore/editing/markup.cpp
--- third_party/WebKit/WebCore/editing/markup.cpp (revision 9391)
+++ third_party/WebKit/WebCore/editing/markup.cpp (working copy)
@@ -1,1226 +1,1239 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "markup.h"
-#include "CDATASection.h"
-#include "CharacterNames.h"
-#include "Comment.h"
-#include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h"
-#include "CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
-#include "CSSProperty.h"
-#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
-#include "CSSRule.h"
-#include "CSSRuleList.h"
-#include "CSSStyleRule.h"
-#include "CSSStyleSelector.h"
-#include "CSSValue.h"
-#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
-#include "DeleteButtonController.h"
-#include "Document.h"
-#include "DocumentFragment.h"
-#include "DocumentType.h"
-#include "Editor.h"
-#include "Frame.h"
-#include "HTMLElement.h"
-#include "HTMLNames.h"
-#include "InlineTextBox.h"
-#include "Logging.h"
-#include "ProcessingInstruction.h"
-#include "QualifiedName.h"
-#include "Range.h"
-#include "Selection.h"
-#include "TextIterator.h"
-#include "htmlediting.h"
-#include "visible_units.h"
-#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
-using namespace std;
-namespace WebCore {
-using namespace HTMLNames;
-static inline bool shouldSelfClose(const Node *node);
-class AttributeChange {
- AttributeChange()
- : m_name(nullAtom, nullAtom, nullAtom)
- {
- }
- AttributeChange(PassRefPtr<Element> element, const QualifiedName& name, const String& value)
- : m_element(element), m_name(name), m_value(value)
- {
- }
- void apply()
- {
- m_element->setAttribute(m_name, m_value);
- }
- RefPtr<Element> m_element;
- QualifiedName m_name;
- String m_value;
-static void appendAttributeValue(Vector<UChar>& result, const String& attr, bool escapeNBSP)
- const UChar* uchars = attr.characters();
- unsigned len = attr.length();
- unsigned lastCopiedFrom = 0;
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ampEntity, ("&amp;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, gtEntity, ("&gt;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ltEntity, ("&lt;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, quotEntity, ("&quot;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, nbspEntity, ("&nbsp;"));
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- UChar c = uchars[i];
- switch (c) {
- case '&':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, ampEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case '<':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, ltEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case '>':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, gtEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case '"':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, quotEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case noBreakSpace:
- if (escapeNBSP) {
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, nbspEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, len - lastCopiedFrom);
-static void appendEscapedContent(Vector<UChar>& result, pair<const UChar*, size_t> range, bool escapeNBSP)
- const UChar* uchars = range.first;
- unsigned len = range.second;
- unsigned lastCopiedFrom = 0;
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ampEntity, ("&amp;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, gtEntity, ("&gt;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ltEntity, ("&lt;"));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, nbspEntity, ("&nbsp;"));
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- UChar c = uchars[i];
- switch (c) {
- case '&':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, ampEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case '<':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, ltEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case '>':
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, gtEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- break;
- case noBreakSpace:
- if (escapeNBSP) {
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
- append(result, nbspEntity);
- lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, len - lastCopiedFrom);
-static String escapeContentText(const String& in, bool escapeNBSP)
- Vector<UChar> buffer;
- appendEscapedContent(buffer, make_pair(in.characters(), in.length()), escapeNBSP);
- return String::adopt(buffer);
-static void appendQuotedURLAttributeValue(Vector<UChar>& result, const String& urlString)
- UChar quoteChar = '\"';
- String strippedURLString = urlString.stripWhiteSpace();
- if (protocolIs(strippedURLString, "javascript")) {
- // minimal escaping for javascript urls
- if (strippedURLString.contains('"')) {
- if (strippedURLString.contains('\''))
- strippedURLString.replace('\"', "&quot;");
- else
- quoteChar = '\'';
- }
- result.append(quoteChar);
- append(result, strippedURLString);
- result.append(quoteChar);
- return;
- }
- // FIXME: This does not fully match other browsers. Firefox percent-escapes non-ASCII characters for innerHTML.
- result.append(quoteChar);
- appendAttributeValue(result, urlString, false);
- result.append(quoteChar);
-static String stringValueForRange(const Node* node, const Range* range)
- if (!range)
- return node->nodeValue();
- String str = node->nodeValue();
- ExceptionCode ec;
- if (node == range->endContainer(ec))
- str.truncate(range->endOffset(ec));
- if (node == range->startContainer(ec))
- str.remove(0, range->startOffset(ec));
- return str;
-static inline pair<const UChar*, size_t> ucharRange(const Node *node, const Range *range)
- String str = node->nodeValue();
- const UChar* characters = str.characters();
- size_t length = str.length();
- if (range) {
- ExceptionCode ec;
- if (node == range->endContainer(ec))
- length = range->endOffset(ec);
- if (node == range->startContainer(ec)) {
- size_t start = range->startOffset(ec);
- characters += start;
- length -= start;
- }
- }
- return make_pair(characters, length);
-static inline void appendUCharRange(Vector<UChar>& result, const pair<const UChar*, size_t> range)
- result.append(range.first, range.second);
-static String renderedText(const Node* node, const Range* range)
- if (!node->isTextNode())
- return String();
- ExceptionCode ec;
- const Text* textNode = static_cast<const Text*>(node);
- unsigned startOffset = 0;
- unsigned endOffset = textNode->length();
- if (range && node == range->startContainer(ec))
- startOffset = range->startOffset(ec);
- if (range && node == range->endContainer(ec))
- endOffset = range->endOffset(ec);
- Position start(const_cast<Node*>(node), startOffset);
- Position end(const_cast<Node*>(node), endOffset);
- return plainText(Range::create(node->document(), start, end).get());
-static PassRefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> styleFromMatchedRulesForElement(Element* element, bool authorOnly = true)
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::create();
- RefPtr<CSSRuleList> matchedRules = element->document()->styleSelector()->styleRulesForElement(element, authorOnly);
- if (matchedRules) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < matchedRules->length(); i++) {
- if (matchedRules->item(i)->type() == CSSRule::STYLE_RULE) {
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> s = static_cast<CSSStyleRule*>(matchedRules->item(i))->style();
- style->merge(s.get(), true);
- }
- }
- }
- return style.release();
-static void removeEnclosingMailBlockquoteStyle(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, Node* node)
- Node* blockquote = nearestMailBlockquote(node);
- if (!blockquote || !blockquote->parentNode())
- return;
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> parentStyle = Position(blockquote->parentNode(), 0).computedStyle()->copyInheritableProperties();
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> blockquoteStyle = Position(blockquote, 0).computedStyle()->copyInheritableProperties();
- parentStyle->diff(blockquoteStyle.get());
- blockquoteStyle->diff(style);
-static void removeDefaultStyles(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, Document* document)
- if (!document || !document->documentElement())
- return;
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> documentStyle = computedStyle(document->documentElement())->copyInheritableProperties();
- documentStyle->diff(style);
-static bool shouldAddNamespaceElem(const Element* elem)
- // Don't add namespace attribute if it is already defined for this elem.
- const AtomicString& prefix = elem->prefix();
- AtomicString attr = !prefix.isEmpty() ? "xmlns:" + prefix : "xmlns";
- return !elem->hasAttribute(attr);
-static bool shouldAddNamespaceAttr(const Attribute* attr, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>& namespaces)
- // Don't add namespace attributes twice
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, xmlnsURI, (""));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const QualifiedName, xmlnsAttr, (nullAtom, "xmlns", xmlnsURI));
- if (attr->name() == xmlnsAttr) {
- namespaces.set(emptyAtom.impl(), attr->value().impl());
- return false;
- }
- QualifiedName xmlnsPrefixAttr("xmlns", attr->localName(), xmlnsURI);
- if (attr->name() == xmlnsPrefixAttr) {
- namespaces.set(attr->localName().impl(), attr->value().impl());
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-static void appendNamespace(Vector<UChar>& result, const AtomicString& prefix, const AtomicString& ns, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>& namespaces)
- if (ns.isEmpty())
- return;
- // Use emptyAtoms's impl() for both null and empty strings since the HashMap can't handle 0 as a key
- AtomicStringImpl* pre = prefix.isEmpty() ? emptyAtom.impl() : prefix.impl();
- AtomicStringImpl* foundNS = namespaces.get(pre);
- if (foundNS != ns.impl()) {
- namespaces.set(pre, ns.impl());
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, xmlns, ("xmlns"));
- result.append(' ');
- append(result, xmlns);
- if (!prefix.isEmpty()) {
- result.append(':');
- append(result, prefix);
- }
- result.append('=');
- result.append('"');
- appendAttributeValue(result, ns, false);
- result.append('"');
- }
-static void appendDocumentType(Vector<UChar>& result, const DocumentType* n)
- if (n->name().isEmpty())
- return;
- append(result, "<!DOCTYPE ");
- append(result, n->name());
- if (!n->publicId().isEmpty()) {
- append(result, " PUBLIC \"");
- append(result, n->publicId());
- append(result, "\"");
- if (!n->systemId().isEmpty()) {
- append(result, " \"");
- append(result, n->systemId());
- append(result, "\"");
- }
- } else if (!n->systemId().isEmpty()) {
- append(result, " SYSTEM \"");
- append(result, n->systemId());
- append(result, "\"");
- }
- if (!n->internalSubset().isEmpty()) {
- append(result, " [");
- append(result, n->internalSubset());
- append(result, "]");
- }
- append(result, ">");
-static void appendStartMarkup(Vector<UChar>& result, const Node *node, const Range *range, EAnnotateForInterchange annotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines = false, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>* namespaces = 0)
- bool documentIsHTML = node->document()->isHTMLDocument();
- switch (node->nodeType()) {
- case Node::TEXT_NODE: {
- if (Node* parent = node->parentNode()) {
- if (parent->hasTagName(scriptTag)
- || parent->hasTagName(styleTag)
- || parent->hasTagName(textareaTag)
- || parent->hasTagName(xmpTag)) {
- appendUCharRange(result, ucharRange(node, range));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!annotate) {
- appendEscapedContent(result, ucharRange(node, range), documentIsHTML);
- break;
- }
- bool useRenderedText = !enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(const_cast<Node*>(node), 0), selectTag);
- String markup = escapeContentText(useRenderedText ? renderedText(node, range) : stringValueForRange(node, range), false);
- if (annotate)
- markup = convertHTMLTextToInterchangeFormat(markup, static_cast<const Text*>(node));
- append(result, markup);
- break;
- }
- case Node::COMMENT_NODE:
- // FIXME: Comment content is not escaped, but XMLSerializer (and possibly other callers) should raise an exception if it includes "-->".
