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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/sync/notifier/base/mac/

Issue 1956001: Moved XMPP notifier library from chrome/browser/sync to chrome/common.... (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: '' Created 10 years, 8 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/sync/notifier/base/mac/
--- chrome/browser/sync/notifier/base/mac/ (revision 46353)
+++ chrome/browser/sync/notifier/base/mac/ (working copy)
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/sync/notifier/base/mac/network_status_detector_task_mac.h"
-#include <SystemConfiguration/SCNetworkReachability.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "talk/base/physicalsocketserver.h"
-#include "talk/base/socket.h"
-#include "talk/base/thread.h"
-namespace notifier {
- PlatformThreadId thread_id)
- : thread_state(WORKER_THREAD_STOPPED),
- thread_id(thread_id),
- thread_run_loop(NULL) {}
- WorkerThreadState thread_state,
- PlatformThreadId thread_id,
- CFRunLoopRef thread_run_loop)
- : thread_state(thread_state),
- thread_id(thread_id),
- thread_run_loop(thread_run_loop) {
- DCHECK_EQ(thread_state == WORKER_THREAD_RUNNING, thread_run_loop != NULL);
- talk_base::Task* parent)
- : NetworkStatusDetectorTask(parent),
- parent_thread_id_(PlatformThread::CurrentId()),
- parent_thread_(talk_base::Thread::Current()),
- worker_thread_(kNullThreadHandle),
- worker_thread_not_stopped_(&worker_lock_),
- worker_shared_info_(parent_thread_id_) {
- DCHECK(parent_thread_);
- DCHECK(IsOnParentThread());
-NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::~NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac() {
- ClearWorker();
-void NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::ClearWorker() {
- DCHECK(IsOnParentThread());
- // Sadly, there's no Lock::AssertNotAcquired().
- WorkerThreadState worker_thread_state;
- CFRunLoopRef worker_thread_run_loop;
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- worker_thread_state = worker_shared_info_.thread_state;
- worker_thread_run_loop = worker_shared_info_.thread_run_loop;
- }
- if (worker_thread_state == WORKER_THREAD_RUNNING) {
- CFRunLoopStop(worker_thread_run_loop);
- }
- if (worker_thread_ != kNullThreadHandle) {
- DCHECK_NE(worker_thread_state, WORKER_THREAD_STOPPED);
- PlatformThread::Join(worker_thread_);
- }
- worker_thread_ = kNullThreadHandle;
- worker_shared_info_ = WorkerInfo(parent_thread_id_);
-bool NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::IsOnParentThread() const {
- return PlatformThread::CurrentId() == parent_thread_id_;
-bool NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::IsOnWorkerThread() {
- PlatformThreadId current_thread_id = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- return
- (worker_shared_info_.thread_id != parent_thread_id_) &&
- (current_thread_id == worker_shared_info_.thread_id);
-int NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::ProcessStart() {
- DCHECK(IsOnParentThread());
- if (logging::DEBUG_MODE) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- DCHECK_EQ(worker_shared_info_.thread_state, WORKER_THREAD_STOPPED);
- DCHECK(!worker_shared_info_.thread_run_loop);
- DCHECK_EQ(worker_shared_info_.thread_id, parent_thread_id_);
- }
- if (!PlatformThread::Create(0, this, &worker_thread_)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Could not create network reachability thread";
- ClearWorker();
- return STATE_ERROR;
- }
- // Wait for the just-created worker thread to start up and
- // initialize itself.
- WorkerThreadState worker_thread_state;
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- while (worker_shared_info_.thread_state == WORKER_THREAD_STOPPED) {
- worker_thread_not_stopped_.Wait();
- }
- worker_thread_state = worker_shared_info_.thread_state;
- }
- if (worker_thread_state == WORKER_THREAD_ERROR) {
- ClearWorker();
- return STATE_ERROR;
- }
- if (logging::DEBUG_MODE) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- DCHECK_EQ(worker_shared_info_.thread_state, WORKER_THREAD_RUNNING);
- DCHECK(worker_shared_info_.thread_run_loop);
- DCHECK_NE(worker_shared_info_.thread_id, parent_thread_id_);
- }
-void NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::Stop() {
- ClearWorker();
- NetworkStatusDetectorTask::Stop();
-void NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::OnMessage(talk_base::Message* message) {
- DCHECK(IsOnParentThread());
- bool alive = message->message_id;
- SetNetworkAlive(alive);
-NetworkStatusDetectorTask* NetworkStatusDetectorTask::Create(
- talk_base::Task* parent) {
- return new NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac(parent);
-// Everything below is run in the worker thread.
