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Unified Diff: third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/tote.h

Issue 122007: [chromium-reviews] Add Compact Language Detection (CLD) library to Chrome. This works in Windows... (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: '' Created 11 years, 6 months ago
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Index: third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/tote.h
--- third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/tote.h (revision 0)
+++ third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/tote.h (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "third_party/cld/bar/toolbar/cld/i18n/encodings/compact_lang_det/win/cld_basictypes.h"
+// Take a set of <key, value> pairs and tote them up.
+// After explicitly sorting, retrieve top key, value pairs
+class Tote {
+ public:
+ Tote();
+ ~Tote();
+ void Reinit();
+ void AddGram();
+ void Add(uint8 ikey, int idelta);
+ void AddBytes(int ibytes) {byte_count_ += ibytes;}
+ int CurrentTopKey();
+ void Sort(int n);
+ void Dump(FILE* f);
+ uint16 GetGramCount() const {return gram_count_;}
+ uint16 GetIncrCount() const {return incr_count_;}
+ int GetByteCount() const {return byte_count_;}
+ int MaxSize() const {return kMaxSize_;}
+ uint8 Key(int i) const {return key_[i];}
+ int Value(int i) const {return value_[i];}
+ void SetGramCount(uint16 v) {gram_count_ = v;}
+ void SetIncrCount(uint16 v) {incr_count_ = v;}
+ void SetKey(int i, int v) {key_[i] = v;}
+ void SetValue(int i, int v) {value_[i] = v;}
+ private:
+ static const int kMaxSize_ = 24;
+ uint16 gram_count_; // Number of quadgrams/etc. scored
+ uint16 incr_count_; // Number of Add calls (1-3 per gram)
+ int byte_count_; // Bytes of text scored
+ // Align at multiple of 8 bytes
+ uint8 key_[kMaxSize_]; // Lang unassigned = 0, valid = 1..255
+ int value_[kMaxSize_]; // Probability score sum
+// Take a set of <key, value, reliability> triples and tote them up.
+// After explicitly sorting, retrieve top key, value, reliability triples
+class ToteWithReliability {
+ public:
+ ToteWithReliability();
+ ~ToteWithReliability();
+ void Reinit();
+ void Add(uint8 ikey, int ibytes, int score, int ireliability);
+ int Find(uint8 ikey);
+ void AddClosePair(int subscr, int val) {closepair_[subscr] += val;}
+ int CurrentTopKey();
+ void Sort(int n);
+ void Dump(FILE* f);
+ ////void AddSeq(uint8 ikey) {ss_.Add(ikey);}
+ ////void ExtractSeq(int n, uint8* dst) {ss_.Extract(n, dst);}
+ int GetIncrCount() const {return incr_count_;}
+ int GetClosePair(int subscr) const {return closepair_[subscr];}
+ int MaxSize() const {return kMaxSize_;}
+ uint8 Key(int i) const {return key_[i];}
+ int Value(int i) const {return value_[i];}
+ int Score(int i) const {return score_[i];}
+ int Reliability(int i) const {return reliability_[i];}
+ void SetKey(int i, int v) {key_[i] = v;}
+ void SetValue(int i, int v) {value_[i] = v;}
+ void SetScore(int i, int v) {score_[i] = v;}
+ void SetReliability(int i, int v) {reliability_[i] = v;}
+ private:
+ static const int kMaxSize_ = 24;
+ static const int kMaxClosePairSize_ = 8;
+ int incr_count_; // Number of Add calls
+ int sorted_; // Contents have been sorted, cannot Add
+ // Align at multiple of 8 bytes
+ int closepair_[kMaxClosePairSize_];
+ uint8 key_[kMaxSize_]; // Lang unassigned = 0, valid = 1..255
+ int value_[kMaxSize_]; // Bytecount this lang
+ int score_[kMaxSize_]; // Probability score sum
+ int reliability_[kMaxSize_]; // Percentage 0..100
+ ////SubsetSequence ss_;
Property changes on: third_party\cld\bar\toolbar\cld\i18n\encodings\compact_lang_det\tote.h
Added: svn:eol-style
+ LF

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