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Issue 1032007: Rename grisu to fast_dtoa. Get rid of template. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: '' Created 10 years, 9 months ago
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Index: src/
--- src/ (revision 4170)
+++ src/ (working copy)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include "v8.h"
-#include "grisu3.h"
+#include "fast-dtoa.h"
#include "cached_powers.h"
#include "diy_fp.h"
@@ -36,142 +36,137 @@
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
-template <int alpha = -60, int gamma = -32>
-class Grisu3 {
- public:
- // Provides a decimal representation of v.
- // Returns true if it succeeds, otherwise the result can not be trusted.
- // There will be *length digits inside the buffer (not null-terminated).
- // If the function returns true then
- // v == (double) (buffer * 10^decimal_exponent).
- // The digits in the buffer are the shortest representation possible: no
- // 0.099999999999 instead of 0.1.
- // The last digit will be closest to the actual v. That is, even if several
- // digits might correctly yield 'v' when read again, the closest will be
- // computed.
- static bool grisu3(double v,
- char* buffer, int* length, int* decimal_exponent);
+// The minimal and maximal target exponent define the range of w's binary
+// exponent, where 'w' is the result of multiplying the input by a cached power
+// of ten.
+// A different range might be chosen on a different platform, to optimize digit
+// generation, but a smaller range requires more powers of ten to be cached.
+static const int minimal_target_exponent = -60;
+static const int maximal_target_exponent = -32;
- private:
- // Rounds the buffer according to the rest.
- // If there is too much imprecision to round then false is returned.
- // Similarily false is returned when the buffer is not within Delta.
- static bool RoundWeed(char* buffer, int len, uint64_t wp_W, uint64_t Delta,
- uint64_t rest, uint64_t ten_kappa, uint64_t ulp);
- // Dispatches to the a specialized digit-generation routine. The chosen
- // routine depends on w.e (which in turn depends on alpha and gamma).
- // Currently there is only one digit-generation routine, but it would be easy
- // to add others.
- static bool DigitGen(DiyFp low, DiyFp w, DiyFp high,
- char* buffer, int* len, int* kappa);
- // Generates w's digits. The result is the shortest in the interval low-high.
- // All DiyFp are assumed to be imprecise and this function takes this
- // imprecision into account. If the function cannot compute the best
- // representation (due to the imprecision) then false is returned.
- static bool DigitGen_m60_m32(DiyFp low, DiyFp w, DiyFp high,
- char* buffer, int* length, int* kappa);
+// Adjusts the last digit of the generated number, and screens out generated
+// solutions that may be inaccurate. A solution may be inaccurate if it is
+// outside the safe interval, or if we ctannot prove that it is closer to the
+// input than a neighboring representation of the same length.
+// Input: * buffer containing the digits of too_high / 10^kappa
+// * the buffer's length
+// * distance_too_high_w == (too_high - w).f() * unit
+// * unsafe_interval == (too_high - too_low).f() * unit
+// * rest = (too_high - buffer * 10^kappa).f() * unit
+// * ten_kappa = 10^kappa * unit
+// * unit = the common multiplier
+// Output: returns true if the buffer is guaranteed to contain the closest
+// representable number to the input.
+// Modifies the generated digits in the buffer to approach (round towards) w.
+bool RoundWeed(char* buffer,
+ int length,
+ uint64_t distance_too_high_w,
+ uint64_t unsafe_interval,
+ uint64_t rest,
+ uint64_t ten_kappa,
+ uint64_t unit) {
+ uint64_t small_distance = distance_too_high_w - unit;
+ uint64_t big_distance = distance_too_high_w + unit;
+ // Let w_low = too_high - big_distance, and
+ // w_high = too_high - small_distance.
