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Unified Diff: build/android/

Issue 10693110: [android] Split top-level scripts and libraries from build/android. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Copyright on, removed #! on some pylib/ files. Created 8 years, 5 months ago
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Index: build/android/
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
deleted file mode 100755
index 209ffeda30e4350aca3ff062362e28c0faf6ed9e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,780 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Provides an interface to communicate with the device via the adb command.
-Assumes adb binary is currently on system path.
- python wait-for-pm
-import collections
-import datetime
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import pexpect
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-# is under ../../third_party/android_testrunner/
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..',
- '..', 'third_party', 'android_testrunner'))
-import adb_interface
-import cmd_helper
-import errors # is under ../../third_party/android_testrunner/
-from run_tests_helper import IsRunningAsBuildbot
-# Pattern to search for the next whole line of pexpect output and capture it
-# into a match group. We can't use ^ and $ for line start end with pexpect,
-# see for explanation why.
-PEXPECT_LINE_RE = re.compile('\n([^\r]*)\r')
-# Set the adb shell prompt to be a unique marker that will [hopefully] not
-# appear at the start of any line of a command's output.
-SHELL_PROMPT = '~+~PQ\x17RS~+~'
-# This only works for single core devices.
-SCALING_GOVERNOR = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor'
-DROP_CACHES = '/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches'
-# Java properties file
-LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PATH = '/data/local.prop'
-# Property in /data/local.prop that controls Java assertions.
-JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY = 'dalvik.vm.enableassertions'
-BOOT_COMPLETE_RE = re.compile(
- re.escape('android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED path: /mnt/sdcard')
- + '|' + re.escape('PowerManagerService: bootCompleted'))
-# Keycode "enum" suitable for passing to AndroidCommands.SendKey().
-def GetEmulators():
- """Returns a list of emulators. Does not filter by status (e.g. offline).
- Both devices starting with 'emulator' will be returned in below output:
- * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
- * daemon started successfully *
- List of devices attached
- 027c10494100b4d7 device
- emulator-5554 offline
- emulator-5558 device
- """
- re_device = re.compile('^emulator-[0-9]+', re.MULTILINE)
- devices = re_device.findall(cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(['adb', 'devices']))
- return devices
-def GetAttachedDevices():
- """Returns a list of attached, online android devices.
- If a preferred device has been set with ANDROID_SERIAL, it will be first in
- the returned list.
- Example output:
- * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
- * daemon started successfully *
- List of devices attached
- 027c10494100b4d7 device
- emulator-5554 offline
- """
- re_device = re.compile('^([a-zA-Z0-9_:.-]+)\tdevice$', re.MULTILINE)
- devices = re_device.findall(cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(['adb', 'devices']))
- preferred_device = os.environ.get("ANDROID_SERIAL")
- if preferred_device in devices:
- devices.remove(preferred_device)
- devices.insert(0, preferred_device)
- return devices
-def _GetHostFileInfo(file_name):
- """Returns a tuple containing size and modified UTC time for file_name."""
- # The time accuracy on device is only to minute level, remove the second and
- # microsecond from host results.
- utc_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_name))
- time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=utc_time.second,
- microseconds=utc_time.microsecond)
- return os.path.getsize(file_name), utc_time - time_delta
-def ListHostPathContents(path):
- """Lists files in all subdirectories of |path|.
- Args:
- path: The path to list.
- Returns:
- A dict of {"name": (size, lastmod), ...}.
- """
- if os.path.isfile(path):
- return {os.path.basename(path): _GetHostFileInfo(path)}
- ret = {}
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for d in dirs:
- if d.startswith('.'):
- dirs.remove(d) # Prune the dir for subsequent iterations.
- for f in files:
- if f.startswith('.'):
- continue
- full_file_name = os.path.join(root, f)
- file_name = os.path.relpath(full_file_name, path)
- ret[file_name] = _GetHostFileInfo(full_file_name)
- return ret
-def _GetFilesFromRecursiveLsOutput(path, ls_output, re_file, utc_offset=None):
- """Gets a list of files from `ls` command output.
- Python's os.walk isn't used because it doesn't work over adb shell.
- Args:
- path: The path to list.
- ls_output: A list of lines returned by an `ls -lR` command.
- re_file: A compiled regular expression which parses a line into named groups
- consisting of at minimum "filename", "date", "time", "size" and
- optionally "timezone".