-namespace {
-// TODO(akalin): Use these constants across all platform
-// implementations.
-const char kTalkHost[] = "";
-const int kTalkPort = 5222;
-CFStringRef NetworkReachabilityCopyDescription(const void *info) {
- return base::SysUTF8ToCFStringRef(
- StringPrintf("NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac(0x%p)", info));
-void NetworkReachabilityChangedCallback(SCNetworkReachabilityRef target,
- SCNetworkConnectionFlags flags,
- void* info) {
- bool network_active = ((flags & (kSCNetworkFlagsReachable |
- kSCNetworkFlagsConnectionRequired |
- kSCNetworkFlagsConnectionAutomatic |
- kSCNetworkFlagsInterventionRequired)) ==
- kSCNetworkFlagsReachable);
- NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac* network_status_detector_task_mac =
- static_cast<NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac*>(info);
- network_status_detector_task_mac->NetworkReachabilityChanged(
- network_active);
-SCNetworkReachabilityRef CreateAndScheduleNetworkReachability(
- SCNetworkReachabilityContext* network_reachability_context) {
- scoped_cftyperef<SCNetworkReachabilityRef> network_reachability(
- SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithName(kCFAllocatorDefault, kTalkHost));
- if (!network_reachability.get()) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Could not create network reachability object";
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback(network_reachability.get(),
- &NetworkReachabilityChangedCallback,
- network_reachability_context)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Could not set network reachability callback";
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!SCNetworkReachabilityScheduleWithRunLoop(network_reachability.get(),
- CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),
- kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)) {
- LOG(WARNING) << "Could not schedule network reachability with run loop";
- return NULL;
- }
- return network_reachability.release();
-} // namespace
-void NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::ThreadMain() {
- DCHECK(!IsOnParentThread());
- PlatformThread::SetName("NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac worker thread");
- SCNetworkReachabilityContext network_reachability_context;
- network_reachability_context.version = 0;
- = static_cast<void *>(this);
- network_reachability_context.retain = NULL;
- network_reachability_context.release = NULL;
- network_reachability_context.copyDescription =
- &NetworkReachabilityCopyDescription;
- PlatformThreadId worker_thread_id = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
- scoped_cftyperef<SCNetworkReachabilityRef> network_reachability(
- CreateAndScheduleNetworkReachability(&network_reachability_context));
- if (!network_reachability.get()) {
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- worker_shared_info_ =
- WorkerInfo(WORKER_THREAD_ERROR, worker_thread_id, NULL);
- }
- worker_thread_not_stopped_.Signal();
- return;
- }
- CFRunLoopRef run_loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(worker_lock_);
- worker_shared_info_ =
- WorkerInfo(WORKER_THREAD_RUNNING, worker_thread_id, run_loop);
- }
- worker_thread_not_stopped_.Signal();
- DCHECK(IsOnWorkerThread());
- CFRunLoopRun();
- // We reach here only when our run loop is stopped (usually by the
- // parent thread). The parent thread is responsible for resetting
- // worker_thread_shared_info_, et al. to appropriate values.
-void NetworkStatusDetectorTaskMac::NetworkReachabilityChanged(
- bool network_active) {
- DCHECK(IsOnWorkerThread());
- bool alive = network_active;
- if (alive) {
- talk_base::PhysicalSocketServer physical;
- scoped_ptr<talk_base::Socket> socket(physical.CreateSocket(SOCK_STREAM));
- alive =
- (socket->Connect(talk_base::SocketAddress(kTalkHost, kTalkPort)) == 0);
- LOG(INFO) << "network is " << (alive ? "alive" : "not alive")
- << " based on connecting to " << kTalkHost << ":" << kTalkPort;
- } else {
- LOG(INFO) << "network is not alive";
- }
- parent_thread_->Send(this, alive);
-} // namespace notifier

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