+ // Note: w_low < w < w_high
+ //
+ // The real w (* unit) must lie somewhere inside the interval
+ // ]w_low; w_low[ (often written as "(w_low; w_low)")
-template<int alpha, int gamma>
-bool Grisu3<alpha, gamma>::grisu3(double v,
- char* buffer,
- int* length,
- int* decimal_exponent) {
- DiyFp w = Double(v).AsNormalizedDiyFp();
- // boundary_minus and boundary_plus are the boundaries between v and its
- // neighbors. Any number strictly between boundary_minus and boundary_plus
- // will round to v when read as double.
- // Grisu3 will never output representations that lie exactly on a boundary.
- DiyFp boundary_minus, boundary_plus;
- Double(v).NormalizedBoundaries(&boundary_minus, &boundary_plus);
- ASSERT(boundary_plus.e() == w.e());
- DiyFp ten_mk; // Cached power of ten: 10^-k
- int mk; // -k
- GetCachedPower(w.e() + DiyFp::kSignificandSize, alpha, gamma, &mk, &ten_mk);
- ASSERT(alpha <= w.e() + ten_mk.e() + DiyFp::kSignificandSize &&
- gamma >= w.e() + ten_mk.e() + DiyFp::kSignificandSize);
- // Note that ten_mk is only an approximation of 10^-k. A DiyFp only contains a
- // 64 bit significand and ten_mk is thus only precise up to 64 bits.
+ // Basically the buffer currently contains a number in the unsafe interval
+ // ]too_low; too_high[ with too_low < w < too_high
+ //
+ // too_high - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ // ^v 1 unit ^ ^ ^ ^
+ // boundary_high --------------------- . . . .
+ // ^v 1 unit . . . .
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - + - - - - - - . .
+ // . . ^ . .
+ // . big_distance . . .
+ // . . . . rest
+ // small_distance . . . .
+ // v . . . .
+ // w_high - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . .
+ // ^v 1 unit . . . .
+ // w ---------------------------------------- . . . .
+ // ^v 1 unit v . . .
+ // w_low - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . .
+ // . . v
+ // buffer --------------------------------------------------+-------+--------
+ // . .
+ // safe_interval .
+ // v .
+ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
+ // ^v 1 unit .
+ // boundary_low ------------------------- unsafe_interval
+ // ^v 1 unit v
+ // too_low - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ //
+ //
+ // Note that the value of buffer could lie anywhere inside the range too_low
+ // to too_high.
+ //
+ // boundary_low, boundary_high and w are approximations of the real boundaries
+ // and v (the input number). They are guaranteed to be precise up to one unit.
+ // In fact the error is guaranteed to be strictly less than one unit.
+ //
+ // Anything that lies outside the unsafe interval is guaranteed not to round
+ // to v when read again.
+ // Anything that lies inside the safe interval is guaranteed to round to v
+ // when read again.
+ // If the number inside the buffer lies inside the unsafe interval but not
+ // inside the safe interval then we simply do not know and bail out (returning
+ // false).
+ //
+ // Similarly we have to take into account the imprecision of 'w' when rounding
+ // the buffer. If we have two potential representations we need to make sure
+ // that the chosen one is closer to w_low and w_high since v can be anywhere
+ // between them.
+ //
+ // By generating the digits of too_high we got the largest (closest to
+ // too_high) buffer that is still in the unsafe interval. In the case where
+ // w_high < buffer < too_high we try to decrement the buffer.
+ // This way the buffer approaches (rounds towards) w.
+ // There are 3 conditions that stop the decrementation process:
+ // 1) the buffer is already below w_high
+ // 2) decrementing the buffer would make it leave the unsafe interval
+ // 3) decrementing the buffer would yield a number below w_high and farther
+ // away than the current number. In other words:
+ // (buffer{-1} < w_high) && w_high - buffer{-1} > buffer - w_high
+ // Instead of using the buffer directly we use its distance to too_high.