- utc_offset: A 5-character string of the form +HHMM or -HHMM, where HH is a
- 2-digit string giving the number of UTC offset hours, and MM is a
- 2-digit string giving the number of UTC offset minutes. If the input
- utc_offset is None, will try to look for the value of "timezone" if it
- is specified in re_file.
- Returns:
- A dict of {"name": (size, lastmod), ...} where:
- name: The file name relative to |path|'s directory.
- size: The file size in bytes (0 for directories).
- lastmod: The file last modification date in UTC.
- """
- re_directory = re.compile('^%s/(?P<dir>[^:]+):$' % re.escape(path))
- path_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
- current_dir = ''
- files = {}
- for line in ls_output:
- directory_match = re_directory.match(line)
- if directory_match:
- current_dir ='dir')
- continue
- file_match = re_file.match(line)
- if file_match:
- filename = os.path.join(current_dir,'filename'))
- if filename.startswith(path_dir):
- filename = filename[len(path_dir)+1:]
- lastmod = datetime.datetime.strptime(
-'date') + ' ' +'time')[:5],
- '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
- if not utc_offset and 'timezone' in re_file.groupindex:
- utc_offset ='timezone')
- if isinstance(utc_offset, str) and len(utc_offset) == 5:
- utc_delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(utc_offset[1:3]),
- minutes=int(utc_offset[3:5]))
- if utc_offset[0:1] == '-':
- utc_delta = -utc_delta;
- lastmod -= utc_delta
- files[filename] = (int('size')), lastmod)
- return files
-def GetLogTimestamp(log_line):
- """Returns the timestamp of the given |log_line|."""
- try:
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(log_line[:18], '%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
- except (ValueError, IndexError):
- logging.critical('Error reading timestamp from ' + log_line)
- return None
-class AndroidCommands(object):
- """Helper class for communicating with Android device via adb.
- Args:
- device: If given, adb commands are only send to the device of this ID.
- Otherwise commands are sent to all attached devices.
- wait_for_pm: If true, issues an adb wait-for-device command.
- """
- def __init__(self, device=None, wait_for_pm=False):
- self._adb = adb_interface.AdbInterface()
- if device:
- self._adb.SetTargetSerial(device)
- if wait_for_pm:
- self.WaitForDevicePm()
- self._logcat = None
- self._original_governor = None
- self._pushed_files = []
- def Adb(self):
- """Returns our AdbInterface to avoid us wrapping all its methods."""
- return self._adb
- def WaitForDevicePm(self):
- """Blocks until the device's package manager is available.
- To workaround http://b/5201039, we restart the shell and retry if the
- package manager isn't back after 120 seconds.
- Raises:
- errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError after max retries reached.
- """
- last_err = None
- retries = 3
- while retries:
- try:
- self._adb.WaitForDevicePm()
- return # Success
- except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError as e:
- last_err = e
- logging.warning('Restarting and retrying after timeout: %s' % str(e))
- retries -= 1
- self.RestartShell()
- raise last_err # Only reached after max retries, re-raise the last error.
- def SynchronizeDateTime(self):
- """Synchronize date/time between host and device."""
- self._adb.SendShellCommand('date -u %f' % time.time())
- def RestartShell(self):
- """Restarts the shell on the device. Does not block for it to return."""
- self.RunShellCommand('stop')
- self.RunShellCommand('start')
- def Reboot(self, full_reboot=True):
- """Reboots the device and waits for the package manager to return.
- Args:
- full_reboot: Whether to fully reboot the device or just restart the shell.
- """
- # TODO(torne): hive can't reboot the device either way without breaking the
- # connection; work out if we can handle this better
- if os.environ.get('USING_HIVE'):
- logging.warning('Ignoring reboot request as we are on hive')
- return
- if full_reboot:
- self._adb.SendCommand('reboot')
- else:
- self.RestartShell()
- self.WaitForDevicePm()
- self.StartMonitoringLogcat(timeout=120)
- self.WaitForLogMatch(BOOT_COMPLETE_RE)
- self.UnlockDevice()
- def Uninstall(self, package):
- """Uninstalls the specified package from the device.
- Args:
- package: Name of the package to remove.
- """
- uninstall_command = 'uninstall %s' % package
-'>>> $' + uninstall_command)
- self._adb.SendCommand(uninstall_command, timeout_time=60)
- def Install(self, package_file_path):
- """Installs the specified package to the device.