- append(result, "<!--");
- append(result, static_cast<const Comment*>(node)->nodeValue());
- append(result, "-->");
- break;
- case Node::DOCUMENT_NODE:
- break;
- appendDocumentType(result, static_cast<const DocumentType*>(node));
- break;
- // FIXME: PI data is not escaped, but XMLSerializer (and possibly other callers) this should raise an exception if it includes "?>".
- const ProcessingInstruction* n = static_cast<const ProcessingInstruction*>(node);
- append(result, "<?");
- append(result, n->target());
- append(result, " ");
- append(result, n->data());
- append(result, "?>");
- break;
- }
- case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: {
- result.append('<');
- const Element* el = static_cast<const Element*>(node);
- bool convert = convertBlocksToInlines & isBlock(const_cast<Node*>(node));
- append(result, el->nodeNamePreservingCase());
- NamedAttrMap *attrs = el->attributes();
- unsigned length = attrs->length();
- if (!documentIsHTML && namespaces && shouldAddNamespaceElem(el))
- appendNamespace(result, el->prefix(), el->namespaceURI(), *namespaces);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- Attribute *attr = attrs->attributeItem(i);
- // We'll handle the style attribute separately, below.
- if (attr->name() == styleAttr && el->isHTMLElement() && (annotate || convert))
- continue;
- result.append(' ');
- if (documentIsHTML)
- append(result, attr->name().localName());
- else
- append(result, attr->name().toString());
- result.append('=');
- if (el->isURLAttribute(attr))
- appendQuotedURLAttributeValue(result, attr->value());
- else {
- result.append('\"');
- appendAttributeValue(result, attr->value(), documentIsHTML);
- result.append('\"');
- }
- if (!documentIsHTML && namespaces && shouldAddNamespaceAttr(attr, *namespaces))
- appendNamespace(result, attr->prefix(), attr->namespaceURI(), *namespaces);
- }
- if (el->isHTMLElement() && (annotate || convert)) {
- Element* element = const_cast<Element*>(el);
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(element)->getInlineStyleDecl()->copy();
- if (annotate) {
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> styleFromMatchedRules = styleFromMatchedRulesForElement(const_cast<Element*>(el));
- // Styles from the inline style declaration, held in the variable "style", take precedence
- // over those from matched rules.
- styleFromMatchedRules->merge(style.get());
- style = styleFromMatchedRules;
- RefPtr<CSSComputedStyleDeclaration> computedStyleForElement = computedStyle(element);
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> fromComputedStyle = CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::create();
- {
- CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::const_iterator end = style->end();
- for (CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::const_iterator it = style->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
- const CSSProperty& property = *it;
- CSSValue* value = property.value();
- // The property value, if it's a percentage, may not reflect the actual computed value.
- // For example: style="height: 1%; overflow: visible;" in quirksmode
- // FIXME: There are others like this, see <rdar://problem/5195123> Slashdot copy/paste fidelity problem
- if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE)
- if (static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValue*>(value)->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)
- if (RefPtr<CSSValue> computedPropertyValue = computedStyleForElement->getPropertyCSSValue(
- fromComputedStyle->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(, computedPropertyValue));
- }
- }
- style->merge(fromComputedStyle.get());
- }
- if (convert)
- style->setProperty(CSSPropertyDisplay, CSSValueInline, true);
- if (style->length() > 0) {
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, stylePrefix, (" style=\""));
- append(result, stylePrefix);
- appendAttributeValue(result, style->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
- result.append('\"');
- }
- }
- if (shouldSelfClose(el)) {
- if (el->isHTMLElement())
- result.append(' '); // XHTML 1.0 <-> HTML compatibility.
- result.append('/');
- }
- result.append('>');
- break;
- }
- case Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: {
- // FIXME: CDATA content is not escaped, but XMLSerializer (and possibly other callers) should raise an exception if it includes "]]>".
- const CDATASection* n = static_cast<const CDATASection*>(node);
- append(result, "<![CDATA[");
- append(result, n->data());
- append(result, "]]>");
- break;
- }
- case Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
- case Node::ENTITY_NODE:
- case Node::NOTATION_NODE:
- break;
- }
-static String getStartMarkup(const Node *node, const Range *range, EAnnotateForInterchange annotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines = false, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>* namespaces = 0)
- Vector<UChar> result;
- appendStartMarkup(result, node, range, annotate, convertBlocksToInlines, namespaces);
- return String::adopt(result);
-static inline bool doesHTMLForbidEndTag(const Node *node)
- if (node->isHTMLElement()) {
- const HTMLElement* htmlElt = static_cast<const HTMLElement*>(node);
- return (htmlElt->endTagRequirement() == TagStatusForbidden);
- }
- return false;
-// Rules of self-closure
-// 1. No elements in HTML documents use the self-closing syntax.
-// 2. Elements w/ children never self-close because they use a separate end tag.
-// 3. HTML elements which do not have a "forbidden" end tag will close with a separate end tag.
-// 4. Other elements self-close.
-static inline bool shouldSelfClose(const Node *node)
- if (node->document()->isHTMLDocument())
- return false;
- if (node->hasChildNodes())
- return false;
- if (node->isHTMLElement() && !doesHTMLForbidEndTag(node))
- return false;
- return true;
-static void appendEndMarkup(Vector<UChar>& result, const Node* node)
- if (!node->isElementNode() || shouldSelfClose(node) || (!node->hasChildNodes() && doesHTMLForbidEndTag(node)))
- return;
- result.append('<');
- result.append('/');
- append(result, static_cast<const Element*>(node)->nodeNamePreservingCase());
- result.append('>');
-static String getEndMarkup(const Node *node)
- Vector<UChar> result;
- appendEndMarkup(result, node);
- return String::adopt(result);
-static void appendMarkup(Vector<UChar>& result, Node* startNode, bool onlyIncludeChildren, Vector<Node*>* nodes, const HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>* namespaces = 0)
- HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*> namespaceHash;
- if (namespaces)
- namespaceHash = *namespaces;
- if (!onlyIncludeChildren) {
- if (nodes)
- nodes->append(startNode);
- appendStartMarkup(result,startNode, 0, DoNotAnnotateForInterchange, false, &namespaceHash);
- }
- // print children
- if (!(startNode->document()->isHTMLDocument() && doesHTMLForbidEndTag(startNode)))
- for (Node* current = startNode->firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling())
- appendMarkup(result, current, false, nodes, &namespaceHash);
- // Print my ending tag
- if (!onlyIncludeChildren)
- appendEndMarkup(result, startNode);
-static void completeURLs(Node* node, const String& baseURL)
- Vector<AttributeChange> changes;
- KURL parsedBaseURL(baseURL);
- Node* end = node->traverseNextSibling();
- for (Node* n = node; n != end; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
- if (n->isElementNode()) {
- Element* e = static_cast<Element*>(n);
- NamedAttrMap* attrs = e->attributes();
- unsigned length = attrs->length();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- Attribute* attr = attrs->attributeItem(i);
- if (e->isURLAttribute(attr))
- changes.append(AttributeChange(e, attr->name(), KURL(parsedBaseURL, attr->value()).string()));
- }
- }
- }
- size_t numChanges = changes.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < numChanges; ++i)
- changes[i].apply();
-static bool needInterchangeNewlineAfter(const VisiblePosition& v)
- VisiblePosition next =;
- Node* upstreamNode = next.deepEquivalent().upstream().node();
- Node* downstreamNode = v.deepEquivalent().downstream().node();
- // Add an interchange newline if a paragraph break is selected and a br won't already be added to the markup to represent it.
- return isEndOfParagraph(v) && isStartOfParagraph(next) && !(upstreamNode->hasTagName(brTag) && upstreamNode == downstreamNode);
-static PassRefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(const Node* node)
- if (!node->isHTMLElement())
- return 0;
- // FIXME: Having to const_cast here is ugly, but it is quite a bit of work to untangle
- // the non-const-ness of styleFromMatchedRulesForElement.