+ // Conceptually rest ~= too_high - buffer
+ while (rest < small_distance && // Negated condition 1
+ unsafe_interval - rest >= ten_kappa && // Negated condition 2
+ (rest + ten_kappa < small_distance || // buffer{-1} > w_high
+ small_distance - rest >= rest + ten_kappa - small_distance)) {
+ buffer[length - 1]--;
+ rest += ten_kappa;
+ }
- // The DiyFp::Times procedure rounds its result, and ten_mk is approximated
- // too. The variable scaled_w (as well as scaled_boundary_minus/plus) are now
- // off by a small amount.
- // In fact: scaled_w - w*10^k < 1ulp (unit in the last place) of scaled_w.
- // In other words: let f = scaled_w.f() and e = scaled_w.e(), then
- // (f-1) * 2^e < w*10^k < (f+1) * 2^e
- DiyFp scaled_w = DiyFp::Times(w, ten_mk);
- ASSERT(scaled_w.e() ==
- boundary_plus.e() + ten_mk.e() + DiyFp::kSignificandSize);
- // In theory it would be possible to avoid some recomputations by computing
- // the difference between w and boundary_minus/plus (a power of 2) and to
- // compute scaled_boundary_minus/plus by subtracting/adding from
- // scaled_w. However the code becomes much less readable and the speed
- // enhancements are not terriffic.
- DiyFp scaled_boundary_minus = DiyFp::Times(boundary_minus, ten_mk);
- DiyFp scaled_boundary_plus = DiyFp::Times(boundary_plus, ten_mk);
- // DigitGen will generate the digits of scaled_w. Therefore we have
- // v == (double) (scaled_w * 10^-mk).
- // Set decimal_exponent == -mk and pass it to DigitGen. If scaled_w is not an
- // integer than it will be updated. For instance if scaled_w == 1.23 then
- // the buffer will be filled with "123" und the decimal_exponent will be
- // decreased by 2.
- int kappa;
- bool result = DigitGen(scaled_boundary_minus, scaled_w, scaled_boundary_plus,
- buffer, length, &kappa);
- *decimal_exponent = -mk + kappa;
- return result;
-// Generates the digits of input number w.
-// w is a floating-point number (DiyFp), consisting of a significand and an
-// exponent. Its exponent is bounded by alpha and gamma. Typically alpha >= -63
-// and gamma <= 3.
-// Returns false if it fails, in which case the generated digits in the buffer
-// should not be used.
-// Preconditions:
-// * low, w and high are correct up to 1 ulp (unit in the last place). That
-// is, their error must be less that a unit of their last digits.
-// * low.e() == w.e() == high.e()
-// * low < w < high, and taking into account their error: low~ <= high~
-// * alpha <= w.e() <= gamma
-// Postconditions: returns false if procedure fails.
-// otherwise:
-// * buffer is not null-terminated, but len contains the number of digits.
-// * buffer contains the shortest possible decimal digit-sequence
-// such that LOW < buffer * 10^kappa < HIGH, where LOW and HIGH are the
-// correct values of low and high (without their error).
-// * if more than one decimal representation gives the minimal number of
-// decimal digits then the one closest to W (where W is the correct value
-// of w) is chosen.
-// Remark: this procedure takes into account the imprecision of its input
-// numbers. If the precision is not enough to guarantee all the postconditions
-// then false is returned. This usually happens rarely (~0.5%).
-template<int alpha, int gamma>
-bool Grisu3<alpha, gamma>::DigitGen(DiyFp low,
- DiyFp w,
- DiyFp high,
- char* buffer,
- int* len,
- int* kappa) {
- ASSERT(low.e() == w.e() && w.e() == high.e());
- ASSERT(low.f() + 1 <= high.f() - 1);
- ASSERT(alpha <= w.e() && w.e() <= gamma);
- // The following tests use alpha and gamma to avoid unnecessary dynamic tests.
- if ((alpha >= -60 && gamma <= -32) || // -60 <= w.e() <= -32
- (alpha <= -32 && gamma >= -60 && // Alpha/gamma overlaps -60/-32 region.
