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Unified Diff: src/

Issue 155085: Separate native and interpreted regexp by compile time flag, not runtime. (Closed)
Patch Set: Addressed review comments. Adapted builds scripts. Created 11 years, 5 months ago
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Index: src/
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 879f671a9f058ac077ac1b6dd6ab02f9c2361973..852d431be0cbd13312567ade88c8cacad25d2729 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -263,7 +263,6 @@ Handle<Object> RegExpImpl::AtomExec(Handle<JSRegExp> re,
// Irregexp implementation.
// Ensures that the regexp object contains a compiled version of the
// source for either ASCII or non-ASCII strings.
// If the compiled version doesn't already exist, it is compiled
@@ -271,25 +270,26 @@ Handle<Object> RegExpImpl::AtomExec(Handle<JSRegExp> re,
// If compilation fails, an exception is thrown and this function
// returns false.
bool RegExpImpl::EnsureCompiledIrregexp(Handle<JSRegExp> re, bool is_ascii) {
- int index;
- if (is_ascii) {
- index = JSRegExp::kIrregexpASCIICodeIndex;
- } else {
- index = JSRegExp::kIrregexpUC16CodeIndex;
- }
- Object* entry = re->DataAt(index);
- if (!entry->IsTheHole()) {
- // A value has already been compiled.
- if (entry->IsJSObject()) {
- // If it's a JS value, it's an error.
- Top::Throw(entry);
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
+ if (re->DataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii))->IsCode()) return true;
+#else // ! V8_NATIVE_REGEXP (RegExp interpreter code)
+ if (re->DataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii))->IsByteArray()) return true;
+ return CompileIrregexp(re, is_ascii);
+bool RegExpImpl::CompileIrregexp(Handle<JSRegExp> re, bool is_ascii) {
// Compile the RegExp.
CompilationZoneScope zone_scope(DELETE_ON_EXIT);
+ Object* entry = re->DataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii));
+ if (entry->IsJSObject()) {
+ // If it's a JSObject, a previous compilation failed and threw this object.
+ // Re-throw the object without trying again.
+ Top::Throw(entry);
+ return false;
+ }
+ ASSERT(entry->IsTheHole());
JSRegExp::Flags flags = re->GetFlags();
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ bool RegExpImpl::EnsureCompiledIrregexp(Handle<JSRegExp> re, bool is_ascii) {
FlatStringReader reader(pattern);
if (!ParseRegExp(&reader, flags.is_multiline(), &compile_data)) {
// Throw an exception if we fail to parse the pattern.
- // THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. We already parsed it successfully once.
+ // THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN. We already pre-parsed it successfully once.
@@ -325,17 +325,15 @@ bool RegExpImpl::EnsureCompiledIrregexp(Handle<JSRegExp> re, bool is_ascii) {
Handle<Object> regexp_err =
Factory::NewSyntaxError("malformed_regexp", array);
- re->SetDataAt(index, *regexp_err);
+ re->SetDataAt(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii), *regexp_err);
return false;
- NoHandleAllocation no_handles;
- FixedArray* data = FixedArray::cast(re->data());
- data->set(index, result.code);
- int register_max = IrregexpMaxRegisterCount(data);
+ Handle<FixedArray> data = Handle<FixedArray>(FixedArray::cast(re->data()));
+ data->set(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii), result.code);
+ int register_max = IrregexpMaxRegisterCount(*data);
if (result.num_registers > register_max) {
- SetIrregexpMaxRegisterCount(data, result.num_registers);
+ SetIrregexpMaxRegisterCount(*data, result.num_registers);
return true;
@@ -364,24 +362,12 @@ int RegExpImpl::IrregexpNumberOfRegisters(FixedArray* re) {
ByteArray* RegExpImpl::IrregexpByteCode(FixedArray* re, bool is_ascii) {
- int index;
- if (is_ascii) {
- index = JSRegExp::kIrregexpASCIICodeIndex;
- } else {
- index = JSRegExp::kIrregexpUC16CodeIndex;
- }
- return ByteArray::cast(re->get(index));
+ return ByteArray::cast(re->get(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii)));