- HTMLElement* element = const_cast<HTMLElement*>(static_cast<const HTMLElement*>(node));
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = styleFromMatchedRulesForElement(element);
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> inlineStyleDecl = element->getInlineStyleDecl();
- style->merge(inlineStyleDecl.get());
- return style.release();
-static bool propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, int propertyID)
- if (!style)
- return false;
- RefPtr<CSSValue> value = style->getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID);
- if (!value)
- return true;
- if (!value->isPrimitiveValue())
- return false;
- return static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValue*>(value.get())->getIdent() == CSSValueNone;
-static bool elementHasTextDecorationProperty(const Node* node)
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(node);
- if (!style)
- return false;
- return !propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(style.get(), CSSPropertyTextDecoration);
-static String joinMarkups(const Vector<String>& preMarkups, const Vector<String>& postMarkups)
- size_t length = 0;
- size_t preCount = preMarkups.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < preCount; ++i)
- length += preMarkups[i].length();
- size_t postCount = postMarkups.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < postCount; ++i)
- length += postMarkups[i].length();
- Vector<UChar> result;
- result.reserveInitialCapacity(length);
- for (size_t i = preCount; i > 0; --i)
- append(result, preMarkups[i - 1]);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < postCount; ++i)
- append(result, postMarkups[i]);
- return String::adopt(result);
-// FIXME: Shouldn't we omit style info when annotate == DoNotAnnotateForInterchange?
-// FIXME: At least, annotation and style info should probably not be included in range.markupString()
-String createMarkup(const Range* range, Vector<Node*>* nodes, EAnnotateForInterchange annotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines)
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, interchangeNewlineString, ("<br class=\"" AppleInterchangeNewline "\">"));
- if (!range)
- return "";
- Document* document = range->ownerDocument();
- if (!document)
- return "";
- bool documentIsHTML = document->isHTMLDocument();
- // Disable the delete button so it's elements are not serialized into the markup,
- // but make sure neither endpoint is inside the delete user interface.
- Frame* frame = document->frame();
- DeleteButtonController* deleteButton = frame ? frame->editor()->deleteButtonController() : 0;
- RefPtr<Range> updatedRange = avoidIntersectionWithNode(range, deleteButton ? deleteButton->containerElement() : 0);
- if (!updatedRange)
- return "";
- if (deleteButton)
- deleteButton->disable();
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- bool collapsed = updatedRange->collapsed(ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- if (collapsed)
- return "";
- Node* commonAncestor = updatedRange->commonAncestorContainer(ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- if (!commonAncestor)
- return "";
- document->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets();
- Vector<String> markups;
- Vector<String> preMarkups;
- Node* pastEnd = updatedRange->pastLastNode();
- Node* lastClosed = 0;
- Vector<Node*> ancestorsToClose;
- Node* startNode = updatedRange->firstNode();
- VisiblePosition visibleStart(updatedRange->startPosition(), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
- VisiblePosition visibleEnd(updatedRange->endPosition(), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
- if (annotate && needInterchangeNewlineAfter(visibleStart)) {
- if (visibleStart == visibleEnd.previous()) {
- if (deleteButton)
- deleteButton->enable();
- return interchangeNewlineString;
- }
- markups.append(interchangeNewlineString);
- startNode =;
- }
- Node* next;
- for (Node* n = startNode; n != pastEnd; n = next) {
- // According to <rdar://problem/5730668>, it is possible for n to blow past pastEnd and become null here. This
- // shouldn't be possible. This null check will prevent crashes (but create too much markup) and the ASSERT will
- // hopefully lead us to understanding the problem.
- ASSERT(n);
- if (!n)
- break;
- next = n->traverseNextNode();
- bool skipDescendants = false;
- bool addMarkupForNode = true;
- if (!n->renderer() && !enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(n, 0), selectTag)) {
- skipDescendants = true;
- addMarkupForNode = false;
- next = n->traverseNextSibling();
- // Don't skip over pastEnd.
- if (pastEnd && pastEnd->isDescendantOf(n))
- next = pastEnd;
- }
- if (isBlock(n) && canHaveChildrenForEditing(n) && next == pastEnd)
- // Don't write out empty block containers that aren't fully selected.
- continue;
- // Add the node to the markup.
- if (addMarkupForNode) {
- markups.append(getStartMarkup(n, updatedRange.get(), annotate));
- if (nodes)
- nodes->append(n);
- }
- if (n->firstChild() == 0 || skipDescendants) {
- // Node has no children, or we are skipping it's descendants, add its close tag now.
- if (addMarkupForNode) {
- markups.append(getEndMarkup(n));
- lastClosed = n;
- }
- // Check if the node is the last leaf of a tree.
- if (!n->nextSibling() || next == pastEnd) {
- if (!ancestorsToClose.isEmpty()) {
- // Close up the ancestors.
- do {
- Node *ancestor = ancestorsToClose.last();
- if (next != pastEnd && next->isDescendantOf(ancestor))
- break;
- // Not at the end of the range, close ancestors up to sibling of next node.
- markups.append(getEndMarkup(ancestor));
- lastClosed = ancestor;
- ancestorsToClose.removeLast();
- } while (!ancestorsToClose.isEmpty());
- }
- // Surround the currently accumulated markup with markup for ancestors we never opened as we leave the subtree(s) rooted at those ancestors.
- Node* nextParent = next ? next->parentNode() : 0;
- if (next != pastEnd && n != nextParent) {
- Node* lastAncestorClosedOrSelf = n->isDescendantOf(lastClosed) ? lastClosed : n;
- for (Node *parent = lastAncestorClosedOrSelf->parent(); parent != 0 && parent != nextParent; parent = parent->parentNode()) {
- // All ancestors that aren't in the ancestorsToClose list should either be a) unrendered:
- if (!parent->renderer())
- continue;
- // or b) ancestors that we never encountered during a pre-order traversal starting at startNode:
- ASSERT(startNode->isDescendantOf(parent));
- preMarkups.append(getStartMarkup(parent, updatedRange.get(), annotate));
- markups.append(getEndMarkup(parent));
- if (nodes)
- nodes->append(parent);
- lastClosed = parent;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (addMarkupForNode && !skipDescendants)
- // We added markup for this node, and we're descending into it. Set it to close eventually.
- ancestorsToClose.append(n);
- }
- // Include ancestors that aren't completely inside the range but are required to retain
- // the structure and appearance of the copied markup.
- Node* specialCommonAncestor = 0;
- Node* commonAncestorBlock = commonAncestor ? enclosingBlock(commonAncestor) : 0;
- if (annotate && commonAncestorBlock) {
- if (commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(tbodyTag) || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(trTag)) {
- Node* table = commonAncestorBlock->parentNode();
- while (table && !table->hasTagName(tableTag))
- table = table->parentNode();
- if (table)
- specialCommonAncestor = table;
- } else if (commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(listingTag)
- || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(olTag)
- || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(preTag)
- || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(tableTag)
- || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(ulTag)
- || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(xmpTag))
- specialCommonAncestor = commonAncestorBlock;
- }
- // Retain the Mail quote level by including all ancestor mail block quotes.
- if (lastClosed && annotate) {
- for (Node *ancestor = lastClosed->parentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentNode())
- if (isMailBlockquote(ancestor))
- specialCommonAncestor = ancestor;
- }
- Node* checkAncestor = specialCommonAncestor ? specialCommonAncestor : commonAncestor;
- if (checkAncestor->renderer()) {
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> checkAncestorStyle = computedStyle(checkAncestor)->copyInheritableProperties();
- if (!propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(checkAncestorStyle.get(), CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect))
- specialCommonAncestor = enclosingNodeOfType(Position(checkAncestor, 0), &elementHasTextDecorationProperty);
- }
- // If a single tab is selected, commonAncestor will be a text node inside a tab span.
- // If two or more tabs are selected, commonAncestor will be the tab span.
- // In either case, if there is a specialCommonAncestor already, it will necessarily be above
- // any tab span that needs to be included.
- if (!specialCommonAncestor && isTabSpanTextNode(commonAncestor))
- specialCommonAncestor = commonAncestor->parentNode();
- if (!specialCommonAncestor && isTabSpanNode(commonAncestor))
- specialCommonAncestor = commonAncestor;
- if (Node *enclosingAnchor = enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(specialCommonAncestor ? specialCommonAncestor : commonAncestor, 0), aTag))
- specialCommonAncestor = enclosingAnchor;
- Node* body = enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(commonAncestor, 0), bodyTag);
- // FIXME: Only include markup for a fully selected root (and ancestors of lastClosed up to that root) if
- // there are styles/attributes on those nodes that need to be included to preserve the appearance of the copied markup.
- // FIXME: Do this for all fully selected blocks, not just the body.
- Node* fullySelectedRoot = body && *Selection::selectionFromContentsOfNode(body).toRange() == *updatedRange ? body : 0;
- if (annotate && fullySelectedRoot)
- specialCommonAncestor = fullySelectedRoot;
- if (specialCommonAncestor && lastClosed) {
- // Also include all of the ancestors of lastClosed up to this special ancestor.
- for (Node* ancestor = lastClosed->parentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentNode()) {
- if (ancestor == fullySelectedRoot && !convertBlocksToInlines) {
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(fullySelectedRoot);
- // Bring the background attribute over, but not as an attribute because a background attribute on a div
- // appears to have no effect.
- if (!style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyBackgroundImage) && static_cast<Element*>(fullySelectedRoot)->hasAttribute(backgroundAttr))
- style->setProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundImage, "url('" + static_cast<Element*>(fullySelectedRoot)->getAttribute(backgroundAttr) + "')");
- if (style->length()) {
- Vector<UChar> openTag;
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, divStyle, ("<div style=\""));
- append(openTag, divStyle);
- appendAttributeValue(openTag, style->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
- openTag.append('\"');
- openTag.append('>');
- preMarkups.append(String::adopt(openTag));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, divCloseTag, ("</div>"));
- markups.append(divCloseTag);
- }
- } else {
- preMarkups.append(getStartMarkup(ancestor, updatedRange.get(), annotate, convertBlocksToInlines));
- markups.append(getEndMarkup(ancestor));
- }
- if (nodes)
- nodes->append(ancestor);
- lastClosed = ancestor;
- if (ancestor == specialCommonAncestor)
- break;
- }
- }
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, styleSpanOpen, ("<span class=\"" AppleStyleSpanClass "\" style=\""));
- DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, styleSpanClose, ("</span>"));
- // Add a wrapper span with the styles that all of the nodes in the markup inherit.