- Args:
- package_file_path: Path to .apk file to install.
- """
- assert os.path.isfile(package_file_path)
- install_command = 'install %s' % package_file_path
-'>>> $' + install_command)
- self._adb.SendCommand(install_command, timeout_time=2*60)
- # It is tempting to turn this function into a generator, however this is not
- # possible without using a private (local) adb_shell instance (to ensure no
- # other command interleaves usage of it), which would defeat the main aim of
- # being able to reuse the adb shell instance across commands.
- def RunShellCommand(self, command, timeout_time=20, log_result=True):
- """Send a command to the adb shell and return the result.
- Args:
- command: String containing the shell command to send. Must not include
- the single quotes as we use them to escape the whole command.
- timeout_time: Number of seconds to wait for command to respond before
- retrying, used by AdbInterface.SendShellCommand.
- log_result: Boolean to indicate whether we should log the result of the
- shell command.
- Returns:
- list containing the lines of output received from running the command
- """
-'>>> $' + command)
- if "'" in command: logging.warning(command + " contains ' quotes")
- result = self._adb.SendShellCommand("'%s'" % command,
- timeout_time).splitlines()
- if log_result:
-'\n>>> '.join(result))
- return result
- def KillAll(self, process):
- """Android version of killall, connected via adb.
- Args:
- process: name of the process to kill off
- Returns:
- the number of processess killed
- """
- pids = self.ExtractPid(process)
- if pids:
- self.RunShellCommand('kill ' + ' '.join(pids))
- return len(pids)
- def StartActivity(self, package, activity,
- action='android.intent.action.VIEW', data=None,
- extras=None, trace_file_name=None):
- """Starts |package|'s activity on the device.
- Args:
- package: Name of package to start (e.g. '').
- activity: Name of activity (e.g. '.Main' or '').
- data: Data string to pass to activity (e.g. '').
- extras: Dict of extras to pass to activity.
- trace_file_name: If used, turns on and saves the trace to this file name.
- """
- cmd = 'am start -a %s -n %s/%s' % (action, package, activity)
- if data:
- cmd += ' -d "%s"' % data
- if extras:
- cmd += ' -e'
- for key in extras:
- cmd += ' %s %s' % (key, extras[key])
- if trace_file_name:
- cmd += ' -S -P ' + trace_file_name
- self.RunShellCommand(cmd)
- def EnableAdbRoot(self):
- """Enable root on the device."""
- self._adb.EnableAdbRoot()
- def CloseApplication(self, package):
- """Attempt to close down the application, using increasing violence.
- Args:
- package: Name of the process to kill off, e.g.
- """
- self.RunShellCommand('am force-stop ' + package)
- def ClearApplicationState(self, package):
- """Closes and clears all state for the given |package|."""
- self.CloseApplication(package)
- self.RunShellCommand('rm -r /data/data/%s/cache/*' % package)
- self.RunShellCommand('rm -r /data/data/%s/files/*' % package)
- self.RunShellCommand('rm -r /data/data/%s/shared_prefs/*' % package)
- def SendKeyEvent(self, keycode):
- """Sends keycode to the device.
- Args:
- keycode: Numeric keycode to send (see "enum" at top of file).
- """
- self.RunShellCommand('input keyevent %d' % keycode)
- def PushIfNeeded(self, local_path, device_path):
- """Pushes |local_path| to |device_path|.
- Works for files and directories. This method skips copying any paths in
- |test_data_paths| that already exist on the device with the same timestamp
- and size.
- All pushed files can be removed by calling RemovePushedFiles().
- """
- assert os.path.exists(local_path), 'Local path not found %s' % local_path
- self._pushed_files.append(device_path)
- # If the path contents are the same, there's nothing to do.
- local_contents = ListHostPathContents(local_path)
- device_contents = self.ListPathContents(device_path)
- # Only compare the size and timestamp if only copying a file because
- # the filename on device can be renamed.
- if os.path.isfile(local_path):
- assert len(local_contents) == 1
- is_equal = local_contents.values() == device_contents.values()
- else:
- is_equal = local_contents == device_contents
- if is_equal:
-'%s is up-to-date. Skipping file push.' % device_path)
- return
- # They don't match, so remove everything first and then create it.
- if os.path.isdir(local_path):
- self.RunShellCommand('rm -r %s' % device_path, timeout_time=2*60)
- self.RunShellCommand('mkdir -p %s' % device_path)
- # NOTE: We can't use adb_interface.Push() because it hardcodes a timeout of
- # 60 seconds which isn't sufficient for a lot of users of this method.