Code* RegExpImpl::IrregexpNativeCode(FixedArray* re, bool is_ascii) {
- int index;
- if (is_ascii) {
- index = JSRegExp::kIrregexpASCIICodeIndex;
- } else {
- index = JSRegExp::kIrregexpUC16CodeIndex;
- }
- return Code::cast(re->get(index));
+ return Code::cast(re->get(JSRegExp::code_index(is_ascii)));
@@ -408,6 +394,7 @@ Handle<Object> RegExpImpl::IrregexpExec(Handle<JSRegExp> jsregexp,
int number_of_capture_registers =
(IrregexpNumberOfCaptures(FixedArray::cast(jsregexp->data())) + 1) * 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (FLAG_trace_regexp_bytecodes) {
String* pattern = jsregexp->Pattern();
@@ -415,6 +402,7 @@ Handle<Object> RegExpImpl::IrregexpExec(Handle<JSRegExp> jsregexp,
PrintF("\n\nSubject string: '%s'\n\n", *(subject->ToCString()));
if (!subject->IsFlat()) {
@@ -422,88 +410,83 @@ Handle<Object> RegExpImpl::IrregexpExec(Handle<JSRegExp> jsregexp,
last_match_info->EnsureSize(number_of_capture_registers + kLastMatchOverhead);
- bool rc;
- // We have to initialize this with something to make gcc happy but we can't
- // initialize it with its real value until after the GC-causing things are
- // over.
- FixedArray* array = NULL;
+ Handle<FixedArray> array;
// Dispatch to the correct RegExp implementation.
- Handle<String> original_subject = subject;
Handle<FixedArray> regexp(FixedArray::cast(jsregexp->data()));
- if (UseNativeRegexp()) {
- OffsetsVector captures(number_of_capture_registers);
- int* captures_vector = captures.vector();
- RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::Result res;
- do {
- bool is_ascii = subject->IsAsciiRepresentation();
- if (!EnsureCompiledIrregexp(jsregexp, is_ascii)) {
- return Handle<Object>::null();
- }
- Handle<Code> code(RegExpImpl::IrregexpNativeCode(*regexp, is_ascii));
- res = RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::Match(code,
- subject,
- captures_vector,
- captures.length(),
- previous_index);
- // If result is RETRY, the string have changed representation, and we
- // must restart from scratch.
- } while (res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::RETRY);
- if (res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::EXCEPTION) {
- ASSERT(Top::has_pending_exception());
- return Handle<Object>::null();
- }
- ASSERT(res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::SUCCESS
- || res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::FAILURE);
- rc = (res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::SUCCESS);
- if (!rc) return Factory::null_value();
- array = last_match_info->elements();
- ASSERT(array->length() >= number_of_capture_registers + kLastMatchOverhead);
- // The captures come in (start, end+1) pairs.
- for (int i = 0; i < number_of_capture_registers; i += 2) {
- SetCapture(array, i, captures_vector[i]);
- SetCapture(array, i + 1, captures_vector[i + 1]);
- }
-#else // !V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32
- } else {
+ OffsetsVector captures(number_of_capture_registers);
+ int* captures_vector = captures.vector();
+ RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::Result res;
+ do {
bool is_ascii = subject->IsAsciiRepresentation();
if (!EnsureCompiledIrregexp(jsregexp, is_ascii)) {
return Handle<Object>::null();
- // Now that we have done EnsureCompiledIrregexp we can get the number of
- // registers.
- int number_of_registers =
- IrregexpNumberOfRegisters(FixedArray::cast(jsregexp->data()));
- OffsetsVector registers(number_of_registers);
- int* register_vector = registers.vector();
- for (int i = number_of_capture_registers - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- register_vector[i] = -1;
- }
- Handle<ByteArray> byte_codes(IrregexpByteCode(*regexp, is_ascii));
- rc = IrregexpInterpreter::Match(byte_codes,
- subject,
- register_vector,
- previous_index);
- if (!rc) return Factory::null_value();
- array = last_match_info->elements();
- ASSERT(array->length() >= number_of_capture_registers + kLastMatchOverhead);
- // The captures come in (start, end+1) pairs.