- -60 <= w.e() && w.e() <= -32)) {
- return DigitGen_m60_m32(low, w, high, buffer, len, kappa);
- } else {
- // A simple adaption of the special case -60/-32 would allow greater ranges
- // of alpha/gamma and thus reduce the number of precomputed cached powers of
- // ten.
+ // We have approached w+ as much as possible. We now test if approaching w-
+ // would require changing the buffer. If yes, then we have two possible
+ // representations close to w, but we cannot decide which one is closer.
+ if (rest < big_distance &&
+ unsafe_interval - rest >= ten_kappa &&
+ (rest + ten_kappa < big_distance ||
+ big_distance - rest > rest + ten_kappa - big_distance)) {
return false;
+ // Weeding test.
+ // The safe interval is [too_low + 2 ulp; too_high - 2 ulp]
+ // Since too_low = too_high - unsafe_interval this is equivalent to
+ // [too_high - unsafe_interval + 4 ulp; too_high - 2 ulp]
+ // Conceptually we have: rest ~= too_high - buffer
+ return (2 * unit <= rest) && (rest <= unsafe_interval - 4 * unit);
static const uint32_t kTen4 = 10000;
static const uint32_t kTen5 = 100000;
static const uint32_t kTen6 = 1000000;
@@ -179,10 +174,11 @@
static const uint32_t kTen8 = 100000000;
static const uint32_t kTen9 = 1000000000;
-// Returns the biggest power of ten that is <= than the given number. We
-// furthermore receive the maximum number of bits 'number' has.
+// Returns the biggest power of ten that is less than or equal than the given
+// number. We furthermore receive the maximum number of bits 'number' has.
// If number_bits == 0 then 0^-1 is returned
// The number of bits must be <= 32.
+// Precondition: (1 << number_bits) <= number < (1 << (number_bits + 1)).
static void BiggestPowerTen(uint32_t number,
int number_bits,
uint32_t* power,
@@ -283,9 +279,33 @@
-// Same comments as for DigitGen but with additional precondition:
-// -60 <= w.e() <= -32
+// Generates the digits of input number w.
+// w is a floating-point number (DiyFp), consisting of a significand and an
+// exponent. Its exponent is bounded by minimal_target_exponent and
+// maximal_target_exponent.
+// Hence -60 <= w.e() <= -32.
+// Returns false if it fails, in which case the generated digits in the buffer
+// should not be used.
+// Preconditions:
+// * low, w and high are correct up to 1 ulp (unit in the last place). That
+// is, their error must be less that a unit of their last digits.
+// * low.e() == w.e() == high.e()
+// * low < w < high, and taking into account their error: low~ <= high~
+// * minimal_target_exponent <= w.e() <= maximal_target_exponent
+// Postconditions: returns false if procedure fails.
+// otherwise:
+// * buffer is not null-terminated, but len contains the number of digits.
+// * buffer contains the shortest possible decimal digit-sequence
+// such that LOW < buffer * 10^kappa < HIGH, where LOW and HIGH are the
+// correct values of low and high (without their error).
+// * if more than one decimal representation gives the minimal number of
+// decimal digits then the one closest to W (where W is the correct value
+// of w) is chosen.
+// Remark: this procedure takes into account the imprecision of its input
+// numbers. If the precision is not enough to guarantee all the postconditions
+// then false is returned. This usually happens rarely (~0.5%).
// Say, for the sake of example, that
// w.e() == -48, and w.f() == 0x1234567890abcdef
// w's value can be computed by w.f() * 2^w.e()
@@ -301,13 +321,15 @@
// represent 'w' we can stop. Everything inside the interval low - high
// represents w. However we have to pay attention to low, high and w's
// imprecision.