- Node* parentOfLastClosed = lastClosed ? lastClosed->parentNode() : 0;
- if (parentOfLastClosed && parentOfLastClosed->renderer()) {
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = computedStyle(parentOfLastClosed)->copyInheritableProperties();
- // Styles that Mail blockquotes contribute should only be placed on the Mail blockquote, to help
- // us differentiate those styles from ones that the user has applied. This helps us
- // get the color of content pasted into blockquotes right.
- removeEnclosingMailBlockquoteStyle(style.get(), parentOfLastClosed);
- // Document default styles will be added on another wrapper span.
- removeDefaultStyles(style.get(), document);
- // Since we are converting blocks to inlines, remove any inherited block properties that are in the style.
- // This cuts out meaningless properties and prevents properties from magically affecting blocks later
- // if the style is cloned for a new block element during a future editing operation.
- if (convertBlocksToInlines)
- style->removeBlockProperties();
- if (style->length() > 0) {
- Vector<UChar> openTag;
- append(openTag, styleSpanOpen);
- appendAttributeValue(openTag, style->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
- openTag.append('\"');
- openTag.append('>');
- preMarkups.append(String::adopt(openTag));
- markups.append(styleSpanClose);
- }
- }
- if (lastClosed && lastClosed != document->documentElement()) {
- // Add a style span with the document's default styles. We add these in a separate
- // span so that at paste time we can differentiate between document defaults and user
- // applied styles.
- RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> defaultStyle = computedStyle(document->documentElement())->copyInheritableProperties();
- if (defaultStyle->length() > 0) {
- Vector<UChar> openTag;
- append(openTag, styleSpanOpen);
- appendAttributeValue(openTag, defaultStyle->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
- openTag.append('\"');
- openTag.append('>');
- preMarkups.append(String::adopt(openTag));
- markups.append(styleSpanClose);
- }
- }
- // FIXME: The interchange newline should be placed in the block that it's in, not after all of the content, unconditionally.
- if (annotate && needInterchangeNewlineAfter(visibleEnd.previous()))
- markups.append(interchangeNewlineString);
- if (deleteButton)
- deleteButton->enable();
- return joinMarkups(preMarkups, markups);
-PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromMarkup(Document* document, const String& markup, const String& baseURL)
- ASSERT(document->documentElement()->isHTMLElement());
- // FIXME: What if the document element is not an HTML element?
- HTMLElement *element = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(document->documentElement());
- RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = element->createContextualFragment(markup);
- if (fragment && !baseURL.isEmpty() && baseURL != blankURL() && baseURL != document->baseURL())
- completeURLs(fragment.get(), baseURL);
- return fragment.release();
-String createMarkup(const Node* node, EChildrenOnly includeChildren, Vector<Node*>* nodes)
- Vector<UChar> result;
- if (!node)
- return "";
- Document* document = node->document();
- Frame* frame = document->frame();
- DeleteButtonController* deleteButton = frame ? frame->editor()->deleteButtonController() : 0;
- // disable the delete button so it's elements are not serialized into the markup
- if (deleteButton) {
- if (node->isDescendantOf(deleteButton->containerElement()))
- return "";
- deleteButton->disable();
- }
- appendMarkup(result, const_cast<Node*>(node), includeChildren, nodes);
- if (deleteButton)
- deleteButton->enable();
- return String::adopt(result);
-static void fillContainerFromString(ContainerNode* paragraph, const String& string)
- Document* document = paragraph->document();
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- if (string.isEmpty()) {
- paragraph->appendChild(createBlockPlaceholderElement(document), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- return;
- }
- ASSERT(string.find('\n') == -1);
- Vector<String> tabList;
- string.split('\t', true, tabList);
- String tabText = "";
- bool first = true;
- size_t numEntries = tabList.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) {
- const String& s = tabList[i];
- // append the non-tab textual part
- if (!s.isEmpty()) {
- if (!tabText.isEmpty()) {
- paragraph->appendChild(createTabSpanElement(document, tabText), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- tabText = "";
- }
- RefPtr<Node> textNode = document->createTextNode(stringWithRebalancedWhitespace(s, first, i + 1 == numEntries));
- paragraph->appendChild(textNode.release(), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- }
- // there is a tab after every entry, except the last entry
- // (if the last character is a tab, the list gets an extra empty entry)
- if (i + 1 != numEntries)
- tabText.append('\t');
- else if (!tabText.isEmpty()) {
- paragraph->appendChild(createTabSpanElement(document, tabText), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- }
- first = false;
- }
-PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromText(Range* context, const String& text)
- if (!context)
- return 0;
- Node* styleNode = context->firstNode();
- if (!styleNode) {
- styleNode = context->startPosition().node();
- if (!styleNode)
- return 0;
- }
- Document* document = styleNode->document();
- RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = document->createDocumentFragment();
- if (text.isEmpty())
- return fragment.release();
- String string = text;
- string.replace("\r\n", "\n");
- string.replace('\r', '\n');
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- RenderObject* renderer = styleNode->renderer();
- if (renderer && renderer->style()->preserveNewline()) {
- fragment->appendChild(document->createTextNode(string), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- if (string.endsWith("\n")) {
- RefPtr<Element> element = createBreakElement(document);
- element->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleInterchangeNewline);
- fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- }
- return fragment.release();
- }
- // A string with no newlines gets added inline, rather than being put into a paragraph.
- if (string.find('\n') == -1) {
- fillContainerFromString(fragment.get(), string);
- return fragment.release();
- }
- // Break string into paragraphs. Extra line breaks turn into empty paragraphs.
- Node* blockNode = enclosingBlock(context->firstNode());
- Element* block = static_cast<Element*>(blockNode);
- bool useClonesOfEnclosingBlock = blockNode
- && blockNode->isElementNode()
- && !block->hasTagName(bodyTag)
- && !block->hasTagName(htmlTag)
- && block != editableRootForPosition(context->startPosition());
- Vector<String> list;
- string.split('\n', true, list); // true gets us empty strings in the list
- size_t numLines = list.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) {
- const String& s = list[i];
- RefPtr<Element> element;
- if (s.isEmpty() && i + 1 == numLines) {
- // For last line, use the "magic BR" rather than a P.
- element = createBreakElement(document);
- element->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleInterchangeNewline);
- } else {
- if (useClonesOfEnclosingBlock)
- element = block->cloneElement();
- else
- element = createDefaultParagraphElement(document);
- fillContainerFromString(element.get(), s);
- }
- fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- }
- return fragment.release();
-PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromNodes(Document *document, const Vector<Node*>& nodes)
- if (!document)
- return 0;
- // disable the delete button so it's elements are not serialized into the markup
- if (document->frame())
- document->frame()->editor()->deleteButtonController()->disable();
- RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = document->createDocumentFragment();
- ExceptionCode ec = 0;
- size_t size = nodes.size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- RefPtr<Element> element = createDefaultParagraphElement(document);
- element->appendChild(nodes[i], ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ec);
- ASSERT(ec == 0);
- }
- if (document->frame())
- document->frame()->editor()->deleteButtonController()->enable();
- return fragment.release();
-String createFullMarkup(const Node* node)
- if (!node)
- return String();
- Document* document = node->document();
- if (!document)
- return String();
- Frame* frame = document->frame();
- if (!frame)
- return String();
- // FIXME: This is never "for interchange". Is that right?
- String markupString = createMarkup(node, IncludeNode, 0);
- Node::NodeType nodeType = node->nodeType();
- if (nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_NODE && nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
- markupString = frame->documentTypeString() + markupString;
- return markupString;
-String createFullMarkup(const Range* range)
- if (!range)
- return String();
- Node* node = range->startContainer();
- if (!node)
- return String();
- Document* document = node->document();
- if (!document)
- return String();
- Frame* frame = document->frame();
- if (!frame)
- return String();
- // FIXME: This is always "for interchange". Is that right? See the previous method.