- for (int i = 0; i < number_of_capture_registers; i += 2) {
- SetCapture(array, i, register_vector[i]);
- SetCapture(array, i + 1, register_vector[i + 1]);
- }
+ Handle<Code> code(RegExpImpl::IrregexpNativeCode(*regexp, is_ascii));
+ res = RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::Match(code,
+ subject,
+ captures_vector,
+ captures.length(),
+ previous_index);
+ // If result is RETRY, the string have changed representation, and we
+ // must restart from scratch.
+ } while (res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::RETRY);
+ if (res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::EXCEPTION) {
+ ASSERT(Top::has_pending_exception());
+ return Handle<Object>::null();
+ ASSERT(res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::SUCCESS
+ || res == RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::FAILURE);
- SetLastCaptureCount(array, number_of_capture_registers);
- SetLastSubject(array, *original_subject);
- SetLastInput(array, *original_subject);
+ if (res != RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::SUCCESS) return Factory::null_value();
+ array = Handle<FixedArray>(last_match_info->elements());
+ ASSERT(array->length() >= number_of_capture_registers + kLastMatchOverhead);
+ // The captures come in (start, end+1) pairs.
+ for (int i = 0; i < number_of_capture_registers; i += 2) {
+ SetCapture(*array, i, captures_vector[i]);
+ SetCapture(*array, i + 1, captures_vector[i + 1]);
+ }
+#else // !V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32
+#endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32
+#else // !V8_NATIVE_REGEXP
+ bool is_ascii = subject->IsAsciiRepresentation();
+ if (!EnsureCompiledIrregexp(jsregexp, is_ascii)) {
+ return Handle<Object>::null();
+ }
+ // Now that we have done EnsureCompiledIrregexp we can get the number of
+ // registers.
+ int number_of_registers =
+ IrregexpNumberOfRegisters(FixedArray::cast(jsregexp->data()));
+ OffsetsVector registers(number_of_registers);
+ int* register_vector = registers.vector();
+ for (int i = number_of_capture_registers - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ register_vector[i] = -1;
+ }
+ Handle<ByteArray> byte_codes(IrregexpByteCode(*regexp, is_ascii));
+ if (!IrregexpInterpreter::Match(byte_codes,
+ subject,
+ register_vector,
+ previous_index)) {
+ return Factory::null_value();
+ }
+ array = Handle<FixedArray>(last_match_info->elements());
+ ASSERT(array->length() >= number_of_capture_registers + kLastMatchOverhead);
+ // The captures come in (start, end+1) pairs.
+ for (int i = 0; i < number_of_capture_registers; i += 2) {
+ SetCapture(*array, i, register_vector[i]);
+ SetCapture(*array, i + 1, register_vector[i + 1]);
+ }
+#endif // V8_NATIVE_REGEXP
+ SetLastCaptureCount(*array, number_of_capture_registers);
+ SetLastSubject(*array, *subject);
+ SetLastInput(*array, *subject);
return last_match_info;
@@ -4474,35 +4457,38 @@ RegExpEngine::CompilationResult RegExpEngine::Compile(RegExpCompileData* data,
NodeInfo info = *node->info();
- if (RegExpImpl::UseNativeRegexp()) {
+ // ARM native regexp not implemented yet.
#ifdef V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64
+ // X64 native regexp not implemented yet.
#ifdef V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32
- RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::Mode mode;
- if (is_ascii) {
- mode = RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::ASCII;
- } else {
- mode = RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::UC16;
- }
- RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32 macro_assembler(mode,
- (data->capture_count + 1) * 2);
- return compiler.Assemble(&macro_assembler,
- node,
- data->capture_count,
- pattern);
+ RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::Mode mode;
+ if (is_ascii) {
+ mode = RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::ASCII;
+ } else {
+ mode = RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::UC16;
+ RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32 macro_assembler(mode,
+ (data->capture_count + 1) * 2);
+ return compiler.Assemble(&macro_assembler,
+ node,
+ data->capture_count,
+ pattern);
+#else // ! V8_NATIVE_REGEXP
+ // Interpreted regexp.
EmbeddedVector<byte, 1024> codes;
RegExpMacroAssemblerIrregexp macro_assembler(codes);
return compiler.Assemble(&macro_assembler,
+#endif // V8_NATIVE_REGEXP
}} // namespace v8::internal
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