-template<int alpha, int gamma>
-bool Grisu3<alpha, gamma>::DigitGen_m60_m32(DiyFp low,
- DiyFp w,
- DiyFp high,
- char* buffer,
- int* length,
- int* kappa) {
+bool DigitGen(DiyFp low,
+ DiyFp w,
+ DiyFp high,
+ char* buffer,
+ int* length,
+ int* kappa) {
+ ASSERT(low.e() == w.e() && w.e() == high.e());
+ ASSERT(low.f() + 1 <= high.f() - 1);
+ ASSERT(minimal_target_exponent <= w.e() && w.e() <= maximal_target_exponent);
// low, w and high are imprecise, but by less than one ulp (unit in the last
// place).
// If we remove (resp. add) 1 ulp from low (resp. high) we are certain that
@@ -404,77 +426,69 @@
-// Rounds the given generated digits in the buffer and weeds out generated
-// digits that are not in the safe interval, or where we cannot find a rounded
-// representation.
-// Input: * buffer containing the digits of too_high / 10^kappa
-// * the buffer's length
-// * distance_too_high_w == (too_high - w).f() * unit
-// * unsafe_interval == (too_high - too_low).f() * unit
-// * rest = (too_high - buffer * 10^kappa).f() * unit
-// * ten_kappa = 10^kappa * unit
-// * unit = the common multiplier
-// Output: returns true on success.
-// Modifies the generated digits in the buffer to approach (round towards) w.
-template<int alpha, int gamma>
-bool Grisu3<alpha, gamma>::RoundWeed(char* buffer,
- int length,
- uint64_t distance_too_high_w,
- uint64_t unsafe_interval,
- uint64_t rest,
- uint64_t ten_kappa,
- uint64_t unit) {
- uint64_t small_distance = distance_too_high_w - unit;
- uint64_t big_distance = distance_too_high_w + unit;
- // Let w- = too_high - big_distance, and
- // w+ = too_high - small_distance.
- // Note: w- < w < w+
- //
- // The real w (* unit) must lie somewhere inside the interval
- // ]w-; w+[ (often written as "(w-; w+)")
+// Provides a decimal representation of v.
+// Returns true if it succeeds, otherwise the result cannot be trusted.
+// There will be *length digits inside the buffer (not null-terminated).
+// If the function returns true then
+// v == (double) (buffer * 10^decimal_exponent).
+// The digits in the buffer are the shortest representation possible: no
+// 0.09999999999999999 instead of 0.1. The shorter representation will even be
+// chosen even if the longer one would be closer to v.
+// The last digit will be closest to the actual v. That is, even if several
+// digits might correctly yield 'v' when read again, the closest will be
+// computed.
+bool grisu3(double v, char* buffer, int* length, int* decimal_exponent) {
+ DiyFp w = Double(v).AsNormalizedDiyFp();
+ // boundary_minus and boundary_plus are the boundaries between v and its
+ // closest floating-point neighbors. Any number strictly between
+ // boundary_minus and boundary_plus will round to v when convert to a double.
+ // Grisu3 will never output representations that lie exactly on a boundary.
+ DiyFp boundary_minus, boundary_plus;
+ Double(v).NormalizedBoundaries(&boundary_minus, &boundary_plus);
+ ASSERT(boundary_plus.e() == w.e());
+ DiyFp ten_mk; // Cached power of ten: 10^-k
+ int mk; // -k
+ GetCachedPower(w.e() + DiyFp::kSignificandSize, minimal_target_exponent,
+ maximal_target_exponent, &mk, &ten_mk);
+ ASSERT(minimal_target_exponent <= w.e() + ten_mk.e() +
+ DiyFp::kSignificandSize &&
+ maximal_target_exponent >= w.e() + ten_mk.e() +
+ DiyFp::kSignificandSize);
+ // Note that ten_mk is only an approximation of 10^-k. A DiyFp only contains a
+ // 64 bit significand and ten_mk is thus only precise up to 64 bits.
- // Basically the buffer currently contains a number in the unsafe interval
- // ]too_low; too_high[ with too_low < w < too_high
- //
- // By generating the digits of too_high we got the biggest last digit.
- // In the case that w+ < buffer < too_high we try to decrement the buffer.
