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Unified Diff: src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.h

Issue 196077: X64: Extract all smi operations into MacroAssembler macros. (Closed)
Patch Set: Created 11 years, 3 months ago
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Index: src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.h
diff --git a/src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.h b/src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.h
index 4e8d70d77e278c95af03953221a7b068ad66f1c2..92fe5fc2d5eecb1f7e470d0b79e8f156c3ec82c5 100644
--- a/src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.h
+++ b/src/x64/macro-assembler-x64.h
@@ -126,6 +126,215 @@ class MacroAssembler: public Assembler {
// Store the code object for the given builtin in the target register.
void GetBuiltinEntry(Register target, Builtins::JavaScript id);
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Smi tagging, untagging and operations on tagged smis.
+ // Conversions between tagged smi values and non-tagged integer values.
+ // Tag an integer value. The result must be known to be a valid smi value.
+ // Only uses the low 32 bits of the src register.
+ void Integer32ToSmi(Register dst, Register src);
+ // Tag an integer value if possible, or jump the integer value cannot be
+ // represented as a smi. Only uses the low 32 bit of the src registers.
+ void Integer32ToSmi(Register dst, Register src, Label* on_overflow);
+ // Adds constant to src and tags the result as a smi.
+ // Result must be a valid smi.
+ void Integer64AddToSmi(Register dst, Register src, int constant);
+ // Convert smi to 32-bit integer. I.e., not sign extended into
+ // high 32 bits of destination.
+ void SmiToInteger32(Register dst, Register src);
+ // Convert smi to 64-bit integer (sign extended if necessary).
+ void SmiToInteger64(Register dst, Register src);
+ // Multiply a positive smi's integer value by a power of two.
+ // Provides result as 64-bit integer value.
+ void PositiveSmiTimesPowerOfTwoToInteger64(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int power);
+ // Functions performing a check on a known or potential smi. Returns
+ // a condition that is satisfied if the check is successful.
+ // Is the value a tagged smi.
+ Condition CheckSmi(Register src);
+ // Is the value not a tagged smi.
+ Condition CheckNotSmi(Register src);
+ // Is the value a positive tagged smi.
+ Condition CheckPositiveSmi(Register src);
+ // Is the value not a positive tagged smi.
+ Condition CheckNotPositiveSmi(Register src);
+ // Are both values are tagged smis.
+ Condition CheckBothSmi(Register first, Register second);
+ // Is one of the values not a tagged smi.
+ Condition CheckNotBothSmi(Register first, Register second);
+ // Is the value the minimum smi value (since we are using
+ // two's complement numbers, negating the value is known to yield
+ // a non-smi value).
+ Condition CheckIsMinSmi(Register src);
+ // Check whether a tagged smi is equal to a constant.
+ Condition CheckSmiEqualsConstant(Register src, int constant);
+ // Checks whether an 32-bit integer value is a valid for conversion
+ // to a smi.
+ Condition CheckInteger32ValidSmiValue(Register src);
+ // Test-and-jump functions. Typically combines a check function
+ // above with a conditional jump.
+ // Jump if the value cannot be represented by a smi.
+ void JumpIfNotValidSmiValue(Register src, Label* on_invalid);
+ // Jump to label if the value is a tagged smi.
+ void JumpIfSmi(Register src, Label* on_smi);
+ // Jump to label if the value is not a tagged smi.
+ void JumpIfNotSmi(Register src, Label* on_not_smi);
+ // Jump to label if the value is not a positive tagged smi.
+ void JumpIfNotPositiveSmi(Register src, Label* on_not_smi);
+ // Jump to label if the value is a tagged smi with value equal
+ // to the constant.
+ void JumpIfSmiEqualsConstant(Register src, int constant, Label* on_equals);
+ // Jump if either or both register are not smi values.
+ void JumpIfNotBothSmi(Register src1, Register src2, Label* on_not_both_smi);
+ // Operations on tagged smi values.
+ // Smis represent a subset of integers. The subset is always equivalent to
+ // a two's complement interpretation of a fixed number of bits.
+ // Optimistically adds an integer constant to a supposed smi.
+ // If the src is not a smi, or the result is not a smi, jump to
+ // the label.
+ void SmiTryAddConstant(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int32_t constant,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Add an integer constant to a tagged smi, giving a tagged smi as result,
+ // or jumping to a label if the result cannot be represented by a smi.
+ // If the label is NULL, no testing on the result is done.
+ void SmiAddConstant(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int32_t constant,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Subtract an integer constant from a tagged smi, giving a tagged smi as
+ // result, or jumping to a label if the result cannot be represented by a smi.
+ // If the label is NULL, no testing on the result is done.
+ void SmiSubConstant(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int32_t constant,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Negating a smi can give a negative zero or too larget positive value.
+ void SmiNeg(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Adds smi values and return the result as a smi.
+ // If dst is src1, then src1 will be destroyed, even if
+ // the operation is unsuccessful.
+ void SmiAdd(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Subtracts smi values and return the result as a smi.
+ // If dst is src1, then src1 will be destroyed, even if
+ // the operation is unsuccessful.
+ void SmiSub(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Multiplies smi values and return the result as a smi,
+ // if possible.
+ // If dst is src1, then src1 will be destroyed, even if
+ // the operation is unsuccessful.
+ void SmiMul(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Divides one smi by another and returns the quotient.
+ // Clobbers rax and rdx registers.
+ void SmiDiv(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Divides one smi by another and returns the remainder.
+ // Clobbers rax and rdx registers.
+ void SmiMod(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Bitwise operations.
+ void SmiNot(Register dst, Register src);
+ void SmiAnd(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
+ void SmiOr(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
+ void SmiXor(Register dst, Register src1, Register src2);
+ void SmiAndConstant(Register dst, Register src1, int constant);
+ void SmiOrConstant(Register dst, Register src1, int constant);
+ void SmiXorConstant(Register dst, Register src1, int constant);
+ void SmiShiftLeftConstant(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int shift_value,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ void SmiShiftLogicRightConstant(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int shift_value,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ void SmiShiftArithmeticRightConstant(Register dst,
+ Register src,
+ int shift_value);
+ // Shifts a smi value to the left, and returns the result if that is a smi.
+ // Uses and clobbers rcx, so dst may not be rcx.
+ void SmiShiftLeft(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Shifts a smi value to the right, shifting in zero bits at the top, and
+ // returns the unsigned intepretation of the result if that is a smi.
+ // Uses and clobbers rcx, so dst may not be rcx.
+ void SmiShiftLogicRight(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smi_result);
+ // Shifts a smi value to the right, sign extending the top, and
+ // returns the signed intepretation of the result. That will always
+ // be a valid smi value, since it's numerically smaller than the
+ // original.
+ // Uses and clobbers rcx, so dst may not be rcx.
+ void SmiShiftArithmeticRight(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2);
+ // Specialized operations
+ // Select the non-smi register of two registers where exactly one is a
+ // smi. If neither are smis, jump to the failure label.
+ void SelectNonSmi(Register dst,
+ Register src1,
+ Register src2,
+ Label* on_not_smis);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Macro instructions
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