- return frame->documentTypeString() + createMarkup(range, 0, AnnotateForInterchange);
+ * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "markup.h"
+#include "CDATASection.h"
+#include "CharacterNames.h"
+#include "Comment.h"
+#include "CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h"
+#include "CSSPrimitiveValue.h"
+#include "CSSProperty.h"
+#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
+#include "CSSRule.h"
+#include "CSSRuleList.h"
+#include "CSSStyleRule.h"
+#include "CSSStyleSelector.h"
+#include "CSSValue.h"
+#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
+#include "DeleteButtonController.h"
+#include "Document.h"
+#include "DocumentFragment.h"
+#include "DocumentType.h"
+#include "Editor.h"
+#include "Frame.h"
+#include "HTMLElement.h"
+#include "HTMLNames.h"
+#include "InlineTextBox.h"
+#include "Logging.h"
+#include "ProcessingInstruction.h"
+#include "QualifiedName.h"
+#include "Range.h"
+#include "Selection.h"
+#include "TextIterator.h"
+#include "htmlediting.h"
+#include "visible_units.h"
+#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
+using namespace std;
+namespace WebCore {
+using namespace HTMLNames;
+static inline bool shouldSelfClose(const Node *node);
+class AttributeChange {
+ AttributeChange()
+ : m_name(nullAtom, nullAtom, nullAtom)
+ {
+ }
+ AttributeChange(PassRefPtr<Element> element, const QualifiedName& name, const String& value)
+ : m_element(element), m_name(name), m_value(value)
+ {
+ }
+ void apply()
+ {
+ m_element->setAttribute(m_name, m_value);
+ }
+ RefPtr<Element> m_element;
+ QualifiedName m_name;
+ String m_value;
+static void appendAttributeValue(Vector<UChar>& result, const String& attr, bool escapeNBSP)
+ const UChar* uchars = attr.characters();
+ unsigned len = attr.length();
+ unsigned lastCopiedFrom = 0;
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ampEntity, ("&amp;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, gtEntity, ("&gt;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ltEntity, ("&lt;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, quotEntity, ("&quot;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, nbspEntity, ("&nbsp;"));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ UChar c = uchars[i];
+ switch (c) {
+ case '&':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, ampEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, ltEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, gtEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, quotEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case noBreakSpace:
+ if (escapeNBSP) {
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, nbspEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, len - lastCopiedFrom);
+static void appendEscapedContent(Vector<UChar>& result, pair<const UChar*, size_t> range, bool escapeNBSP)
+ const UChar* uchars = range.first;
+ unsigned len = range.second;
+ unsigned lastCopiedFrom = 0;
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ampEntity, ("&amp;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, gtEntity, ("&gt;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, ltEntity, ("&lt;"));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, nbspEntity, ("&nbsp;"));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ UChar c = uchars[i];
+ switch (c) {
+ case '&':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, ampEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, ltEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, gtEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ break;
+ case noBreakSpace:
+ if (escapeNBSP) {
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, i - lastCopiedFrom);
+ append(result, nbspEntity);
+ lastCopiedFrom = i + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ result.append(uchars + lastCopiedFrom, len - lastCopiedFrom);
+static String escapeContentText(const String& in, bool escapeNBSP)
+ Vector<UChar> buffer;
+ appendEscapedContent(buffer, make_pair(in.characters(), in.length()), escapeNBSP);
+ return String::adopt(buffer);
+static void appendQuotedURLAttributeValue(Vector<UChar>& result, const String& urlString)
+ UChar quoteChar = '\"';
+ String strippedURLString = urlString.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (protocolIs(strippedURLString, "javascript")) {
+ // minimal escaping for javascript urls
+ if (strippedURLString.contains('"')) {
+ if (strippedURLString.contains('\''))
+ strippedURLString.replace('\"', "&quot;");
+ else
+ quoteChar = '\'';
+ }
+ result.append(quoteChar);
+ append(result, strippedURLString);
+ result.append(quoteChar);
+ return;
+ }
+ // FIXME: This does not fully match other browsers. Firefox percent-escapes non-ASCII characters for innerHTML.
+ result.append(quoteChar);
+ appendAttributeValue(result, urlString, false);
+ result.append(quoteChar);
+static String stringValueForRange(const Node* node, const Range* range)
+ if (!range)
+ return node->nodeValue();
+ String str = node->nodeValue();
+ ExceptionCode ec;
+ if (node == range->endContainer(ec))
+ str.truncate(range->endOffset(ec));
+ if (node == range->startContainer(ec))
+ str.remove(0, range->startOffset(ec));
+ return str;
+static inline pair<const UChar*, size_t> ucharRange(const Node *node, const Range *range)
+ String str = node->nodeValue();
+ const UChar* characters = str.characters();
+ size_t length = str.length();
+ if (range) {
+ ExceptionCode ec;
+ if (node == range->endContainer(ec))
+ length = range->endOffset(ec);
+ if (node == range->startContainer(ec)) {
+ size_t start = range->startOffset(ec);
+ characters += start;
+ length -= start;
+ }
+ }
+ return make_pair(characters, length);
+static inline void appendUCharRange(Vector<UChar>& result, const pair<const UChar*, size_t> range)
+ result.append(range.first, range.second);
+static String renderedText(const Node* node, const Range* range)
+ if (!node->isTextNode())
+ return String();
+ ExceptionCode ec;
+ const Text* textNode = static_cast<const Text*>(node);
+ unsigned startOffset = 0;
+ unsigned endOffset = textNode->length();
+ if (range && node == range->startContainer(ec))
+ startOffset = range->startOffset(ec);
+ if (range && node == range->endContainer(ec))
+ endOffset = range->endOffset(ec);
+ Position start(const_cast<Node*>(node), startOffset);
+ Position end(const_cast<Node*>(node), endOffset);
+ return plainText(Range::create(node->document(), start, end).get());
+static PassRefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> styleFromMatchedRulesForElement(Element* element, bool authorOnly = true)
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::create();
+ RefPtr<CSSRuleList> matchedRules = element->document()->styleSelector()->styleRulesForElement(element, authorOnly);
+ if (matchedRules) {
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < matchedRules->length(); i++) {
+ if (matchedRules->item(i)->type() == CSSRule::STYLE_RULE) {
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> s = static_cast<CSSStyleRule*>(matchedRules->item(i))->style();
+ style->merge(s.get(), true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return style.release();
+static void removeEnclosingMailBlockquoteStyle(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, Node* node)
+ Node* blockquote = nearestMailBlockquote(node);
+ if (!blockquote || !blockquote->parentNode())
+ return;
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> parentStyle = Position(blockquote->parentNode(), 0).computedStyle()->copyInheritableProperties();
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> blockquoteStyle = Position(blockquote, 0).computedStyle()->copyInheritableProperties();
+ parentStyle->diff(blockquoteStyle.get());
+ blockquoteStyle->diff(style);
+static void removeDefaultStyles(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, Document* document)
+ if (!document || !document->documentElement())
+ return;
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> documentStyle = computedStyle(document->documentElement())->copyInheritableProperties();
+ documentStyle->diff(style);
+static bool shouldAddNamespaceElem(const Element* elem)
+ // Don't add namespace attribute if it is already defined for this elem.
+ const AtomicString& prefix = elem->prefix();
+ AtomicString attr = !prefix.isEmpty() ? "xmlns:" + prefix : "xmlns";
+ return !elem->hasAttribute(attr);
+static bool shouldAddNamespaceAttr(const Attribute* attr, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>& namespaces)
+ // Don't add namespace attributes twice
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, xmlnsURI, (""));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const QualifiedName, xmlnsAttr, (nullAtom, "xmlns", xmlnsURI));
+ if (attr->name() == xmlnsAttr) {
+ namespaces.set(emptyAtom.impl(), attr->value().impl());
+ return false;
+ }
+ QualifiedName xmlnsPrefixAttr("xmlns", attr->localName(), xmlnsURI);
+ if (attr->name() == xmlnsPrefixAttr) {
+ namespaces.set(attr->localName().impl(), attr->value().impl());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static void appendNamespace(Vector<UChar>& result, const AtomicString& prefix, const AtomicString& ns, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>& namespaces)
+ if (ns.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ // Use emptyAtoms's impl() for both null and empty strings since the HashMap can't handle 0 as a key
+ AtomicStringImpl* pre = prefix.isEmpty() ? emptyAtom.impl() : prefix.impl();
+ AtomicStringImpl* foundNS = namespaces.get(pre);
+ if (foundNS != ns.impl()) {
+ namespaces.set(pre, ns.impl());
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, xmlns, ("xmlns"));
+ result.append(' ');
+ append(result, xmlns);
+ if (!prefix.isEmpty()) {
+ result.append(':');
+ append(result, prefix);
+ }
+ result.append('=');
+ result.append('"');
+ appendAttributeValue(result, ns, false);
+ result.append('"');
+ }
+static void appendDocumentType(Vector<UChar>& result, const DocumentType* n)
+ if (n->name().isEmpty())
+ return;
+ append(result, "<!DOCTYPE ");
+ append(result, n->name());
+ if (!n->publicId().isEmpty()) {
+ append(result, " PUBLIC \"");
+ append(result, n->publicId());
+ append(result, "\"");
+ if (!n->systemId().isEmpty()) {
+ append(result, " \"");
+ append(result, n->systemId());
+ append(result, "\"");
+ }
+ } else if (!n->systemId().isEmpty()) {
+ append(result, " SYSTEM \"");
+ append(result, n->systemId());
+ append(result, "\"");
+ }
+ if (!n->internalSubset().isEmpty()) {
+ append(result, " [");
+ append(result, n->internalSubset());
+ append(result, "]");
+ }
+ append(result, ">");
+static void appendStartMarkup(Vector<UChar>& result, const Node *node, const Range *range, EAnnotateForInterchange annotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines = false, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>* namespaces = 0)
+ bool documentIsHTML = node->document()->isHTMLDocument();
+ switch (node->nodeType()) {
+ case Node::TEXT_NODE: {
+ if (Node* parent = node->parentNode()) {
+ if (parent->hasTagName(scriptTag)
+ || parent->hasTagName(styleTag)
+ || parent->hasTagName(textareaTag)
+ || parent->hasTagName(xmpTag)) {
+ appendUCharRange(result, ucharRange(node, range));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!annotate) {
+ appendEscapedContent(result, ucharRange(node, range), documentIsHTML);
+ break;
+ }
+ bool useRenderedText = !enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(const_cast<Node*>(node), 0), selectTag);
+ String markup = escapeContentText(useRenderedText ? renderedText(node, range) : stringValueForRange(node, range), false);
+ if (annotate)
+ markup = convertHTMLTextToInterchangeFormat(markup, static_cast<const Text*>(node));
+ append(result, markup);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Node::COMMENT_NODE:
+ // FIXME: Comment content is not escaped, but XMLSerializer (and possibly other callers) should raise an exception if it includes "-->".