- // This way the buffer approaches (rounds towards) w.
- // There are 3 conditions that stop the decrementation process:
- // 1) the buffer is already below w+
- // 2) decrementing the buffer would make it leave the unsafe interval
- // 3) decrementing the buffer would yield a number below w+ and farther away
- // than the current number. In other words:
- // (buffer{-1} < w+) && w+ - buffer{-1} > buffer - w+
- // Instead of using the buffer directly we use its distance to too_high.
- // Conceptually rest ~= too_high - buffer
- while (rest < small_distance && // Negated condition 1
- unsafe_interval - rest >= ten_kappa && // Negated condition 2
- (rest + ten_kappa < small_distance || // buffer{-1} > w+
- small_distance - rest >= rest + ten_kappa - small_distance)) {
- buffer[length - 1]--;
- rest += ten_kappa;
- }
+ // The DiyFp::Times procedure rounds its result, and ten_mk is approximated
+ // too. The variable scaled_w (as well as scaled_boundary_minus/plus) are now
+ // off by a small amount.
+ // In fact: scaled_w - w*10^k < 1ulp (unit in the last place) of scaled_w.
+ // In other words: let f = scaled_w.f() and e = scaled_w.e(), then
+ // (f-1) * 2^e < w*10^k < (f+1) * 2^e
+ DiyFp scaled_w = DiyFp::Times(w, ten_mk);
+ ASSERT(scaled_w.e() ==
+ boundary_plus.e() + ten_mk.e() + DiyFp::kSignificandSize);
+ // In theory it would be possible to avoid some recomputations by computing
+ // the difference between w and boundary_minus/plus (a power of 2) and to
+ // compute scaled_boundary_minus/plus by subtracting/adding from
+ // scaled_w. However the code becomes much less readable and the speed
+ // enhancements are not terriffic.
+ DiyFp scaled_boundary_minus = DiyFp::Times(boundary_minus, ten_mk);
+ DiyFp scaled_boundary_plus = DiyFp::Times(boundary_plus, ten_mk);
- // We have approached w+ as much as possible. We now test if approaching w-
- // would require changing the buffer. If yes, then we have two possible
- // representations close to w, but we cannot decide which one is closer.
- if (rest < big_distance &&
- unsafe_interval - rest >= ten_kappa &&
- (rest + ten_kappa < big_distance ||
- big_distance - rest > rest + ten_kappa - big_distance)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Weeding test.
- // The safe interval is [too_low + 2 ulp; too_high - 2 ulp]
- // Since too_low = too_high - unsafe_interval this is equivalent too
- // [too_high - unsafe_interval + 4 ulp; too_high - 2 ulp]
- // Conceptually we have: rest ~= too_high - buffer
- return (2 * unit <= rest) && (rest <= unsafe_interval - 4 * unit);
+ // DigitGen will generate the digits of scaled_w. Therefore we have
+ // v == (double) (scaled_w * 10^-mk).
+ // Set decimal_exponent == -mk and pass it to DigitGen. If scaled_w is not an
+ // integer than it will be updated. For instance if scaled_w == 1.23 then
+ // the buffer will be filled with "123" und the decimal_exponent will be
+ // decreased by 2.
+ int kappa;
+ bool result = DigitGen(scaled_boundary_minus, scaled_w, scaled_boundary_plus,
+ buffer, length, &kappa);
+ *decimal_exponent = -mk + kappa;
+ return result;
-bool grisu3(double v, char* buffer, int* sign, int* length, int* point) {
+bool FastDtoa(double v, char* buffer, int* sign, int* length, int* point) {
ASSERT(v != 0);
@@ -485,7 +499,7 @@
*sign = 0;
int decimal_exponent;
- bool result = Grisu3<-60, -32>::grisu3(v, buffer, length, &decimal_exponent);
+ bool result = grisu3(v, buffer, length, &decimal_exponent);
*point = *length + decimal_exponent;
buffer[*length] = '\0';
return result;
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