- push_command = 'push %s %s' % (local_path, device_path)
-'>>> $' + push_command)
- output = self._adb.SendCommand(push_command, timeout_time=30*60)
- # Success looks like this: "3035 KB/s (12512056 bytes in 4.025s)"
- # Errors look like this: "failed to copy ... "
- if not'^[0-9]', output):
- logging.critical('PUSH FAILED: ' + output)
- def GetFileContents(self, filename):
- """Gets contents from the file specified by |filename|."""
- return self.RunShellCommand('if [ -f "' + filename + '" ]; then cat "' +
- filename + '"; fi')
- def SetFileContents(self, filename, contents):
- """Writes |contents| to the file specified by |filename|."""
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
- f.write(contents)
- f.flush()
- self._adb.Push(, filename)
- def RemovePushedFiles(self):
- """Removes all files pushed with PushIfNeeded() from the device."""
- for p in self._pushed_files:
- self.RunShellCommand('rm -r %s' % p, timeout_time=2*60)
- def ListPathContents(self, path):
- """Lists files in all subdirectories of |path|.
- Args:
- path: The path to list.
- Returns:
- A dict of {"name": (size, lastmod), ...}.
- """
- # Example output:
- # /foo/bar:
- # -rw-r----- 1 user group 102 2011-05-12 12:29:54.131623387 +0100 baz.txt
- re_file = re.compile('^-(?P<perms>[^\s]+)\s+'
- '(?P<user>[^\s]+)\s+'
- '(?P<group>[^\s]+)\s+'
- '(?P<size>[^\s]+)\s+'
- '(?P<date>[^\s]+)\s+'
- '(?P<time>[^\s]+)\s+'
- '(?P<filename>[^\s]+)$')
- return _GetFilesFromRecursiveLsOutput(
- path, self.RunShellCommand('ls -lR %s' % path), re_file,
- self.RunShellCommand('date +%z')[0])
- def SetupPerformanceTest(self):
- """Sets up performance tests."""
- # Disable CPU scaling to reduce noise in tests
- if not self._original_governor:
- self._original_governor = self.RunShellCommand('cat ' + SCALING_GOVERNOR)
- self.RunShellCommand('echo performance > ' + SCALING_GOVERNOR)
- self.DropRamCaches()
- def TearDownPerformanceTest(self):
- """Tears down performance tests."""
- if self._original_governor:
- self.RunShellCommand('echo %s > %s' % (self._original_governor[0],
- self._original_governor = None
- def SetJavaAssertsEnabled(self, enable):
- """Sets or removes the device java assertions property.
- Args:
- enable: If True the property will be set.
- Returns:
- True if the file was modified (reboot is required for it to take effect).
- """
- # First ensure the desired property is persisted.
- temp_props_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- properties = ''
- if self._adb.Pull(LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PATH,
- properties = file(
- re_search = re.compile(r'^\s*' + re.escape(JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY) +
- r'\s*=\s*all\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
- if enable != bool(, properties)):
- re_replace = re.compile(r'^\s*' + re.escape(JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY) +
- r'\s*=\s*\w+\s*$', re.MULTILINE)
- properties = re.sub(re_replace, '', properties)
- if enable:
- properties += '\n%s=all\n' % JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY
- file(, 'w').write(properties)
- self._adb.Push(, LOCAL_PROPERTIES_PATH)
- # Next, check the current runtime value is what we need, and
- # if not, set it and report that a reboot is required.
- was_set = 'all' in self.RunShellCommand('getprop ' + JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY)
- if was_set == enable:
- return False
- self.RunShellCommand('setprop %s "%s"' % (JAVA_ASSERT_PROPERTY,
- enable and 'all' or ''))
- return True
- def DropRamCaches(self):
- """Drops the filesystem ram caches for performance testing."""
- self.RunShellCommand('echo 3 > ' + DROP_CACHES)
- def StartMonitoringLogcat(self, clear=True, timeout=10, logfile=None,
- filters=[]):
- """Starts monitoring the output of logcat, for use with WaitForLogMatch.
- Args:
- clear: If True the existing logcat output will be cleared, to avoiding
- matching historical output lurking in the log.
- timeout: How long WaitForLogMatch will wait for the given match
- filters: A list of logcat filters to be used.