+ append(result, "<!--");
+ append(result, static_cast<const Comment*>(node)->nodeValue());
+ append(result, "-->");
+ break;
+ case Node::DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ break;
+ appendDocumentType(result, static_cast<const DocumentType*>(node));
+ break;
+ // FIXME: PI data is not escaped, but XMLSerializer (and possibly other callers) this should raise an exception if it includes "?>".
+ const ProcessingInstruction* n = static_cast<const ProcessingInstruction*>(node);
+ append(result, "<?");
+ append(result, n->target());
+ append(result, " ");
+ append(result, n->data());
+ append(result, "?>");
+ break;
+ }
+ case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: {
+ result.append('<');
+ const Element* el = static_cast<const Element*>(node);
+ bool convert = convertBlocksToInlines & isBlock(const_cast<Node*>(node));
+ append(result, el->nodeNamePreservingCase());
+ NamedAttrMap *attrs = el->attributes();
+ unsigned length = attrs->length();
+ if (!documentIsHTML && namespaces && shouldAddNamespaceElem(el))
+ appendNamespace(result, el->prefix(), el->namespaceURI(), *namespaces);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ Attribute *attr = attrs->attributeItem(i);
+ // We'll handle the style attribute separately, below.
+ if (attr->name() == styleAttr && el->isHTMLElement() && (annotate || convert))
+ continue;
+ result.append(' ');
+ if (documentIsHTML)
+ append(result, attr->name().localName());
+ else
+ append(result, attr->name().toString());
+ result.append('=');
+ if (el->isURLAttribute(attr))
+ appendQuotedURLAttributeValue(result, attr->value());
+ else {
+ result.append('\"');
+ appendAttributeValue(result, attr->value(), documentIsHTML);
+ result.append('\"');
+ }
+ if (!documentIsHTML && namespaces && shouldAddNamespaceAttr(attr, *namespaces))
+ appendNamespace(result, attr->prefix(), attr->namespaceURI(), *namespaces);
+ }
+ if (el->isHTMLElement() && (annotate || convert)) {
+ Element* element = const_cast<Element*>(el);
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(element)->getInlineStyleDecl()->copy();
+ if (annotate) {
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> styleFromMatchedRules = styleFromMatchedRulesForElement(const_cast<Element*>(el));
+ // Styles from the inline style declaration, held in the variable "style", take precedence
+ // over those from matched rules.
+ styleFromMatchedRules->merge(style.get());
+ style = styleFromMatchedRules;
+ RefPtr<CSSComputedStyleDeclaration> computedStyleForElement = computedStyle(element);
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> fromComputedStyle = CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::create();
+ {
+ CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::const_iterator end = style->end();
+ for (CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::const_iterator it = style->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
+ const CSSProperty& property = *it;
+ CSSValue* value = property.value();
+ // The property value, if it's a percentage, may not reflect the actual computed value.
+ // For example: style="height: 1%; overflow: visible;" in quirksmode
+ // FIXME: There are others like this, see <rdar://problem/5195123> Slashdot copy/paste fidelity problem
+ if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE)
+ if (static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValue*>(value)->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)
+ if (RefPtr<CSSValue> computedPropertyValue = computedStyleForElement->getPropertyCSSValue(
+ fromComputedStyle->addParsedProperty(CSSProperty(, computedPropertyValue));
+ }
+ }
+ style->merge(fromComputedStyle.get());
+ }
+ if (convert)
+ style->setProperty(CSSPropertyDisplay, CSSValueInline, true);
+ if (style->length() > 0) {
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, stylePrefix, (" style=\""));
+ append(result, stylePrefix);
+ appendAttributeValue(result, style->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
+ result.append('\"');
+ }
+ }
+ if (shouldSelfClose(el)) {
+ if (el->isHTMLElement())
+ result.append(' '); // XHTML 1.0 <-> HTML compatibility.
+ result.append('/');
+ }
+ result.append('>');
+ break;
+ }
+ case Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: {
+ // FIXME: CDATA content is not escaped, but XMLSerializer (and possibly other callers) should raise an exception if it includes "]]>".
+ const CDATASection* n = static_cast<const CDATASection*>(node);
+ append(result, "<![CDATA[");
+ append(result, n->data());
+ append(result, "]]>");
+ break;
+ }
+ case Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
+ case Node::ENTITY_NODE:
+ case Node::NOTATION_NODE:
+ break;
+ }
+static String getStartMarkup(const Node *node, const Range *range, EAnnotateForInterchange annotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines = false, HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>* namespaces = 0)
+ Vector<UChar> result;
+ appendStartMarkup(result, node, range, annotate, convertBlocksToInlines, namespaces);
+ return String::adopt(result);
+static inline bool doesHTMLForbidEndTag(const Node *node)
+ if (node->isHTMLElement()) {
+ const HTMLElement* htmlElt = static_cast<const HTMLElement*>(node);
+ return (htmlElt->endTagRequirement() == TagStatusForbidden);
+ }
+ return false;
+// Rules of self-closure
+// 1. No elements in HTML documents use the self-closing syntax.
+// 2. Elements w/ children never self-close because they use a separate end tag.
+// 3. HTML elements which do not have a "forbidden" end tag will close with a separate end tag.
+// 4. Other elements self-close.
+static inline bool shouldSelfClose(const Node *node)
+ if (node->document()->isHTMLDocument())
+ return false;
+ if (node->hasChildNodes())
+ return false;
+ if (node->isHTMLElement() && !doesHTMLForbidEndTag(node))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static void appendEndMarkup(Vector<UChar>& result, const Node* node)
+ if (!node->isElementNode() || shouldSelfClose(node) || (!node->hasChildNodes() && doesHTMLForbidEndTag(node)))
+ return;
+ result.append('<');
+ result.append('/');
+ append(result, static_cast<const Element*>(node)->nodeNamePreservingCase());
+ result.append('>');
+static String getEndMarkup(const Node *node)
+ Vector<UChar> result;
+ appendEndMarkup(result, node);
+ return String::adopt(result);
+static void appendMarkup(Vector<UChar>& result, Node* startNode, bool onlyIncludeChildren, Vector<Node*>* nodes, const HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*>* namespaces = 0)
+ HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, AtomicStringImpl*> namespaceHash;
+ if (namespaces)
+ namespaceHash = *namespaces;
+ if (!onlyIncludeChildren) {
+ if (nodes)
+ nodes->append(startNode);
+ appendStartMarkup(result,startNode, 0, DoNotAnnotateForInterchange, false, &namespaceHash);
+ }
+ // print children
+ if (!(startNode->document()->isHTMLDocument() && doesHTMLForbidEndTag(startNode)))
+ for (Node* current = startNode->firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling())
+ appendMarkup(result, current, false, nodes, &namespaceHash);
+ // Print my ending tag
+ if (!onlyIncludeChildren)
+ appendEndMarkup(result, startNode);
+static void completeURLs(Node* node, const String& baseURL)
+ Vector<AttributeChange> changes;
+ KURL parsedBaseURL(baseURL);
+ Node* end = node->traverseNextSibling();
+ for (Node* n = node; n != end; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
+ if (n->isElementNode()) {
+ Element* e = static_cast<Element*>(n);
+ NamedAttrMap* attrs = e->attributes();
+ unsigned length = attrs->length();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ Attribute* attr = attrs->attributeItem(i);
+ if (e->isURLAttribute(attr))
+ changes.append(AttributeChange(e, attr->name(), KURL(parsedBaseURL, attr->value()).string()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t numChanges = changes.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numChanges; ++i)
+ changes[i].apply();
+static bool needInterchangeNewlineAfter(const VisiblePosition& v)
+ VisiblePosition next =;
+ Node* upstreamNode = next.deepEquivalent().upstream().node();
+ Node* downstreamNode = v.deepEquivalent().downstream().node();
+ // Add an interchange newline if a paragraph break is selected and a br won't already be added to the markup to represent it.
+ return isEndOfParagraph(v) && isStartOfParagraph(next) && !(upstreamNode->hasTagName(brTag) && upstreamNode == downstreamNode);
+static PassRefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(const Node* node)
+ if (!node->isHTMLElement())
+ return 0;
+ // FIXME: Having to const_cast here is ugly, but it is quite a bit of work to untangle
+ // the non-const-ness of styleFromMatchedRulesForElement.
+ HTMLElement* element = const_cast<HTMLElement*>(static_cast<const HTMLElement*>(node));
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = styleFromMatchedRulesForElement(element);
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> inlineStyleDecl = element->getInlineStyleDecl();
+ style->merge(inlineStyleDecl.get());
+ return style.release();
+static bool propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* style, int propertyID)
+ if (!style)
+ return false;
+ RefPtr<CSSValue> value = style->getPropertyCSSValue(propertyID);
+ if (!value)
+ return true;
+ if (!value->isPrimitiveValue())
+ return false;
+ return static_cast<CSSPrimitiveValue*>(value.get())->getIdent() == CSSValueNone;
+static bool elementHasTextDecorationProperty(const Node* node)
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(node);
+ if (!style)
+ return false;
+ return !propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(style.get(), CSSPropertyTextDecoration);
+static String joinMarkups(const Vector<String>& preMarkups, const Vector<String>& postMarkups)
+ size_t length = 0;
+ size_t preCount = preMarkups.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < preCount; ++i)
+ length += preMarkups[i].length();
+ size_t postCount = postMarkups.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < postCount; ++i)
+ length += postMarkups[i].length();
+ Vector<UChar> result;
+ result.reserveInitialCapacity(length);
+ for (size_t i = preCount; i > 0; --i)
+ append(result, preMarkups[i - 1]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < postCount; ++i)
+ append(result, postMarkups[i]);
+ return String::adopt(result);
+bool isSpecialAncestorBlock(Node* node)
+ if (!node || !isBlock(node))
+ return false;
+ return node->hasTagName(listingTag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(olTag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(preTag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(tableTag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(ulTag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(xmpTag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(h1Tag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(h2Tag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(h3Tag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(h4Tag) ||
+ node->hasTagName(h5Tag);
+// FIXME: Shouldn't we omit style info when annotate == DoNotAnnotateForInterchange?
