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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/cocoa/

Issue 151095: Added unit tests for ClearBrowsingDataController.... (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: '' Created 11 years, 6 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/cocoa/
--- chrome/browser/cocoa/ (revision 19487)
+++ chrome/browser/cocoa/ (working copy)
@@ -78,16 +78,7 @@
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow:[self window]];
-// Called when the user clicks the "clear" button. Do the work and persist
-// the prefs for next time. We don't stop the modal session until we get
-// the callback from the BrowsingDataRemover so the window stays on the screen.
-// While we're working, dim the buttons so the user can't click them.
-- (IBAction)clearData:(id)sender {
- // Set that we're working so that the buttons disable.
- [self setIsClearing:YES];
- [self persistToPrefs];
+- (int)removeMask {
int removeMask = 0L;
if (clearBrowsingHistory_)
removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_HISTORY;
@@ -100,14 +91,26 @@
if (clearSavedPasswords_)
removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_PASSWORDS;
if (clearFormData_)
- removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_PASSWORDS;
+ removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_FORM_DATA;
+ return removeMask;
+// Called when the user clicks the "clear" button. Do the work and persist
+// the prefs for next time. We don't stop the modal session until we get
+// the callback from the BrowsingDataRemover so the window stays on the screen.
+// While we're working, dim the buttons so the user can't click them.
+- (IBAction)clearData:(id)sender {
+ // Set that we're working so that the buttons disable.
+ [self setIsClearing:YES];
+ [self persistToPrefs];
// BrowsingDataRemover deletes itself when done.
remover_ = new BrowsingDataRemover(profile_,
- remover_->Remove(removeMask);
+ remover_->Remove([self removeMask]);
// Called when the user clicks the cancel button. All we need to do is stop

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