- """
- if clear:
- self.RunShellCommand('logcat -c')
- args = ['logcat', '-v', 'threadtime']
- if filters:
- args.extend(filters)
- else:
- args.append('*:v')
- # Spawn logcat and syncronize with it.
- for _ in range(4):
- self._logcat = pexpect.spawn('adb', args, timeout=timeout,
- logfile=logfile)
- self.RunShellCommand('log startup_sync')
- if self._logcat.expect(['startup_sync', pexpect.EOF,
- pexpect.TIMEOUT]) == 0:
- break
- self._logcat.close(force=True)
- else:
- logging.critical('Error reading from logcat: ' + str(self._logcat.match))
- sys.exit(1)
- def GetMonitoredLogCat(self):
- """Returns an "adb logcat" command as created by pexpected.spawn."""
- if not self._logcat:
- self.StartMonitoringLogcat(clear=False)
- return self._logcat
- def WaitForLogMatch(self, search_re):
- """Blocks until a line containing |line_re| is logged or a timeout occurs.
- Args:
- search_re: The compiled re to search each line for.
- Returns:
- The re match object.
- """
- if not self._logcat:
- self.StartMonitoringLogcat(clear=False)
-'<<< Waiting for logcat:' + str(search_re.pattern))
- t0 = time.time()
- try:
- while True:
- # Note this will block for upto the timeout _per log line_, so we need
- # to calculate the overall timeout remaining since t0.
- time_remaining = t0 + self._logcat.timeout - time.time()
- if time_remaining < 0: raise pexpect.TIMEOUT(self._logcat)
- self._logcat.expect(PEXPECT_LINE_RE, timeout=time_remaining)
- line =
- search_match =
- if search_match:
- return search_match
-'<<< Skipped Logcat Line:' + str(line))
- except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
- raise pexpect.TIMEOUT(
- 'Timeout (%ds) exceeded waiting for pattern "%s" (tip: use -vv '
- 'to debug)' %
- (self._logcat.timeout, search_re.pattern))
- def StartRecordingLogcat(self, clear=True, filters=['*:v']):
- """Starts recording logcat output to eventually be saved as a string.
- This call should come before some series of tests are run, with either
- StopRecordingLogcat or SearchLogcatRecord following the tests.
- Args:
- clear: True if existing log output should be cleared.
- filters: A list of logcat filters to be used.
- """
- if clear:
- self._adb.SendCommand('logcat -c')
- logcat_command = 'adb logcat -v threadtime %s' % ' '.join(filters)
- self.logcat_process = subprocess.Popen(logcat_command, shell=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- def StopRecordingLogcat(self):
- """Stops an existing logcat recording subprocess and returns output.
- Returns:
- The logcat output as a string or an empty string if logcat was not
- being recorded at the time.
- """
- if not self.logcat_process:
- return ''
- # Cannot evaluate directly as 0 is a possible value.
- # Better to read the self.logcat_process.stdout before killing it,
- # Otherwise the communicate may return incomplete output due to pipe break.
- if self.logcat_process.poll() == None:
- self.logcat_process.kill()
- (output, _) = self.logcat_process.communicate()
- self.logcat_process = None
- return output
- def SearchLogcatRecord(self, record, message, thread_id=None, proc_id=None,
- log_level=None, component=None):
- """Searches the specified logcat output and returns results.
- This method searches through the logcat output specified by record for a
- certain message, narrowing results by matching them against any other
- specified criteria. It returns all matching lines as described below.
- Args:
- record: A string generated by Start/StopRecordingLogcat to search.
- message: An output string to search for.
- thread_id: The thread id that is the origin of the message.
- proc_id: The process that is the origin of the message.
- log_level: The log level of the message.
- component: The name of the component that would create the message.
- Returns:
- A list of dictionaries represeting matching entries, each containing keys
- thread_id, proc_id, log_level, component, and message.
- """
- if thread_id:
- thread_id = str(thread_id)
- if proc_id:
- proc_id = str(proc_id)
- results = []
- reg = re.compile('(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([A-Z])\s+([A-Za-z]+)\s*:(.*)$',
- log_list = reg.findall(record)
- for (tid, pid, log_lev, comp, msg) in log_list:
- if ((not thread_id or thread_id == tid) and
- (not proc_id or proc_id == pid) and
- (not log_level or log_level == log_lev) and
- (not component or component == comp) and msg.find(message) > -1):
- match = dict({'thread_id': tid, 'proc_id': pid,
- 'log_level': log_lev, 'component': comp,
- 'message': msg})
- results.append(match)
- return results
- def ExtractPid(self, process_name):
- """Extracts Process Ids for a given process name from Android Shell.