+// FIXME: At least, annotation and style info should probably not be included in range.markupString()
+String createMarkup(const Range* range, Vector<Node*>* nodes, EAnnotateForInterchange annotate, bool convertBlocksToInlines)
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, interchangeNewlineString, ("<br class=\"" AppleInterchangeNewline "\">"));
+ if (!range)
+ return "";
+ Document* document = range->ownerDocument();
+ if (!document)
+ return "";
+ bool documentIsHTML = document->isHTMLDocument();
+ // Disable the delete button so it's elements are not serialized into the markup,
+ // but make sure neither endpoint is inside the delete user interface.
+ Frame* frame = document->frame();
+ DeleteButtonController* deleteButton = frame ? frame->editor()->deleteButtonController() : 0;
+ RefPtr<Range> updatedRange = avoidIntersectionWithNode(range, deleteButton ? deleteButton->containerElement() : 0);
+ if (!updatedRange)
+ return "";
+ if (deleteButton)
+ deleteButton->disable();
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ bool collapsed = updatedRange->collapsed(ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ if (collapsed)
+ return "";
+ Node* commonAncestor = updatedRange->commonAncestorContainer(ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ if (!commonAncestor)
+ return "";
+ document->updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets();
+ Vector<String> markups;
+ Vector<String> preMarkups;
+ Node* pastEnd = updatedRange->pastLastNode();
+ Node* lastClosed = 0;
+ Vector<Node*> ancestorsToClose;
+ Node* startNode = updatedRange->firstNode();
+ VisiblePosition visibleStart(updatedRange->startPosition(), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
+ VisiblePosition visibleEnd(updatedRange->endPosition(), VP_DEFAULT_AFFINITY);
+ if (annotate && needInterchangeNewlineAfter(visibleStart)) {
+ if (visibleStart == visibleEnd.previous()) {
+ if (deleteButton)
+ deleteButton->enable();
+ return interchangeNewlineString;
+ }
+ markups.append(interchangeNewlineString);
+ startNode =;
+ }
+ Node* next;
+ for (Node* n = startNode; n != pastEnd; n = next) {
+ // According to <rdar://problem/5730668>, it is possible for n to blow past pastEnd and become null here. This
+ // shouldn't be possible. This null check will prevent crashes (but create too much markup) and the ASSERT will
+ // hopefully lead us to understanding the problem.
+ ASSERT(n);
+ if (!n)
+ break;
+ next = n->traverseNextNode();
+ bool skipDescendants = false;
+ bool addMarkupForNode = true;
+ if (!n->renderer() && !enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(n, 0), selectTag)) {
+ skipDescendants = true;
+ addMarkupForNode = false;
+ next = n->traverseNextSibling();
+ // Don't skip over pastEnd.
+ if (pastEnd && pastEnd->isDescendantOf(n))
+ next = pastEnd;
+ }
+ if (isBlock(n) && canHaveChildrenForEditing(n) && next == pastEnd)
+ // Don't write out empty block containers that aren't fully selected.
+ continue;
+ // Add the node to the markup.
+ if (addMarkupForNode) {
+ markups.append(getStartMarkup(n, updatedRange.get(), annotate));
+ if (nodes)
+ nodes->append(n);
+ }
+ if (n->firstChild() == 0 || skipDescendants) {
+ // Node has no children, or we are skipping it's descendants, add its close tag now.
+ if (addMarkupForNode) {
+ markups.append(getEndMarkup(n));
+ lastClosed = n;
+ }
+ // Check if the node is the last leaf of a tree.
+ if (!n->nextSibling() || next == pastEnd) {
+ if (!ancestorsToClose.isEmpty()) {
+ // Close up the ancestors.
+ do {
+ Node *ancestor = ancestorsToClose.last();
+ if (next != pastEnd && next->isDescendantOf(ancestor))
+ break;
+ // Not at the end of the range, close ancestors up to sibling of next node.
+ markups.append(getEndMarkup(ancestor));
+ lastClosed = ancestor;
+ ancestorsToClose.removeLast();
+ } while (!ancestorsToClose.isEmpty());
+ }
+ // Surround the currently accumulated markup with markup for ancestors we never opened as we leave the subtree(s) rooted at those ancestors.
+ Node* nextParent = next ? next->parentNode() : 0;
+ if (next != pastEnd && n != nextParent) {
+ Node* lastAncestorClosedOrSelf = n->isDescendantOf(lastClosed) ? lastClosed : n;
+ for (Node *parent = lastAncestorClosedOrSelf->parent(); parent != 0 && parent != nextParent; parent = parent->parentNode()) {
+ // All ancestors that aren't in the ancestorsToClose list should either be a) unrendered:
+ if (!parent->renderer())
+ continue;
+ // or b) ancestors that we never encountered during a pre-order traversal starting at startNode:
+ ASSERT(startNode->isDescendantOf(parent));
+ preMarkups.append(getStartMarkup(parent, updatedRange.get(), annotate));
+ markups.append(getEndMarkup(parent));
+ if (nodes)
+ nodes->append(parent);
+ lastClosed = parent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (addMarkupForNode && !skipDescendants)
+ // We added markup for this node, and we're descending into it. Set it to close eventually.
+ ancestorsToClose.append(n);
+ }
+ // Include ancestors that aren't completely inside the range but are required to retain
+ // the structure and appearance of the copied markup.
+ Node* specialCommonAncestor = 0;
+ Node* commonAncestorBlock = commonAncestor ? enclosingBlock(commonAncestor) : 0;
+ if (annotate && commonAncestorBlock) {
+ if (commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(tbodyTag) || commonAncestorBlock->hasTagName(trTag)) {
+ Node* table = commonAncestorBlock->parentNode();
+ while (table && !table->hasTagName(tableTag))
+ table = table->parentNode();
+ if (table)
+ specialCommonAncestor = table;
+ } else if (isSpecialAncestorBlock(commonAncestorBlock))
+ specialCommonAncestor = commonAncestorBlock;
+ }
+ // Retain the Mail quote level by including all ancestor mail block quotes.
+ if (lastClosed && annotate) {
+ for (Node *ancestor = lastClosed->parentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentNode())
+ if (isMailBlockquote(ancestor))
+ specialCommonAncestor = ancestor;
+ }
+ Node* checkAncestor = specialCommonAncestor ? specialCommonAncestor : commonAncestor;
+ if (checkAncestor->renderer()) {
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> checkAncestorStyle = computedStyle(checkAncestor)->copyInheritableProperties();
+ if (!propertyMissingOrEqualToNone(checkAncestorStyle.get(), CSSPropertyWebkitTextDecorationsInEffect))
+ specialCommonAncestor = enclosingNodeOfType(Position(checkAncestor, 0), &elementHasTextDecorationProperty);
+ }
+ // If a single tab is selected, commonAncestor will be a text node inside a tab span.
+ // If two or more tabs are selected, commonAncestor will be the tab span.
+ // In either case, if there is a specialCommonAncestor already, it will necessarily be above
+ // any tab span that needs to be included.
+ if (!specialCommonAncestor && isTabSpanTextNode(commonAncestor))
+ specialCommonAncestor = commonAncestor->parentNode();
+ if (!specialCommonAncestor && isTabSpanNode(commonAncestor))
+ specialCommonAncestor = commonAncestor;
+ if (Node *enclosingAnchor = enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(specialCommonAncestor ? specialCommonAncestor : commonAncestor, 0), aTag))
+ specialCommonAncestor = enclosingAnchor;
+ Node* body = enclosingNodeWithTag(Position(commonAncestor, 0), bodyTag);
+ // FIXME: Only include markup for a fully selected root (and ancestors of lastClosed up to that root) if
+ // there are styles/attributes on those nodes that need to be included to preserve the appearance of the copied markup.
+ // FIXME: Do this for all fully selected blocks, not just the body.
+ Node* fullySelectedRoot = body && *Selection::selectionFromContentsOfNode(body).toNormalizedRange() == *updatedRange ? body : 0;
+ if (annotate && fullySelectedRoot)
+ specialCommonAncestor = fullySelectedRoot;
+ if (specialCommonAncestor && lastClosed) {
+ // Also include all of the ancestors of lastClosed up to this special ancestor.
+ for (Node* ancestor = lastClosed->parentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentNode()) {
+ if (ancestor == fullySelectedRoot && !convertBlocksToInlines) {
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = styleFromMatchedRulesAndInlineDecl(fullySelectedRoot);
+ // Bring the background attribute over, but not as an attribute because a background attribute on a div
+ // appears to have no effect.
