DescriptionMIPS: Cleaned up calling-related methods in the assembler.
Patterned after r8482, Cleaned up calling-related methods in the ARM assembler.
On MIPS I completely refactored the Jump and Call methods.
All the Jump and Call macro helpers have been replaced with overloaded functions
(matching the ARM version) and using default parameter values where possible.
The previously mostly-unused CallSize function is utilized as well (same as on ARM).
The unused Jump(Operand, ...) and Call(Operand, ...) versions have been completely removed.
I also removed the Jump(BranchDelaySlot, ...) and Call(BranchDelaySlot,...) methods as
they were unused and declaring them would either result in a lot of unused code or the
previously experienced macro-hell. The only exception to this is for Ret() where the
branch delay slot is often used.
This fixes the failing debug tests for example cctest test-debug/DebugStepFor.
Ported r8482 (41cb9ed)
Patch by Daniel Kalmar <>;
Patch Set 1 #
Created: 9 years, 5 months ago
Total messages: 4 (0 generated)