- Args:
- process_name: name of the process on the device.
- Returns:
- List of all the process ids (as strings) that match the given name.
- """
- pids = []
- for line in self.RunShellCommand('ps'):
- data = line.split()
- try:
- if process_name in data[-1]: # name is in the last column
- pids.append(data[1]) # PID is in the second column
- except IndexError:
- pass
- return pids
- def GetIoStats(self):
- """Gets cumulative disk IO stats since boot (for all processes).
- Returns:
- Dict of {num_reads, num_writes, read_ms, write_ms} or None if there
- was an error.
- """
- # Field definitions.
- #
- device = 2
- num_reads_issued_idx = 3
- num_reads_merged_idx = 4
- num_sectors_read_idx = 5
- ms_spent_reading_idx = 6
- num_writes_completed_idx = 7
- num_writes_merged_idx = 8
- num_sectors_written_idx = 9
- ms_spent_writing_idx = 10
- num_ios_in_progress_idx = 11
- ms_spent_doing_io_idx = 12
- ms_spent_doing_io_weighted_idx = 13
- for line in self.RunShellCommand('cat /proc/diskstats'):
- fields = line.split()
- if fields[device] == 'mmcblk0':
- return {
- 'num_reads': int(fields[num_reads_issued_idx]),
- 'num_writes': int(fields[num_writes_completed_idx]),
- 'read_ms': int(fields[ms_spent_reading_idx]),
- 'write_ms': int(fields[ms_spent_writing_idx]),
- }
- logging.warning('Could not find disk IO stats.')
- return None
- def GetMemoryUsage(self, package):
- """Returns the memory usage for all processes whose name contains |pacakge|.
- Args:
- name: A string holding process name to lookup pid list for.
- Returns:
- Dict of {metric:usage_kb}, summed over all pids associated with |name|.
- The metric keys retruned are: Size, Rss, Pss, Shared_Clean, Shared_Dirty,
- Private_Clean, Private_Dirty, Referenced, Swap, KernelPageSize,
- MMUPageSize.
- """
- usage_dict = collections.defaultdict(int)
- pid_list = self.ExtractPid(package)
- # We used to use the showmap command, but it is currently broken on
- # stingray so it's easier to just parse /proc/<pid>/smaps directly.
- memory_stat_re = re.compile('^(?P<key>\w+):\s+(?P<value>\d+) kB$')
- for pid in pid_list:
- for line in self.RunShellCommand('cat /proc/%s/smaps' % pid,
- log_result=False):
- match = re.match(memory_stat_re, line)
- if match: usage_dict['key')] += int('value'))
- if not usage_dict or not any(usage_dict.values()):
- # Presumably the process died between ps and showmap.
- logging.warning('Could not find memory usage for pid ' + str(pid))
- return usage_dict
- def UnlockDevice(self):
- """Unlocks the screen of the device."""
- # Make sure a menu button event will actually unlock the screen.
- if IsRunningAsBuildbot():
- assert self.RunShellCommand('getprop ro.test_harness')[0].strip() == '1'
- # The following keyevent unlocks the screen if locked.
- self.SendKeyEvent(KEYCODE_MENU)
- # If the screen wasn't locked the previous command will bring up the menu,
- # which this will dismiss. Otherwise this shouldn't change anything.
- self.SendKeyEvent(KEYCODE_BACK)
-def main(argv):
- option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- option_parser.add_option('-w', '--wait_for_pm', action='store_true',
- default=False, dest='wait_for_pm',
- help='Waits for Device Package Manager to become available')
- option_parser.add_option('--enable_asserts', dest='set_asserts',
- action='store_true', default=None,
- help='Sets the dalvik.vm.enableassertions property to "all"')
- option_parser.add_option('--disable_asserts', dest='set_asserts',
- action='store_false', default=None,
- help='Removes the dalvik.vm.enableassertions property')
- options, args = option_parser.parse_args(argv)
- commands = AndroidCommands(wait_for_pm=options.wait_for_pm)
- if options.set_asserts != None:
- if commands.SetJavaAssertsEnabled(options.set_asserts):
- commands.Reboot(full_reboot=False)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv)
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