+ if (!style->getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertyBackgroundImage) && static_cast<Element*>(fullySelectedRoot)->hasAttribute(backgroundAttr))
+ style->setProperty(CSSPropertyBackgroundImage, "url('" + static_cast<Element*>(fullySelectedRoot)->getAttribute(backgroundAttr) + "')");
+ if (style->length()) {
+ Vector<UChar> openTag;
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, divStyle, ("<div style=\""));
+ append(openTag, divStyle);
+ appendAttributeValue(openTag, style->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
+ openTag.append('\"');
+ openTag.append('>');
+ preMarkups.append(String::adopt(openTag));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, divCloseTag, ("</div>"));
+ markups.append(divCloseTag);
+ }
+ } else {
+ preMarkups.append(getStartMarkup(ancestor, updatedRange.get(), annotate, convertBlocksToInlines));
+ markups.append(getEndMarkup(ancestor));
+ }
+ if (nodes)
+ nodes->append(ancestor);
+ lastClosed = ancestor;
+ if (ancestor == specialCommonAncestor)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, styleSpanOpen, ("<span class=\"" AppleStyleSpanClass "\" style=\""));
+ DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, styleSpanClose, ("</span>"));
+ // Add a wrapper span with the styles that all of the nodes in the markup inherit.
+ Node* parentOfLastClosed = lastClosed ? lastClosed->parentNode() : 0;
+ if (parentOfLastClosed && parentOfLastClosed->renderer()) {
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> style = computedStyle(parentOfLastClosed)->copyInheritableProperties();
+ // Styles that Mail blockquotes contribute should only be placed on the Mail blockquote, to help
+ // us differentiate those styles from ones that the user has applied. This helps us
+ // get the color of content pasted into blockquotes right.
+ removeEnclosingMailBlockquoteStyle(style.get(), parentOfLastClosed);
+ // Document default styles will be added on another wrapper span.
+ removeDefaultStyles(style.get(), document);
+ // Since we are converting blocks to inlines, remove any inherited block properties that are in the style.
+ // This cuts out meaningless properties and prevents properties from magically affecting blocks later
+ // if the style is cloned for a new block element during a future editing operation.
+ if (convertBlocksToInlines)
+ style->removeBlockProperties();
+ if (style->length() > 0) {
+ Vector<UChar> openTag;
+ append(openTag, styleSpanOpen);
+ appendAttributeValue(openTag, style->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
+ openTag.append('\"');
+ openTag.append('>');
+ preMarkups.append(String::adopt(openTag));
+ markups.append(styleSpanClose);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastClosed && lastClosed != document->documentElement()) {
+ // Add a style span with the document's default styles. We add these in a separate
+ // span so that at paste time we can differentiate between document defaults and user
+ // applied styles.
+ RefPtr<CSSMutableStyleDeclaration> defaultStyle = computedStyle(document->documentElement())->copyInheritableProperties();
+ if (defaultStyle->length() > 0) {
+ Vector<UChar> openTag;
+ append(openTag, styleSpanOpen);
+ appendAttributeValue(openTag, defaultStyle->cssText(), documentIsHTML);
+ openTag.append('\"');
+ openTag.append('>');
+ preMarkups.append(String::adopt(openTag));
+ markups.append(styleSpanClose);
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: The interchange newline should be placed in the block that it's in, not after all of the content, unconditionally.
+ if (annotate && needInterchangeNewlineAfter(visibleEnd.previous()))
+ markups.append(interchangeNewlineString);
+ if (deleteButton)
+ deleteButton->enable();
+ return joinMarkups(preMarkups, markups);
+PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromMarkup(Document* document, const String& markup, const String& baseURL)
+ ASSERT(document->documentElement()->isHTMLElement());
+ // FIXME: What if the document element is not an HTML element?
+ HTMLElement *element = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(document->documentElement());
+ RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = element->createContextualFragment(markup);
+ if (fragment && !baseURL.isEmpty() && baseURL != blankURL() && baseURL != document->baseURL())
+ completeURLs(fragment.get(), baseURL);
+ return fragment.release();
+String createMarkup(const Node* node, EChildrenOnly includeChildren, Vector<Node*>* nodes)
+ Vector<UChar> result;
+ if (!node)
+ return "";
+ Document* document = node->document();
+ Frame* frame = document->frame();
+ DeleteButtonController* deleteButton = frame ? frame->editor()->deleteButtonController() : 0;
+ // disable the delete button so it's elements are not serialized into the markup
+ if (deleteButton) {
+ if (node->isDescendantOf(deleteButton->containerElement()))
+ return "";
+ deleteButton->disable();
+ }
+ appendMarkup(result, const_cast<Node*>(node), includeChildren, nodes);
+ if (deleteButton)
+ deleteButton->enable();
+ return String::adopt(result);
+static void fillContainerFromString(ContainerNode* paragraph, const String& string)
+ Document* document = paragraph->document();
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ if (string.isEmpty()) {
+ paragraph->appendChild(createBlockPlaceholderElement(document), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ ASSERT(string.find('\n') == -1);
+ Vector<String> tabList;
+ string.split('\t', true, tabList);
+ String tabText = "";
+ bool first = true;
+ size_t numEntries = tabList.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) {
+ const String& s = tabList[i];
+ // append the non-tab textual part
+ if (!s.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!tabText.isEmpty()) {
+ paragraph->appendChild(createTabSpanElement(document, tabText), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ tabText = "";
+ }
+ RefPtr<Node> textNode = document->createTextNode(stringWithRebalancedWhitespace(s, first, i + 1 == numEntries));
+ paragraph->appendChild(textNode.release(), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ }
+ // there is a tab after every entry, except the last entry
+ // (if the last character is a tab, the list gets an extra empty entry)
+ if (i + 1 != numEntries)
+ tabText.append('\t');
+ else if (!tabText.isEmpty()) {
+ paragraph->appendChild(createTabSpanElement(document, tabText), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ }
+ first = false;
+ }
+PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromText(Range* context, const String& text)
+ if (!context)
+ return 0;
+ Node* styleNode = context->firstNode();
+ if (!styleNode) {
+ styleNode = context->startPosition().node();
+ if (!styleNode)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ Document* document = styleNode->document();
+ RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = document->createDocumentFragment();
+ if (text.isEmpty())
+ return fragment.release();
+ String string = text;
+ string.replace("\r\n", "\n");
+ string.replace('\r', '\n');
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ RenderObject* renderer = styleNode->renderer();
+ if (renderer && renderer->style()->preserveNewline()) {
+ fragment->appendChild(document->createTextNode(string), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ if (string.endsWith("\n")) {
+ RefPtr<Element> element = createBreakElement(document);
+ element->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleInterchangeNewline);
+ fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ }
+ return fragment.release();
+ }
+ // A string with no newlines gets added inline, rather than being put into a paragraph.
+ if (string.find('\n') == -1) {
+ fillContainerFromString(fragment.get(), string);
+ return fragment.release();
+ }
+ // Break string into paragraphs. Extra line breaks turn into empty paragraphs.
+ Node* blockNode = enclosingBlock(context->firstNode());
+ Element* block = static_cast<Element*>(blockNode);
+ bool useClonesOfEnclosingBlock = blockNode
+ && blockNode->isElementNode()
+ && !block->hasTagName(bodyTag)
+ && !block->hasTagName(htmlTag)
+ && block != editableRootForPosition(context->startPosition());
+ Vector<String> list;
+ string.split('\n', true, list); // true gets us empty strings in the list
+ size_t numLines = list.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) {
+ const String& s = list[i];
+ RefPtr<Element> element;
+ if (s.isEmpty() && i + 1 == numLines) {
+ // For last line, use the "magic BR" rather than a P.
+ element = createBreakElement(document);
+ element->setAttribute(classAttr, AppleInterchangeNewline);
+ } else {
+ if (useClonesOfEnclosingBlock)
+ element = block->cloneElement();
+ else
+ element = createDefaultParagraphElement(document);
+ fillContainerFromString(element.get(), s);
+ }
+ fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ }
+ return fragment.release();
+PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromNodes(Document *document, const Vector<Node*>& nodes)
+ if (!document)
+ return 0;
+ // disable the delete button so it's elements are not serialized into the markup
+ if (document->frame())
+ document->frame()->editor()->deleteButtonController()->disable();
+ RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = document->createDocumentFragment();
+ ExceptionCode ec = 0;
+ size_t size = nodes.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ RefPtr<Element> element = createDefaultParagraphElement(document);
+ element->appendChild(nodes[i], ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ fragment->appendChild(element.release(), ec);
+ ASSERT(ec == 0);
+ }
+ if (document->frame())
+ document->frame()->editor()->deleteButtonController()->enable();
+ return fragment.release();
+String createFullMarkup(const Node* node)
+ if (!node)
+ return String();
+ Document* document = node->document();
+ if (!document)
+ return String();
+ Frame* frame = document->frame();
+ if (!frame)
+ return String();
+ // FIXME: This is never "for interchange". Is that right?
+ String markupString = createMarkup(node, IncludeNode, 0);
+ Node::NodeType nodeType = node->nodeType();
+ if (nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_NODE && nodeType != Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
+ markupString = frame->documentTypeString() + markupString;
+ return markupString;
+String createFullMarkup(const Range* range)
+ if (!range)
+ return String();
+ Node* node = range->startContainer();
+ if (!node)
+ return String();
+ Document* document = node->document();
+ if (!document)
+ return String();
+ Frame* frame = document->frame();
+ if (!frame)
+ return String();
+ // FIXME: This is always "for interchange". Is that right? See the previous method.
+ return frame->documentTypeString() + createMarkup(range, 0, AnnotateForInterchange);
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